Chapter 280 Liberation Surgery
In the intensive care unit of the hospital, Yan Jiefang was talking to his team leader, who told him that he would be scheduled for surgery tomorrow. The experts had already looked at Yan Jiefang's medical records and head X-rays, and felt that there was no big problem and were still very optimistic. At this time, there was a noise outside, and then the door rang.

Yan Jiekuang came in carrying a frame. Another person standing guard at the door was also carrying a frame. Yan Jiefang looked at Yan Jiekuang and said, "How did you make so many?"

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "Didn't the guards notify me? I was worried that there wouldn't be enough food. It just so happens that the captain is here to eat with us."

Just as Captain Wang was about to decline, Yan Jiefang said, "Captain, our third son's cooking skills are second to none in the city."

Wang Xuedong was very surprised. He knew Yan Jiefang and he thought he was very reliable. Although there was some bragging in his words, it was definitely not much.

Yan Jiekuang laid them out one by one and even put the table next to the bed on top.

The guard was standing there, and was about to leave when Captain Wang said, "I've made it for you. You eat it, take turns."

The guard went out to talk to another person. Yan Jiekuang first served a bowl of noodles to his second brother, put it on the table, and then rolled up the bed for Yan Jiekuang to sit up.

Yan Jiekuang served noodles to the others. Captain Wang looked at the table full of vegetables and meat sauce with a nostalgic look. Yan Jiefang said, "Old Third, you don't know, but Captain Wang is also a native of Sijiu City."

Captain Wang said, "I'm really rude today. It's been a long time since I had noodles with soybean paste." After that, he started to add the sauce, then mixed it, and then added the favorite vegetables, mixed it well, and then started to eat with big mouthfuls.

Including the guard from before, the four of them remained silent, and the room was filled with the sound of people eating noodles. The guard ate two bowls and then stopped, saying that he was eating for the people outside. They also kept the two dishes in reserve, otherwise they would have been gone long ago.

After eating a bowl of noodles with soybean sauce, Captain Wang knew that Yan Jiekuang's cooking skills must be very good. Yan Jiekuang was not lying, his cooking skills were truly one of the best in Beijing. For the last bowl of noodles, several people did not eat it and asked the guards who came later to take it out and give it to another person, because Captain Wang saw that the guards in front were keeping it and wanted the other person to eat it earlier.

Soon after the meal, Captain Wang said goodbye. At this time, Yan Jiekuang also knew that his second brother would have surgery tomorrow. Yan Jiekuang asked Yan Jiekuang to go out and find a hotel to stay. Yan Jiekuang was a little reluctant and wanted to accompany him more, but Yan Jiekuang said, "You have been on the train for such a long time, and you have cooked a meal for us. Hurry up and find a place to have a good sleep."

Yan Jiekuang then said, "I came here in a hurry and I don't even have a letter of introduction. Which hotel will let me stay in?"

Yan Jiefang stared at Yan Jiekuang and said, "Then how did you get here? Didn't anyone check you? You are really amazing."

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "From my appearance, I can tell at first glance that I am a good person. Who can investigate me?"

Yan Jiefang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Go and call the guard at the door and ask him to take you to the military recruitment office."

When Yan Jiekuang saw that Yan Jiefang was determined to let him rest, he said nothing more and called the guard. The guard was called Xiao Liu. Yan Jiefang gave him a few instructions and handed his ID to Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu then took Yan Jiekuang to a nearby military recruitment office.

The formalities went smoothly, and the military recruitment notice even specially arranged a single room for Yan Jiekuang. Yan Jiekuang himself was indeed very tired, as he had been busy all day and did not even wash up. He fell asleep on the bed.

Early the next morning, Yan Jiekuang went out after washing up. He also went to buy a few rice rolls. Most breakfast snacks in Guangdong are this kind of snack.

When he arrived at the hospital ward, Yan Jiekuang found out that he could not have breakfast today. The hospital had its own arrangements, so Yan Jiekuang ate all the rice rolls with the guards Xiao Liu and Xiao Yan.

At nine o'clock, comrades from the hospital pushed Yan Jiefang to do an examination. This was the last examination before the operation. At about ten o'clock, Yan Jiefang was pushed into the operating room. Yan Jiekuang stood guard at the door of the operating room and did not leave. He was accompanied by the guards and Captain Wang.

Yan Jiekuang knew that his second brother's operation would be very difficult, but he did not expect it to take so long. The operation lasted nearly six hours. When the red light went out, everyone stood up and looked towards the door of the operating room. An elderly man in his sixties wearing surgical gown walked out, followed by two or three people, all of whom were comrades performing the operation.

Captain Wang stepped over and said, "Mr. Wu, how is it?"

Elder Wu smiled kindly and said, "Don't worry, the operation was successful. After the recovery period, you will be a lively hero again."

Captain Wang held Elder Wu's hand tightly and said, "Thank you, Elder Wu. Thank you very much."

Elder Wu said, "Don't thank me. This is what I should do. Okay, the patient will be wheeled back to the ward in a while. You guys go to the ward and wait."

Yan Jiekuang was also very excited. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to see his second brother as soon as he came out of the operating room.

Captain Wang said, "Don't worry, Xiao Liu and Xiao Yan are here. Listen, I have something to tell you."

Yan Jiekuang looked at Captain Wang suspiciously, but also followed Captain Wang. Along the way, Captain Wang did not speak. When he arrived at the door of the ward, he did not stop, but took Yan Jiekuang directly to the end of the corridor. When he pushed the door open, there was a platform outside.

Captain Wang handed Yan Jiekuang a cigarette, and Yan Jiekuang took it. After Captain Wang lit one, he handed the match to Yan Jiekuang. Yan Jiekuang lit it and took a long puff. He felt relieved and was no longer nervous.

Captain Wang asked: "Did you see that the guards are all equipped with guns? Do you know why there are two guards?" Yan Jiekuang was stunned. He really didn't pay attention and didn't think about why there were guards. When he heard Captain Wang's question, he suddenly realized that his second brother's level had not reached this level yet.

Yan Jiekuang stared at Captain Wang in a daze. Captain Wang sighed and said, "Did he tell you how your brother got injured?"

Yan Jiekuang said: "He did, but he only gave a rough idea. He said it was bombarded because he destroyed a headquarters."

Captain Wang nodded and said, "What we did was correct, but there were people in the headquarters who shouldn't have been there. They were from the Soviet Union. Moreover, your brother's pistol was left nearby. Now all of Vietnam and the Soviet Union know about your brother's achievements. They are determined to kill your brother, which is why we are doing everything we can to protect him."

Yan Jiekuang opened his mouth in disbelief. Captain Wang continued, "This matter has also alarmed the higher-ups, and they finally decided to let your brother retire. Although the operation was successful, there will be minor sequelae. He is not suitable to stay here anymore. This is the main reason why I asked you to come."

Yan Jiekuang knew Yan Jiefang's temper. After serving as a soldier for so many years, Yan Jiefang would definitely not accept being asked to retire all of a sudden. Yan Jiekuang said, "What should we do? He will definitely not agree."

"So, you and I have to work together to convince him." Captain Wang said.

Yan Jiekuang thought for a moment and said, "It's difficult. I'll try my best, but you should talk to him first. If I do, he'll chase me away."

Captain Wang nodded and said, "Of course. When we officially notify him, we will tell you in advance. At least we have to wait until his stitches are removed."

Yan Jiekuang nodded, and Captain Wang said, "Let's go to the ward and wait for your brother."

The two returned to the ward, and Yan Jiefang was pushed back, but he had not woken up yet. Captain Wang said hello to Yan Jiekuang and left. Yan Jiekuang sat quietly by the bed waiting for Yan Jiekuang to wake up.

The next day, when Yan Jiekuang woke up, he found himself sleeping on the side of his second brother's bed. When he got up, he saw Yan Jiefang looking at him. "Second brother, why didn't you call me?" Yan Jiekuang asked.

Yan Jiefang said, "You were sleeping so soundly, why should I ask you to do anything? Get up and take a shower, then go out and buy me something to eat. I'm hungry."

Yan Jiekuang agreed and went to wash his face, then went directly to the restaurant opposite, because that restaurant sold morning tea. When Yan Jiekuang went in, there were only a few service staff. Although they knew Yan Jiekuang, they were not that familiar with him. Yan Jiekuang paid for some steamed buns, custard buns, and lean meat porridge, as well as some chicken feet and kelp.

Yan Jiekuang returned to the ward and called Xiao Liu and Xiao Yan to eat together. The two were not polite, but still took turns eating.

After dinner, Yan Jiekuang had nothing else to do, so he asked his second brother, "Second brother, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, what do you want to eat?"

"Forget it. There are only two of us here, plus Xiao Liu and Xiao Yan, so there are four of us. Let's do fewer. Where did you do it?" Yan Jiefang asked.

Yan Jiekuang said, "The restaurant across the street is called Guangzhou Restaurant. I know the owner. I agreed to cook a meal for them and he lent me his kitchen."

Yan Jiefang looked at Yan Jiekuang and said, "You can get along well wherever you go. By the way, I don't have much to do here. When are you going back?"

"Why do you always chase me away? I'll at least wait until you remove the stitches before leaving." Yan Jiekuang said a little unhappily.

Yan Jiefang said, "Am I chasing you away? I'm just afraid that your parents will be worried. How are things at home if you don't go home during the New Year?"

Yan Jiekuang began to talk about the situation at home. Yan Jiefang was fascinated by what he heard. He did not expect that the family had changed so much. But when he talked about Shi Xiaoya, Yan Jiefang burst into tears and said, "It's hard for her. I still understand your second sister-in-law. She knows everything, but she keeps it in her heart."

Yan Jiekuang also fell silent. The two brothers didn't speak for a long time. It was only when Captain Wang arrived that the atmosphere in the ward was broken.

Captain Wang said, "How is it? How do you feel? Liberation?"

Yan Jiefang said: "I'm fine, feeling very good. I think I'll be able to recover in a while. You don't have to come to see me so often."

Captain Wang said, "Okay, how can you recover so quickly? I'm in a meeting here. I won't be able to see you tomorrow even if you want to."

Yan Jiekuang moved a chair for Captain Wang and placed it next to the bed, then he took the kettle to get some water. Yan Jiekuang deliberately gave them time to talk, after all, there were some things he could not listen to.

When Yan Jiekuang came back, Captain Wang had already left. Yan Jiekuang asked his second brother what he wanted to eat. Yan Jiekuang said, "Don't worry about me. I'll eat in the hospital cafeteria. You go back and rest. I'll also rest more."

Yan Jiekuang didn't say anything else. He told his second brother to come over tomorrow after dinner was ready, and then went back to the guesthouse because he felt that his second brother was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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