Chapter 202 Generous Dad
Most of the neighbors in the courtyard have already had their day off. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and every household is busy. Yan Bugui bought two big red lanterns at the market for the first time. When he came back, he asked the Yan Jiecheng brothers to hang them at the door. Yan Jiekuang, on seeing this, thought that they couldn't be used to light candles, so he looked everywhere for electrical wires to connect the two lanterns.

Grandpa Sun saw the two brothers busying around and asked, "What are you two doing during the New Year?"

Yan Jiecheng turned around and said, "I remember there was an electric wire in my house, how come I can't find it? The second son took over the lights when he got married."

When Grandpa Sun heard this, he quickly said, "You are stupid. Didn't Yan Jiefang put all the lights and wires in the north back house, saying that anyone who needed them could go and get them."

Yan Jiecheng slapped his forehead and said, "Look at my memory. I'll go get it." Yan Jiecheng went straight to the utility room.

Grandpa Sun asked Yan Jiekuang, "Do you want to install lanterns at home?"

"No, Grandpa Sun, it's my dad who bought two big lanterns to hang at the door for festive occasion." Yan Jiekuang said.

Grandpa Sun nodded and said, "Since your father became a security guard, his awareness has improved."

Yan Jiekuang smiled awkwardly and said, "Of course, it has to benefit the hospital anyway."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Bugui came out of the house and said, "You two haven't hung them up yet. Oh, go buy a few small ones and hang them up in the yard. We have to keep watch tomorrow, so leave some light in the yard."

Grandpa Sun smiled and nodded to Yan Bugui, "Old Yan did a great job in this matter." After saying this, he gave him a thumbs up.

Yan Bugui said, "Let's go to my place and play a couple of games. It's okay anyway."

Grandpa Sun nodded and followed Yan Bugui to the study.

The two brothers worked for the whole morning, and two big lanterns were hung above the gate, one with "peace" written on it and the other with "good luck" written on it.

When the Yan brothers went to the middle and back yards to pull the light cords, everyone knew about it, and several old neighbors came to help. There was a light in each of the front, middle and back yards of the quadrangle, but there were no lanterns. Just when the Yan brothers finished their work and Yan Jiekuang and his brother said they wanted to go buy lanterns, He Yuzhu came over and said, "Thank you for your hard work, brothers. We should buy lanterns for each courtyard. We can't let you buy all of them."

Yi Zhonghai also said at this time: "Yes, this matter cannot be done by one family alone. Everyone participates and everyone benefits."

Upon hearing this, Yan Jiekuang nodded and said, "Then go buy it and hang it up yourself. My brother and I will go back."

The two brothers returned to the front yard. Yan Jiekuang heard the sound of firecrackers outside the yard, so he greeted his eldest brother and went out. He saw that he had guessed right. Yan Yongqing and the three little ones were dismantling firecrackers. While dismantling them, Yan Yongqing set off two from time to time. Yan Yongxin was holding incense and watching from the side. As soon as Yan Yongqing made a signal, she handed over the incense and then covered her ears with both hands.

Yan Jiekuang watched the four little guys who worked in perfect harmony with each other with great interest. Yan Yongchang immediately saw Yan Jiekuang and ran over with his short legs, "Uncle San, Uncle San, we are setting off fireworks."

Yan Jiekuang squatted down and said, "Is it fun?"

"It's fun. Brother is so awesome. I don't dare to let go." Yan Yongchang threw himself into Yan Jiekuang's arms and said.

Yan Jiekuang looked at Yan Yongqing and asked, "You just bought firecrackers, didn't you buy some fireworks?"

Yan Yongqing scratched his head and said, "I forgot, I only bought the firecrackers." Yan Jiekuang stood up and said, "Come on, I'll take you to buy some and let you set off fireworks tonight."

Yan Jiekuang brought a few children to a larger grocery store not far from Nanluoguxiang. When they looked inside, they really had the stuff. The children were chattering and wanted this and that. Yan Jiekuang didn't mind and bought them one by one. He bought a total of nearly ten yuan worth of stuff. If Yang Ruiping knew about this, he would definitely be scolded. Yan Jiekuang also bought some sorghum candy for the little ones.

When Yan Jiekuang brought the children back to the courtyard, Yan Bugui was looking out the door. When he saw Yan Jiekuang, he glared at him and said, "You didn't even say hello before you went out. You scared us. Fortunately, Yan Jiecheng told us that you went to look for them."

After hearing this, Yan Jiekuang apologized quickly and said that he was just buying some things and didn't expect it would take so long. At this time, he saw Yan Jiekuang carrying a lot of fireworks. Looking back, he saw that Yan Yongqing and Yan Yongfang were also carrying something in their hands, and they ridiculed Yan Jiekuang and said that he was spending money recklessly.

Several people walked into the front yard together. Sun Chengen ran over and looked at Yan Yongfang and the others with envy. He looked at this and that and said, "Sister Yan, you must call me when you set off the flowers."

Sun Chengen and Yan Yongfang are not much different in age, so they have always had a good relationship. When Yan Yongfang is at home, he basically plays with Sun Chengen, and Yan Yongfang agreed.

When they returned home, Yan Jiekuang was scolded by his mother again. He did not dare to say a word until Ji Lian came back from the backyard and Yang Ruiping let Yan Jiekuang go.

Yan Jiekuang quickly took Ji Lian into the kitchen. He had to prepare tomorrow's dishes. Pulling Ji Lian into the kitchen, Yan Jiekuang let out a long sigh and said to Ji Lian, "My dearest wife, you really saved me."

Ji Lian was completely confused, so Yan Jiekuang told her what happened. Ji Lian said, "You, really, don't you know that the old couple are in a bad mood? We have to serve them carefully, but you are still looking for trouble."

Yan Jiekuang humbly accepted Ji Lian's criticism, and Ji Lian didn't say much, and the two of them got busy. The chicken was killed and plucked. Yan Jiekuang planned to make a crispy chicken tomorrow, so he prepared the stew today.

Ji Lian was picking up various dried vegetables, mushrooms and fungus, while Yan Jiekuang was directing them from the side. The two of them were busy at work.

The little ones outside came back and went back to their homes. They asked Yan Bugui to put away their things. He was afraid that Yan Yongqing would be there and would set off all the firecrackers soon. Even the firecrackers that Yan Yongqing had bought before were put away. Yan Yongqing was very unhappy. He pouted and took his sister back to the east wing, only taking away the candies bought by his third uncle.

Yan Yongchang and his sister took the candy and went to find their mother happily. The two siblings were so well-behaved that they would never forget Shi Xiaoya when they had anything delicious.

Yang Ruiping was free all of a sudden. She went to take a look in the kitchen first. She saw that the third brother and his wife were busy and she couldn't help. So she thought about going to Shi Xiaoya's place, but she was afraid that she would say something wrong and make Shi Xiaoya sad again. What she was most worried about now was Shi Xiaoya. She was too introverted and stubborn, and never said anything when she was wronged.

Yang Ruiping had nothing to do, so he strolled out of the house. As soon as he went out, he met Widow Wang. Widow Wang had a very good relationship with Yang Ruiping. She invited Yang Ruiping into the house to chat. Yang Ruiping followed her. Only Zhou Nianping was at home. Sun Chengen and Sun Xiaolong were busy in the back room with Grandpa Sun.

After preparing the dishes for tomorrow, Yan Jiekuang went straight to cooking dinner. He didn’t cook too much, just a few home-cooked dishes, steamed a pot of steamed buns, made a hot and sour soup, and then asked Ji Lian to call everyone to eat.

After a while, family members arrived one after another. Yan Jiekuang saw that his mother was in a much better mood, so he looked at Ji Lian. Ji Lian said, "Mom went to Aunt Wang's house." Yan Jiekuang was very grateful to Widow Wang. Widow Wang was a talkative person. When everyone started to eat, Yan Jiekuang realized that Yan Yongqing did not sit where he usually sat, but sat opposite Yan Bugui, next to Ji Lian, farthest from his father. Yan Jiekuang was a little confused, and asked Yan Yongqing through Ji Lian what was wrong with him today?
Yan Jiecheng said in a low voice: "What else can we do? Our dad confiscated his firecrackers and told us to set them off tomorrow. He's just venting his anger."

Yan Jiekuang was happy and said to Yan Yongqing: "Forget it, you are just one day away. Sooner or later you will be released."

Yan Yongqing thought about it and realized that it was true. He thought that he would probably let it go at home. He instantly became happy and started to eat his meal with big mouthfuls.

(End of this chapter)

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