Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 113 I’m Afraid You Won’t Admit Defeat

Chapter 113 I’m Afraid You Won’t Admit Defeat
Yu Daner fell silent.

There was a long silence.

To use the Internet terminology of later generations, he felt at this time that his CPU was completely burned out.

He held a small wrench in his hand and was about to tighten the bicycle's airtight core, but stopped halfway, as if his acupoints had been pressed.

It took him about a few seconds to figure it out.

But I didn't know what to say for a moment.

The method Yu Qiutang proposed is indeed a good one. It not only solves the land division problem, but also lays the foundation for the future contracting of private plots.

Think about it too.

If the private plot is a good field, everyone will surely scramble to contract it privately. It will be difficult to decide who to give it to and who not to give it to, and there may even be more trouble.

If it's the land at the foot of the mountain, it would be much easier.

In his imagination, probably no one would be willing to take the contract, and no one would take the initiative to do such a loss-making business.

What is the team’s private plot? When the village distributed land, some spare land would be reserved for temporary use by the team.

In the later period, this kind of land was basically contracted privately by the villagers, who only had to pay money to the team every year.

It can be considered as giving the team a little space for activities.

Otherwise, the team would have no money and wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything.

Yu Qiutang told Yu Daner part of his idea, but left the rest unexplained.

He talked about exchanging land, saying that moving the private plot to the foot of the mountain would make it easier to control. After all, it was a private plot, so it didn't matter where it was, at least he wouldn't have to worry about the villagers making trouble.

But in fact, he had two plans of his own behind the scenes.

First, if Yu Daner really moved all his private land to the foot of the mountain, it would most likely never be rented out, which has been proven by history.

Secondly, Yu Daner only thought about the land division, but his brain short-circuited and he forgot that the original intention of the village to reserve private plots for the production team was to allow the team to have some funds for activities.

Well, if we move to the foot of the mountain, it will be easier to divide the land, but no one will contract it.

After that team arrived, there was no funding, and that piece of land became a dead zone.

If these are the second and third levels respectively, then Yu Qiutang’s real thoughts are more profound.

He planned to first use Yu Daner to completely idle the land, and then contract it out at a very cheap price, and then this large piece of land would belong to him.

By then, he might have developed a fairly large-scale breeding base.

Hunting in the mountains only happens every three to five years.

Many animals here were listed as protected species in the late 80s, but before that, there were actually relevant controls in place.

Just rely on hunting and eating date pills.

You must prepare for the future in advance and start hunting. Once you have accumulated a certain amount of resources, you can start breeding and planting cash crops or medicinal herbs. Of course, you can also develop some small industries based in the mountains.

If you want to develop industry, you must use land.

We cannot wait until we develop before we think about land issues.

You know, the changes in the country over the past few decades are actually a reform of land finance.

Land can only become more valuable.

The earlier you prepare, the cheaper it will be and the easier it will be to get.

This is the greatest convenience for those who are reborn, knowing where the tide of the times is rolling towards and then adapting to the trend in advance.

"What do you think of my suggestion? Is it for your own good? I heard that several teams have already completed the distribution. If you still haven't settled the land distribution at the village meeting next month, you will probably be criticized by name.

If things go wrong, you will be made into a negative example, and I think your career as captain will be over, right?"

Yu Daner put the wrench in his hand on the ground and washed the oil stains on his hands in the basin beside him. While washing, he asked: "I understand what you said, but I want to ask you, why do you want to exchange the good land for a bad one?"

"Well... can I not tell you?"

Yu Daner shook her head, "This is a serious matter, I must know the reason."

"Actually..." Yu Qiutang showed helplessness, "I'm not afraid of you making fun of me. You know about our family affairs. My father and I have a falling out. If we keep mixing things up, neither of us will feel comfortable.

To be honest, I not only want to sell my land there, but I also want to apply for a village site there. I am determined to live there and not interact with too many people. "

When Yu Qiutang explained the reason, both his expression and attitude seemed very sincere, and there was almost nothing wrong with him. In fact, Yu Daner also knew all the troubles in their family.

That seems to be the case.

This motivation is quite normal.

Thinking of this, he frowned and thought for a while, "What you said is not unreasonable, it is a method, but whether it can be implemented depends on what the village committee says.

I'm just a production team leader and I don't have the right to arrange such things.


I'll remember your request. When you have time, talk to me and the village chief and ask him what he thinks. If the village chief has no objection, then we can pass it through the village committee..."

"There's no need to make it so troublesome."

Yu Qiutang had finished drinking the syrup in the can. He opened his mouth wide, turned the can upside down, tapped the bottom of the can, and slowly put the can into his mouth.

“It’s not like you say it’s unnecessary. The village has its own rules and everyone must abide by them.

You want me to open a back door..."

"No, no, you are wrong, Captain."


“First of all, this is not a backdoor. This is a very reasonable thing. You can’t find a way to divide the land, so I can help you find it. This is a good thing.

Secondly, even if the back door is opened as you said, it will not be shown to me, but to you.

Even if I don't get the land over there, I will still have my own arable land and the necessary farmland. No one can be without it, right?

But as for you, I see that your recent progress is not satisfactory. I wonder if you continue like this, will you end up like the grasshoppers in the field now?"

"Yu Qiutang!"

Yu Daner stood up. When he heard Yu Qiutang's words, the anger he had suppressed in his heart surfaced again, "Don't you see where we are? Are you begging me?
You think this is your courtyard, you can do whatever you want, I tell you, your business..."

"Don't jump to conclusions."

Yu Qiutang smiled teasingly and suddenly said, "Hey, Captain, the weather is getting colder and colder, and we don't know when the frost will fall. Once the ground freezes, can we dig our canals this year?"

"Ah, what are you talking about?"

Yu Daner's face turned pale and he subconsciously looked at their east room, where his wife was.

"You're asking me, and I'm asking you, you've collected everyone's money, so it's time to take action, but if you keep putting it off, it'll take you forever.

By the way, I seem to have heard a rumor that you used the money we all collected to play mahjong..."

"Don't listen to their nonsense. They are just gossiping. The money is safe with me. Not a penny will be lost..."

"Not... less?"

Yu Qiutang keenly grasped the loophole in the words, "What do you mean by 'no less'? It seems like a guarantee. Can I understand that you are actually worried that there will be less?

Or maybe it’s missing and you just don’t know how to tell the team.”

"How is that possible? Don't talk nonsense. What does this have to do with you? It was Uncle Jin who paid for your family, not you. Before you split up the family, you have no right to say anything in front of me."

"Oh, it seems I didn't know the seriousness of the matter. Sorry, sorry."

Yu Qiutang suddenly began to apologize.

Seeing him like this, Yu Daner's tense heart finally relaxed a little, but just as she let out the sigh, she suddenly heard Yu Qiutang ask again indifferently: "Captain, I just heard you guys say outside that the money was given to my brother-in-law..."

“Yu Qiutang!!”

Yu Daner was on the verge of collapse. This alternation of tension and relaxation made him extremely uncomfortable.

He walked directly to Yu Qiutang and looked at his face. "What's the matter? You, a half-grown boy, broke into our house in the middle of the night and meddled in our family affairs?"

"No, no, we're just chatting casually. We're all neighbors and it's no big deal if we care about each other.


I really don't want to care about your family's affairs. I just want to exchange the land. Please help me with this.

As for the rest, I really didn’t think about caring.

Well, you see, if you understand my thoughts, then when you go to bed at night, lie on the kang and think about what is more important.

Don't worry.

I am a person who keeps my mouth shut, so I will definitely not spread the news that the money for repairing the canal has disappeared.

Promise not to tell any of those big mouths on the team.

I will definitely not report this to the village. I still respect your captain very much."

As he spoke, Yu Qiutang put the empty can on the ground, stood up, symbolically brushed off the dust on his body, and gave Yu Daner one last grin.

“It’s getting colder. I originally wanted to dig the foundation before the ground is completely frozen, but I don’t know if I can finish it in time. If I can’t, I won’t be happy all winter.


I tell you, it's cold, people's moods are easily unstable, and even the animals in the mountains are getting agitated. Just two days ago, when I went to the mountains to get something, I encountered an adult bear. Guess what?"

Yu Qiutang suddenly patted Yu Daner on the shoulder.


Yu Qiutang just tapped lightly, but Yu Daner seemed to be out of the way and quickly dodged and jumped directly onto the door sill.

"I shot it to death with three shots, peeled off its skin, cut off its limbs including its paws and sold them at a high price. Yes, and the bear's nose, which tastes particularly delicious, so I cut off the nose separately as usual..."

Yu Daner stared at Yu Qiutang in a daze.

I don’t understand why this young neighbor who is much younger than me can say such cold-blooded words with a smile.

Before, everyone on the team had rumored that this guy was a wimp, a coward, and a person with no future.

See now.

What a joke.

This guy looks harmless when he smiles, but the fact that he can remain calm and say such cold words proves that he is even colder deep down.

He had never seen bear hunting, but many people had seen him hunting wild boars some time ago, and many people even bought the wild boar meat he sold.

It's very fresh and the blood hasn't completely dried on it.

Obviously, it was something that he and Fengzi from Team 7 fought back together.

This time they said they hunted a bear, which is probably true.

That means he is good at using a gun. If you offend him, what if he is impulsive like he was when he was taken out that day, and comes over in the dark at night and shoots him in the head?

It's hard to say isn't it.

"Let's go and wait for your news."

It was not until Yu Qiutang opened the door and went out that Yu Daner felt the air around him begin to circulate again.

He pounded his fist on the wall.

The mud-plastered wall could not withstand such a heavy blow, and the mud fragments and straw on the wall fell down.

At this time, the little girl of about four or five years old in the east building, holding half a cake in her hand, poked her head out. Making sure there were no strangers in the yard, she staggered to Yu Daner and held up the egg cake, "Dad, have some cake."


Yu Daner just said, "Eat shit, I'm not in the mood to eat egg cake. Besides, this egg cake was brought by that guy, so I won't eat it."

But when he looked down, he saw his youngest daughter in front of him, looking at him eagerly with her chubby little face. He couldn't vent his anger at all, so he took the cake and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it quickly and mechanically.

"Isn't it sweet?"


"Mm, it's so sweet."

The little girl licked her fingers one by one with her tongue and ran back to the house happily.


Yu Daner shook his head helplessly. What kind of thing is this? This bitch is really more trouble than help.

She can't leave her parents' home.

She had several children of her own, but she couldn't even afford to buy them an egg cake. Instead, she would give hundreds of dollars in gifts to her parents' home.

It would have been fine if he had given it away before, but this time he directly took the public funds collected.


Now that the money is gone, he can only use the reserve funds originally prepared for autumn planting.

But if that’s the case, what about autumn planting?
He sat down on the mat that Yu Qiutang had just sat on, thinking about what Yu Qiutang had just said. Strictly speaking, it was indeed a good idea.

It can solve everyone’s problems.

Now that he is still the team leader, the matter of public funds being used can be covered up. If it is because of the land division, he will be removed from the position of team leader.

All public funds must be surrendered immediately.

That's it.

Being disgraced is a small matter. If you cannot make up for it, you may even end up in jail.

forget it.

I'll go find the village chief tomorrow and he should also take into consideration the actual situation of the third team. There must be such troubles in the backer.

We can't just do it one size fits all.

Yu Qiutang walked out of Yu Daner's house, leisurely and slowly walked on the village road under the moonlight.

He was not worried at all that Yu Daner would not agree.

Because the other party has no choice.

Once these village cadres go up, they dare not come down easily.

Otherwise, even though the power is insignificant, I have offended many people.

If you come directly, there will be a lot of people who will come to settle the score later.

Of course, even if the land was divided smoothly, Yu Daner would not necessarily be eliminated, and the embezzled money was only a few hundred yuan, which was not completely impossible to make up.

But if you put all these things together.

Yu Daner's mental defenses would be worn down little by little. Even though he could understand that a complete collapse was only a possibility, he was unwilling and afraid to try.

It's not worth it.

As long as he used his brain a little, he could figure out that if Yu Qiutang couldn't get it done here, he could go to the village chief.

There is still a possibility of success.

In the end, he was just a meaningless persistence of Ka.

Why bother?

A cool breeze blew and Yu Qiutang shivered. He suddenly found that he too was beginning to understand people's hearts.

He smiled helplessly.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye while we were searching for Yu Daner.

There is no response yet.

It’s strange that if you don’t care about Yu Daner, you won’t notice him.

Now I wonder when that guy will be able to handle the problem. I can see him everywhere.

You can't ignore it.

I guess Yu Daner thinks so too.

The look in his eyes when he looked at Yu Qiutang now was no longer one of contempt or hatred, but rather one of fear.

Judging from his performance that night, this young man is no ordinary person.

He is a ruthless person.

Yu Daner had heard the story of Wang Mang sung in Qinqiang.

Speaking of Wang Mang, when he had no power before, he was respectful to wise people and treated everyone with kindness. He was extremely nice.

But one day, he stood up and immediately became fierce and aggressive, a completely different person.


I don’t know if his mentality changed because of the change in circumstances later on, or if he was always a cunning villain.

The same is true for Yu Qiutang.

When I looked at him half a year ago, I always felt that he had no future, with a cowardly and stupid look on his face.

Looking at it now, it’s completely different.

Even her every frown and smile seemed to be full of conspiracy, which made even an adult like him shudder.

Wow, I didn’t expect that this small Production Team 3 would have such a powerful person.

As a captain, he was really short-sighted in the past.


Because I was somewhat related to Chen Meidi's family, I said I was helping her. Now it seems like I was just asking for trouble. Fortunately, nothing serious happened at that time.


There is no room for maneuver now.

It's really heartbreaking.

Today, the two met again on the road. Yu Qiutang was carrying a shovel and followed by a little girl, who was his niece.

"Brother Dan, are you busy?"

Brother Egg?
The corners of Yu Daner's mouth twitched. How could he deserve such a greeting? Didn't he always call him Yu Daner before?

The more polite he was, the more uncomfortable he felt.

He smiled and responded, "I'm going to weed the fields and prepare to plant some wheat. The grass in the fields is too tall. If we don't turn the land over thoroughly, it will be buried and will grow again."

"Indeed, the same is true of what you said about this land. Crops don't grow well. We need to apply manure and fertilizer, and there needs to be moisture in the land. But the grass has nothing. Each one is growing more lush than the other."

Yu Qiutang said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah."

"Well... have you seen the village chief recently?"

"Ah... I haven't gotten around to it yet."

"No hurry, no hurry."

Yu Qiutang smiled and rubbed Xiaoyun's head. "Then you are busy. We will leave first."

"oh oh."

Yu Daner finally waited until Yu Qiutang passed by, and only then did she feel relieved.

"Oh, that's right, Brother Dan, I remember your mother-in-law's home seems to be Xiaowang Village, right?"

"Yes, it's over there, not far from here."

"Oh, it's okay, you're busy."

Yu Qiutang said nothing more and this time he walked away completely.

Yu Daner came back to his senses and suddenly frowned, "What happened to Xiaowang Village? Why did you suddenly mention Xiaowang Village?


Could it be that he wanted to talk about his brother-in-law’s marriage, marriage, marriage…bride price? ! ! "

That’s what I was talking about.

Yu Daner now understood Yu Qiutang's deep meaning, and his body suddenly felt cold.

He said such cold words seemingly with a smile.

This is still a young man.

This is reminding me to speed up, otherwise I won’t be able to handle such things.

Yu Daner looked ahead, gritted his teeth, turned around and walked back.

Better get this over with as soon as possible.

If you keep delaying like this, sooner or later you'll get sick from being so nervous.

"Uncle, why were you so affectionate to the captain just now?" Yu Xiaoyun was carrying a small basket on her back. Today was the weekend and she didn't have to go to school. She was going to go with Yu Qiutang to get tofu shiitake leaves.

Recently, the first batch of tofu-tree leaves have been dried. Yu Qiutang wanted to take the leaves and seal them in a sealed snakeskin bag. Yu Xiaowei continued to do his washing homework at home, and Xiaoyun brought them over to play when she had some free time.

Hearing her say this, Yu Qiutang immediately realized that she was a little unhappy.

Some time ago, it was Yu Daner and that bastard Liu Xiang, the clerk, who came together to frame her and her brother. She was very angry.

Children's anger towards adults is often the most persistent.

Anger between adults often comes quickly and disappears quickly.

Everyone knows that it is for the sake of their own lives, and each will think of taking a step back at the critical moment to leave some room for maneuver.

Doing things to the extreme may seem to block other people's future, but in fact it often ruins your own life.

Especially people in later generations, they are full of resentment.

If there is a slight disagreement or a minor collision on the side of the road, the other person may pull out a knife from the trunk.

Neighbors can be so angry that they kill everyone in the house because the garbage at the door is not cleaned up in time.

Especially when it comes to the confrontation between the rich and the poor, it is even more difficult to predict. Some rich people are still immersed in the thinking that because I am rich I am the boss, not knowing that social pressure has already left some poor people with nothing, and all they have left is anger.

If you mess with me, I'm going to die anyway.

Even if I fight you to death, I won't suffer any loss.

Therefore, it is best to be kind to others, but at the same time, you must also protect yourself. This is what Yu Qiutang told his children and what he often reflected on himself.

They are all ordinary people.

In society, we are just a screw, so fragile that it is not worth mentioning. It is said that everyone is equal.

But the only thing that is truly equal is death.

But children are different.

They will judge people based on their most primitive likes and dislikes. If they like someone, they like him or her, and if they don’t like someone, they will hate him or her very much.

If you make me unhappy, I don't care who you are, I will hate you.

Even if you're actually a nice person.

Similarly, even if you are not a good person, but you are good to me, then you are a good person in my heart.

Yu Daner is the big villain in Yu Xiaoyun's mind.

It was impossible for her to forget how her brother was wrongly accused and beaten all over his body.

Grandpa beats my brother because he can discipline him.

But Yu Daner caused his grandfather to beat his brother, which is an unforgivable crime, and he is a bastard.

"I'm not intimate with him."

How could Yu Qiutang not understand the thoughts of a nine-year-old child and communicate with her patiently?

"Then you guys were talking and laughing, and I thought you were very enthusiastic."

"That's because you only see the surface." Yu Qiutang's smile was very warm, making Qiuyue's slightly cold temperature suddenly warm up a lot. "Do you know what the surface is?"

“I know,” Yu Xiaoyun nodded, but after thinking about it, she shook her head again, “But I don’t understand.”

"This is very simple," Yu Qiutang unbuttoned the outer collar of his clothes and pointed at the old clothes inside. "Look, if I don't unbutton the outer clothes, can you not see the patched clothes inside?"

(End of this chapter)

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