After awakening the magical power, all demons are firewood

Chapter 353: Crowdfunding to Get the Tiger's Hair

Chapter 353: Crowdfunding to Get the Tiger's Hair

Chapter 346: Crowdfunding to Get the Tiger's Hair
After Han Yue finished saying these words, Bai Qi remained silent for a while.

It walked out from behind the drawing table, carrying two mahogany chairs, and placed one in front of Han Yue and the other opposite her.

It sat on the chair opposite, and then motioned Han Yue to sit down.

Han Yue sat down obediently and faced Bai Qi.

The human form of the old White Tiger was seen with his eyes slightly closed, looking closely at Han Yue.

Clearly it did not release any magical power, but Han Yue felt as if there was a sword intent in the other party's eyes, which made his eyes feel like they were being pricked by needles and he avoided them.

The old White Tiger thought for a while before speaking:
"Boy, if I hadn't been suppressed here by the Sword Ancestor, with your level of cultivation, you wouldn't be worthy of standing in front of me."

"Even though my escape from this predicament depends on your efforts, you don't need to show off in front of me!"

"You should not play tricks on me."

"If you want compensation from me, just make an offer directly. Why make it so complicated?"

"Now that I've said I'll make up for your cultivation, I'll do it!"

"But even if you make an offer, it needs to be reasonable."

"You are a fourth-level cultivator. Even if I sell you, it won't be worth the fifth-level Pure Yang Spirit Treasure, Pure Yang Cave Heaven, or dozens of fourth-level spiritual roots."

"You'd better think it over carefully and then tell me."

Han Yue was not surprised by what the old White Tiger said. He just straightened his clothes and said slowly:

"Senior, you are right. I dare not act arrogantly in front of you."

"But my losses were real."

"If you can't make up for my loss, then I will risk my efforts to rebuild it again, even if my combat power declines. I will never revise this "Sword Painting Collection" again!"

Han Yue dared to confront this [White Tiger] head-on, so of course she had her own confidence!
The power of [One Qi Transformed into Three Pure Ones] Daoguo is extraordinary. At this moment, he has two incarnations outside. This [Killing Sword Body] is not afraid of death anymore and is actually invincible!
No matter what the old [White Tiger] said, since this [White Tiger Sword Tomb] had the [Sword Ancestor]'s restrictions and he was still useful to this [White Tiger], he planned to fight this [White Tiger] to the end.

I only heard [Bai Qi] speak again:
"If I can escape from the constraints of this sword tomb, what you want will be nothing at all."

"I can just kill a few fifth-order Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, or fifth-order demons, and your request will be met."

"But now I have been trapped in this [White Tiger Sword Tomb] for a million years, and my own natal cave is unable to open. I cannot meet your requests!"

"How about I swear an oath and promise that if you help me out, I will repay you tenfold. Would you accept it?"

Han Yue's eyes flickered when she heard that, and she didn't take Old White Tiger's suggestion to heart at all.

A tenfold return does sound tempting, but Han Yue knows very well that verbal promises mean nothing to him.

What he needs is tangible compensation to enhance his cultivation foundation.

He is getting closer and closer to the fifth-level [Door] position!

At this moment, every bit of strength is extremely beneficial for long-term practice.

He spoke again:
"Senior, you have nothing here, how did you plan to make up for my loss?"

"If you are really sincere, why not show me something first so that I can have a better idea of ​​your intentions?"

"For example, your White Tiger's true body can also be considered a useful treasure. Can you give me some of it to make up for my loss?"

The old White Tiger sneered and replied:

"Based on the level of my true body's refinement, if you are able to shave off a single hair, it will be considered yours."

"You can attack my real body at will. Any parts you can scrape off will be considered as my free mercy. They don't need to be counted in my compensation to you!"

This [Bai Qi] is extremely confident in the strength of his own body, not only because its nature is extremely powerful.

It is also because it has been squatting in this [White Tiger Sword Tomb] and concentrating on refining for millions of years.

At this moment, its physical body has already become equivalent to a flying sword magic treasure of the fifth rank [Pillar].

In its opinion, with Han Yue's fourth-level cultivation, he couldn't even hurt a hair on its head!
The old White Tiger continued:
"You want ready-made spiritual treasures, spiritual roots, and blessed caves, but I don't have any of them."

"But if you want to increase your magic power and improve your cultivation, I have a way!"

"The eyes of my true body correspond to the inheritance of the Sword Ancestor, which is called the Eye Sword Pond."

"This is a fifth-level inheritance that specializes in nurturing spiritual treasure flying swords. The effect is excellent!"

"And my eyes, after being transformed by the Sword Ancestor, were transformed into two Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pools."

"In these two sword pools, caves are created naturally, and they can extract the rich energy in my true body and transform it into resources for sword-making. They contain endless sword energy and the essence of sword-making."

"If you are willing, I can temporarily open the entrance to one of the [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pools] and let you practice in it."

"There, not only will your flying sword and spiritual treasure be greatly nourished, but your ritual and refining skills will also be twice as effective with half the effort."

"You have the "Sword Painting Collection" in your body. When you enter my sword pool, you can also refine your body as a flying sword."

"In this way, you can use the power of the sword pool to greatly improve your own cultivation!"

Han Yue's heart moved when he heard this. He knew very well how important a high-quality sword-refining environment was to a sword cultivator.

This [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool] can greatly enhance the power of flying sword magic treasures, which will undoubtedly be of great help to his practice.

And this is also the most important purpose for him to come to this [White Tiger Sword Tomb] from afar.

Han Yue then spoke again:
"Senior, please don't lie to me. Your [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool] is indeed powerful and effective."

"But this sword pond is a facility that all disciples who have inherited the Sword Ancestor's legacy can use. It's not just me who can use it."

"Can this be considered compensation?"

The old White Tiger spoke again:
"How can others compare to you!"

"If anyone else wants to use my [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool], they must either pay a sufficient amount of [Life Element] or pay with precious luck resources."

"I won't work for nothing!"

"As for you, I can give you additional permissions. If you use this [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool] to refine your body, all the consumption burdens will be borne by me."

"If you want to use it to refine your spiritual treasure flying sword, I can also grant you a special approval. I will give you a 10% discount on all the resources you consume for sword refining!"

"Don't underestimate the power of my sword pool!"

"My two [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pools] have already reached the level above the fifth-order [Pillar]."

"If there are enough resources, I can refine the flying sword all the way to the level of the fifth-order [pillar]."

"For others, if they put in 10% of their efforts, they will get only 10% of what you put in."

"All other needs will be met by my own flesh, blood and magic power."

"This is a great opportunity!"

"Don't waste it!"

Han Yue heard this, and a trace of thought flashed across his brows. The conditions proposed by this old [White Tiger] were indeed quite tempting.

Anyway, there is no profit to be made at the moment, so why not go to the [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool] first.

First take all the opportunities you can get!

If he could take this opportunity to greatly improve his own cultivation, then all the efforts he had made would not be in vain.

If he is not satisfied with the final result, the worst that can happen is that he comes back to this old White Tiger to see if he can come up with something new.

"Senior, I can try out the conditions you offer first."

Han Yue said slowly:

"Now that my practice of the "Sword Painting Collection" has come to an end, I can go to the sword pond first!"

The old White Tiger then said:
"Don't worry, my sword pool will never let you down!"

After saying that, it waved its hand, and a ray of magical light flashed. Han Yue, who had been trapped in this study room for a long time, finally escaped from this place.

Han Yue thought again and returned to the huge forehead of the real body of the White Tiger!

He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief!

After entering Bai Qi's sea of ​​consciousness for only half a year, he already felt as if he was in another world!
Since he started practicing Taoism, he had rarely encountered such a situation where he fell into the hands of the enemy and was completely unable to resist.

Even though he knew that his life was not in danger, he still felt quite pressured facing this top-level demon!
However, at this moment, he had once again overcome a great tribulation in his practice, and it was finally time for him to reap the rewards.

The place where he was located was on the forehead of the real body of the White Tiger, and was also quite close to the Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool.

He raised a sword and headed straight for the right eye of the White Tiger.

Although he separated the [Tai Shi Body] and distributed all the magical talismans of [Years Escape Light] to others.

However, with the Dao Fruit of [One Qi Transformed into Three Pure Ones], he can still use his strongest escape magic without any hindrance.

Instead, he used the [Killing Sword Body] to mobilize other magical powers, and incorporated other sword intentions into it, which gave it a different flavor.

In a flash, he arrived in front of the right eye of the White Tiger.

Looking down from the sky, this big tiger eye is like a huge ocean with no end in sight. There is an infinite amount of sword intent in it, condensed like fat, gathering into a sea, emitting a sharp and unparalleled sword energy.

And in this endless sea of ​​swords, there is a huge vortex that is slowly rotating, like a mysterious portal leading to another world.

Han Yue stared at the huge vortex and could feel the powerful attraction emanating from it.

He knew that this was the real entrance to the Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool.

This sword pool had already been refined by Bai Qi into a Pure Yang Cave of extremely high status.

In terms of quality alone, it is much higher than Han Yue's [Honghuang] Cave Heaven!

Without hesitation, he moved, turned into a sword light, and rushed straight into the vortex.

The next moment, an eyelid that covered the sky and the sun completely covered the sword pool from top to bottom.

The right eye of the old White Tiger slowly closed!

In fact, its left eye was closed early.

The [White Tiger Evil Star] who came with Han Yue was immersed in the left eye sword pool, concentrating on refining his two [Evil Star Sword Wings] that were fused with the fragments of the [Lord of Arms].

It is extremely confident that this time, its two fourth-level sword wings will be one step ahead of it, giving birth to pure yang consciousness and advancing to the fifth level.

After Han Yue entered the sword pool, he felt a flash before his eyes and found himself in a strange space.

This place is filled with endless sword energy, and each strand of sword energy contains powerful power, as if it can tear everything apart.

In the center of this space, there is a huge sword pool, with sword energy rolling in the pool like boiling water.

The sword energy continued to condense and compress, eventually forming sharp flying swords that soared into the sky and fell into the pool, over and over again.

Han Yue took a deep breath. He could feel that the sword energy here had a great attraction to his flying sword magic treasure.

He walked slowly to the side of the sword pool and circled around it.

And a divine shadow of the White Tiger emerged from his body and plunged into the sword pool.

With the help of the White Tiger's divine shadow, Han Yue immediately knew all the functions of the sword pool, and even obtained the authority promised to him by Bai Qi.

This [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool] is deeply bound to the demon body of [Bai Qi]. It can extract all the rich flesh, blood, magic power and sword meaning from this terrifying body, and gather them into a vast sword refining resource.

The body of [Bai Qi] has not moved for millions of years.

A vast amount of resources have already been passively gathered in its immortal body.

These resources were only slightly moved by the sword pool in front of Han Yue.

This has already made the sword pool filled with the most precious [Pure Yang Dao Yuan].

Han Yue counted carefully and found that the number of [Pure Yang Sword Essence] here had already exceeded a thousand!
And these extremely pure sword essences can be exchanged at a ratio of one to two by anyone who is a disciple of the Sword Ancestor!

For the disciples of [Sword Ancestor], when using this sword pool, for every point of mana they expend, there will be this [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool], which will refine the sword on their behalf with twice the amount of mana and a much higher level of sword skills than their own.

This back and forth will bring such a huge improvement!
This added leverage of mana to forge the sword is the greatest benefit for the disciples of the [Sword Ancestor] in this [White Tiger Sword Tomb]!

Now it was Han Yue's turn. He had obtained the authority of [Bai Qi]. If he refined the sword, his leverage would be ten times higher than that of an ordinary [Sword Ancestor] disciple, reaching a ratio of one to twenty!

This return on investment is criminal!
This does not include the fact that Han Yue can use the sword pool to refine himself without consuming any resources.

The reason why [Bai Qi] dares to offer such a high leverage is naturally because it is full of confidence.

It made an estimate at the very beginning.

In Bai Qi's eyes, Han Yue's Killing Sword Body, even with the nourishment of the Sword Pond, could only increase his own Long Life Essence by five or six hundred at most.

At this time, this [Killing Sword Body], relying on its sword-fighting [Dao Fruit], has accumulated more than 1,900 [Life-Longing Essences], and its foundation is close to being overdrawn.

Even if he is allowed to use the sword pool for free, the cost is limited.

And if Han Yue used this twenty-fold leverage to refine the sword, at most he could only multiply his accumulated mana by twenty times.

All in all, the cost of [Chun Yang Dao Yuan] that [Bai Qi] has to pay will not exceed forty pieces.

This has to be the flying sword embryo that Han Yue used for sacrifice, which can carry so much magic power!

Of course, for a fourth-level cultivator, forty pieces of [Pure Yang Dao Yuan] are already an unimaginable amount of mana resources.

But for a top-level cultivator like Bai Qi, this amount of mana is nothing at all!
However, it didn't know how bandit-like this Divine Xiao monk in front of it could be!
It dared to let the wolf into the house and opened its precious sword pool resources to Han Yue with a leverage of twenty times.

No one can predict what the outcome will be!
Knowing the usage of the [Tiger Eye Sword Refining Pool], Han Yue did not waste any more time and immediately sat down cross-legged. He released his four flying sword magic treasures and let them circle in the sword pool, but did not start the refining.

While these four flying swords were protecting his body, he also followed what Old White Tiger had said and tried to train his body as a flying sword.

He mobilized his magical power to guide the sword energy in the sword pool into his body, tempering his body and spirit.

The process was extremely painful, as if countless flying swords were cutting his body.

But Han Yue's [Killing Sword Body] gritted his teeth and persevered.

[Killing Sword Body] gradually underwent subtle changes under the tempering of sword energy.

Each strand of sword energy was like a sharp blade, cutting through the impurities in his body, making his flesh purer and his spirit more condensed.

And his speed of practicing "Collection of Sword Paintings" also immediately increased a lot.

Soon, a new organ was added to the terrifying human figure on the [Three Body] sword painting.

All this is happening slowly but steadily!

However, Han Yue's [Killing Sword Body] was like a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing the pure sword energy condensed by Bai Qi's sword pool.

Just taking the [Killing Sword Body] as an example, it would naturally reach its limit as [Bai Qi] estimated, if it could not absorb several hundred [Life-Longing Elements].

But Bai Qi had no idea that behind Han Yue, there was a whole world waiting to be hunted!
In a place where no one could be discovered, the majestic sword energy accumulated in the [Bai Qi] sword pool, along with the connection of the Tao Fruit of [One Qi into Three Purities], was directly transported by Han Yue to the [Taishi Body] and [Kongmo Body] beyond billions of time and space.

Compared to the [Killing Sword Body] that absorbed a huge amount of sword energy, the [Tai Shi Body] at this time was empty, which was just right for the nourishment of this huge amount of original energy.

Even the sword attributes of this magic power are very different from the other two incarnations.

It can be used as a source of energy to increase magic power. This sword energy can be said to be of extremely high quality!

And the most important thing is that the sword energy and magic power are extremely abundant, not to mention endless.

Han Yue doesn’t have to pay any cost!
Is there anything happier in this world than getting something for free?
Han Yue's three incarnations greedily absorbed this pure energy, and their auras were rising rapidly!
As for how to digest and absorb magic power, the three clones each have their own methods!
Among them, the most handy one has to be the [Empty Demon Body]!
He was seen riding on the [Honghuang] Dao Fruit and absorbing a vast amount of pure primordial energy into this extremely vast cave, using it as nourishment for the evolution of the [Honghuang] cave.

On the other hand, it used the [Pangu's Intestine] Dao Fruit with all its strength to absorb the massive amount of sword energy.

This is the [Pure Yang Dao Yuan] condensed from the big [White Tiger] on the fifth-order [Pillar].

As for the Dao Fruit of [Pangu's Intestines], it can be said to be absolutely delicious!
Han Yue had a premonition that his fourth bloodline clone was about to be born!
Although the [Tianshi Body] has the lowest cultivation level and the least [Dao Fruit], it is also trying hard to absorb the pure sword energy into its [End Universe·Sun-Devouring Black Hole].

While absorbing the magic power, he descended onto the ground membrane of the [Metaverse] and used the [Sun] Tao Fruit to transform into a huge sun!
Then, this [Tai Shi Body] will use the [Sun] Tao Fruit to pour the magic power it has absorbed and transformed into the [Metaverse] with all its strength.

It would be a huge waste if this massive amount of magic power obtained for free was not used to increase the original energy of one's own natal realm!
What surprised Han Yue the most was his own [Killing Sword Body]!

This figure immersed himself in the sword pool, wrapped in the magic power condensed like fat.

He should have reached the limit of his magical power long ago and turned to refining the spiritual flying sword.

Who would have thought that the [Zhu Xian Sword Formation] that had been dormant in Han Yue's sea of ​​consciousness for many years seemed to have opened its own Pandora's box under this endless sword energy.

No matter how much sword energy Han Yue poured into the [Killing Sword Body], this [Zhu Xian Sword Formation] could actually absorb it all!
This is really too horrible!

You have to know that at this time, the [Zhu Xian Sword Formation] has not even achieved the [Dao Fruit] position, it is just a fifth-level magical power.

But Han Yue had already injected hundreds of [Long Life Elements] into it in a very short period of time.

He also maintained the infusion of magic power with great patience to see what kind of changes this [Zhu Xian Sword Formation] could bring!
Before Han Yue even started to refine the flying sword magic treasure, nearly two [Pure Yang Dao Yuan] of magic power had been consumed in the sword pool.

In fact, this has far exceeded the capacity and speed that Bai Qi had originally estimated.

But for [Bai Qi], such a small consumption of mana is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if Han Yue's consumption was multiplied several times, it would not move Bai Qi.

I saw that the old White Tiger's soul had returned to its original state, and continued to be silent in the study of his sea of ​​consciousness, painting the White Tiger Lying on the Mountain.

On the other hand, Han Yue, who was madly absorbing the original energy, had developed a new plan to pluck the tiger's hair!
Suddenly, in the [Fantasy World] that carried hundreds of millions of monks from the [Divine Network Temple System], an announcement was sent to all users.

As soon as this announcement was released, it immediately caused a sensation!

"Limited time event: peerless sword!"

"Dear residents of the fantasy world:"

“In this fantasy world full of wonders and challenges, we are always committed to bringing you an unprecedented adventure experience.”

"Now, a golden opportunity is before you - participate in the 'Peerless Sword' limited-time event, forge the legendary Lingbao flying sword, let your combat power soar, and become the most dazzling existence in the fantasy world!"

"Event details: From now until the countdown reaches zero, a mysterious secret realm called 'Sword Pond' will be opened in the Fantasy World, which contains countless rare sword materials."

"Residents can contribute their own magic power or luck to the sword pond to forge their own peerless sword."

"No matter how much mana or luck you put into this sword pool, the Fantasy World promises to return it double!"

"Now, let us join hands in this feast of swords and pursue the legendary peerless sword together! The fate of the fantasy world is in your hands!"

Han Yue was not satisfied with getting something for free, and actually encouraged hundreds of millions of [Fantasy World] cultivators to come together to pull the tiger's fur. This is simply not a human being!
(End of this chapter)

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