Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 117 The world of adults is all about calculation

Chapter 117 The world of adults is all about calculation

The next day, Yu Xiaowei and Yu Qiushi were sent to school under the guidance of Yu Qiutang.

Yu Qiutang waited outside for an hour or so, and only went home after seeing nothing unexpected happen.

On the way here, he told the two children that if the school only gave them basic punishment or criticism, they should just endure it and not cause any more trouble.

Reason is reason, rules are rules.

In any form of organization, there is no order without rules.

People who commit crimes in reality will also be punished by law. As long as they don't take advantage of others, they should respect certain rules.

If everyone loses their rules, the world will become a world of competitive people, and those who are gentle, introverted and timid will no longer have a living space.

Therefore, as long as people live in an environment, they are inevitably restricted by the environment.

After successfully sending my nephew and younger brother back to school, I will let my father take care of the rest of the things here. I believe that Yang Debiao will not cause any more trouble. I will find time to ask Zhang Jiashen if he has finished eating the roe deer meat.

I believe that this is the end of it.

As for the possibility that Xiaoyun might be bullied, I believe that after Xiaowei's critical hit this time, most people would not dare to do that again.

At the beginning, Xiaowei was asked to exercise and practice some basic skills of Red Fist, and they finally came in handy.

When dealing with barbaric people, reason sometimes seems too pale.

Just like how he dealt with Yang Debiao, unless you stepped on his face, no matter how much you reasoned with him, it would be useless.

After settling the issues at home, Yu Qiutang went to town carrying the tofu.

It happens to be a market day today, so I brought the bear bile to Lao Qin.

On normal days, I leave early for the market, but today I had to send my children to school, so I stayed a little longer. By the time I arrived in town, it was already quite lively under the tower.

Yu Qiutang went directly to the wild market in the west of the city, called Lao Qin to the side, and carefully took out the bear gall from the cloth bag.

Lao Qin only took a glance, and his eyes suddenly lit up as if they were highlighted.

"This is a copper gut!"

Yu Qiutang smiled and said, "How is it? Is it of top quality?"

"Of course, this is the first time I've seen such a good copper gallbladder this big."

"Are you grateful that I opened your brother's eyes?"

"You boy!"

While Lao Qin was talking, his eyes never left the copper gall. He looked at it carefully and repeatedly, circling it and examining it from top to bottom. The more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

"You handled it very well. You are very professional. This method of handling bear bile is not something that everyone knows. Tell me, you are so young, where did you learn it from?"

"I know so many things. How can I explain them to you one by one? Anyway, you will know when I meet you."

Yu Qiutang put the bear gallbladder back into the bag and said, "How about it? How much are you prepared to pay? If you can't afford it..."

"What are you talking about, kid? As long as you dare to buy, I dare to sell!" Lao Qin stuck out his neck, very dissatisfied.

"Haha, that's fine. I have such a good thing, but I didn't give it to anyone else. I gave it directly to you, brother. Isn't that very considerate? You can't cheat me. You have to give me a good price to be worthy of me."

"What nonsense are you talking about? You don't know me well enough. I'm not the kind of person who would lower the price to get a bargain," Lao Qin looked hurt by being suspected, but it was all a joke and Yu Qiutang didn't take it to heart.

"How about this, I'll give you an integer, what do you think?"


Yu Qiutang guessed it should be 1000 yuan. He quickly calculated in his mind. His original estimate was between 800 and 1000 yuan. Now Lao Qin directly gave the upper limit price, which met his expectations.


Since you've suggested this, I definitely won't agree to it directly.

This is how business works. Buying and selling are not a matter of a fixed price.

Otherwise, you will lose both money and people.

"Brother Qin, look at you, and you said you wouldn't cheat me, but you're giving me this price?"

Yu Qiutang began to tie the pockets of the small cloth bag.

Still muttering to himself.

"Look, I have some stuff on my back to sell, so I came all the way to your place because I respect you. I didn't expect you to take advantage of me..."

"Brother Qiu, what are you talking about? The price I offered is already very fair. You may not know the market situation..."

"You're saying I don't understand this market?"

Yu Qiutang pretended to be unhappy, "I am so skilled and professional in handling bear gallbladders, and you said I don't understand the market. Then where did the bear gallbladders I handled go? Were they taken away by rats?"

"This one……"

"Your brother Qin and I are honest people. With our relationship, let's not play that boring game where you name a price and I add a price. Just give me a base price. If I can afford it, I'll give it to you. If not, I'll find another buyer. I can sell you other things in the future."

“No, no, no, you misunderstood me, Brother Qiutang…” Seeing Yu Qiutang turning around to leave, Lao Qin hurriedly grabbed his arm, gritted his teeth, and stomped his feet, “How about this, I’ll give you another 100, making it 1100…”

"1200, fixed price," said Yu Qiutang.

“Ah, no, no!!”

Lao Qin shook his head subconsciously.

"I think it's OK. Such a good copper gallbladder, and it's processed so completely. It's a useful thing and not a single bit wasted. It will sell for more than this price no matter where you take it. It's a rare good thing."

"I know it's a good thing, but at this price, he really can't sell it. If I accept it for 1200, who can I sell it to? Won't it rot in my hands?"

Old Qin looked miserable.

"Then you see..." Yu Qiutang was in a dilemma. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, "Forget it, I'll give you less."

"Yes, yes, less, less."

"1190 bucks, please."

Lao Qin almost died from anger.

"Just 10 yuan less?"

"10 yuan is not a small amount," Yu Qiutang explained. "Just think about it, how much do the villagers around here make in a month? It's only or yuan, right? I'm giving you so much less all at once."

"You are such a stingy kid!"

Lao Qin was so angry that his teeth were itching. He remembered that he had lent him the gun after all, so why was he raising the price and refusing to give in at all? It was really not nice of him.

"Haha, I'll give you 50 yuan off, okay? Look how angry your brother is. It's only 1150 yuan. I guarantee that you will make a lot of money on this thing. Isn't that good enough?"

When Lao Qin heard this, his brows relaxed.

Money is one thing, respect is another.

If Yu Qiutang sold it at 1200 without any concession, he would feel very uncomfortable.

Although it has only been reduced by 50 yuan, it is some money for him, but not a particularly large amount. He feels much better.

When doing business, making money is one thing, but having fun is also important.

"Okay, that's it. Your thing is too expensive, and I don't have that much money yet. So, you take care of other things first, and I'll prepare the money. I'll meet you at the bottom of the tower around 12 o'clock."

"no problem."

Yu Qiutang heard that they were at the bottom of the tower and nodded with satisfaction.

Smiled meaningfully.

Lao Qin is really a cheerful person. The reason he put it under the tower is that he was worried that Yu Qiutang would be afraid.

After all, it’s more than 1000 yuan.

In this era, this amount of money can enable many people to risk their lives to do some great things.

The two men left after talking.

Yu Qiutang walked out of Lao Qin's sight, and couldn't help feeling overjoyed. He jumped a few steps on the street like a little child.

Another 1150 yuan was earned.

Earlier, Yu Qiujiang and Wang Haofeng insisted that they would absolutely not participate in the distribution of the bear bile, so Yu Qiutang accepted it.

He contributes the most each time, so it's only natural that he gets more good things.

When he got the 1150 yuan, plus the money he had saved before, his savings were almost 3000 yuan.

Already have a small fortune.

There is nothing else to do recently, so you can consider building a house with all your strength.

The more I think about it, the more beautiful it becomes.

I can't help but feel happy.

When in public, he has to maintain a mature demeanor, but when walking on the street with no acquaintances around, he can be free and lively.

Soon, we arrived at the Meifen Hotel.

The magical tofu cannot be kept for too long. If the temperature is too high, the tofu will melt and become a little sticky and soft.

So when the temperature was high some time ago, Yu Qiutang delivered the food early in the morning.

Now that the temperature has dropped and the situation is relatively better, he dares to delay.

He came to the back door of Mei Fen Hotel and found that the door to the kitchen was ajar. When he went in, he saw no one.

The fan and everything were on, the food in the pot was still cooking, but there was no sign of anyone.

It was suddenly very strange.

Today is market day, so it should be very busy at this time. Where are all the chefs?

Just as I was confused, I heard a noise coming from the front.

He put down the tofu basket and walked around to the front following the sound. He found that the lobby of the restaurant was in a mess and there was no customer. Wu Meifen, the waiter and the cook were arguing with a group of people.

He remained calm and stood back and listened for a while. This was roughly the situation.

This group of people were eating in the restaurant and found a vegetable worm in their food. They were very upset and insisted that Wu Meifen compensate them for their mental damages.

Wu Meifen and Chef Liang said that it was absolutely impossible to find bugs in the vegetables. The leaves were picked one by one by the chefs and washed five times repeatedly, so it was impossible to find bugs in the vegetables.

I think these people are trying to deliberately scare people and extort money.

Yu Qiutang had seen the people washing vegetables in the kitchen here and knew that they really paid attention to the quality of the vegetables.

Wu Meifen specifically emphasized that the purpose of running a restaurant is to attract repeat customers. Only with good service attitude and long-term high quality of food can people be attracted to come back again and again.

Don't think about a one-time deal.

She is very nice to the waiters and cooks in the restaurant, and the salary is higher than other places, so everyone works very seriously and responsibly, and this kind of thing should not happen very often.

On the other hand, there are a few guys on the opposite side.

They all looked like hooligans who needed reformation. The leader was about the same height as Yu Qiutang, fat and strong, with an earring in his left ear. It was obvious that he was not a good person.

He didn't say much, but just stared at Wu Meifen with a hint of mockery on his lips.

Yu Qiutang finally remembered why Wu Meifen had repeatedly invited him to the store some time ago.

It's not just because he has relatively advanced business philosophy, but also because people value his skills.

A hunter who can hunt a bear cannot be that bad.

No wonder.

The most difficult thing for people who open shops on this street is not how to make money, but how to deal with these complex social and institutional relationships.

All need to be taken care of.

If anyone thinks that all he needs to do when opening a business is to serve his customers well, he is simply naive.

I lost so much money that I even sold my pants.

"Boss Wu, it seems like you didn't listen to a word our brothers have been talking to you about."

Finally, the fat man who was leading the group spoke.

His expression became even more ferocious when he spoke, with his mouth twitching sideways, just like the puppet soldiers in TV dramas.

"I see you're a woman, and I don't want to embarrass you, but you seem a little ungrateful..."

"Zhao Laosan, don't tell me that. I don't know who you are, but I know exactly what you want." Although Wu Meifen was a woman, she did not back down at all. "I opened a business, so I know that there are people like you. Don't think we are easy to bully."

Yu Qiutang shook his head after hearing this.

The first part of this sentence sounded quite powerful, but the following sentence immediately brought it down and completely destroyed all the momentum.

Only the weak will tell the strong that they are not easy to bully.

To be truly powerful, there is no need to say these things.

Just put it in the highest position.

It seems that Wu Meifen really has no way to deal with Zhao Laosan at the moment.

Logically speaking, people like Wu Meifen who open a shop should have some skills, otherwise they would not be able to survive on the streets. I just don’t know where the problem lies now?
And Yu Qiutang certainly knew this Zhao Laosan.

Qingquan Town is very large, with more than a dozen villages under it, and there are also some small gangsters entrenched in the town.

These people are actually the force mentioned later.

But it's like an intern.

They are not that cruel, and their business is not complicated. They mainly go to schools to bully middle school students, collect protection fees on the streets, help people settle troubles, etc.

What you ask for is also very simple.

If it's just a small matter, it can basically be solved with a few packs of cigarettes.

However, after continuous development, these small gangs gradually formed several forces. Among them, the Zhao brothers from Zhaojia Village were a famous group.

This group of people are actually bricklayers, or construction workers.

Even when I'm busy, I still work.

But when encountering such things, I will take time out to help others solve problems or make things happen.

Among them, the three who did the best were the eldest, the third and the fourth sons of the Zhao family.

Among them, the eldest brother of the Zhao family opened many shops in the city, and later developed industries, completely cleaned himself up and became a well-known industrialist.

The fourth brother ate peanuts because he was doing business that he shouldn't have been doing.

The third brother was the most useless. He just hung out on the streets. Later he got into trouble and I heard he fled to another place. I don’t know what happened to him.

Yu Qiutang only knew Zhao Laosan, but they had never dealt with each other in his previous life.

Because of the changes in his life trajectory in this life, these people naturally appeared in his life.

He is just making a living in the mountains now and it is impossible for him to come to the town in the short term, but if his assets become more in the future, he may build a factory or a concentration point in the town.

Dealing with people like Zhao Laosan is inevitable.

"Wu Meifen, don't be shameless when you are given the chance, do you think that bald Mi can still protect you?
I tell you, he is like a clay Buddha crossing the river, he can't even protect his own butt, how can he have the time to care about you, if you behave yourself, in the future..."

"Zhao Laosan!!"

Having her soft spot poked, Wu Meifen's body swayed slightly, as if all her breath was sucked away.

"If you know what's best for you, you'd better give us an explanation for what happened today. We don't want much, just 500 yuan will be enough.

I've given it to you, so this time it's over.

From now on, just do your business well and be careful, and we won’t do anything to you.

If you don't know what's good for you, then you'll be punished for not accepting my toast. Don't accuse me, Zhao Laosan, of bullying women!"

As Zhao Laosan spoke, he took a few steps forward. He deliberately put more weight on his feet as he walked, making the ground seem to tremble.

Although the waiters and cooks around Wu Meifen wanted to protect her, they were still frightened by his aura and involuntarily took a half step back.

After all, this bastard has a bad reputation.

Ordinary people, when they meet such people, will always be a little afraid subconsciously.

This is because most people always think positively, while bad people only think about how to destroy, so they are more unscrupulous.


Zhao Laosan took another step forward and overturned a table next to him. His four lackeys followed closely behind him, all looking arrogant.

Wu Meifen had no place to retreat.

"Zhao Laosan, I'm going to call the police station!"

"Call us if you want. If we eat something, shouldn't you be responsible? It doesn't matter who you call, right?"

" scoundrel!"

"Don't say that, Boss Wu. We are guests. How do you treat guests..."

Before Zhao Laosan could finish his words, he noticed a tall and thin young man coming out from behind the crowd and standing in front of Wu Meifen.

The young man had a gentle face and a faint smile.

Wu Meifen grabbed the young man's arm subconsciously, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, "Brother Qiu."

The voice was filled with surprise and joy, almost crying.

As a woman, even if she is strong, she is still a little afraid when faced with such a situation.


Yu Qiutang did not call her "Sister Meifen" as he usually did. The different name indicated the closeness of their relationship.

Now that he has stood up, he must express an attitude.

That's the matter, he needs to take care of it.

In fact.

While watching just now, he also made a decision in his heart.

If he stood up, he would offend the people of the Zhao family. In a short period of time, he did not have the ability to fight against such people.

It will definitely cause some trouble.

But if you don't take the lead, it won't work.

It can be said that Wu Meifen took good care of him. From the magic tofu in the beginning to the bear meat later, she always gave him prices that were higher than the market price.

In addition to business, there are also human relationships involved.

To take a step back, even if there was no favor, Mei-Fen Hotel was where he sold wild animals. If he was really affected, it would be difficult for him to find such a hotel in a short period of time.

Moreover, he knew that what happened to Wu Meifen was only temporary.

She was not defeated by this, but relied on her own strength and the help of some noble people, and finally reached a very high position and achieved remarkable results.

As an investment, it makes sense to take the lead.

In the adult world, calculations of interests are everywhere.

Yu Qiutang has more human feelings in his heart, but he also cares about gains and losses.

"who are you?"

Zhao Laosan looked at Yu Qiutang.

Although this young man was taller than himself, he looked very thin and did not look like someone who could fight well.

Standing up at this time is probably just to show off. Young people are ignorant and don't know their place.

"Zhao Laosan, the food you ate will be given away, and today's matter will be over. What do you think?"


Zhao Laosan was stunned for a moment, then smiled teasingly, turned around, shrugged at his followers, and then burst into laughter.

"Brothers, look at this guy, he's so proud of himself. He told us to leave, so we left. Wouldn't that make us lose face?

Tell me, if my father spoke to me like this, would I give him face?"

The followers also laughed.

“Get out of the way…!”

Zhao Laosan turned around and slapped Yu Qiutang suddenly, intending to knock him to the side.

However, the work of his hands, like the sound, came to an abrupt halt.

Yu Qiutang grabbed his arm and held him in mid-air, looking at him calmly: "You mean you still want to compensate us for our tables and chairs?"

“Fuck you…!”

Zhao Laosan's face instantly turned red from his neck, and he exerted force to try to pull his hand back.

But, there was no movement at all.

"Third brother~"

"Third brother, beat him up!!"

"Third brother, don't be polite to this kid, beat him to death, don't look at the place, no matter who you are, you come out to cause trouble."

The younger brothers behind were unaware of the situation in front and kept encouraging others.

Zhao Laosan used all his strength to finally pull his hand back from Yu Qiutang's hand. He felt that his hand was numb after being pinched like that, as if it did not belong to him.

He was secretly surprised.

Looking at Yu Qiutang again, he became more alert.

Good guy.

I didn't realize it. It looks thin and weak, just a tree trunk, but I didn't expect it to have such great strength in its hands.

If you are not careful, you will lose the opportunity.

"Boy, who are you?"

"You also heard that the owner of this store, Wu Meifen, is my sister."

Yu Qiutang gave Wu Meifen a reassuring look.

I had been a coward for half my life in my previous life, and ended up with nothing.

Since you have encountered such a thing in this life, just step forward.

Be a real man and take action when it is time to do so.

Let these bastards bully this and that all day long. If we don't teach them a lesson, all our efforts in practicing the Red Fist will be in vain.

"Brother, if that's the case, do you really want to wade into this muddy water?"

Zhao Laosan rubbed his wrists without any expression.

"It's not that troublesome. You don't know me, but I know you, Zhao Laosan. You have a certain reputation in the street."

Yu Qiutang didn't want to continue talking so he decided to cut the Gordian knot.

"You and I are both smart people. We both know exactly what happened today. I don't care about your past because I want to give you face. If you don't want face, then I will only have the substance."

Yu Qiutang suddenly laughed coldly.

"If you want to try the inside, then come inside," he looked around at Zhao Laosan and the other five, "You've mobilized so many troops, you must want to fight, come on."

What Yu Qiutang meant by giving the other party face was actually just a provocative remark.

He knew that Zhao Laosan would never want that face.

Things have developed to this point. If he turns around and leaves, Zhao Laosan will never be able to survive in society again.

Zhao Laosan is in a difficult situation.

The only way to deal with those who like to rely on brute force and violence to solve problems is to be more brutal than them and have more powerful force than them.

It is so high that when these people see you, they can only lower their heads and have no desire to resist at all.

He, Yu Qiutang, no longer wants to bow to others.

The one who bows his head can only be someone else!

(End of this chapter)

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