After awakening the magical power, all demons are firewood

Chapter 294: Day and Night Golden Crow Temple System

Chapter 294: Day and Night Golden Crow Temple System
Chapter 289: Day and Night Shining Golden Crow Temple System

As a celestial body, a star is an extreme aggregation of matter and gravity.

Under the tremendous influence of gravity and matter, in most cases, two stars are very far apart in the void.

Once the strange astronomical phenomenon of two suns standing side by side appears, it often means an extremely destructive catastrophe that will cause all living things to flee away!
But when Han Yue hid in the sun, he was captured by the old [Golden Crow] and passed through the terrifying black hole.

What appeared before his eyes was the magnificent sight of ninety-nine suns shining across the sky!
Ninety-nine suns gathered in a narrow space. The scene was so breathtaking and shocking that it was beyond words.

In the sky, the blazing suns were densely hanging, like bright fireballs, illuminating the entire space as if it had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The light emitted by these suns intertwined together to form dazzling beams of light, like countless sharp swords piercing the sky.

A hot breath hit my face, as if to melt everything.

The air was filled with a burnt smell, the smell left behind by the high temperature vaporizing everything.

Each sun was like a huge furnace, spewing flames madly, baking and distorting the surrounding space.

This scene is like a raging fire from hell, which makes people feel terrified and dare not look directly at it.

One hundred suns gathered together, as if to burn the entire universe to ashes, showing endless destructive power.

This is an indescribable force of nature that makes people feel awe. Facing such a scene, Han Yue only felt that she was so small, as if she might be swallowed up by this force at any time.

If there were no restrictions, and only the natural forces of these ninety-nine suns burst out, it would be impossible to maintain this kind of wonderful balance and harmony.

If the power of these ninety-nine suns gets out of control and explodes in this space, it will be enough to form a huge world-destroying catastrophe and burn everything!
However, the power of these ninety-nine suns was completely contained together, and was firmly controlled in place by another completely opposite force.

Han Yue looked carefully through the majestic power of the sun.

I saw that among the ninety-nine suns, ninety-eight of them were slowly circling around an especially huge sun.

This huge sun inside, with its own status and magic power, controls all other suns, and together they form a complete spherical source of light and heat filled with infinite solar magic power.

Between the big suns, there is an infinite amount of big sun magic power flowing. These powers are so dense that they have condensed into a river of magic power.

In this magical river, there are countless fire spirits wandering around, full of spirituality and true fun.

This elf possesses the power of the sun and is the only creature besides the Golden Crow that can survive here.

This elf is also a fourth-order immortal demon with great potential, called [Liuli Demon].

It is also the companion race of the [Golden Crow] clan, and can use the [Golden Crow] clan's magic power to improve its own cultivation.

The spectacle formed by the convergence of ninety-nine suns also has a name, called [Daytime], which is taken from the name of the fifth-level old [Golden Crow] that is carrying Han Yue in the air.

This old [Golden Crow], whose name is also [Rizhuo], is the oldest and has the highest status in the [Golden Crow] clan, and is the leader of the clan.

On ordinary days, it is the one that is at the core of [Daytime], ruling over the ninety-nine suns.

But in this independent space, if only [daylight] exists, it will inevitably lead to an imbalance between yin and yang, and the solitary yang will not last long.

The reason why this [Golden Crow Plain] has been able to exist for a hundred thousand years is only because in this space, opposite to [Sunday], there is a strange sun with an aura completely opposite to it, but with a status and strength comparable to it.

This is a black sun, a dark sun, a doomsday, an old sun!
This huge black sun absorbed all the light and heat emitted by the daytime, and also maintained the balance of yin and yang in this place.

The entire space was divided into two because of the existence of this black sun.

Half of it is eternal night, and the other half is polar day, with day and night separated, and dusk and dawn separated.

This round of black sun also has a name, it is called "Ye Yao".

The origin of the name "Ye Yao" also comes from the alien species "Golden Crow" lying within the black sun.

This terrifying fifth-order monster has the bloodline of the [Golden Crow of Doomsday] which is even rarer than the [Golden Crow].

Its mana attribute is completely opposite to that of the normal [Golden Crow], but its combat power is much stronger.

However, this [Ye Yao] with fifth-level cultivation is the absolute pinnacle of combat power of the [Golden Crow] clan.

In this [Golden Crow Plain], there are two fifth-level [Golden Crows], one bright and one dark, and ninety-nine fourth-level [Golden Crows]. It can be said to be an extremely terrifying place where demons live.

But there are still traces of human survival here!

I saw a big star slowly rotating on the dividing line between day and night.

This big star is three times the size of the Earth in the previous life, and is home to tens of billions of ordinary humans and low-level monsters.

All living creatures on this big star, whether human or demon, are all food prepared by the [Golden Crow] clan for themselves.

This big star was also contemptuously called the Second Grain Depot by the Golden Crow clan. The Second Grain Depot was located at the boundary of the harmony of yin and yang, with an extremely suitable climate and extremely rich primordial energy, far exceeding that of an ordinary small world. It could have been developed as a realm with great potential.

But no one knew where this planet and the people on it were stolen from by the Golden Crow clan.

In this [Golden Crow] lair, he was under the comprehensive supervision and suppression of the [Golden Crow] clan, and all prospects for development were castrated.

The [Golden Crow] clan once had a [Granary] rebellion, which destroyed a [Granary] planet.

This [Second Grain Depot] was rebuilt with great difficulty, so it naturally needs to be strictly guarded.

It can be said that everything in this [Jinwuyuan] is designed for the [Jinwu] clan to live a safer and more stable life.

In addition, it is located in a secluded place without being disturbed by the outside world, making it the most suitable place for newborn [Golden Crow] kids to survive!

After the great demon [Riday] descended upon this place, it swung its feet and placed the sun that was wrapping around Han Yue's body into the encirclement of the ninety-eight big suns.

Under the operation of the fifth-level magic power of [Daytime], Han Yue's sun was successfully integrated into the system and became the ninety-ninth sun surrounding the core giant sun in [Daytime].

In an instant, Han Yue only felt that this great sun of his began to exchange magic power with the outside world crazily!
Its originally loose mana essence was actually being continuously refined in this rapid mana exchange!

The volume of this sun quickly shrank to 30% of its previous size, becoming the smallest of all ninety-nine suns.

However, Han Yue could clearly feel that the essence of this sun was rapidly improving.

However, for the Golden Crow's clone, which grows by relying on this sun, this brings so many benefits that it is difficult to count them all!
But at this moment, Han Yue didn't dare to move at all. She could only lie obediently in the sun core, not even daring to absorb the magic power.

This was because at this moment there were a total of ninety-eight fourth-order divine senses and two fifth-order divine senses covering this great sun.

He was already extremely nervous. If he was not careful and let his plan slip, those big demons would probably crush him to death with just their eyelids!
At this time, that [Daytime] spoke:

"Don't hide anymore! Come out and meet your brothers!"

"Among the fourth-rank disciples of my [Golden Crow Plain], we address each other in the order of our birthdays. You entered the garden the latest, so you can be called [Golden Nine Nine]!"

Han Yue's [Golden Crow] clone was given a name and recognition by the official.

"Come out quickly, [Jin Jiujiu]!"

"Come out and let us see!"

For a moment, the other [Golden Crow] cubs also called out to him in unison.

Han Yue's move is already on the verge of being shot!
He combed his own aura once again, leaving only the purest [Golden Crow] aura, and slowly crawled out from the sun core where he had been lying for a long time.

For a moment, his [Golden Crow] clone was stared at crazily by other [Golden Crows], and was followed by a series of comments!
"It's so big, is it just born? Why is it so big?"

"Jiujiu's magic power is so strong, his [Life Element] must have exceeded thirty!"

"It has actually opened up a blessed land? I've been cultivating for five hundred years, and it still hasn't been opened up!"

"It's so beautiful, and the feathers are so colorful!"

Han Yue was suspended in the air, not daring to say a word for a moment.

These [Golden Crow] cubs rarely leave [Golden Crow Plain]. Each of them has a simple mind and looks easy to deceive.

At this time, [Daytime] released a magical power and rushed into this space.

Soon, a huge golden bell appeared in front of all the crows.

This is the [Temple Treasure] of the [Golden Crow] clan, the [Golden Crow Bell]!
Then, [Sunny] spoke again and said:

"【Jin Jiujiu】, use your strongest magical power to strike this 【Golden Crow Bell】."

Han Yue's [Golden Crow] clone is different from [Ghost Life Willow] and is quite consistent with his original magical power system.

Whether it is the Tai Su system or the Kendo system, it can use them all.

When someone made the request, he casually shot out a beam of [Tai Su Divine Light] at it.

As soon as this [Tai Su Divine Light] appeared, there was another exclamation from the surroundings!
"【Tai Su】Dao! So amazing!"

"This is the higher origin avenue corresponding to the Sun avenue. I want it too!"

"Awesome! Jiujiu is a genius! The weakest one is still [Jin Jiuqi]!"

The words of the surrounding crows did not disturb Han Yue at all, because the moment he hit the [Golden Crow Bell], a huge amount of luck descended upon the [Golden Crow] clone.

This good luck immediately merged into his demon body, and he felt that everything was different!
(End of this chapter)

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