Chapter 294 Staff Dinner
November 8, 1983 was the beginning of winter, a good day for traveling, moving, cleaning, meeting friends, and getting married. Yan Jiekuang and Ji Lian were preparing to move back. Yuer Hutong had been completely renovated, but there were some changes. The gate to Cuihua Hutong was sealed, but a garage door was installed and a separate garage was built.

The children had not been back yet, and Ji Lian asked Yan Jiekuang if it was too hasty to move back as the Chinese New Year was only two months away. Yan Jiekuang said, "I miss the wintersweets in the central courtyard. They were so beautiful last year."

Ji Lian knew that these were all excuses. Yan Jiekuang had no interest in Courtyard No. 95 anymore. He felt uncomfortable staying here. Yan Jiekuang just said something to his mother. Yang Ruiping said a little dully, "It's better to go back. Out of sight, out of mind."

In the morning, everyone who needed to go out had gone out, and those who had nothing to do stayed at home to avoid the cold. Yan Jiekuang and Ji Lian took the children, locked the door of the north room, and went out. They got in the van and drove all the way back to Cuihua Hutong. Yan Jiekuang got out of the car, opened the garage door, parked the car, and arranged for his family to get out.

As soon as the children walked out of the garage, they saw a quaint garden with swings, rockery, pavilions and flowing water, which was similar to the East Garden of the Summer Palace.

The children were very happy that they finally had a place to play freely.

After passing through the garden, there is a two-story building. Because we went in through the back door, we could see a row of windows. When we turned to the front, we saw red paint and green tiles, carved beams and painted buildings. Yan Jiekuang pointed to the house on the left and said, "This is our house. The one on the right is for my mother and grandfather. There are five rooms upstairs, all with their own bathrooms and study rooms. They are the children's rooms."

When the children heard this, they immediately ran upstairs. When they came down, they told Yan Jiekuang and his wife that they had already been assigned rooms.

Yan Jiekuang said, "Now that we have divided the rooms, let's move quickly. This building has heating. I'll go light a fire."

The children happily ran to the central courtyard, which is also the backyard of Yuer Hutong, and kept packing up and moving things one by one. There was a separate room in the southwest corner of the backyard with a small boiler, which was specially requested by Yan Jiekuang. When Yan Jiekuang finished lighting the fire and filled it with coal, the rooms in the small building became warm.

Yan Jiekuang looked at the house in the middle courtyard and planned to re-plan it. He would convert all the west wing rooms into study rooms, the east wing rooms into a treasure house, and the main house into a living room, kitchen and his private study room.

Yan Jiekuang glanced at the wintersweets on the northeast corner of the wall. They were in bud and about to bloom. It would be even more beautiful if it snowed a little.

Yan Jiekuang and the children were also packing up. They didn't plan to go anywhere today, so they stayed at home and had a happy reunion dinner with the whole family.

Yan Jiekuang was preparing ingredients in the kitchen of the middle courtyard. He planned to make a hot pot with a few side dishes to warm him up. When everything was done, the children and Ji Lian also finished cleaning up and came to the middle courtyard. Yan Jiekuang arranged for everyone to serve the food together, and soon there was a large table of sumptuous dishes in the middle hall.

Yan Jiekuang prepared the sauce with coriander, chopped green onion, minced garlic, chili oil and other ingredients. He also gave a few bottles of soda to the children and got himself a bottle of Moutai. Ji Lian looked at the Moutai with shining eyes and was eager to try it.

Yan Jiekuang saw that the water was boiling and shouted, "Let's eat."

Big Fatty stared at the mutton, while Little Fatty stared at the fried tripe. The two sons had different preferences. Shi Lei put everything into the pot for fear that his younger brothers and sisters would not have enough to eat. The most well-behaved one was Shi Li. No matter who put food in her bowl, she would eat it all up.

The couple each drank a glass of wine, clinked glasses with each other, and ate peanuts, preserved eggs and other things. Ji Lian said, "Third brother, look, this is actually called happiness."

Yan Jiekuang nodded in agreement, and then touched Ji Lian's face again.

In the days that followed, Ji Lian went to work, running back and forth between the two stores, and the children's daily life and going to and from school were the responsibility of Yan Jiekuang. Yan Jiekuang was very willing to do this kind of thing. Listening to the four children calling, "Dad, Dad!", he felt so happy in his heart.

No one had visited his home for a long time. Yan Jiekuang usually drank tea and read books. Occasionally, he would see records in local chronicles about a place that had once been a fortress or a gathering place for wealthy families. He would drive around and look at the old items from house to house.

At the end of December, Ji Lian went home and asked Yan Jiekuang when to give the employees a holiday. They had worked hard for a year. Yan Jiekuang flipped through the calendar and said, "How about this? Let's close the accounts on January 16th, pay bonuses on the same day, and then pay an extra month's salary. Let the employees take a month off directly, and go back to work on the 16th after the 15th of the first lunar month."

Ji Lian thought about it and was very satisfied with Yan Jiekuang's decision, but she also suggested: "On the 16th, both stores will be closed, and everyone will go to Chaofengzhai and have a meal together."

Yan Jiekuang nodded and said, "It's my duty. You have all worked so hard this year. I haven't been able to take care of you all this day."

January 16th came in a blink of an eye. Yan Jiekuang and Ji Lian, both wearing the clothes that the tavern had bought for the manager, took the children to Chaofengzhai early. Wang Qing was directing the waiters to set up the tables and the podium. Yan Jiekuang took a look, said hello to Wang Qing, and went to the kitchen alone. His three apprentices and five cooks were busy. There were only two tables today, but there were too many dishes.

Yang Liwei ran over and asked, "Master, are you the chef today?"

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "Of course, you are all heroes today, I have to reward you."

Yan Jiekuang changed into a chef's uniform and started to get busy, instructing his apprentices and kitchen workers from time to time.

When everything was almost ready, Wang Qing went to the kitchen to find Yan Jiekuang, "Third brother, the general account is out, Mr. Ji wants you to come over." Yan Jiekuang followed Wang Qing to the private room on the second floor, where Zhao Lifen, Qi Li, Zhao Yuan and Wang Yue were all there.

Ji Lian handed the general ledger to Yan Jiekuang. Both stores had considerable revenues this year. Chunfenglou's net profit reached 452,000, while Chaofengzhai was even better, reaching 550,000.

Yan Jiekuang took a look and said, "Well, Wang Qing, you discuss with Manager Zhao and distribute bonuses based on seniority, position, and performance. You can pay them 102,000 yuan. In addition, you can pay everyone an extra month's salary. It's agreed that it's paid vacation. You draw up a bonus list and let President Ji review it. I won't look at it. Then, take out the money before dinner."

Wang Qing said, "Okay." The rest of them were dumbfounded. They knew that there would be bonuses, but they didn't expect so much. Especially the heartless Qi Li, who just shouted, "Long live Third Brother." Yan Jiekuang was so upset that he thought, could that long live be shouted casually? He turned around and went to the kitchen.

There are now a total of twenty-two people in the two restaurants, two nominal restaurant owners, two managers, three foremen, three chefs, five kitchen assistants, and eight waiters.

After Wang Qing discussed with Ji Lian and Yang Lifen, Ji Lian finally decided not to pay out any wages but to include them in the bonus. Since it had been a year and a half and this was the first time to give year-end bonuses, they gave them all at once: 10,000 yuan for the manager and head chef, 8,000 yuan for the foreman, and 5,000 yuan for the kitchen workers and waiters each, so that everyone could have a good year.

When Yan Jiekuang reported it, he knew it was Ji Lian's idea and signed his consent. Wang Qing drove with two kitchen workers to withdraw money. For safety, the two kitchen workers also brought two kitchen knives. Yan Jiekuang was stunned and said, "Wang Qing is the only one driving. There are so many cars on the street. Who can catch up with you after leaving the bank?"

Wang Qing said with a smile, "Just in case, safety first." After that, he took the two people away. Yan Jiekuang directed his apprentices and cooks to start serving cold dishes.

The foremen had all agreed that no one was allowed to mention bonuses to the waitresses, so that they would be given a big surprise when the time came.

At noon, Yan Jiekuang began cooking twelve dishes, four cold dishes, eight hot dishes, and one soup. He used all the ingredients that could be bought, even prawns and mandarin fish, and used the royal cooking method that Yan Jiekuang usually used.

Halfway through the class, Wang Qing came back with the cook, carrying two large bags, and two policemen following behind. Yan Jiekuang asked, "What's going on?"

Wang Qing said dejectedly, "Don't mention it. We withdrew too much money, and the two kitchen workers had kitchen knives on their waists. The bank thought someone was kidnapping me, so they called the police. Even after I explained it, the police didn't believe me and insisted on following us to take a look."

Ji Lian walked over at this time, introduced herself, and told the police that she was indeed giving bonuses to the employees today, so the money was a little more, and for safety reasons she asked the employees to follow with kitchen knives. Then she handed the bonus slips for the two stores this year to the police.

In fact, when it came to this, the police had already believed it, but when they saw the list, they were very surprised that such two small stores gave their employees such high bonuses. But they didn't say much and just turned around and left.

As soon as the police left, Yan Jiekuang squatted there and laughed loudly, saying, "I told you not to bring a knife, but you didn't listen, hahahaha."

Wang Qing stood there awkwardly. Ji Lian went up and slapped Yan Jiekuang, saying, "Hurry up and start. The food is getting cold."

Everyone sat down, leaving two cooks to serve the dishes. Wang Qing stood on the podium and began his opening remarks. Wang Qing said, "Today is the last day of our two stores this year. After today, everyone will have a holiday until the 16th day of the first lunar month. The boss said that you have all worked hard for a year and need to have a good rest. You also need to have a good New Year. Now please let the boss speak."

Yan Jiekuang waved his hand and said, "I come here a few times a year, I can count them on one hand. Let President Ji speak, you are all the protagonists today."

Ji Lian walked to the chairman's center and briefly summarized the brilliant performance of the two stores in the past year and a half, thanked every employee of the two stores, and finally came the highlight. When Ji Lian finished talking about the distribution method and amount of bonuses this year, the store fell silent. After just a few seconds, warm cheers resounded throughout the restaurant, and there was a tendency to intensify, because no one expected that so much would be distributed, catching up with their annual income.

Wang Qing quickly stood up and shouted, "Be quiet, no bonus. If you keep shouting, there won't be time to give you the money."

Everyone laughed, but they also quieted down. Ji Lian said, "Come on, let's be economical and go to Manager Yang and Foreman Qi to get the money. Oh, by the way, to make it easier for you to get it, you should go to Zhao Yuan to get the bag first."

Everyone lined up, one by one, to receive the bag first, then to withdraw the money and sign, but most people still felt it was not real, and a few younger ones even cried. Wang Qing joked, "Do you think it's too much? Otherwise, leave it with me and I will save it for your dowry." When the crying ones heard this, they stopped crying immediately and hugged the bag tightly with both hands.

After everyone had received their gifts, Wang Qing said, "Okay, let's eat. After eating, go home early to show off." Everyone burst into laughter again.

A banquet was being held amidst singing and laughter. The only thing that Yan Jiekuang felt was a pity was that few people were drinking. Even Wang Qing didn't drink with Yan Jiekuang. He himself didn't drink either, saying that he had to send his employees home soon. Yan Jiekuang scoffed at their various excuses for not drinking. They just feared that something might go wrong and they would lose the money. After the meal, everyone was more energetic than the other.

The kitchen workers stayed behind to clean the tables today, and Wang Qing fulfilled his promise and really sent them home one by one.

After everything was packed up, Yan Jiekuang said goodbye to his apprentices and told them to go home quickly, but those who lived close to each other should go together. Wei Xiaobao was driven back by Yan Jiekuang himself, and Ji Lian took the children directly back to Yuer Hutong.

(End of this chapter)

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