After awakening the magical power, all demons are firewood

Chapter 209: Sword Type Battle 1 Sword Disembowelment

Chapter 209: The Battle of Sword Types

Chapter 207: The Battle of Sword Types: Cutting Open the Belly with One Sword

Xiaoyi remained absolutely sober throughout the entire promotion process.

He witnessed all the help Han Yue had given him.

He also knew clearly that without his help, he would have died on the spot!
At this time, Han Yue's image has been completely established in his mind.

My uncle is not only my savior, but also my guide on the road to success.

In his heart, there is only infinite gratitude and respect!
Han Yue stretched out her hand and waved a magical power to lift Xiao Yi up, then she said:
"Xiao Yi, you have the true essence of the sword path, and it is a great opportunity for you to successfully enter the path."

"Don't waste your talents and abilities. You must make immortality your goal and practice diligently."

"Follow your instructions, uncle!"

Xiaoyi bowed again.

"As cultivators of our generation, we don't need to worry too much about bloodline causality."

"Since you are following me to cultivate the Dao, from now on we shall be master and disciple."

Han Yue also officially accepted his first apprentice.

This little Yi has the true essence of swordsmanship in him. As long as he succeeds in forming the elixir, he will become the true disciple of Shenxiao and have a bright future!
This sword technique is extremely special and has a strong rejection of alien energy and magic power!
Only extremely pure sword energy and magic power can complete the entry into the Tao.

Only the most powerful third-level sword cultivator or fourth-level spiritual flying sword can condense such magic power.

Throughout the history of the [Yuxiao Realm], there have been people who were born with the gift of [Sword Seed].

But there are only a few who can accomplish the process of absorbing Qi into the Tao!
The vast majority of them are unable to enter the door of cultivation and end up in depression.

Even if by chance one obtains enough sword energy and magic power to enter the Tao, there is a high possibility that one will be killed by the sword energy during the promotion process.

This acquired Tao seed can be said to be one of the most difficult Tao seeds to cultivate.

Without the pure magic power and precious medicine [Amrita] provided by Han Yue, Xiaoyi would never have a chance to embark on the path of cultivation and become a little swordsman.

Han Yue took out a piece of third-level [Red Refined Copper] from the blessed land.

He activated his spiritual consciousness and used the method of [Heart Refining] to rub the purple copper in his hand into a thick and long sword blank, and handed it to Xiaoyi.

For sword practitioners, the sooner they can refine their own natal flying sword, the greater the help it will be to their practice.

Han Yue also passed on to him several secret methods she had mastered for refining top-level flying swords.

Including "White Tiger Killing Sword", "Shangdong True Thunder Breaking Law Sword", "Star River Cutting Moon Sword" and so on.

Then he said:
"Xiao Yi, since you have become my disciple, you should receive a Dharma name."

"You belong to the Miao generation, so I will call you Miaochi. I hope that in your future practice, you will hold the killing intention and not the killing heart."

Xiaoyi bowed and received his Dharma name.

"Since you have already practiced the secret method of building the foundation of our sect, if you want to make further achievements, you must return to your master and personally inherit the fundamental method."

"This journey is necessary for you to practice. After a while, when you are familiar with your own cultivation and magical powers, you can consider setting off."

Han Yue could foresee that this [Songquan Taoist Palace] might not be particularly safe.

After he has treated Xiaoyi, he will send him away as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Xiaoyi immersed himself in his own practice again.

There are countless things he needs to think about with his supernatural powers and new magical weapons.

He practiced until the evening, when he finally came out of his meditation.

Afterwards, Xiaoyi left his residence and went to find Lin Qingye.

I urgently need to share the joy of my successful entry into the path of Taoism with my good brothers.

On the other side of the palace, the nails that Han Yue had placed among the Yang family members had already shown their effectiveness.

The middle-aged cultivator of the Yang family successfully drew a portion of the [Thousand Illusion Mantra] power during a blind box game.

He just thought that this was a tonic that could increase the power of [Phantom God], so he digested it when he returned to his residence.

He absorbed this cursed power into his own sea of ​​consciousness and combined it with the magical talisman of [Phantom God].

This man instantly became the object of Han Yue's inner demon curse.

All his memories and behaviors began to be completely controlled by Han Yue.

Han Yue carefully looked through the memories of the monk named Yang Yi.

Looking for an opportunity that would allow him to come into contact with Yang Ming, the patriarch of the Yang clan.

But he discovered that Yang Ming had already reached the peak of the third level of cultivation, and usually spent his days in seclusion, looking for a hint of inspiration to step into the fourth level of immortality.

Only in very rare cases will he come out to show his face.

According to Yang Yi's judgment, the next time he would see Yang Ming coming out of retreat would be during a fight between the Yang and Lin families over the right to distribute the original energy.

Because this fight involves direct competition with the Lin family.

Yang Ming will definitely show up.

However, only the direct members of the two families and the immediate relatives of the participating monks can watch this internal competition on site.

If Han Yue wants to participate in it, she has to plan carefully.

This duel was limited to first- and second-level cultivators. He had no confidence that he could conceal his cultivation level by relying on the [Breath-Concealing Technique] from so many people.

If you don't want to hide your strength, you can directly participate in person with the cultivation level of a low-level cultivator.

Then I can only hope to train a monk to participate in the competition.

As dinner was approaching, Xiaoyi and Lin Qingye came back together. Recently, they had gotten used to eating with Han Yue. This wealthy relative always brought out delicious food that could replenish their energy.

But the food is more comfortable than when they lived on their own.

When Han Yue saw Erxiao, she also asked casually:
"Qingye, Xiaoyi, do you know about the Lin Yang competition?"

Lin Qingye replied:

"Of course I know this, uncle, why are you asking this?"

"Our two families rely on this five-year competition to control the distribution of Yuan Qi. Unfortunately, my Lin family has lost five times in a row recently, and the Yuan Qi in our family is getting less and less."

Han Yue asked again:
"Can Xiaoyi participate in this competition?"

"He is half a member of our Lin family. As long as he can pass the selection within the clan, he will naturally be able to join." Lin Qingye confirmed.

"This [Songquan Dao Palace] is too stable. Apart from going to the Demon Cave, there is not much opportunity to train."

"This great competition among your clan is perfect for Xiaoyi to hone his magical powers and improve his cultivation."

"Xiaoyi, from now on, you need to spare some time every day to practice sword skills with me, so that we can improve our combat power as soon as possible."

"It's also good to pass the Lin family's selection."

"Okay! I will give you my full support!"

"Muzi, you have to help me beat back those so-called brothers in the clan who bullied me!"

Lin Qingye was very excited after hearing Han Yue's words.

After he entered the family academy, he was often troubled by other compatriots because of his fighting talent.

He was blindly confident in Xiaoyi's fighting talent and only hoped that he could help him avenge his previous defeat.

Xiaoyi naturally didn't say anything. Since the two most important people supported him, he would definitely do his best!

After dinner, the three of them practiced separately. A night passed as Han Yue rubbed the white money in his hands.

The next morning, Xiaoyi carried the copper sword embryo that he had been refining for a day and went to the backyard to learn sword.

Han Yue had already been waiting here with [Xian Xian] in his hand.

Seeing Xiaoyi coming, he picked up [Xianxian] and attacked directly!

For sword practitioners, the best way to learn and practice is to fight!
Every tense battle is the ultimate pursuit and practice of swordsmanship.

The two holders of the [Sword Type], with firm gazes and focused expressions, began their first clash.

Although Han Yue has suppressed his cultivation level to be exactly the same as Xiaoyi's for the sake of fairness.

But his rich combat experience allowed him to easily crush his opponent.

His eyes still revealed a calm confidence. He gently grasped the hilt of the sword, as if he had merged with the sword, and every movement seemed so natural and smooth.

Xiaoyi seemed a little nervous, but he still bravely faced the challenge.

He tightly grasped the sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and tried to calm his excitement.

He knew very well that this confrontation was not only a test for him, but also a rare learning opportunity.

Han Yue's swordsmanship is as agile as flowing water, sometimes like a gentle breeze, sometimes like a thunderbolt.

Each of his sword swings was perfectly timed, displaying both power and grace.

In comparison, Xiaoyi's swordsmanship seemed a bit stiff, but he still tried his best to find a breakthrough in Han Yue's offensive.

The two men moved quickly on the martial arts training ground, swords flashing and sword energy running rampant.

Han Yue's sword was like an airtight net, covering all of Xiao Yi's sword moves.

He easily defused all of Xiaoyi's attacks, and every counterattack hit Xiaoyi's weakness, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, although Xiaoyi suffered repeated setbacks, he did not give up, but constantly adjusted his tactics and strategies.

During a fierce confrontation, Xiaoyi suddenly exerted force and stabbed Han Yue's chest with a sword.

However, Han Yue seemed to have predicted it in advance. He dodged the sword by leaning sideways at a not-so-fast speed and swung the sword towards Xiaoyi's waist.

Xiaoyi was slow to react and failed to retreat in time. Instead, he was cut open by Han Yue's sword and was seriously injured!

A huge pain instantly swept through his whole body!

Xiaoyi couldn't control himself and fell to his knees!
His blood was all over the ground, the sword energy entered his stomach, and his internal organs were shattered!
He just felt that his life was slowly slipping away and he would soon die.

He mustered up his last bit of strength, raised his head and looked at his master and uncle.

His eyes were full of pain, regret and confusion!

And the next second, a ball of delicious [Yangzhi Ganlu] went directly into his mouth.

In an instant, a surge of life energy poured into his body.

The injury he thought was fatal was completely healed in just a few blinks of an eye.

The magical power of [Sword Body] was stimulated by this [Nectar], and power was constantly emerging, changing his body.

Xiaoyi's thin body was greatly strengthened by this original energy and became much stronger.

Han Yue saw that he was still confused and shouted:
"Don't be distracted, don't hesitate, don't be afraid of getting hurt!"

“Only when you give it your all can you really make progress!”

"Come again!"

(End of this chapter)

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