Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 153 A Match Made in Heaven

Chapter 153 A Match Made in Heaven

"I'll go in and see if the leaven has risen." Fortunately, she had a savior, so Miali turned around and ran away.

Yu Qiutang looked at her back and smiled.

Although she didn't get a positive answer, she didn't object immediately.

When it comes to a relationship between two people, if you don't reject it on the spot, then there is a chance.

He believed that they were not a problem.

If Miali had never seriously cared about him, how could she have looked at him so carefully and revealed the inner core that others had not seen.

There is a play.

As for what Miyali said about his problem, he had a vague feeling about it.

It just wasn’t as clear before.

After rebirth, he still lives in the original world, and these people are all familiar people.

But he did have a sense of drifting.

Just as Miali said, he was like a passerby.

Sometimes, we look at problems too rationally, as if we were a god high above, overlooking this world.

It sounds a bit boastful.

But that’s the mentality.

Thinking about the future of these people, which I already know, I suddenly feel an indescribable pity and sense of superiority towards them.

It was not his intention, but it was the fact.

Therefore, at a very early stage, he began to work hard to resolve this sense of emptiness.

There has been some improvement, but it is not quite there yet.

You can only try to integrate further in the slow life.

"What are you talking about?"

Mi Wenzhong took a bite of the steamed bun and a mouthful of green onion, and as he chewed and spoke, his mouth was filled with a strong taste of green onion.


It's you who should ask.

Yu Qiutang couldn't do anything about his brother-in-law, so he just made up an excuse to cover it up.

It’s better not to tell Mi Wenzhong before it’s officially confirmed with Mi Yali.

He was able to let his sister Yu Chunmei know because she was very conservative and knew how to keep it a secret for him.

But Mi Wenzhong has a simple personality and might tell everyone about it when he gets home. This would cause a scandal before the marriage proposal even begins and Mi Yali would be embarrassed.

It will cast a bad shadow on their relationship.

"By the way, Brother Wenzhong, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to talk to you about being well matched."


Yu Qiutang was slightly stunned, and the first thing he thought of was what happened between him and Mi Yali.

Still want to keep it secret.

Could it be that this uncle-in-law found out?

"We are about to put up the main beams. Your main room needs a pair of doors, and the front door needs a pair of stone blocks."

Yu Qiutang burst out laughing.

It turns out to be this.

Startled him.

The idea of ​​matching doors and counter-parting is an architectural style that has been passed down from ancient times. The courtyards in Rongcheng are all of the quadrangle type, and this style has been continued to a certain extent.

In the main house, which is the large room directly opposite the main door, there are wooden carvings or brick door panels above or on both sides of the door lintel.

In ancient times, the quantity and size of this thing were determined according to the rank of the official.

In this era, the material and size of the wood are basically determined by the size of the house and whether the family is rich.

Most poor families use pine or cypress wood.

Some are directly brick carvings.

If the family is wealthier, they will choose birch or lacquer wood.

If you have more money, you can choose fir.

Likewise, the size varies greatly.

If the family is poor, the big house is three rooms, and each room is three meters wide, so the overall width of the house is less than nine meters. The house should be smaller, otherwise it will look ugly.

If the family is wealthy, the main house will have five or even seven rooms, which means it can be up to 20 meters long, which means the couple is quite wealthy.

Of course, in addition to the material and size, there are also considerations such as the carving work and who does the carving.

The door lintel is the stone pillar or stone drum on the left and right sides of the gate.

Corresponding to the "hu dui", it was also a symbol of family status in ancient times.

Nowadays, door knockers come in various types. The poorest families simply use two wooden blocks with nothing on them.

Rich people would carve them into the shape of auspicious animals and paint them, making them look very beautiful.

In the ancient concept of marriage, people often used the phrase "equally matched" to describe the social status and economic conditions of both families.

It is believed that when families with similar backgrounds come together, they will be more compatible in terms of lifestyle and values, and their marriage will become more stable and harmonious.

This view was once criticized.

It is considered to be a remnant of feudal ideology that forcibly divides people into different classes.

But as society continues to progress, more and more people are finding that this statement does make sense.

It’s true that people from different circles find it difficult to integrate together.

Forcing a relationship will only make both parties confused and painful.


Yu Qiutang came back to his senses and looked at the yard not far away, "Is there no preparation ahead?"

Mi Wenzhong said: "I didn't expect the door to be a good match at first. We have prepared a pair of cypress wood for the door, but there may be problems with the treatment. I just found some cracks today.

It’s not that it can’t be used, but I’m afraid that after using it for a few years, the relationship will be broken, which is not auspicious.”

Yu Qiutang nodded, "What should we do now? Should we go buy it? It's okay, you guys just need to take care of it, and we'll settle the cost later."

Mi Wenzhong stuffed the last bite of steamed bun and green onion into his mouth and swallowed it after chewing it in a few seconds.

Burp with satisfaction.

“Of course you can buy it, but I think that the wood you buy outside is often not very good.

In this industry, we all know that when we encounter very good wood, we will keep it and sell it at a high price. If we can sell it on the market, it will be medium-quality at best. "

"So what you mean is... I go to the mountains to find wood?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. You've been in the mountains all the time, so you must be familiar with all kinds of wood. You can bring some back so we can make a nice house."

Mi Wenzhong explained with a smile.

"Oh, right, the doorknob too. If you can get some good stone, I'll help you find someone to carve two beautiful kirins. What a great symbol."

"That's it."

Yu Qiutang was a little moved.

The rest of the yard is well built, so there is no reason to compromise on key departments.

It’s just wood and stone, he can just go and find them.

It's nice to look for wood and bring back some wild game at the same time.

As the weather is getting colder and colder, farm work is basically finished, and it's time to go to the mountains to look for things.

"Okay, I'll figure it out."

He looked at the rain and nodded.

The rain continued until the early hours of the next morning.

Maybe it was because the weather was too cold, Yu Xiaowei caught a cold and kept coughing all night.

Yu Qiutang couldn't sleep because of the noise and was worried that his child would have a high fever, so he got up early before dawn.

During the construction period, Yu Chunmei often lived with Yu Qiujiang and slept with Mi Yali and Chunju, so this side of the house felt much more empty.

Yu Qiutang originally thought that Xiaoyun would be afraid to sleep alone, so he asked her to come over to sleep with him, but the child might be too old and still prefer to sleep alone.

Yu Qiutang didn't insist either.

In fact, at this time, many children, even teenagers, still sleep on the same kang, which is very normal.

People at that time were very simple and honest, and did not have as many worries as in later generations.

"Uncle, you're up."

Yu Xiaowei was awakened by the sound of him getting dressed, and his head popped out from under the quilt. "Well, we have to go to the mountains. Today is Sunday, you should sleep a little longer. Remember to heat up the kang during the day, and cook for yourself with Yunyun."


Even if Yu Chunmei is not around, the two children can still make a living.

After all, when Yu Qiutang was not back, they depended on each other.

Yu Qiutang had no other choice for the time being.

Since there are no extra people available, we can only let the two little guys suffer for now.

Once the house is built, things will be much better.

The sky was not completely clear yet and the clouds in the sky were still very thick. When Yu Qiutang prepared his things, he specially brought the tent and the oilcloth covering it.

Even if it rains, it can still be maintained.

So as not to get soaked.

While he was busy in the yard, his father opened the door and came out. Seeing him like this, he asked, "Are you going to the mountains again?"

"Well, the one over there needs a pair of door-to-door wood and a door stopper."


Yu Dejin responded casually and went to the toilet. When he came back and was about to enter the house, he suddenly said, "I'm going to the mountains to look for wood today, too. Let's go together later."


Yu Qiutang was greatly surprised.

"Wait till I can."

Yu Dejin went in to pack his things. Yu Qiutang thought about it and did not say no.

He could actually use the excuse that the two were not in the same location or that the timing was not right as an excuse to decline.

But I also feel that this is not necessary.

It is often possible to snow in the mountains after rain, or in this season.

If the father goes alone, there will still be certain risks.

It doesn't mean that he has been to the mountains many times before and has accumulated a lot of experience, so he will be fine this time.

Having lived his whole life, Yu Qiutang understands very well that life is unpredictable.

If you are not careful, life will be like a meteor across the sky.

In the face of death, everything is trivial.

Before leaving, he fed his three dogs, which had grown a lot.

Fortunately, because he often did not go home, the dogs had no choice but to be fed by Yu Xiaowei and Yu Xiaoyun, and they developed a deep relationship with them.

Unfortunately, a hound with emotions is destined to have a low ceiling.

At heart, a hound is still a beast.

If they were given more human warmth, it would be difficult for them to completely unleash their wild charm in disputes in the wild.

There must be gains and losses.

Fortunately, Yu Qiutang doesn’t care that much about their quality.

Half an hour later.

The father and son set out on the road into the mountains together.

Fortunately, this time Yu Qiutang prepared to go into the mountains alone and did not call Wang Haofeng and Yu Qiujiang.

The advantage of bringing them along is that they can carry the prey together, and if anything goes wrong, they can take care of each other.

The downside is that you have to worry about their safety.

This time he was only going to the birch forest, which was relatively speaking still within the outer mountains, and he was not planning to hunt deep in the mountains, so he would be more efficient if he went alone.

I never thought that I would have another father.

Compared to Yu Qiutang's bulging bag, his father's luggage was very simple, just a short axe, a saw, a pot of water and a few steamed buns in his shoulder bag.

It couldn’t be simpler.

If any one of them is removed, the action of entering the mountain cannot be completed.

Yu Qiutang couldn't help but wonder how his father had managed to walk in the mountains for so many years with such simple equipment.

Even though he had never been to the mountains, wild animals often roamed around the outskirts of the mountains.

It's impossible that we just don't encounter it every time.

No wonder.

In his previous life, he actually knew very little about his father. He knew that his father worked hard, but he didn't know how hard it was or why.

When my father is angry, he will only say how hard his work is, but he will not specifically say what the hardship is.

Just like all other fathers and sons in this era and this region, the two of them rarely communicate calmly.

His father saw him as a burden, yet he was responsible for him.

He saw his father as an enemy, yet he had primitive feelings for him.

Strange yet familiar.

The two men walked out of the house in silence, and walked along the village road, going farther and farther, gradually coming to the south side of the team. Standing on the village road, they could see Yu Qiutang's yard.

My father stopped and looked at it from a distance for a while.

"How much longer?"

Yu Qiutang immediately understood what he meant, "Almost done, in two days we will put up the main beams, and then the gatehouse."

Yu Dejin nodded, "Then we have to pick a good day."

"I've checked. The third of next month is an auspicious day. We can put down the tiles at the door and put up the beams at the main house. It can all be done in one day."

"We need to find a few more people to put on the beams. The wood is heavy."

"It is very heavy. I chose pine beams."


After his father finished speaking, he turned around and continued to walk forward. Yu Qiutang also withdrew his gaze and followed his father.

He kept a distance of half a meter from his father and followed him closely.

If his father was faster, he would speed up, and if his father was slower, he would slow down. This way, he would not leave his father far behind because he was too fast.

But as he walked, he found that following his father was actually very comfortable.

My father's speed was very steady, and each step seemed to be measured, as if it was a uniform motion.

It's totally effortless to follow.

In this way, the two slowly left the village and gradually came to the Houtouling area.

When Yu Qiutang saw that his father's steps in climbing the mountain were very steady, he began to believe that his father had great endurance, much better than that of Wang Haofeng who had just arrived.

"If you're tired, just tell me and we can take a break."

The father said in front.

Yu Qiutang thought to himself, I was just about to tell you this, but if I take a break now, wouldn’t it make me look weak?

"You can still hold on, Dad, are you tired?"


"I'm OK, after all, I'm young."

My father nodded and said, "It's good to be young. When I was your age, I could walk to the top of Tianwang Peak in one breath."

Blow you!
Yu Qiutang retorted subconsciously in his heart.

Tianwangding is the highest mountain nearby. There is a Tianwang Temple on the top of Tianwang Mountain.

The pagoda-holding Li Tianwang is enshrined inside.

Yu Qiutang had never been to that place after being reborn and entering the mountains so many times.

If I do nothing and just rush on, I'm afraid I won't get there in a day.

If you want to climb to the top of Tianwang Peak in one breath, you have to walk in the mountains for a whole day without taking a rest.

Is this something that humans can achieve?

Anyway, Yu Qiutang didn't believe it.

"At that time, your grandfather was considered a half-earth yin and yang. On the first and fifteenth day of every month, he would go to the Tianwang Temple to burn incense, and I would follow him.

At first I couldn’t hold on and couldn’t walk on the road, so I had to have your grandfather carry me. But later I got used to it and walked faster than your grandfather…”

Yu Dejin said this and suddenly stopped talking.

"call out!"

A black bird glided across the treetops, stirring up a cold wind.

Yu Qiutang saw his father's shoulders trembling slightly and he subconsciously shrank his neck. He felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, so he took off the scarf around his neck and walked forward to put it on his father.

(End of this chapter)

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