After awakening the magical power, all demons are firewood

Chapter 296: Sun Daoguo People Are All Gathered

Chapter 296: Sun Daoguo People Are All Gathered
Chapter 291: Sun Daoguo People Are All Gathered

Han Yue crawled out from the core of her own sun and flew into the sky of [Daytime].

There was already a Golden Crow three times his length waiting for him here.

Seeing him coming, the [Golden Crow] also spoke:
"Jiujiu, I am [Jin San], and I will be in charge of your [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining] this time."

"This [Glass Body Refining] is the most core secret technique of my [Golden Crow] clan. It can use the [Temple System] luck and the special terrain of my [Golden Crow Plain] to refine the new [Golden Crow] demon body and greatly increase the cultivation of my clan members, so that we can quickly overcome [Destiny] and [Hundred Difficulties] and form [Tao Fruit]."

"This secret technique is not recorded in writing. You will not find any relevant records in the inheritance. Please listen to me and I will explain it to you in detail."

"This [Glass Body Refining] will use the full power of the one hundred great suns in [Daytime] to infuse your body with power, expand your essence, and increase your cultivation."

"Each of these great suns is of the fifth rank, with powerful magical powers and endless vitality."

"As for a newly born Golden Crow body, it is naturally unable to bear such a large infusion of mana. This will be an extremely painful process, and you will need to bear it."

"And in order to prolong the process of this mana infusion, we need to rely on the [Glass Demon] that lives in the mana of the Sun."

"When the secret technique is activated, you will be able to swallow this [Glass Demon] into your stomach."

"This monster is best at absorbing the Sun's magic power. You can pour the magic power that your body can't bear into the body of this [Glass Monster] to burst it and prolong the duration of the entire secret technique."

"Each perfect third-order [Glass Demon] can overload the mana of one [Long Life Element]."

"With your aptitude, you can open the first-class [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining] secret technique. This means that you can have up to a thousand third-level [Lapis Lazuli Monsters] for you to devour."

"In other words, you can carry more than a thousand additional [Long Life Element] mana infusions."

"You have already received the luck reward from my [Golden Crow Temple System]. This part of luck is stored in your physical body."

"You just need to endure the entire process as much as possible, and then you can refine your luck and greatly improve your magic power and physical strength."

"However, let me be frank with you. The pain of this [Glass Body Refining] is unimaginable. It is normal to give up halfway."

"But even if you have to give up, you'd better be able to hold on until the integer mana infusion mark, which is the node of qualitative change."

"There's not much you can do during this whole process. You can only endure it. Are you ready?"

Han Yue nodded immediately and began to practice the [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining].

Han Yue actually had no desire for any results from the practice of [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining].

His own [Golden Crow] clone has nothing to do with his fundamental cultivation of the Great Dao. Although the stronger the better, he is unable to expend all his efforts on it.

During this period of time, what occupied most of his energy was the comprehension of the four fourth-level cultivation classics, especially the "Secret Record of Star Planting".

He was also extremely calm about the secret practice that was about to begin.

But what happened next immediately broke his composure.

I saw [Jin San] slowly performing this secret technique.

In the sky, the long river of magic power that was flowing between different suns suddenly, under the operation of this secret technique, directly wrapped around Han Yue's [Golden Crow] Dharma body.

This long river of magical power, which had integrated countless amounts of the sun's magical power, began to pour into his body at an extremely terrifying speed.

It takes Han Yue's [Golden Crow] clone about a year to condense a [Long Life Element] every day.

This speed is the normal speed of a newly advanced fourth-order real person refining [Long Life Essence].

Han Yue has a profound foundation and can condense three or four [Life-Longing Elements] a year, which is three or four times the speed of a normal real person.

To improve further, one will need to rely on the power of the fruit of supernatural powers.

But at this time, this long river of magic power of the sun can infuse the magic power of one [Long Life Element] into his [Golden Crow] incarnation within one day.

The speed suddenly increased by more than three hundred times!
In just a moment, his incarnation of [Golden Crow] was directly exploded!

He only felt that his bones and muscles were broken, his soul was shattered, and he fell into a state of near death!
He had experienced what the unbearable pain that Jin Jiuba mentioned was like.

Only with the combined strength of these one hundred suns can they infuse magic power to kill a fourth-order [Golden Crow].

At this moment, in the torrent of magic power, there was a transparent monster like glass, which followed the connection of the magic power and went straight into Han Yue's body.

As soon as it broke in, it used its body to absorb all the magic power that had been poured into Han Yue's body, buying him some space.

His [Golden Crow] clone immediately took advantage of this tiny bit of space and used his own powerful vitality as a fourth-level demon to recover from all his injuries.

Then, he immediately began to digest the Great Sun magic power that had just been poured into his body.

This back and forth, death and life, is the core practice method of [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining].

It is also a super powerful secret technique that cannot be replicated by other races, and can help one pass through the [Destiny] and [Hundred Difficulties] stages as quickly as possible!

The magical power gathered by these hundred suns is an unparalleled heavenly calamity for others.

But for the [Golden Crow] clan with the help of [Liuli Yao], it is the strongest opportunity to improve their cultivation!
This secret technique of [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining] gave Han Yue a warning right from the start, causing him to suffer his first injury after reaching the fourth level.

But at the moment when the magic power came upon him, he immediately woke up!

The current scene is the most suitable moment for [Pangu's Intestine] to exert its power!
It directly called upon the power of its [Tao Fruit] to transform a small section of the intestines of the [Golden Crow] incarnation into the [Pangu Intestines] of colorful light.

Don’t underestimate this small section of intestine, it is only one thousandth of the main intestine.

But the speed at which it absorbs and digests the magic power of the sun is many times stronger than before!
In an instant, Han Yue felt that his [Pangu Intestine] was like a hungry tiger that had descended into a slaughterhouse full of beef tendon meat.

Every strand of magic power in this torrent of magic power is like the most delicious beef, which is swallowed up madly and then quickly digested by it.

But the power of [Pangu's Intestine] is far more than that.

Not only can it absorb and digest the magic power of the sun, but it can also extract the essence of the Tao in the magic power, which in turn nourishes Han Yue's [Golden Crow] clone, causing his cultivation and physical strength to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This extremely rich essence of the innate manifestation of the Great Way of the Sun is the best nourishment for the growth of the Golden Crow.

At this moment, Han Yue was extremely surprised.

He originally just wanted to use this opportunity of [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining] to improve the cultivation of his [Golden Crow] incarnation.

However, I didn't expect that the power of [Pangu's Intestine] could actually enhance the effect of this practice to such a level.

Looking at the torrent of magic power pouring down from the sky, Han Yue felt a surge of anticipation in his heart.

He felt as if he had turned into a gluttonous beast, madly devouring this endless ocean of magic power.

Every drop of magic power he swallows will not be wasted in the slightest. Instead, it will be completely dismembered and turned into something that can be absorbed by him.

As time went by, Han Yue felt that his [Golden Crow] clone was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The magical power of this [Golden Crow]'s body is becoming more and more powerful, and the strength of the body is also increasing.

More importantly, its [Long Life Essence] cultivation is also constantly increasing.

The practice of [Destiny] and [Hundred Difficulties] of this [Golden Crow] incarnation is progressing at an extremely fast speed!

[Jin San] saw that the secret technique of [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining] had been successfully activated and Jiujiu had already entered the state of cultivation, so he no longer paid attention to it and returned to his own Sun.

This secret technique of body refining would take at least thirty to fifty years to master.

During [Daytime], the accumulated torrent of magic power of the sun is endless. It is the result of the continuous radiation of these one hundred suns for countless tens of thousands of years.

No matter how Han Yue absorbs, this torrent of magic power will not be damaged in the slightest!

This is the strongest foundation of the top demon clan, so they are not afraid of being absorbed by a mere [Pangu's Intestine] Taoist fruit.

But for Han Yue, this is such a great gift!
[Golden Crow]'s cultivation level soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body became increasingly powerful, emitting a faint, heart-pounding aura.

During this long process of practice, Han Yue gradually adapted to this crazy infusion of magic power.

He even began to try to increase the amount, allowing the external sun magic power to enter his body at a faster rate.

He also did not spare the [Glass Demons] that were mixed in this frenzy of mana, and filled them all into the blessed land of [Golden Crow]'s clone, [Glass Mountain].
These one thousand [Glass Demons] are also an extremely huge resource.

Han Yue formed an ultimate magical power balance. In this balance, Han Yue's [Golden Crow] clone was like a sophisticated magical power furnace, constantly devouring and refining the endless magic power of the sun.

Time slipped away quietly during this process, and in the blink of an eye, twenty years had passed!
Han Yue's [Golden Crow] clone has finally reached the upper limit of the secret technique [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining]!

Its [Long Life Essence] cultivation directly reached one hundred pieces, officially breaking through the [Hundred Difficulties] realm!
If it was a normal [Golden Crow], after cultivating to this level, it would have basically reached the limits of its physical body and its spirit.

For Han Yue, he had just filled up the pool of magic power of the Golden Crow's clone.

He still has a lot of room to absorb and accommodate magical power!
He was seen opening four blessed lands' void wormholes in succession inside the [Pangu's Intestines], and began to frantically absorb the magic power that the [Golden Crow] could no longer absorb.

[The End Universe], [The Five Punishments Heaven], [Mount Xumi] and [Mount Liuli], a total of four blessed places, were all used by Han Yue as pools to store magic power.

Although the capacity of [Honghuang] Daoguo is larger, it contains a large number of precious treasures and living creatures. The destructive power of the sun's magic power is too great and it is not suitable to contain them.

However, the other four blessed places were empty inside, allowing Han Yue to pour in freely! Among these blessed places, [End Universe] was the most compatible with the power of the sun. The two incarnations of the sun became more powerful with the infinite power.

In addition, the evolution level of the [End Universe] itself is also high. The magic power of the sun absorbed by this blessed land alone is more than the other three blessed lands combined.

Another twenty years passed, and Han Yue had filled up these four blessed places!

Every blessed land is overflowing with the magic power of the sun, and has gained a rich magical foundation for its own evolution.

Except for the [End Universe], the remaining three [Living Places] were forcibly turned into [Jedi].

It is filled with extremely powerful solar magic power and can no longer accommodate any other living creatures!
But even at this point, Han Yue still did not stop practicing the secret technique of [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining].

He began to drive [Pangu's Intestines] and merge the absorbed magic power into his own body.

His practice of [Destiny] has finally reached the most critical stage!

It has been quite some time since he was promoted to the fourth level of immortality, but the practice of [Destiny] has not been completed yet.

At this moment, with the help of this top-level [Destiny] secret technique [Glass Body Refining], he finally had the opportunity to quickly realize his potential!

Every ray of the sun's magic power contains the essence of the innate [Sun] avenue.

These essences circulate in Han Yue's body, profoundly affecting his essence.

Although Han Yue's original body was not specialized in the practice of [Sun], under the [Tai Su] avenue, the essence of these avenues was also of great help to his practice.

In just three years, Han Yue comprehended the powerful magical power of the fifth-level golden [Sun Divine Light] and condensed a [Sun] Tao Seed.

But his practice of the secret arts is far from over!
He is still pushing his limits further!
Just as he was trying his best to absorb magical power and increase his cultivation, a breeze suddenly blew outside the gate of [Golden Crow Plain].

In front of the huge black hole, a thin figure appeared as the breeze blew.

The huge suction force of the black hole had no effect on the thin Taoist priest.

He pulled out a plain handkerchief, stretched out his hand, and it turned into a large blanket that blocked out the sky and hung in front of the black hole.

Then he took out a recliner, lay on the blanket, and began to wait silently.

This thin Taoist priest, whose Buddhist name is Fengjian, is the only remaining fourth-rank immortal in Shenxiao Palace who achieved enlightenment through the use of wind magic.

The wind magic of the Shenxiao Palace is the most special. Anyone who can practice the wind magic and achieve enlightenment has a style that emphasizes the word "wild"!

These monks have extraordinary escape skills, cannot stand being restrained, love to visit secluded places and explore secrets, and are most happy to challenge themselves at the height of the storm.

Anything lively in this void must be joined in!

Therefore, the death rate among the masters of the Shenxiao Fengfa path is surprisingly high. There are actually quite a few people who have achieved enlightenment, but the only one who can survive is Master Fengjian.

The reason why Master Fengjian was able to survive to the end was that among all the masters of Fengfa, he was the one with the fastest escape method and the best at escaping!

He was gifted with a fifth-order golden magical power [Great Wind Escape Light]. During his journey to enlightenment, he had never encountered an opponent who could run faster than him.

After entering the fourth stage, he relied on his own accumulation in wind magic to break through the [Hundred Difficulties] realm. With one hundred and four [Long Life Essence], he condensed the [Great Freedom Wind] Dao Fruit, and his escape speed improved greatly, far exceeding that of a normal fourth-stage immortal.

After receiving the message from [Chuanzong] and learning about the [Jinwu Temple System], he immediately decided to participate in this battle.

This is the biggest event in Shenxiao in ten thousand years, and he must join in!
What's more, if he could obtain a [Golden Crow] and cultivate the [Solar Divine Wind] Dao Fruit, the improvement in his strength would be extremely obvious.

With his escape speed at full capacity, he also rode on the [Great Freedom Wind] and was the first to reach the destination from a relatively long distance.

Moreover, the speed at which he arrived was far ahead of others. He had to wait for another three years before the second person arrived here.

I saw a wormhole in the void opened up, and the Taoist Yuan, who had practiced the art of talismans for hundreds of thousands of years, also descended here.

This void wormhole was opened by the power of a [Void Tracking Talisman].

This talisman is extremely unique among all the fourth-level talismans.

This is because this magic talisman has only one function of traveling through the void and has no other use.

For an ordinary fourth-level real person, using one [Long Life Element] to refine this [Void Tracking Talisman] is extremely extravagant and useless.

But for Taoist Yuan, who has already reached the limit of his own practice and has reached a bottleneck in his magic power for who knows how many years.

The consumption of these talismans is nothing to worry about!

He came all the way from [Xiaoyaotian], spending 347 divine talismans for travel expenses, and was the second one to arrive here.

Although he was of a very high generation, he never put on airs towards his younger disciples.

He landed on the big blanket spread out in Fengjian's room and took the initiative to find the young man who practiced wind magic and started a conversation.

With the arrival of Daoyuan, the intervals between the subsequent arrivals of Shenxiao Zhenren became shorter and shorter.

The inheritances of thunder magic, Tianhe magic, sword magic and talisman magic have all had real people descend here.

Among them was the former head master Shang Xi Zhenren, whom Han Yue had met before.

Everyone gathered here, chatting in groups of three or four.

Among them, the largest number of people is actually Master Lei Fa!
This also forms a very sharp contrast with the realm.

Within the realm, the number of Thunder Law practitioners is the least, while the number of practitioners of other major methods is ten or even a hundred times that of Thunder Law practitioners.

But when it comes to the immortal stage, the number of cultivators from other paths in Shenxiao Palace has dropped sharply, and the number of thunder cultivators has gained the upper hand!
When it comes down to it, the Shenxiao Palace still has the most powerful inheritance of thunder magic!
I saw more and more fellow disciples on Fengjian's blanket of magical treasure, and the deadline agreed upon by Daoji was getting closer and closer.

Finally, a river in the sky, which was tens of thousands of miles wide, spanned the endless void and descended here.

The Milky Way flows through, eliminating and submerging everything wherever it goes.

The first fifth-level cave heaven in Shenxiao Palace, True Lord [Miluo] who specializes in Tianhe Zhengfa, has arrived!
Three months later, a golden ship floated in. It was the True Lord of the Divine Thunder Method [Ba Chong], who arrived here with thirteen Divine Fourth Rank [Heavenly Officials].

And when Zhenren Zhiyang, who was the farthest away from this place and had traveled the longest time, arrived here riding on a thunder dragon.

The leader of this [Temple War], the True Lord [Daoji] of the Shenxiao Palace, also turned into a black lightning and landed in front of everyone.

He scanned the area with his spiritual sense, counted the number of people, and said:
"There are thirty-seven in total. Among the True Lords, Ba Chong, Mi Luo and I have arrived. This is barely enough."

"There are still three years until the agreed date. Let's wait a little longer."

After saying that, he also landed on Fengjian's blanket.

He and his senior brother Daoyuan had not seen each other for a long time, so they had a lot to talk about.

The Shenxiao Palace has been fully staffed!
Three fifth-rank Pure Yang True Lords and thirty-four fourth-rank Immortal Immortals gathered here from all over the void.

This is an extremely powerful force that intends to cause trouble for the Golden Crow clan.

But because of the endless black hole, those [Golden Crows] didn't notice anything at all.

The [Golden Crows] are still practicing step by step, especially the youngest [Golden Crow] who is ranked 99th.

It has been practicing [Lapis Lazuli Body Refining] for more than forty years, and is finally about to undergo a qualitative change!

Over the past forty years, Han Yue had no idea how much power of the sun he had absorbed.

He has tried his best to store and digest this magic power.

At this time, the number of [Long Life Element] in his body has reached 174, officially reaching the limit of his own [Destiny] practice!
All his accumulation has brought him such achievements, and he has no regrets.

For a normal fourth-level cultivator of the Shenxiao Palace, the result of the [Destiny] stage is roughly around fifty [Life-Longing Essences], which is already the achievement of a disciple of a major sect and is quite difficult to come by.

But Han Yue's score is more than three times higher than the average level!
In this environment, the cultivation level of the Golden Crow's clone has improved the fastest, and has reached one hundred and three.

Even the [Ghost Life Willow] took a lot of energy and raised its own cultivation to twenty-seven [Long Life Yuan].

Even though the [Honghuang] Dao Fruit did not absorb too much of the Sun's magic power, after forty years of accumulation, it also reached 180 [Long Life Elements].

The total amount of his [Long Life Element] reached four hundred and eighty-four.

This [Glass Body Refining] is truly the strongest [Destiny] secret technique, it saved Han Yue hundreds of years of practice time!
At this moment, the magic power that had been poured into the body had no place to be stored anymore.

After he swallowed the thousandth [Glass Demon].

The effect of this secret technique finally wore off!

But at this moment, the meaning of the [Sun] Avenue that he had accumulated for more than forty years completely exploded!
Within Han Yue's body and the incarnation of the [Golden Crow], one hundred [Long Life Essence] began to condense and madly absorbed the true meaning of the [Sun] Avenue.

A qualitative change in spiritual practice has occurred!
Two [Sun Dao Fruits] condensed out!
As soon as he entered the soul of the incarnation of [Golden Crow], he controlled all his magical powers and made the total number of his [Long Life Element] directly exceed two hundred!

As soon as he entered Han Yue's soul, he descended directly into the [End Universe] and merged with the sun suppressed by the [Kunlun Seal].

The upper limit of his [Long Life Essence] cultivation level increased by one hundred instantly.

Under the divine power of the Sun Dao Fruit, the [Divine Network Temple System] was also greatly affected, and was greatly improved compared to before!
(End of this chapter)

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