Chapter 329 Awakening Line

Chapter 323 Awakening Line
After obtaining this [Sea of ​​Qi], the state of this [Metaverse] is no longer the same!
Han Yue could clearly feel that the stability of his own realm had greatly increased and his foundation was more solid.

This [Sea of ​​Original Energy] had just been opened up, and already an endless supply of original energy had begun to emanate from its source, filling the entire realm.

In Han Yue's perception, the concentration of primordial energy in his own [Meta-Realm] has increased again, and it has preliminarily met the requirements for promotion to the intermediate realm.

In some core areas where the primordial energy gathers, it is enough to support the advancement of the second-level cultivators to the third level!

This [Metaverse] only needs to cultivate one more true genius, who can start from scratch within the realm and advance to the third level through his own practice. This will then drive the realm to upgrade from a small realm to a middle realm.

By then, Han Yue's cultivation will also increase rapidly, and he will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck of his original body's 500 [Long Life Yuan]!

This was also a very important matter to him, simply because he had already sensed in his heart the two main paths he was cultivating, whether it was the path of thunder or the path of the sword of the end.

If one wants to condense the corresponding Dao Fruit, the current 500 [Long Life Essence] cannot satisfy it!
If he cannot use the [Star Planting Method] to break through the bottleneck, he will be stuck at this level of cultivation for many years!

Fortunately, at this moment, he can already see the hope of promotion!
This is because the second major progress made by the [Metaverse] in the past hundred years is closely related to the cultivation of human monks.

The second major development was a project led by the [Metaverse Development] Management Committee in the past, which cost countless manpower and resources:
"Great development of the secular world: strengthening infrastructure construction, increasing population quantity and quality, popularizing education and medical care, and improving material and civilization progress."

This core development plan, along with the joint efforts of all participants in the [Metaverse Development] plan, has also achieved fruitful results.

It has completely changed the appearance of the entire [Metaverse]!

At this time, Han Yue was standing outside the ground membrane of this [Meta-Realm], carefully scanning the situation within the realm. He was also shocked by the changes in current affairs and the huge changes in the secular world.

If we count the various achievements of this "Great Development of the Secular World" plan, each one is extremely astonishing.

In terms of infrastructure construction, Han Yue scanned the entire world and found that on the four continents of "Tian Di Xuan Huang", 300 huge cities with a population of over 10 million have been built!
These three hundred metropolises have different terrains and styles, but they are all well-planned and fully equipped.

The area is also extremely large, far exceeding the capital of Han Yue’s previous life, Yanjing City.

Each metropolis governs and radiates over an extremely vast area and is the local political, economic and cultural center.

In these three hundred cities alone, there are nearly 10 billion people living!

With these three hundred major cities as the core, there is a complex road network that connects the entire continent.

This road network is as complex as the blood vessels in the human body, crisscrossing and closely connecting the interiors of the four continents of "Heaven and Earth".

There are not only broad and flat mainland trunk roads, but also bridges across rivers and seas, tunnels through mountains and ridges, and small paths throughout the countryside, forming a complete and efficient transportation system.

This has enabled the circulation of materials and the spread of information within the metaverse to reach unprecedented heights, greatly promoting economic prosperity and cultural exchanges in various regions.

This densely packed road network was all built by [Life Puppet] monks, who relied on the [True Flame of the Sun] magical power and consumed their mana to burn it out mile by mile.

Not only is this road network extremely wide, but it has also been calcined at high temperatures to look like colored glass. It is not only not easily damaged but is also extremely beautiful, like a miracle.

This road network is also called the [Ancient Glazed Road] or the [Sun God Road] by the people of the [Metaverse].

The billions of miles of [Ancient Glazed Road] and three hundred metropolises are the greatest infrastructure construction achievements of the [Metaverse Development].

This was achieved after three thousand [Life Puppet] monks expended countless magical powers over a period of one hundred years.

In addition to the [Liuli Ancient Road] and the Three Hundred Cities, there are countless other infrastructure projects.

Water conservancy facilities, farmland, small towns and villages, educational institutions, medical institutions, communication networks...

Each one is the result of careful planning and implementation by the [Metaverse Development] Management Committee.

Water conservancy facilities are spread across the four continents, ensuring the irrigation and flood control safety of farmland, greatly increasing the output of cultivated land and ensuring sufficient food reserves.

Small towns and villages have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, providing more places to live for the population of the Metaverse and promoting the diversified development of the local economy.

In terms of improving the quality and quantity of the population, thanks to the comprehensive popularization of basic education and the improvement of medical conditions, the population in the metaverse has not only increased rapidly, but the average life expectancy has also increased significantly, and the health level and cultural literacy of the people have been greatly improved.

In terms of population size alone, the population of the Metaverse has more than doubled in the past hundred years, reaching over 30 billion.

What needs to be emphasized most is the popularization of education.

For the huge project of [Metaverse Development], the popularization of education is the most difficult task.

Before Han Yue came, there were tens of billions of illiterate people in the [Metaverse].

But he knew very well that the power of knowledge was infinite, and only education could truly open people's minds, cultivate the talents needed for the realm, and promote the long-term development of the [Metaverse].

But how can the Metaverse, which lacks even basic teaching staff, eliminate illiteracy from scratch with its own strength?
Faced with such a daunting task of popularizing education, the [Metaverse Development] Management Committee has mobilized extremely huge resources.

They purchased 10 million first-level [Dao Rings] from the [Yuxiao Realm].

He also asked Han Yue for help, and with the help of the [Heavenly Snake Secret Vault], he spent a very high cost to transport these [Tao Rings] to the [Metaverse].

Then, according to the population density, the Management Committee used the connection between the [Dao Ring] and the [Fantasy World] to arrange 10 million [Meta Towers] in the [Meta World].

Each [Meta Tower] is a hub for the transmission of information. They not only serve as a repository of knowledge, but also a bridge connecting the [Fantasy World] and the real world.

Through the [Meta Tower], the people of the [Metaverse] can access the educational resources in the [Fantasy World] anytime and anywhere. No matter where they are, they can receive 24-hour uninterrupted, massive information infusion.

The Management Committee has carefully designed an education curriculum system that covers basic knowledge, professional skills, moral cultivation, history and culture, etc., to ensure that every resident of the Metaverse can achieve comprehensive and balanced development.

At the same time, they also used the simulation function of [Fantasy World] to create a virtual practice environment, allowing students to conduct experimental operations and skill training in a safe environment, greatly improving learning efficiency and practical ability.

With the help of these tens of millions of [Yuan Towers], the Management Committee can draw the best talents from the [Yuxiao Realm] to serve as teachers.

And through remote teaching by senior educators, the educational level of [Metaverse] has been rapidly improved.

This great undertaking has transformed billions of illiterate people into talents with certain cultural literacy and skills through constant life and death. Many of them have demonstrated extraordinary talents in their respective fields, injecting new vitality into the development of the [Metaverse].

More importantly, with the popularization of education, people's horizons have become broader, their thinking has become more active, and they have a deeper understanding and pursuit of innovation and development.

This bottom-up change makes the overall atmosphere of [Metaverse] more positive and full of enthusiasm for exploration and creation.

At this moment, Han Yue focused his mind on a small town located at the northernmost tip of Xuanzhou.

This small town is almost located at the edge of the human world. Further north is the extremely cold North Pole of the Metaverse.

In the entire [Metaverse], the place where this town is located is considered the most barren and poor place.

There are not many people living here. The population of this small town has just exceeded 10,000, and it can be considered a small center for the surrounding area.

The [Yuan Tower] with the number "8975767" is erected in the north direction of this small town.

This [Yuan Tower] is also the northernmost [Yuan Tower] in the entire [Yuan Realm].

The height of this [Yuan Tower] is only about ten meters. From the outside, it looks more like an open-air movie screen than a tower.

On this "open-air screen", lights and shadows of various kinds of knowledge will constantly flash, ranging from basic arithmetic and literacy to advanced scientific principles, history and culture, and even basic martial arts methods of practice.

Although this place is remote and resource-poor, the knowledge and information brought by [Yuan Tower] are like warm sunshine, shining indiscriminately on every heart that desires to learn.

The reason why Han Yue focused his attention on the [Yuan Tower] with the number: 8975767.

This is mainly because this [Yuan Tower] is conducting a unique assessment.

In this small town and the surrounding area of ​​several hundred miles, all the young people under the age of fourteen gathered here.

Come and participate in a big exam held in every [Meta Tower] in this [Meta Realm] every year.

At this time in the [Metaverse], every resident, with the help of the [Meta Tower], can receive education of almost the same quality.

This means that those who can stand out after receiving the same level of education are the real talents among their peers.

Before the age of fourteen, the citizens of the [Metaverse] can continue to participate in the [Metaverse Examination] every year.

This time, the exam will utilize the magical power of the [Fantasy World] to make a comprehensive assessment of the candidates' knowledge level, physical fitness, and acceptance of original energy.

The final score given will have a profound impact on the candidate's future.

This score not only determines whether these young people can enter higher-level educational institutions and receive more professional and in-depth training, but is also directly related to whether they can obtain better training resources in the future, or even be directly selected to enter certain major forces or sects and become the focus of training.

In front of the [Meta Tower] with the number "8975767", one hundred and sixty-seven young men gathered. Some of them were nervous, some were excited, and their eyes were shining with longing for the future and thirst for knowledge.

The parents were also waiting anxiously on the sidelines. They knew that this exam was not only a test for their children, but also a critical moment to change the fate of their family.

When the exam begins, the light and shadow on the surface of the [Yuan Tower] change, transforming into questions and virtual scenes, bringing the candidates into one test after another.

From basic arithmetic logic to complex martial arts training, from historical and cultural knowledge to Qi sensing tests, it is comprehensive and rigorous.

As the master of the realm, Han Yue silently observed all this and was quite looking forward to it!

Among these children, there are hidden geniuses who can lead the future of [Metaverse] to glory. Every effort they make is the best response to the [Metaverse Development] plan, and also contributes to his [Star Planting Method] practice.

The exam lasted for three full days. Each day brought different challenges. Every day there were teenagers who dropped out because they could not bear the pressure, but more people chose to persist and prove their worth with sweat and wisdom.

When the last question was finished, all the candidates sat on the ground exhausted, waiting for the announcement of the results.

At this moment, the [Yuan Tower] suddenly emitted a dazzling light, shooting straight into the sky, as if announcing that something unusual was about to happen.

Among the one hundred and sixty-seven teenagers, there was a rough-looking boy with an honest face, who was looking at his score in confusion.

Putting aside the scores in culture and martial arts, the score obtained by this fisherman's son from the frozen sea of ​​the northern border named Chen Ze in the Qi sensing broke a special limit.

In the [Metaverse], this special score line for primordial energy sensing is also called the [Awakening Line].

Young people who break through this line have extraordinary affinity and potential for Yuan Qi, and are rare genius seedlings in the [Metaverse].

Because the concentration of the original energy in the [Metaverse] is not enough to support the practice of all its members.

According to the strict assessment of the [Yuan Tower], as long as one can break through the [Awakening Line], one can at least improve one's own cultivation to the great perfection level of the first level of entry into the body realm under the concentration of original energy in the [Yuan Realm].

These are the outstanding talents that need to be screened out and trained.
The dazzling light emitted by the [Yuan Tower] is to announce this amazing discovery.

As the light appeared, the news quickly spread throughout the town and even the surrounding vast areas, causing quite a stir.

For such a remote and barren place, the emergence of a young man with such amazing talent is undoubtedly an unprecedented event.

In the [Meta Tower] with "No.: 8975767", the last candidate who broke through the [Awakening Line] was eighteen years ago, a talented girl named Ma Chenxi.

The genius seed that breaks through the [Awakening Line] is of great significance to this small town.

This will determine the distribution of various resources that the town can obtain for a long time in the future.

In Han Yue's eyes, the appearance of this young man Chen Ze is a microcosm of his plan of "Developing the Metaverse".

A hundred years ago, a young man like Chen Ze could only struggle to survive in this bitter and cold land in the far north. His life span would hardly exceed forty years, and he would have no future at all.

But now, thanks to the efforts of Han Yue and countless people behind him, [Metaverse] is very different!

Chen Ze not only received a good education, but also grew up healthily and happily.

There is also a chance to discover your deeply buried talent for cultivation and embark on the path!
Such a change is an incomparable blessing for all the people of the [Metaverse]!

In the near future, Chen Ze will be sent to the [Yuan Tower] with the number: 8975767, which belongs to the corresponding "Xuan Forty-Seven Sects".

This is a cultivation sect founded by one of the first three hundred sect leaders who descended on the [Metaverse].

He is also the actual controller of this land.

The "Xuan Forty-Seven Sects" are located on a vast ice field in the northern part of Xuanzhou in the Yuanjie, not far from the town where Chen Ze is located.

There, Chen Ze will officially embark on the path of cultivation and begin his own journey of practice. From then on, his life will be completely different!

Han Yue saw all of this and shared the joy of the townspeople.

Closely related to this [Yuan Tower] practice seed screening system is the third achievement of [Metaverse Development].

That is the establishment of the [Metaverse] cultivation system.

After the three hundred sect leaders descended into the [Metaverse], they became true gods on earth through the [Manifestation of the Divine] plan and took control of the secular world.

The three hundred sects they established played an immense role in the construction of the Metaverse.

At this point, the power of these three hundred major sects is even greater than that of the top sects in the [Yuxiao Realm].

It can decide the life and death of hundreds of millions of people.

And in the [Metaverse], all current human cultivators come from these three hundred major sects.

The inheritance that everyone possesses comes from the [Wenxin Study] controlled by [Sanye], and the levels are similar.

Therefore, the strength of these three hundred sects is not much different.

After a hundred years of development, the true disciples of each sect have already reached the second level of cultivation.

If a third-level cultivator is born, he must be from the core disciples of these major sects.

It can be said that thanks to the strategic planning of the [Metaverse Development] project team, the architecture of the [Metaverse] cultivation system is extremely complete.

Under this complete practice system architecture, the monks of [Metaverse] have clear practice paths and promotion channels.

From the initial enlightenment education, to the basic martial arts training, to the in-depth sensing and control of the original energy, each step has been carefully designed and planned.

[Yuan Tower], as the core of this system, not only undertakes the tasks of education and assessment, but also connects the practice path of every cultivator.

The annual exam is not only a test of the young people's knowledge and abilities, but also the starting point for them to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

And those talented young men who can break through the [Awakening Line] will be regarded as treasures by major sects and given the best training conditions.

They will enter the sect and receive more systematic and in-depth training guidance, hoping to become powerful people who lead the [Metaverse] to glory in the future.

Han Yue stood outside the ground membrane of the [Metaverse], looking at this world he created with his own hands, his heart filled with emotion.

He knew that this was just the beginning. With a good foundation in place, [Metaverse] would naturally yield great results as long as he could control the direction.

Compared with other [Star Planters], Han Yue can say this with great pride.

Your own [metaverse] must be one of the most scientific, best planned and most promising realms.

This is not only the result of his own efforts, but also the support provided by millions of [Yuxiaojie] think tanks behind him!
Outside the ground membrane, Han Yue's mind turned and he returned to the [Fantasy World].

He strolled in this [Fantasy Capital] and soon came to a huge building.

This [Metaverse Development] Management Committee building is already a large facility in [Fantasy Capital], on par with [Wenxin Study].

A large number of people come in and out of here every day. In addition to the staff under the Management Committee itself, there are more various suppliers who provide services to the Management Committee.

Han Yue walked in leisurely, observing all the pedestrians on the road, and walked towards the top floor of the Management Committee building.

The busy workers on the road were completely unaware of his presence and treated him as air.

As the ultimate source of all [Inner Demon Curses], it was easy for Han Yue to avoid being discovered.

He walked all the way to the top floor of the Management Committee Building and entered a meeting room.

The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn and heated. The seven core deacons of the management committee were sitting around a long table, discussing the future development plan of [Metaverse] intensely.

Seeing Han Yue suddenly appear at the door, everyone was stunned, and then they all stood up and saluted.

"Master Realm Master!" everyone shouted in unison, their tone full of respect and excitement.

Han Yue nodded, indicating that everyone didn't need to be polite, then came to the top seat in the conference room and slowly sat down.

He is usually busy with his spiritual practice and rarely participates in the deacon meetings of the management committee.

As for the construction and development of [Metaverse], he gave full trust to the management committee system he built.

The seven most core deacons of the management committee are in high positions of power, controlling a vast amount of resources and manpower.

Those who are able to compete for the top position in the [Yuxiao Realm] are undoubtedly the best of the best.

Han Yue was able to effortlessly control such a large and outstanding group of talents only thanks to her magical power, [Inner Demon Curse].

After a hundred years, the core deacons of the management committee have completed their third term of office.

The current group of deacons have just taken office. They are young, energetic and full of fighting spirit.

This time, the reason why Han Yue came to attend the meeting was that the entire [Metaverse] had reached an extremely critical juncture.

There is a major strategic plan that is being prepared for implementation, which is expected to have a great impact on the development of the realm.

However, there was a big dispute among the seven core deacons about the implementation direction of this strategic plan, so they found Han Yue.

After he sat down, he immediately spoke:
"Everyone, I just returned from the Metaverse and have a more intuitive understanding of the situation there."

Han Yue's voice was steady and powerful, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"I have also reached a preliminary conclusion about the plan you proposed."

(End of this chapter)

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