After awakening the magical power, all demons are firewood

Chapter 258 5 Criminal Robe Da Ri Zhen Zhong

Chapter 258 Five Punishment Robes Great Sun True Seed
Chapter 254: Five Punishment Robes Great Sun True Seed

True man [Chuan Zong] spoke sternly, but when [Feng Yi]'s true form was revealed, he had already loosened his hold on the monkey.

As Yi Xuan's beast, Feng Yi has been in the Shenxiao Palace system for thousands of years, hatching from an egg until it was promoted to the fifth level.

For Chuanzong, this little phoenix is ​​also his disciple who he has taken care of and raised.

Although Yi Xuan was set free after his cultivation reached a high level, he was arranged to return to the demon clan and take power.

But such an arrangement is just another way to spread and infiltrate the power of Shenxiao Palace.

What plans the powerful have, [Chuanzong] doesn’t care.

But [Feng Yi] incarnated and came in person to explain and excuse [Fighting Saint], so face had to be given.

If this monkey were invaded by foreign enemies, he would definitely be eaten alive by [Chuanzong].

But if it is under the seat of [Feng Yi], then it does have the flavor of a disaster for Shenxiao Palace.

However, this monkey was unaware of the truth and brought trouble to his own doorstep, so it was only natural that he deserved a beating!

Master Chuanzong untied the monkey, only to see that the monkey's great magical powers had been beaten away by Chuanzong, and its golden fur was covered with scars from the chains.

After experiencing this beating, especially after seeing the giant corpse of the [Qilin], it became much more obedient.

[Fighting Saint] shrank into a little monkey, stood next to [Feng Yi], and stopped making any sound.

And Chuan Zong also spoke:
"Yuanchu, come forward!"

Han Yue was squatting beside the eggplant spirit and watching attentively. When she heard the real person calling her, she walked forward.

He bowed to the two great practitioners and smiled at the monkey in a friendly manner.

[Fighting Saint] looked at the little thief who stole his [Fixed Star] with hatred.

I only heard the True Man Chuan Zong say:
"Yuanchu, please return the stick to the monkey."

"Let [Feng Yi] get you some suitable spiritual treasures."

Han Yue obediently threw the stick to the monkey.

This [Fixed Star] is not very practical and is a bit useless.

His system of magical powers is already complete and has great potential, so there is no need for him to make adjustments just for a fourth-level stick.

[Fighting Saint] took over [Fixing] and immediately withdrew the nourishment from his sea of ​​consciousness.

Han Yue had destroyed 99% of its connection with the [Fixed Star], and it would take a lot of rituals to restore it.

Then Chuan Zong spoke:
"[Feng Yi], I will return the monkey and the stick to you. Just try to exchange them for some useful spiritual treasures for my newly promoted Taoist disciple in Shen Xiao."

The Phoenix Beauty also spoke up and said:
"I will definitely satisfy the real person!"

After saying that, it just took action.

Phoenix picked up the monkey, grabbed the back collar of its gray robe, and tore it hard!
A huge burst of magical power burst out from the hands of the Phoenix!
The monkey's [Silver Abyss Battle Armor] with extremely strong defensive power was actually torn off a piece of cloth by the Phoenix!
Then, the phoenix slapped the monkey on the head, and the monkey immediately opened up his own blessed land [Golden Mountain] and dragged out the corpse of a demon of blessed land level.

Afterwards, the phoenix threw the gray cloth and the blessed land demon directly into the air.

Immediately afterwards, [Feng Yi] emitted a huge [Five-Colored Divine Light], which shone directly onto the cloth strip!
This is the grey cloth belt from the [Silver Abyss Battle Armor], it has the fourth-level rank and belongs to the water element.

After being illuminated by the [Five-Colored Divine Light], a ray of [Galactic Abyss Divine Light] belonging to the innate [Sunflower Water] Avenue emanated from the strand of cloth.

Afterwards, the magical energy in the corpse of the demon was absorbed by the gray cloth.

With the help of the corpse of the Heavenly Demon, the sunflower water gave birth to wood, and a [Green Wood Eternal Life Divine Light] was emitted from it.

Under the [Five-Colored Divine Light], the five elements rotate, and the [Green Wood Longevity Divine Light] in turn reveals the [Li Fire Burning Immortal Divine Light].

Next is the [Thick Earth Grinding Clouds Divine Light] which is created by fire giving birth to earth, and the [Vajra Indestructible Divine Light] which is created by earth giving birth to gold.

A [Five-Colored Divine Light] stimulated the fourth-order essence of the silver cloth. From a ray of water-based divine light, it utilized the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to directly give birth to five rays of divine light.

This undoubtedly reflects Feng Yi's ultimate innate origin of the Five Elements.

These five divine lights completely enveloped the corpse of the demon, refined the essence of a fourth-level demon, and naturally evolved into a cloth robe based on the gray cloth belt.

This robe looks ordinary, but it contains all five elements, with five golden divine lights affixed to it!

The blessed land space opened up by the great demon was not wasted at all and was absorbed and refined by this robe.

This five-element robe instantly becomes a treasure of this blessed land!

[Feng Yi] used his extremely powerful five elements magical power to cultivate a top-level five elements defensive magic treasure!

Moreover, this spiritual treasure has only five kinds of divine light on it, supporting its fourth-level status.

There is not even a trace of talisman foundation on it!
For ordinary cultivators, this spiritual treasure is lacking in origin, and it requires a great deal of time and energy to refine the runes of nine transformations and nine refinements.

But for Han Yue, he has the magical power of [Seven Killings Treasure Forging] and is best at refining spiritual treasures!
Being able to refine this spiritual treasure again is a great thing for him, as it will allow him to better control it, and it is exactly what he wants!
This spiritual treasure, which had been carefully refined after a fifth-level overhaul, was of extraordinary quality, and it was exactly the defensive spiritual treasure that Han Yue needed most. Han Yue was willing to exchange this robe for [Fixing]!

[Feng Yi] refined the robe and threw it directly to Han Yue.

Then it spoke again:
"This [Five Punishment Robe] will be regarded as my compensation to Daozi for returning [Fixing]."

"I will give you another [Five Elements and Five Movements True Seal], which is just right for the ritual of refining this robe!"

Han Yue gladly accepted the gift from Feng Yi. The combination of the robe and the true seal was enough for him to build the core of his own defense system.

When you fight with the enemy later, you don't have to rely on [Divine Power] to save your life every time.

As soon as he got the [Five Punishments Robe], Han Yue immediately felt the five kinds of divine light flowing on it, as if they had life and were dancing in his palm.

He secretly admired in his heart that the craftsmanship of Master Feng Yi was indeed extraordinary and that this spiritual treasure had great potential for the future.

He directly used the power of his [Vajra King Mantra] to channel it into this extremely pure [Five Punishments Robe]. Within a very short period of time, Han Yue successfully completed the initial ritual of refining the robe.

Then, subtle changes began to occur on the robe, and it turned into a colorful light and rushed straight towards Han Yue's body.

The colorful light gently wrapped Han Yue's body, as if it was a layer of soft colorful clouds.

As soon as he thought about it, the [Five Punishments Robe] quietly disappeared into his skin, as if it had merged into one with him.

At this moment, Han Yue's aura seemed to be more stable, with five faint divine lights surrounding his body, making him look mysterious and powerful.

"Thank you very much, True Lord Fengyi, for the treasure." Han Yue bowed to express his gratitude, feeling quite happy.

[Feng Yi] smiled slightly and said, "Daozi has an outstanding talent and his future achievements are limitless. This treasure will surely exert greater power in your hands. This is also its opportunity."

[Feng Yi] True Lord personally took the initiative to refine the five elements of spiritual treasures. Just the act of troubling True Lord was quite difficult.

It is quite difficult for an ordinary immortal who comes from a small realm or a fourth-level sect to ask the Lord to help!
From then on, Han Yue's seven treasures were gathered together. His magical power of [Seven Killings Treasure Forging] could just carry out the refining of seven magic weapons. It could be regarded as a small perfection in his journey of treasure refining.

The seven magical instruments, [Wufeng], [Spring and Autumn], [Sumeru], [Xianxian], [Kunlun Seal], [Shiyuan Pearl] and [Wuxingpao], can be said to be both offensive and defensive, and have both virtue and luck.

This is a terrifying height that even a fourth-level immortal who has practiced for tens of thousands of years cannot reach!
With the help of these seven magical instruments, Han Yue, who is at the third level of cultivation, has already possessed the combat power of a high-level fourth level.

He can slaughter ordinary fourth-level ghost immortals like chickens and dogs.

Even if it is a great demon who opened up the blessed land, he can be killed after a while of fighting!

Unless you are a great cultivator with powerful magical powers or treasures, or have mastered forbidden or commanding techniques, you will never be able to compete with Han Yue!

Among all the Taoist masters of Shenxiao throughout the ages, Han Yue's combat power at this moment can already be ranked in the top ten!
If it weren’t for the Qingxuan Eggplant Spirit that appeared in the Yuqing Sect, Han Yue would have the final say in this generation of the Yuxiao Realm!

Seeing that he had finished refining the robe, True Lord Feng Yi said:

"I see that you are cultivating the innate five great Daos. I have a [Great Sun True Seed] here. If you plant it in a blessed land, you can evolve a real Great Sun."

"It is suitable for the innate five great Dao cultivators to comprehend the origin of energy and the birth and death of matter."

"This [Great Sun True Seed] will serve as the monkey's ransom."

After saying that, Feng Yi stretched out her jade hand and reached into the blessed land of Dou Sheng, the Golden Mountain, which had evolved to over nine thousand miles.

The big sun that was hanging high above the blessed land of Jinshan was taken down.

In an instant, the monkey's blessed land shrank by three thousand miles, and the level of evolution dropped greatly!

The monkey was so distressed that his face was twisted into a knot!

[Feng Yi] threw the [Great Sun True Seed] in his hand to Han Yue.

Under the influence of his mind, Han Yue directly opened the [End Universe], controlled the incarnation of the sun, and swallowed the [True Seed of the Sun].

In an instant, the true meaning of the infinite great way flowed through the prototype of Han Yue's blessed land.

The evolution of his [End Universe] has taken a big step forward!

It is not far from completely refining the [Tai Sui's Stomach] and achieving a true blessed land!

This [Great Sun True Seed] can only be produced by a fifth-level being who has personally refined a real sun to produce three or five seeds. It is a true treasure of the great way!

For the evolution of the blessed land, it is the ultimate treasure that can bring about qualitative changes!
Its value is even greater than that of a fourth-level spiritual root!
Even with the cultivation level of a [Fighting Saint], it is a treasure that is extremely difficult to obtain!

Han Yue got it by chance. When the [End Universe] had not yet fully evolved, she was able to plant a sun in it, which greatly increased her foundation.

This will be of great help to his future practice!
Han Yue's [End Universe], after initially integrating the [Great Sun True Seed], immediately saw a significant improvement.

This precious treasure is extremely compatible with the Tai Su Avenue, Yuan Ci Avenue, and even the Time Avenue and Space Avenue that Han Yue cultivated.

It is a great treasure that is very important to him!

However, it will take until it is completely integrated with the [End Universe] and transformed into a real sun before the power of this true seed can be increased to its maximum.

(End of this chapter)

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