Chapter 84: Golden Sword Gorge

Chapter 84: Golden Sword Gorge

After Li Changle finished speaking, he waved his hand and a ray of light was emitted, which was directly recorded by Han Yue into his inheritance stele.

This secret technique called "Calling Thunder" which was worth a lot of good deeds was obtained by him!
Han Yue has one more thing to practice!
The two chatted for a while, and then Han Yue returned to the cave.

Now, Han Yue only needs to study and figure out the secret technique of "Calling Thunder" thoroughly, and then he can go down the mountain to gain experience!
He set a goal for himself, requiring himself to master this secret skill within a month.

Speaking of which, after reading "The Legend of the Divine Palace and the Records of the Jade Sky Realm" many times, Han Yue had already developed endless reverie about this magnificent world!
He had been so bored that he wanted to go down the mountain to find out what was going on!

It is recorded in "The Records of the Jade Sky Realm by the Ancestors" that the [Jade Sky Realm] is divided into the outer area, the inner area and the sea area!

The geographical book prepared by the Shenxiao Palace for its new disciples contains extremely rich information!

Among these three domains, the outer domain is half of Han Yue’s hometown. It is extremely rich in resources and is jointly ruled by the [Great Saint of the Demon Clan]. It is a forbidden area for human cultivators.

Countless big monsters live and multiply here, and also keep a large number of humans as food!

The sea area is vast, exceeding the sum of the other two areas.

There are countless large and small islands in the sea. These islands and the sea monsters together carry the civilization of the sea!
The sea area is jointly ruled by the [Aquatic Sea Kings] of a rank higher than Immortality!
In the "Chronicles of the Jade Sky Realm", the most space is spent recording the inner area that is under the full control of the human race!
Han Yue learned through reading that the landform features of each of the five continents in this inner area are extremely different!
Moreover, in every continent, there is a [Disaster that blocks the road] that has been passed down for thousands of years and has consumed countless lives of human beings!
Guizhou has high mountains and steep cliffs, treacherous jungles, and demons everywhere. It is guarded by two fourth-level sects, the [Beast Taming Sect] and the [Blue Lotus Sword Sect], to resist the disaster that blocks the way: the [Demon Disaster]!

There are many rivers and lakes in the sea, and the so-called land is all islands, which are trivial and rare. The fifth-level [Penglai Sect] and the fourth-level [Changsheng Valley] jointly guard it to resist the disaster that blocks the way: [Flood]!
The southern bamboo island is a land of swamps and miasma! There are countless swamps, basins, and rainforests. This place is extremely humid and extremely hot.

The two fourth-level sects, [Wuzhu Sect] and [Fahua Danzong], suppressed Zhuzhou and faced together the terrifying calamity that blocked the path: [Poison Disaster]! They resisted the endless snakes, insects, rats, ants, and heartbreaking poisonous grasses.

The land of Zhongzhou is a land of abundance and grace, and it is the region with the most suitable natural environment for human survival.

The entire Central Continent is vast in area, and is covered with broad plains with a pleasant climate, abundant soil and water, which are enough to support nearly half of the population of the entire [Yuxiao Realm].

The [Zhongxuan Sect], [Yuqing Sect] and [Taixuan Sect], a total of three fifth-level sects, gathered in Zhongzhou to guard this holy land of the human race!

In the land of Zhongzhou, there is the most terrifying calamity that blocks the path among the five continents in the inner domain: [Outer Domain Heavenly Demonic Calamity]! Also referred to as [Demon Calamity]!
However, in the land of Luzhou where the Shenxiao Palace is located, there is an extremely severe disaster that blocks the path: [Natural Disaster].

Not only does the entire continent have extremely peculiar terrain, with most areas being forbidden zones for life, there are also horrific natural disasters spread all over the continent!
In "Chuanzongji Yuxiaojiezhi", there is a complete sand table of the entire Luzhou. When Han Yue saw the sand table of the entire Luzhou for the first time, he was also shocked by its terrain!
The entire Luzhou area is actually composed of three huge land plates stacked on top of each other.

There is a huge drop of tens of thousands of meters between each layer of plates.

This huge gap blocks the exchange of personnel and materials between the three plates.

Each layer of plate is more like an independent small world.

The Tongtian River originates from the Shenxiao Palace and flows from north to south.

The first plate of Luzhou where Tongtian River flows is called [Golden Knife Gorge]!
The entire Golden Sword Gorge is an extremely huge metal plate!
Metals account for more than 90% of the land, and a large part of them are extremely valuable entry-level metals.

There is almost no vegetation growing above Jindao Gorge, so there is no food source for humans and animals to survive!

Moreover, this place is also home to one of the natural disasters that is difficult for mortals to resist, the [Earth Suction] disaster!
Because the strange properties of various entry-level metals are mixed together, the gravity distribution on Jindao Gorge is extremely uneven!
Compared with other areas, the gravity above Jindao Gorge ranges from twice to hundreds of times.

And the naked eye cannot distinguish the gravity differences between different blocks.

If you rashly move around in Jindao Gorge, you may accidentally fall into an extremely high gravity trap.

Even for a cultivator who has reached a certain level, it is difficult to break free!

You will just be sucked firmly onto the ground and die slowly.

In addition, attracted by this metal continent, a huge thundercloud storm is brewing above the Golden Sword Gorge!
Very large thunderstorms covering a wide area often occur!

And because of the metal structure of Jindao Gorge, the power of thunder and lightning can spread rapidly across the earth, killing all living things!
This created another natural disaster dominated by thunder and lightning in Jindao Gorge, [Thunder Hell]!
The Tongtian River flows through the entire Jindao Gorge. At the junction of the Jindao Gorge and the second layer of plates, it falls from top to bottom, with a drop of tens of thousands of meters!
It formed a golden knife waterfall that fell to the earth like a river in the sky! If you look at it from a distance, this huge waterfall ten thousand meters high, reflecting the sunlight, is indeed like a huge golden knife piercing the center of the earth!

After years of scouring and accumulation, the Jindao Waterfall formed a large lake on the second layer of plates, called Jindao Lake.

Around the lake is the first human settlement in Luzhou.

There are three cities built by human cultivators here, namely Gold-Eating City, Iron-Eating City and Mountain-Burning City.

Millions of people live near Jindao Lake.

And this is almost the entire population of the second-floor block!
Just because of this second layer of plates is called [Flame Mountain].

There are countless active volcanoes on the entire second layer of plates.

These volcanoes directly reach the earth's lungs with poisonous fire and magma, together forming another horrific natural disaster: [Burning Mountains].

The extremely high temperature lava spread all over the earth can melt gold and iron and burn everything!
The fire poison brought by volcanic eruptions also pollutes the air and water.

The living environment on the second level is even worse than that above Jindao Gorge!

The Tongtian River flows through the Tianhe Plain, and after entering the hinterland of the Huoyan Mountain, the water temperature will continue to rise!
Until a boiling [boiling river] filled with fire poison was formed!
The boiling river, hundreds of miles wide, is extremely spectacular.

Burning mountains and boiling rivers are the natural disasters of the second level of the Flaming Mountain!

And this Tongtian Fei River flows all the way from high to low to the third plate of Luzhou!

The geomorphic features of the third layer of plates are vastly different!

This layer is called [Shelter Plain], it is an extremely vast plain!
This plain is covered with endless yellow sand and is also a forbidden zone for life!

Not only that, there are powerful storms sweeping across the desert all year round!
The raging sand and storm together constitute the third level of natural disaster, [wind disaster]!
Its destructive power is no less than the natural disasters in Golden Sword Gorge and Flame Mountain!

Due to the storm, more than 90% of the entire shelter area is an unmanned restricted area!

However, this endless desert also has some unexpected uses.

The fine, pure diamond sand in the desert is first-class filtering material.

The boiling river rushing all the way from the Huoyan Mountain will gradually drop to normal temperature when it reaches the sheltered plain.

Moreover, when flowing through this endless desert, various toxic substances and metal elements brought out from the magma in the earth's lungs will be filtered out bit by bit in the river water!

After flowing through the Sheltering Plain for tens of thousands of miles, the Tongtian River will be thoroughly filtered!

The water quality will be greatly improved and it will once again become a source of life that can be directly drunk by humans and animals!
When you reach the southern end of Luzhou, the terrain of the Sheltering Plain will gradually become flatter and the flow rate of the Tongtian River will slowly decrease.

Until the southernmost tip of Luzhou, there is another human settlement area in the entire Luzhou, which is a large basin formed by the alluvial deposits of Tongtian River.

The natural environment here is close to that of Central China, which can be considered as excellent conditions.

Golden Sword Gorge, Flame Mountain and Sheltering Plain are the three most dangerous places in Luzhou that dominate the entire inner area!
Earth suction, thunder hell, burning mountain, boiling river, wind disaster!
These horrific natural disasters, one after another, are the main culprits that suppress the development of the entire Luzhou human race!

However, for a cultivator with magical powers, Luzhou is an excellent place to hone their will and refine their magical powers.

Even many cultivators from other continents like to come to Luzhou to challenge natural disasters and measure their own tolerance!

And this area is also the place Han Yue must pass through when he goes down the mountain to train!
(End of this chapter)

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