Chapter 194 Happy Events
After Yan Jiekuang came back from the Siheyuan, the next day was Sunday, so he went to visit his former director Wang.

Although Director Wang has retired, he really helped Yan Jiekuang a lot, so he still had to bring gifts. Yan Jiekuang brought two fish, which he got from Wang Qing, the young man who returned to the city. Now the two of them have frequent contact, mainly because Yan Jiekuang saw Wang Qing's strengths, his loyalty, drive, and principles. Now he hangs out in the ghost market, selling fish and some agricultural products collected from the countryside.

Yan Jiekuang went to see Director Wang for two things: one was about his mother joining the patrol team, and the other was to know what the current policy was regarding the sale of houses.

Director Wang was very happy to see Yan Jiekuang and greeted him warmly. During their conversation, Director Wang learned the purpose of Yan Jiekuang's visit and said, "Your mother's matter is a small matter. I guess the new director thinks your mother is a little old and is afraid that something might go wrong. Since your mother is willing and active, I will go to Director Yan to say hello. It's not a big deal."

Yan Jiekuang immediately expressed his gratitude and said, "I have to trouble Aunt Wang again. You don't know that the neighbors here are very interested in joining this patrol team. Those who didn't join thought they were not qualified."

Director Wang laughed and said, "It's not that complicated. You're overthinking it."

"Auntie Wang, there is one more thing. Do you know how to transfer the ownership of the house and shop now?" Yan Jiekuang asked.

Director Wang looked at Yan Jiekuang and said, "Why do you want to buy a house? Private transactions are not allowed yet. It is still a collective allocation system. You may have to wait two years for what you told me last time, but there are rumors."

Yan Jiekuang thought about it and asked, "Is there any other way?"

Director Wang said: "In fact, many land deeds and property deeds of houses are in private hands. If you have a debt relationship, you can use them as collateral to repay the debt. If you really want to make them yours, you have to wait for policy changes."

Yan Jiekuang understood and knew that this matter could not be made public for the time being. What Director Wang said was already the greatest help. After that, Yan Jiekuang chatted with Director Wang for a few words. Director Wang's son had taken over her job. After she retired, the higher-ups intended to re-employ her, mainly because Director Wang was indeed very capable and had a good mass base. Yan Jiekuang also suggested to Director Wang that if her health allowed, it would be better for her to move around.

Director Wang nodded and said, "I've actually considered this. If I stay at home for too long, I'll get sick. I'll still be able to make use of my remaining energy."

Yan Jiekuang joked, "You don't look like a man in his fifties. People would believe you if you said you were in your forties."

Director Wang laughed and said, "You are the only one who can talk. That's enough. If there is nothing else, I won't keep you here. Go and do your thing."

Yan Jiekuang left Director Wang's house and walked alone on the road, thinking about his plans as he walked. Unknowingly, he walked to the ghost market. Yan Jiekuang looked around, paid two cents and walked into the ghost market.

There were more people in the ghost market, selling all kinds of things. Yan Jiekuang looked at the dazzling array of goods and sighed in his heart that it was really not easy to make money nowadays, there were too many restrictions. Yan Jiekuang first bought some eggs, and then exchanged some bills with others. As he walked, he saw Wang Qing. Today, Wang Qing got some bacon from somewhere.

Yan Jiekuang walked over and greeted Wang Qing. Wang Qing saw that it was Yan Jiekuang and immediately grabbed Yan Jiekuang's arm and pulled him aside. The two of them passed cigarettes to each other. Wang Qing said, "Third brother, I won't take the college entrance examination this time. I really can't concentrate on studying."

The last time they met, Yan Jiekuang tried to persuade Wang Qing. Wang Qing said he would consider it. Yan Jiekuang said, "If you don't want to participate, then don't participate. By the way, where do you live?"

"My home is in Chongwen, in a large compound, but the people there are very nice," said Wang Qing.

Yan Jiekuang thought for a while and said, "Please keep an eye out for me and see if anyone has a house or shop for sale with a land deed. I want to buy it and do something with it later. If you find one, come to Yu'er Hutong to find me. I'll pay you for your hard work, but I only want one with a single door and a single household."

Wang Qing said excitedly: "You really found the right person. There really is one. A few days ago, a classmate of mine said that he was going out and was thinking about selling his house. His family used to be a comprador and had a gatehouse in front of the house. I don't know how much it would cost."

"Okay, you help me ask. If the price is right, I will go and take a look. I will also pay you a lot." Yan Jiekuang said.

Wang Qing agreed, and Yan Jiekuang bought two hangs of bacon. Wang Qing didn't want money, but Yan Jiekuang disagreed, saying that this was a matter of fact. After giving the money, Yan Jiekuang left the ghost market carrying the bacon.

When he got home, he saw Ji Lian, who was in a bad mood. Yan Jiekuang put the things on the table and asked, "What happened? Who bullied you?"

Ji Lian said quickly, "No one is bullying me. Xu Jingli has received the admission letter from Beijing University. I am a little bit discouraged." Yan Jiekuang calculated the days and knew that it was time to receive the admission letters one after another. He comforted his wife and said, "That's it. It's okay. The admission letters will come sooner or later. Don't worry."

Ji Lian knew that her husband was trying to comfort her, but was still a little distracted. Yan Jiekuang said, "Don't worry, you will be fine. Why do you have so little confidence in yourself?"

Ji Lian finally put her worries to rest, stood up and walked towards the backyard. Yan Jiekuang was still a little worried, so he stood up and wanted to go to the backyard as well. There was a knock on the door, and Yan Jiekuang opened it and saw it was the postman. His mood immediately improved.

"Is this Comrade Ji Lian's home? This is her letter. Congratulations." The postman said with a smile.

Yan Jiekuang quickly said, "Yes, this is Ji Lian's home, I'm her husband, can I take it in?"

The postman said embarrassedly: "It needs to be in person, with a stamp."

Yan Jiekuang turned and ran to the backyard, shouting, "Lian'er, hurry up, your admission notice has arrived."

Ji Lian was stunned when she heard this. She thought Yan Jiekuang was teasing her and did not move. Yan Jiekuang said anxiously, "Really? The postman is waiting at the gate. You have to bring the stamp."

When Ji Lian heard this, she quickly got up and ran to the front yard. She had been carrying the seal with her these days. After Ji Lian stamped the letter, the postman handed the letter to her.

Yan Jiekuang looked at the excited Ji Lian and said, "You've been looking forward to this for a long time. Hurry up and open it and take a look."

Ji Lian opened the envelope, which contained an admission letter and an orientation guide for new students. Ji Lian was admitted to Peking University, also into the Department of Economics.

Ji Lian cried with joy. Yan Jiekuang quickly went forward to hug her and said, "The dream has come true. We should tell grandpa, right? Let's get ready and take the children to the courtyard."

Ji Lian nodded repeatedly, and just as she was about to enter the backyard, she suddenly turned around and said to Yan Jiekuang, "Thank you, dear."

Yan Jiekuang smiled. He knew that this was the sweetest love words that Ji Lian, who was introverted, could say. He said, "As your husband, this is what I should do. Dear Lian'er, congratulations."

Ji Lian smiled sweetly and turned to go to the backyard. Yan Jiekuang also packed up his things. They would definitely have dinner in the courtyard today, so they had to prepare some ingredients.

After a while, the couple packed up their things, talked and laughed, and pushed the child towards the courtyard. It wasn't long before they arrived at the gate of the courtyard. They heard noisy chatting inside. Why was this courtyard so lively today?

As soon as the young couple pushed the stroller into the courtyard, they found that a group of people had gathered in the front yard and a group of people had gathered in the middle yard, all chatting with each other.

Yan Jiekuang saw his mother standing at the door wiping her tears. Yan Jiekuang walked quickly towards her, followed closely by Ji Lian.

Yan Jiekuang asked, "What's wrong, Mom? Who bullied you?"

Yang Ruiping laughed, patted Yan Jiekuang and said, "Who can bully me? Your little sister has been admitted to the university and was accepted by the Beijing Normal University."

Yan Jiekuang was very calm. This was expected. He said, "Congratulations, my wife was also admitted to Peking University."

The people in the front yard suddenly quieted down, and after a brief silence, there was louder discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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