After awakening the magical power, all demons are firewood

Chapter 182: The Howling Cave Market Opens

Chapter 182: The Howling Cave Market Opens

Chapter 180: The Howling Cave Market Opens

After dealing with the matter of the secret vault, Han Yue took Wubing away.

He went to [Wenxin Study] first and called [Sanye] along.

Then, he brought the bear-riding boy to the north of [Fantasy Capital].

Under his instructions, [Sanye] created a cave in the area.

Inside the underground cave, there is a huge cave that goes deep into the center of the earth. The cave is divided into three layers, and the area of ​​each layer is ten times the size of [Fantasy Capital].

After the transformation was completed, Han Yue began to instruct Wu Bing:
"Wubing, get some bee incarnations and fill the first floor of this cave."

"Let two more dragon earthworms guard the second floor."

"You will guard the third floor by yourself."

"Move some second-level metal ores, gold-eating honey, and the like, and throw them into this cave."

"I'll also move some mid-grade spirit stones and third-tier treasures in."

"This cave will become a fixed facility in the future. People from the [Fantasy World] can enter this cave to train, accumulate contributions, and earn resources at the same time."

"Just manage it well. The spiritual contributions of all those who died in this cave will be shared with you."

Wubing's eyes lit up when he heard this. He thought it was a very interesting thing, so he immediately agreed.

It demanded the management authority of this place from [San Ye], and instantly erected a huge stone tablet at the entrance of the cave.

There are four large characters carved on top: [The Howling Cave].

Then, it dived into the cave and began to transform its own base.

To be honest, Wubing has been mining in Jindao Gorge for decades and has built countless mines.

In terms of infrastructure capabilities alone, it is definitely among the best among the third-level monsters.

Han Yue let Wubing do whatever he wanted and then left the [Fantasy World] on his own.

He returned to [Jin'ao Island] and sat back under the gourd vine.

Then, he summoned the "Yuanci Divine Light" passed down by the real person [Chuanzong] and began to comprehend it carefully.

Before the third stage, he only had the [Zhu Xian Sword Formation] to practice, and the only resource he could use to perform the Dao was the body of a fourth-stage true demon.

He was worried that he would not be able to complete the [Zhu Xian Sword Formation] with just the corpse of a real demon.

Therefore, he planned to accumulate some more [Thunderbolt Flame Steel] and use the third-level precious material to perform the [Yuxiao Yandao] secret technique again.

During this accumulation process, he could observe the changes in the [Fantasy World] while supplementing his practice.

After his adjustments, the situation in the [Fantasy World] also changed drastically.

Not long after he left, [Sanye] posted an announcement on the portal regarding the two new facilities, [The Secret Vault of the Heavenly Snake] and [The Howling Caverns].

The few users who are left now discovered the new information as soon as possible.

Pan Xiao excitedly bombarded Xiao Yu with messages:

"Brother Jiao! Did you see that?"

"Supplies can really be transported through the [Fantasy World]!"

"Hurry up and prepare some bait for me. I'll trade you the [Magnetic Copper]!"

"You can name the price as you like!"

Pan Xiao is a lazy guy. Apart from practicing, he also surfs the portal every day.

But Xiao Yu was very busy. He took some time to read the update announcement and replied:
"It's clearly stated in there that if you want to use the secret vault you have to learn a new magical power."

"This magical power requires another 100 contributions. Have you saved enough?"

Pan Xiao looked at his single-digit contribution account and scratched his head for a moment.

"Brother Jiao, I'm going to the [Fantasy World] to earn contributions. You should do your best!"

After saying that, Pan Xiao then guided his spiritual consciousness into the [Fantasy World].

On the other side, Xiao Yu also put the ring away.

He is also busy with his own things.

At this time, he was following a huge carriage from a distance.

The carriage was heading due west of Wuting along a gravel-paved mountain path.

On this carriage, there are three big fish, all of which are entry-level spiritual fish.

It turned out that ever since he had caught the spirit fish using Pan's bait, he had handed it over to the Wuting City Lord's Mansion in accordance with fish market practice.

But afterwards, Xiao Yu began to pay attention to the whereabouts of this spirit fish.

These fish are extremely valuable. If you are not a monk, you will definitely not be able to afford them.

And Xiao Yu has also found out clearly that among the cultivators guarding the Wu Pavilion, the second-level cultivator with the best cultivation level is usually elusive. He is basically either in seclusion or out, and rarely stays in the Wu Pavilion.

Although the city lord is also a cultivator, he has only reached the first level of great perfection. Although his strength is not weak, his lifespan is almost over.

The City Lord's Mansion collected these spiritual fish, but could not consume them all, so it must have transferred them to other places.

The receiving place must also be where the monks gather.

Sure enough, not long after Xiao Yu sent someone to deliver the spirit fish, the carriage from the City Lord's Mansion set off.

The person driving the car is also a first-level cultivator.

Xiao Yu had a very strong spiritual awareness and the magical power of [Invisibility], so he easily followed behind the carriage and went along with him all the way.

The carriage traveled day and night for nearly a day and a night, covering thousands of miles, before finally arriving at a valley shrouded in clouds and mist.

The monk driving the car did not hesitate at all and rushed directly into the clouds.

But Xiao Yu stopped outside the valley and did not follow in blindly.

It's obvious that this cloud is the condensation of magical power, and it's unknown how deep it is.

He activated his concealment ability to the maximum, ready to explore the situation. After waiting for half a day, another seven or eight monks came in and out of the mist.

These monks have different appearances and are all alone.

Xiao Yu observed carefully. These monks were in a hurry, but there were no signs of fighting, which meant that the clouds and fog should not be a dangerous place.

After a while, his fellow villager Wu Ting actually came out driving a horse-drawn carriage.

The three spirit fish had been sold, and the cart returned empty. The monk looked much more relaxed.

Just as he was returning, he met another monk who had come here, and the two of them met face to face.

But they ignored each other and just passed each other by.

When Xiao Yu saw this, he also decided to go into the clouds and find out what was going on.

He emerged from his invisible state and followed the road into the mist.

But as soon as I came in, I immediately felt that the view in front of me suddenly opened up and the scenery changed drastically.

A popular town appeared before his eyes.

They stood together in front of the town gate, with four large characters clearly engraved on them:

[Floating Cloud Market]!
On the stone tablet, the introduction and regulations of this market are carefully engraved.

Xiao Yu read it carefully and found that this market was established by a third-level master cultivator, mainly to benefit the independent cultivators and some small forces within thousands of miles around.

A low-level cultivator like Xiao Yu is very suitable to make a living in this market.

The threshold for entering this market is not high. You can open a shop by paying a monthly rent of five low-grade spirit stones.

As long as you abide by the rules of the market, don't cheat, deceive, or fight, you can operate normally and be protected by the third-level overhaul.

Therefore, this market town gathers most of the independent cultivators from thousands of miles around, and it is also a well-known place for cultivation.

The environment here is just right for newcomers like Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu strolled along the streets of the market, on the one hand to familiarize himself with the environment, and on the other hand to check out the prices.

The majority of shops in this market are small stores selling various spiritual items, most of which are the most common spiritual insects and herbs in Zhuzhou.

It's obvious that these goods are what the independent shop owners gain from their daily training. Everyone has a similar idea, which is to open a shop to sell the goods while also looking for a place to stay in the market.

After wandering around, Xiao Yu discovered several kinds of poisonous insects that could be used to refine first-level spiritual bait, and the price was not expensive.

He also found a shop that bought the fish he caught.

It is a big store that is quite popular.

Everything is sold there, and the spiritual fish is only a very small part of it. There are also magical instruments, talismans, elixirs, herbs, martial arts techniques, and other secret arts. It is considered to be the most professional store in this market.

The three newly acquired spirit fish were placed on the counter, and a special person cut them into small pieces and sold the fish meat to the outside.

The price is very cheap, a piece of meat can be exchanged for only one low-grade spirit stone.

But one fish can be divided into one or two hundred pieces of fish meat, earning more than a medium-grade spirit stone.

Moreover, the meat of this spirit fish is very popular, and people even line up to buy the meat.

This is because the fish meat is not only delicious and can replenish vital energy, but it is also a good material for feeding poisonous insects.

In the market town, there are many shops selling the flesh and blood of monsters and spirit fish, and the demand is far from enough to meet the supply.

Xiao Yu stepped forward to inquire, and learned that the purchase price of an entry-level spirit fish was one hundred low-grade spirit stones.

For him, it is already a huge sum of money!

He walked around a few more times, covering the small market, then stood up and returned to Wuting!

Ten days later, Xiao Yu also drove a large cart to the Fuyun Market.

The car was carrying five advanced spiritual fish, and two rare and clever fish he had spun out from the fish market. They were the catches he had caught in the past few days.

He first drove to the big store he had liked last time and sold three of the five fish for three hundred spirit stones.

Then he turned around and went to the management agency of the market town, paid the money, and applied for a shop.

He used these three hundred low-grade spirit stones to buy some necessary things everywhere.

On the third day, his [Phantom Shop] opened for business!

The two servants he brought with him to the market had already been influenced by his magical powers and were wholeheartedly serving him.

He was busy running around in the shop, responsible for selling Xiaoyu's two remaining spirit fish.

Xiao Yu put a big table in front of his shop and placed a fat, advanced spiritual fish [Tiger Catfish] on the table.

Two servants were left guarding the table, and soon someone came forward to ask the price.

Xiao Yu's pricing was based on the prices of goods in the entire market town, neither too high nor too low. However, spirit fish flesh and blood is a very popular and sought-after commodity.

Although it is a new store, it doesn't have much popularity.

But everyone still came for the fish, and when the price was right, they bought it.

At the end of the day, this [Tiger Catfish] was successfully sold out.

The 175 low-grade spirit stones earned were enough to keep Xiao Yu's shop going in this market for several years.

Seeing that everything was going smoothly, Xiao Yu stopped caring about the business in the store and let the two servants take care of it. He then returned to the house and sank into the [Fantasy World].

He was busy with fishing and opening a shop these days and did not stay in the [Fantasy World] for long. He was almost driven to death by Pan Xiao.

When he arrived at [Fantasy Capital] to send the message, Pan Xiao followed in soon after. He said to Xiao Yu:

"Brother Jiao, you are finally here!"

"You've been busy with real life these days, and you've missed a lot of exciting content!"

"The newly opened [Howling Caverns] is extremely useful. Training there will help you earn contributions much faster."

"And there are also various precious materials as rewards, which are extremely valuable!"

"In the past few days, I have almost collected enough contributions for the [Illusionary God's Great Handprint]!"

(End of this chapter)

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