Chapter 22 Second Level
Chapter 22 Stage 2

At this time, the central square was already crowded with people, gongs and drums were beating, and firecrackers were blasting.

The grand scene of one hundred thousand monks gathering together to celebrate the New Year is rare elsewhere.

Each of these cultivators is full of blood and energy, and they usually rely on the flesh and blood of monsters for nourishment. Now that they gather together, they feel their blood and energy boiling and rushing straight to the sky!

Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming meat-sharing ceremony!

The second-level monsters prepared by the Tianzi District have already been in place.

This second-level monster was hunted by several large-scale workshops in the Tianzi District and several second-level cultivators a month ago.

Weak courtyards like Tianzi No. 9 Courtyard have no chance to participate at all.

Han Yue walked closer and saw the corpse of a second-level [Striped Tiger] lying on the ground, with half of its skin already peeled off!
This tiger is fifty meters long, and compared with many first-level monsters, its size is not outstanding.

However, the aura of a second-level monster is much stronger than that of a first-level monster!
[Striped Tiger] The dead body still carries with it the aura of a tiger, suppressing ordinary people and making them tremble in their hearts.

The tiger-shaped monster itself means more powerful combat power at the same level!

The meat distribution was a grand event for the entire city, and meat distributors from all the workshops were on site to help.

Although this second-level monster has thick skin and flesh, with everyone working together, the speed of dividing the flesh is faster than usual!

Soon, the meat distribution was completed in the Tianzi area, and the relevant personnel began to leave.

The Dizi District has been waiting for a long time!
The Tianzi District had just made room when people from the Dizi District came over dragging the corpse of a huge python.

This snake body is much larger than the tiger corpse just now. The length of the python alone is about ten times that of the tiger.

The people from the Dizi District dragged the snake corpse around the central square for a full circle before dragging it to the middle and starting to cut up the snake corpse.

This is a good opportunity for the Dizi District to show off its military power!

The atmosphere of this feast is gradually reaching its climax!

The snake corpse had more meat, so there were five tables in each of the four directions of the square, namely, east, south, west and north.

A total of twenty lines lined up to get the meat!

Countless monks were working around the snake corpse, wielding their knives like flying, scraping off piece after piece of snake meat from the corpse!

In less than an hour, the giant snake was cut into pieces, leaving only a huge skeleton!

The Dizi District dismantled the snake skeleton into pieces and took it away, leaving only a huge snake head the size of a house, which was carried back step by step by several strong men.

The Xuanzi area is no less impressive!

They hunted a pure white horse, which had no other color on its body and was extremely majestic. In the previous life, the horse could definitely be called the "Jade Lion Shining in the Night".

Horses are really beautiful creatures. Although this white horse is a monster, it does not look evil or scary at all.

On the contrary, the colorful fur reveals a noble temperament.

But in the world of meat distribution, beauty will definitely lose to practicality!

No matter how beautiful a monster is, it cannot replenish its energy.

On the contrary, this beautiful creature, being dismembered into flesh and blood bit by bit, has a kind of cruel beauty!

This makes the atmosphere in the whole square even more lively!
Han Yue was also immersed in this grand ceremony!
The meat-dividing episode is actually the front line of the war between humans and monsters!
The people here hunt monsters all year round, so it's inevitable that they are nervous!

And this ceremony at the end of the year is a release of emotions!
Soon, the white horse was also decomposed! The mission in the Xuanzi area was also completed.

Among the four areas of Tiandi Xuanhuang, only the last yellow area has not yet taken action!
However, unlike the first three areas, the pace was not as fast. After the Xuan area had been evacuated, no one came forward in the Huang area!

There was still plenty of time, and everyone in the square waited patiently. After everyone finally got together, many people were exchanging feelings and sharing information with each other.

However, many people were still surprised that no one from the yellow zone showed up.

As time went by, news began to spread slowly among the crowd, and soon more and more people got involved and started talking about it.

Some special discussion voices reached Han Yue's ears:
"Is it the Sword? Are you sure?"

"Is it the Sword's turn to lead the Yellow Zone New Year's Festival this year?"

"The news came from the people in the Yellow Zone! This year, the Sword will take action! There will be something interesting to watch soon!"

Just as Han Yue was about to ask the people around him what the sword signal was, a sword light accompanied by thunder cut through the sky and appeared directly above the square.

After circling in the air for a while, the sword light stabbed towards the ground, and a young man in a green robe appeared in the same place.

The young man had a clear temperament, sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and an extremely serious expression without a trace of smile on his face, which was incompatible with the strong atmosphere of the square.

The young man appeared in the center of the square. He took out a body bag and shook it. A huge black bear corpse appeared on the spot.

The black bear was extremely fat and its fur shone silver.

A quarter of the black bear's head was neatly cut off, indicating that it had been dead for a long time.

Seeing the young man appear, the crowd around made a huge noise.

The young man ignored all of this and directly rolled up another white sword light and rolled it towards the bear corpse on the ground.

The sword light came to the bear's corpse, instantly spread out, and turned into a sword net.

Under the sword net, the black bear's body was cut into pieces like tofu in an instant!

The sword light flowed, creating bursts of thunderous sounds across the square.

The black bear's corpse was stirred by the sword light, as if it had entered a meat grinder and was cut into small pieces.

The black bear's flesh, bones, and internal organs were mixed together and divided into four mountains of meat in the sword light, piled in four directions of the square.

Then there was a flash of sword light, and the young man in green clothes disappeared from the spot!
The boy came and went like the wind, and the whole process took only a few minutes!

Everyone at the scene watched the dance of swords and was deeply shocked!
This young man is undoubtedly a second-level cultivator! Moreover, he is a second-level sword cultivator, which is extremely rare in the Fenrouji!

The strength displayed by this young man far exceeded Han Yue's expectations!

As expected of a second-level cultivator with a legacy, the sharp sword light opened his eyes!

Today's New Year's Day was really worthwhile. Not only did I obtain a lot of flesh and blood of second-level monsters, but I also witnessed the strength of a true second-level cultivator!

This grand ceremony came to an end amidst the brilliant sword light.

After the crowd took away the bear meat in an orderly manner, they dispersed.

The crowd was still discussing today's ceremony, and loud noises broke out from time to time.

The crowd in No. 9 Courtyard in Tianzi District gathered together again and returned to their homes.

Xiaoliu held his [treasure bag] with a serious expression, which contained the flesh and blood of four second-level monsters.

He is about to go into seclusion for a long period of time to try to digest this flesh and blood.

Whether you are a dragon or a snake depends on this!

(End of this chapter)

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