Chapter 5 Firewood
Chapter 5 Firewood

Han Yue couldn't help but think of the terrifying monkeys and giant white elephants she had seen on the road!

Those two should be the best among the second-level monsters.

It can definitely meet the requirements of sharing meat during the Chinese New Year.

Han Yue imagined in her mind a huge monster as big as a mountain being thrown onto the square, cut into strips of meat, and then eaten by thousands of people.

That scene must have been quite shocking!
However, Han Yue couldn't imagine any way to kill such a huge second-level demon.

His mana supply was seriously insufficient, and although [Wuxiang Yidao] was extremely powerful, it was still useless against the two big monsters.

That kind of overwhelming force and strong vitality cannot be easily killed by just numbers. It definitely requires an equally strong person on the human side.

Fortunately, Fang Yi confirmed that the last time it was the turn of the No. 9 Courtyard in the Tianzi District to lead the hunt for second-level monsters was sixty years ago when her grandfather was still alive.

The next lead hunt will be more than 30 years away, so it is not the most urgent time yet.

Han Yue lay on the bed and took out the "Collection of All Dharmas" to check her own information.

[Host: Han Yue]

[Realm: First level of body entry]

[Skill: None]

【Keywords: None】

[Extract magical power: conditions not met]

The first page:
[Magic Power: Jade Void: Golden Light Method]

[Quality: Mythical Gold]

[Proficiency: Entry-level (7%)]

【Keywords: displacement】

The second page:
[Magic Power: Thunder General·Unthinking Sword]

[Quality: Epic Purple]

[Proficiency: Entry-level (13%)]

【Keywords: cutting】

Continuously using supernatural powers can increase your proficiency in them, making their power more and more powerful!
Of the two magical powers, the one with obviously higher quality, [Golden Light on the Earth], is more difficult to upgrade.

Whether in terms of the number of times Han Yue used his magical powers and the energy invested, his [Golden Light Technique] was far ahead of his [Unrestrained Sword], but his proficiency had fallen far behind.

Han Yue immersed his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness, and two magical talismans were suspended in the center, reflecting each other.

The flickering light of the talisman represents the magical power contained within it.

[Wuxiang Yidao] flashed with purple light. Although it had dimmed a lot since the time when this magical power was first acquired, the power of the magical power still remained at about 20%.

A battle in the City Lord's Mansion directly consumed 80% of the energy of [Wuxiang Yidao]. It would be difficult for Han Yue to burst out such a high output in a short period of time.

On the talisman of [Golden Light of the Earth], the flickering golden light had been mostly extinguished, leaving only less than 10% of the magical power.

When Han Yue was escaping from the demon kingdom, he used his magical powers too frequently, causing a huge overdraft of his energy.
The two magical powers urgently need to replenish energy reserves, especially the [Golden Light Technique].

However, due to his lack of strength and the lack of skills to practice, Han Yue can only rely on his own body to recover the very little magical power every day.

Fortunately, after arriving at the meat distribution area, the surrounding environment is very safe.

Han Yue can keep a low profile for a while and reduce the chances of using her supernatural powers.

He still has a lot of information to search and learn.

Han Yue rested until dinner time. After the rest, he felt refreshed, and his physical fatigue and emotional depression were greatly relieved.

He stood up and walked out the door, following the same path he came from, and ended up in a restaurant.

The restaurant was already full of people, and two huge beef hearts and livers were placed in the middle.

The beef heart and liver were extremely fresh, and the muscles on them were still trembling regularly, as if they were alive. Fang Yi saw Han Yue coming and immediately stood up and introduced them to everyone:

"This is our new butcher in the No. 9 Courtyard of Tianzi District. His surname is Han and his name is Yue. He will be one of our No. 9 Courtyard's own from now on!"

"Old Yang and I have discussed it. Han Yue will be our chief butcher from now on, our new 'Han Yidao'!"

Despite her young age and her superb skills in cutting meat, Han Yue has already conquered everyone in Courtyard No. 9.

"Han Yue has just arrived at the meat distribution group, and there are still many things she doesn't understand. If you can help, please help!"

"Today, thanks to Han Yue, otherwise there would be a big problem with dividing the meat! Fortunately, we survived this."

"With a new butcher, we won't have any problems dividing the meat next time!"

"To celebrate our 'Han Yidao', let's have a feast!"

Fang Yi was in high spirits, and the banquet started directly under her command.

Han Yue and three other meat butchers stepped forward, took out their weapons, and began to cut the beef heart and liver piece by piece.

Soon, the beef liver and heart were cooked.

Two mountains of meat appeared before everyone's eyes.

Everyone stopped hesitating and came forward with their plates to take the meat, then began to enjoy it with big mouthfuls.

Han Yue also followed suit. Seeing that everyone was eating the beef raw, he also swallowed the meat slices.

After being cut by the butcher, the power in the beef is suppressed, and the beef becomes tender and delicious.

This beef sashimi does not have any bloody smell, but instead has a refreshing and rich fragrance that leaves a long-lasting aftertaste!

Without adding any seasoning, the original flavor of the meat alone is an ultimate delicacy.

Fresh ingredients, no cooking required!
Han Yue enjoyed the meal very much. It was the most delicious thing he had ever eaten since he traveled through time, and he devoured it with relish.

As Han Yue consumed the beef, a large amount of nutrients was absorbed.

Han Yue just felt warm all over and very comfortable.

Strengthening the body is extremely dependent on nutritional supplements.

Han Yue relied on the strengthening of his physical body through [Wuxiang Yidao] to forcibly advance to the body realm.

Although the effect was surprisingly good, it was also invisibly overdrawing Han Yue's savings.

If it is not replenished in time and continues for a long time, it will undoubtedly damage Han Yue's foundation and consume his potential.

Fortunately, with this large amount of high-quality nutrition, Han Yue's physical deficiencies were instantly replenished.

With this coming and going, Han Yue's energy and blood surged, and his body became even stronger!
The beef contains the bloodline power of the Steel Ghost Bull, a first-level monster.

After this part of power entered Han Yue's body, it was immediately destroyed by the power of thunder and turned into nourishment for strengthening Han Yue's physical body.

Han Yue swallowed the beef in big gulps, moving back and forth between her seat and the two mountains of meat.

He just felt that the more he ate, the more he could eat, and his body's digestive function was perfectly stimulated.

Like Han Yue, everyone else was seizing the opportunity to devour the beef like crazy.

For a moment, no one spoke in the restaurant, only the sounds of biting and chewing could be heard.

As time went by, with the efforts of everyone, the two mountains of meat began to descend visibly.

Gradually, the number of people who continued to take meat down from the mountain of meat began to decrease.

Most people were already full, so they only left a portion of beef on their plates, slowed down their eating speed, and began to chew their food carefully.

Only Han Yue and Fang Yi continued to consume meat.

The two of them seemed to be having a big eating competition, with each of them guarding a mountain of meat and eating without stopping.

Han Yue only felt that the fire of his life was burning fiercely, burning away the filth and dregs in his body, leaving only the essence.

And the so-called demons will surely become the fuel on his road to sublimation, helping him step by step to the throne of supernatural powers!
(End of this chapter)

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