Chapter 206 Yang has a sword
Chapter 204: Yang Has a Sword
Han Yue was sitting on the treasure mountain of [Jin'ao Island], counting gold coins one by one.

[Qing Qiu] sat beside him and watched him refine the precious materials.

In front of the two of them stood a screen, showing Sanmu's battle of [Xiu Jindan].

As the masters of the [Fantasy World], both of them could sense Sanmu's peculiar condition.

[Qing Qiu] said:
"These two guys are quite interesting!"

"That little fat boy is already considered a gifted person."

"And that skinny boy is a natural swordsman, a one-in-a-million combat genius."

"You know what, this [Xiu Jin Dan] that [San Ye] made is really quite useful."

"If there were no such game, this skinny boy from a poor family might have really been buried!"

"Master, I suggest you take this sword cultivator as your disciple."

"This kind of fighting talent is more rare than cultivation-type talents."

"Once cultivated, it will be extremely useful!"

Han Yue was also very interested. His [Fantasy World] had been running for decades.

It can be regarded as witnessing the growth of many geniuses.

Some of them even have the talent to become the true disciples of Shenxiao.

But Mu Yi is the first one who has shown his talent before entering the Tao.

Han Yue was extremely interested in the peerless geniuses who were abducted from the hostile Yuqing Sect.

Besides, he had his reasons for going to Songquan Taoist Palace.

The task he had previously assigned to [Sanye] had also received a response.

After exhaustively searching through countless books in the Forest of Steles, [Sanye] finally listed a few fourth-tier magical flying swords from outside the top forces in [Yuxiao Realm].

Fourth-tier treasures like these are extremely rare.

It would take thousands of years for one to be produced!
Moreover, only a true immortal cultivator can refine and possess this magical flying sword.

Therefore, the vast majority of fourth-order flying swords are controlled by the top cultivation forces.

According to the distribution of forces in [Yuxiao Realm], if one wants to find a fourth-level real person other than these forces.

The only thing we can do is to look for it among the demon tribe or the Taoist palace.

Sure enough, the several fourth-order flying swords listed by [Sanye] are all within these categories.

The first is the richest sea area, Dragon Island.

It is recorded in the classics that there are at least three fourth-tier flying swords in the hands of real dragons on Dragon Island.

The most well-known of these is a fourth-rank true dragon magic sword [Dragon Scale], which was once held by a Dragon King, who transformed himself into a human sword cultivator and came to the inner realm to train, looking for people to test his sword skills everywhere.

Unfortunately, there are too many fourth-order true dragons on Dragon Island, which is far beyond Han Yue’s current strength.

Moreover, by chance, these real dragons have become users of his [Fantasy World].

He is the number one consumer tycoon in the [Fantasy World] and a top boss.

Han Yue would not lose the big picture for the sake of a small one and destroy her relationship with Dragon Island for the sake of a fourth-level flying sword.

After all, he still knows the difference between having one meal full and having every meal full.

In addition to Dragon Island, there must be a fourth-level spiritual flying sword inheritance among the demon saints in the outside world.

It’s just that the records in the classics are not clear enough.

[Sanye] only found out that there was a demon saint [Qingluan], who possessed a [Suzaku Burning Immortal Sword], which was a powerful fire magic sword.

However, Han Yue has no plans to go to the outside world for the time being.

Humans and demons have different paths. It is not easy for him to find out the situation in the outside world and find [Qingluan] in a short period of time.

Therefore, he half actively and half passively fixed his gaze on the information about the last magic sword provided by [Sanye].

That is the fourth-rank wood-type magic sword [Spring and Autumn] that has been passed down in the [Songquan Yang Family] for many years.

At this moment, this magic sword is in the hands of Yang Ming, the current head of the Yang family, a third-level great perfection cultivator who is only one step away from the fourth level.

For Han Yue, this is the best goal!
Since it concerns his own path, this trip to [Song Quan Taoist Palace] is inevitable!
And if he could snatch away someone else's genius while he was seeking the flying sword, that would naturally be a better thing.

Thinking of this, Han Yue said:
"Qingqiu, when you distribute the rewards for the Xiujindan competition, don't give them rewards that can be traded."

"Give him a few cubic meters of secret storage space."

"I will go to [Songquan Dao Palace], and if there is a chance, I will bring them back."

Then, he sent a message in the fantasy letter to Xie Changyu, the leader of the Word Spirit Sect who was doing very well in the Dao Palace:
"Old Xie, I have a subordinate who will go to [Songquan Dao Palace] for some business. Can you help arrange his identity and itinerary?"

Not long after, I received a reply from Lao Xie.

For Old Xie, who already has tens of thousands of disciples and a large number of chamber of commerce industries, this is a piece of cake.

Not only did he quickly arrange Han Yue's entry status, he also arranged for his career cover in [Songquan Dao Palace]. Now, Han Yue has gone to Luzhou to pan for gold successfully, earned a large amount of spiritual stones, and is about to return to [Songquan Dao Palace] to retire and buy a house.

He only needs to board the Phantom Chamber of Commerce's merchant ship returning to Central Continent at the Sheltering Plain, and someone will make all the arrangements afterwards.

In the Dao Palace, outsiders are strictly monitored.

Without the help of Old Xie, it would take Han Yue a long time just to integrate into the Taoist Palace system.

And for the number one force in the [Yuxiao Realm], the problem cannot be solved by using force.

He gladly accepted Lao Xie's arrangement. Three days later, he walked out of [Jin'ao Island], rode a beam of light, and arrived at the last pier before Tongtian River entered Zhongzhou.

When the water of Tongtian River flows through here, the river channel has become wide and the water flow is gentle.

This pier is also very lively, with people coming and going, and all kinds of people walking around. The hawking of vendors and the bargaining of pedestrians mix into a unique pier symphony.

Han Yue stood on the dock and looked into the distance. He saw large and small ships shuttling back and forth on the wide river, a busy scene.

Some are merchant ships, loaded with all kinds of goods, sailing from afar; some are fishing boats, with their decks piled high with freshly caught fish and shrimps, sparkling; and some are passenger ships, loaded with travelers with dreams, sailing towards the unknown distance.

This third-level master has not seen such a humane scene in a long time!

For a moment, I felt extremely comfortable!
He concealed his cultivation and blended into the crowd in front of him.

Not long after, he successfully connected with the contact person arranged by Lao Xie.

He boarded a huge cargo ship and came to an exquisite cabin on the top floor.

He is about to spend a month here until the big ship follows the flow of Tongtian River all the way to [Songquan Taoist Palace].

Han Yue will not waste this time at all.

I saw that he had his right hand behind his back, and from time to time, the shadow of the precious material flashed by, and was then polished into spiritual light by the magic power and cast into white coins one by one.

He needs to cast this [Falling Treasure Purple Coin] as soon as possible.

At the same time, he was carefully reading the situation report about the Songquan Taoist Palace sent by Lao Xie.

Especially the content about [Songquan Yang Family].

[Songquan Taoist Palace] The two fourth-tier earth-level forces, the Lin family and the Yang family, are both powerful forces that have been passed down for nearly ten thousand years.

His own bloodline and Dafa inheritance are both quite impressive.

Relying on the Taoist Palace's system, it is also possible to stably cultivate fourth-level masters.

And it is different from the cultivation family that Han Yue understands.

This Daogong clan does not care about the bloodline barriers between one family or one surname, but is extremely open.

We are happy to accept outstanding talents from outside!

Take the Yang family as an example. Their family built their own school and worked closely with the Taoist temple to select high-quality practitioners.

Any cultivator who can successfully practice the Yang family's inherited method, "The Yang Family Spring and Autumn Annals", and form a golden elixir of the fourth grade or above, can join the Yang family as a direct lineage.

Old Xie's data showed that the Yang family had already trained four immortals, two of whom were of different surnames.

The most recent of these four true masters achieved enlightenment only a thousand years ago.

It can be considered the peak of the family!
Moreover, Yang's development is obviously much better than Lin's.

The Lin family achieved earth-level power thousands of years earlier than the Yang family.

However, the only real people that were finally cultivated were the two ancestors of the Lin family themselves, who were obviously weaker than the Yang family in the [Songquan Taoist Palace].

In Han Yue's mind, these four immortal ancestors of the Yang family are his biggest enemies!

However, the reason why he dared to be so bold was that he went to the heart of the Taoist Palace and plotted against this immortal family.

This is also because many records have clearly stated that the real people from these Taoist longevity clans are not complete real people who have successfully opened up the blessed land.

But it’s a ghost immortal whose cultivation has been imperfect!
The magical powers of this kind of ghost immortal are much weaker than those of a normal immortal.

There are also forty-nine disasters that occur every five hundred years. If one continues to be unable to open up a blessed land, cultivation will become increasingly difficult!

The ghost immortals under these Taoist palaces all rely on the magical powers of the five Taoist palaces to avoid disasters on a daily basis!
Don't act rashly!
It was because of this situation that Han Yue set his first target on the [Songquan Yang family].

There are still some opportunities here!
As the ship moved forward, Han Yue was getting closer and closer to the Taoist Palace.

This divine disaster is also the first time to come to the core area of ​​​​the human cultivators. I don’t know how big a storm it can stir up!
Meanwhile, at the Lin residence of the Songquan Taoist Palace, Lin Qingye, who had just received the reward for the Golden Core Cultivation Competition, was looking at Mu Yi in bewilderment.

Five cubic meters of untradeable secret vault privileges are extremely valuable!
If measured according to the prices in the [Fantasy World], it would be worth at least several third-tier treasures!
However, this secret vault space is too useless for the two kids in front of them!

Lin Qingye couldn't help but complain:
"If I had known earlier, I would have rather not been in the top sixteen!"

"The 100th place winner will be rewarded with 1,000 contributions!"

"It's enough to exchange for a ring and a spell for you!"

"But this secret vault space requires me to refine the [Illusionary God's Great Handprint] before I can use it, and it cannot be traded! What should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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