Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 100 Viper, 5 steps!

Chapter 100 Viper, Five Steps!
Drooping is not an easy thing.

Although Yu Qiutang had taken certain measures when tying the rope, he still fell very carefully to prevent himself from suddenly losing his balance. If he unfortunately fell upside down, even if nothing serious happened, the adjustment would consume a lot of physical energy.

It took me about three minutes to reach the destination, a distance of twenty meters. I was nervous and tense the whole time, until my feet landed on the bulge next to the mulberry tree, and then I felt solid ground.

He took out a spare pull rope from his pocket and tied the suspension rope tightly to a mulberry tree that was as thick as an adult's thigh. Then he slowly climbed up the branch and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Looking down, there was a deep abyss beneath my feet. I could only see the green and yellow treetops below, and I couldn't see the bottom at all.

If a person falls, he will be smashed to pieces.


He let out another long breath.

Fortunately, he has been walking in the mountains for a long time, and has passed through many gaps in cliffs and climbed steep ridges, so he is not afraid of heights. If it were other people, their legs might go weak just by looking at it.

Okay, let’s do it!

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger.

There are a dozen mulberry trees of different ages here. Considering that more than half of them are only as thick as arms, it means that the trees are very young and it is impossible for Coriolus versicolor to appear.

That opportunity only appears in the remaining seven or eight trees.

He began to search carefully one by one.

It is actually quite easy to find Coriolus versicolor. It grows on the main trunk of a tree or on very thick forks. Slightly thinner branches cannot carry its nutrients.

So Yu Qiutang also looks fast.

But after looking at the seven trees, his excitement began to turn into a little uneasy.

Got nothing.

Although these trees all have the conditions to grow Coriolus versicolor, it is difficult to explain how Coriolus versicolor is produced, and it is quite normal that they do not have it.

There was only one tree left.

The hope of the whole village rests on this tree.

Yu Qiutang swung the rope gently, exerting force with his feet. Just as he was about to swing to the tree, he stopped abruptly at the moment of exerting force.

He suddenly discovered that there was a snake coiled upside down on the tree.

The snake was discovered because of its conspicuous appearance.

It is nearly two meters long and as thick as a child's arm. Its body is covered with triangular stripes with black edges, and its head is like a three-dimensional fallen leaf.


Yu Qiutang only took one look and started to complain.

Yu Qiutang is very familiar with the snakes in Qinling Mountains. There are eight or nine common poisonous snakes here, and more than twenty non-venomous ones.

The snake in front of us is a kind of venomous snake. People call it the five-step snake. Its scientific name is Agkistrodon acutus, which is a kind of viper.

Moreover, this snake is obviously an adult snake.

Generally speaking, the body length of the five-step snake is between 120 cm and 150 cm, and occasionally it can exceed 2 meters. This mainly depends on whether the snake's territory has natural enemies and food supply.

The five-step snake, which can grow to nearly 2 meters, is the best among this kind of snake. It may be the king snake that won this territory by defeating countless of its own kind.

But the question now is, why did this guy come here?

Yu Qiutang recently discovered that this mountain is full of strange things. Many creatures always seem to appear in areas that are not suitable for their survival.

The five-step snake mainly feeds on various small creatures, such as rodents, birds, insects, etc., and these small creatures generally live in places below 1000 meters above sea level.

Therefore, the activity range of the five-step snake is between 500 and meters above sea level.

But the problem is that he is now at the top of Houtouling, with an altitude of at least 1800 meters. What is the five-step snake doing here?

There is not enough food here, and because of the high altitude, it is even easier to be hunted by top birds of prey such as golden eagles and eagle owls.

But it just happened.

It was also blocking the path that Yu Qiutang had to pass.

The five-step snake is a highly poisonous snake. Although it is not as poisoned as the folk legend says that the person cannot walk more than five steps, if it is really poisoned, it should not be underestimated for people with weak physical constitution.

Deep in the mountains, Yu Qiutang didn't want to be attacked by it.

Just as he was thinking about a solution, the traction rope originally tied to the mulberry tree in front of him suddenly broke. He was caught off guard and his body bounced directly out of the mulberry tree.

At the critical moment, he subconsciously hooked his foot with force and just caught a branch of the mulberry tree. Using this connection, he suddenly exerted force on his waist and rolled his body back onto the branch.

And at the moment he flashed out just now, he happened to see several brown horseshoe-shaped flakes growing on the mulberry tree opposite, just to the side of the five-step snake.

Oh shit! !
He felt ecstatic.

That is Coriolus versicolor, and it is an older Coriolus versicolor, the color of which has begun to turn from yellow to brown.

And it is the even rarer Coriolus igniarius.

He only saw half of the tree and didn't know if there was any more on the other side facing away from him.

But even these that we see are estimated to weigh about one kilogram. If you pick them, you will definitely get two or three hundred yuan.


Now that you have seen Coriolus versicolor, it is impossible to retreat now. No matter if you are a five-step snake or a seven-step fall, if you stand in front of my money, you will be the only one to fall.

Yu Qiutang leaned against the branch of the mulberry tree and took out the crossbow behind him.

When coming down from above, since it was meaningless and inconvenient to carry a gun, he only carried a crossbow in case of emergency. He didn't expect that he would actually use it.

He slowly placed the crossbow arrow on the crossbow, then pulled out a dagger from his leggings and put it in his mouth.

He aimed the crossbow at the snake's head and held his breath. The snake had already noticed it and now slowly raised its head and spit out its core at him.

The man and the snake fought each other like this.

It is very difficult to shoot a snake with a crossbow, not only because the snake is thin, but more importantly, the snake's reaction speed is two to three times faster than that of a human.

Given the distance between him and the snake, if he missed the shot, the snake might just jump back over and be halfway up the cliff, or on a tree. If he lost the initiative, there would still be a certain risk for him.


Just as the man and the snake were in a stalemate, Wang Haofeng suddenly appeared at the edge of the cliff and shouted to the people below: "What's going on? Did you find anything?"

As others approached the cliff, some clods of soil were crushed and fell. Two clods happened to hit the mulberry tree where the snake was coiled. The snake's body was shaken and it subconsciously changed its position to avoid the impact.


At this critical moment, Yu Qiutang fired his crossbow.

The snake was stuck right on the mulberry tree.
Although the only flaw was that the arrow did not hit the snake's head, the snake was still immobilized. The severe pain and anger made the snake become manic, and it twisted its body frantically, trying to break free from the crossbow arrow.

However, flesh and blood are like iron arrows.

After a few minutes, it finally lowered its head, and the front and back halves of its body slowly fell down while wriggling, just like a piece of rope nailed to the tree trunk in the middle.

Yu Qiutang did not rush over. He first tied the rope to the mulberry tree again, and then carefully observed the snake for four or five minutes, making sure that the snake was dead. Then he swung on the rope and jumped onto the branch of the mulberry tree where the snake was.

He slid slowly down the tree trunk, his eyes fixed on the dead snake.

When he was more than one meter away from the snake, he hit the upper half of the snake's body with the crossbow again, but there was still no response.

This continued to decline.

He had already seen the location of the Coriolus versicolor. Sure enough, there were three or four pieces hidden behind the tree trunk that he could not see just now.

The amount is 50% more than what I originally saw. A rough estimate is that it is about one and a half kilograms.

It’s sent, it’s sent!
This thing is still profitable. Fairy tofu can only make 300 yuan a month, but this pile of stuff can make so much at one time. Rebirth with memories is really the biggest cheat.

He slowly descended to the same height as the Coriolus versicolor, fixed his body on the trunk of the mulberry tree, and then took out the dagger to prepare for cutting.

Care must be taken.

If you are not careful and fail to catch the thing and it falls off the cliff, you will be like Monkey King trying to catch the ginseng fruit and not catching any.


Just as he was about to cut the first piece of Coriolus versicolor with his knife, he suddenly saw a rapidly moving line in the corner of his eye. He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and subconsciously swung his knife to cut the line in half.

A stream of warm and cold snake blood splattered on the clothes.

He stared at the snake's severed head and it took him a long time to catch his breath.

This guy.

He knew that the five-step snake was cunning and liked to use protective colors to hide itself to avoid attacks or predation by natural enemies.

So he was careful enough.

I'm just worried that the guy isn't dead yet.

But who knew that the snake's patience was even stronger than he imagined, as if it had cultivated into a spirit.

He waited until he came down and was within attack range before suddenly launching the final blow before his death. It was because of his quick reaction that an ordinary person would have died.

Looking at the snake with only half of its body left, he said helplessly: "It's not easy for everyone, right?"

Then start cutting the Coriolus versicolor with confidence.

There were nine slices in total, large and small, and it was quite difficult to cut them. It took him thirty to forty minutes to put them all into his bag.

I weighed it and it was about one and a half pounds.

260 per pound, these are worth 400 yuan.

He can get 240%, which is .
Get rich, get rich!
I feel so good.

It's hard not to laugh.

This happy smile continued until the fire was lit in the evening, and it had not completely faded away when the three of them sat around the fire eating roasted wild pigeons.

"Hey, Tangtang, can you please tone it down? You look so proud, as if you just got married to a new wife."

Wang Haofeng flipped the roasted pigeon while looking at Yu Qiutang.

He knew that Yu Qiutang had gotten something good, but it was a bit too much to be so excited about it.

"You are unhappy, let me tell you, this is just the beginning, and we have already made so much money. After we visit a few places, it may double.

Fengzi, just tell me, you come out for two or three days and take home two hundred yuan, are you happy or not?"

"Two hundred... ah, you said two hundred?!"

"Yes, two hundred dollars."

Wang Haofeng was silent, staring at the roasted pigeon and suddenly became dazed, until Yu Qiujiang poked him, "Why are you staring? It's burnt," and then he reacted.

"Hey, 200 yuan is enough to marry a wife, including what I saved before, hey."

This time, it was his turn to grin.

When Yu Qiujiang saw Wang Haofeng become like this, he felt speechless at first, but then he thought, if Wang Haofeng could get 200 yuan, then he would also get 200 yuan. With the money he had saved, it would be about 500 yuan.

Five hundred yuan, I don’t know if it is enough for Chunju’s medical treatment.

I originally thought it would take a long time to save, but now following Qiutang, there are more ways to make money, so I can save money much faster.

He really didn't know how to thank Qiu Tang.

Although it seemed that more people would get things done more easily when the three of them went into the mountains together and they kept each other company, it was Qiu Tang who really used his brain and did the hard work, while he and Wang Haofeng could only provide assistance.

Even if I get 20% of the income, I feel a little ashamed.

It's because Qiu Tang is honest and cares about their difficulties. If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely not have such a broad mind and would be very happy if they could get ten dollars each time.


When can I do something to help Qiutang?

You can't always rely on him.


Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea. Didn’t Qiutang say that he wanted to build a yard near their house? That would definitely require a "mud foundation". Anyway, he had enough strength, so he could help him build the "mud foundation" when the time came.

Thinking of this, he thought this was a good idea.

I feel much better.

As they were eating and chatting, it got completely dark. The temperature on the top of the mountain was much lower than that on the mountainside, and it became even colder at night.

After ten o'clock, a strong wind started to blow again. The three were worried that the wind would blow away the sparks, so they had to compress the fire to a very small size so that it could barely maintain the heat.

"Tangtang, do you think there are wolves on the top of the mountain?" Wang Haofeng was shivering in the wind and covered his clothes more tightly. He looked around and saw gusts of wind blowing through the forest and then making a "howling" sound as it passed through the valley, which felt a bit eerie and scary.

"It's possible, but unlikely."

Yu Qiutang smiled.

It’s interesting to say that real wolves rarely run down the mountain to harass humans. At least compared to jackals and wild boars, the chances are much less.

After all, wolves live in mountains with higher altitudes, or in more vast grasslands and forests, which can ensure sufficient food sources and are suitable for collective hunting.

But almost all villagers still think of wolves first when they think of ferocious wild animals in the mountains.

Even though many people may never have seen a wolf in their entire lives.

And the wolf was demonized in this way.

Not only the wolf's bad reputation, but also the wolf's fighting power has been greatly exaggerated.

Many people don’t even know that when a strong adult encounters a lone wolf, the lone wolf is no match for the adult.

If this person had a sturdy stick in his hand, he could even fight two people at once.

But what is ironic is that people have a wrong perception that dogs are more powerful than wolves. There is even a saying that "dogs are the wolf's uncles."

It is said that when a wolf sees a dog, it will be so scared that it trembles and cannot even lift its head.


It's pure bullshit.

It is nonsense to compare only broad categories without looking at the specific classifications.

Which one is more ferocious, a wolf or a dog, depends on their species.

If they are of the same size, a dog has no chance of defeating a wolf. Just think about it. Dogs face chickens, ducks, and cats all day long, while wolves face the same kind of opponents...

Those are wild boars, leopards, and hyenas.



Yu Qiutang was talking to Wang Haofeng about the wolves, as if to embarrass him, when something came running towards them quickly from the bushes next to them.

(End of this chapter)

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