Chapter 157 Save my child!

"Dad, wait here for a while. I'll go check it out."

"Are you okay on your own?"


Yu Qiutang stopped talking and asked his father to hide behind a birch tree on the right that could be surrounded by three people.

He then put the wood on his back aside.

Holding a crossbow, he nimbly crossed the mountain path, ran quickly, rushed to the ridge on the right in three or two steps, and groped forward.

Along the way, the anger in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

He was already annoyed when he encountered this kind of accident. They were three living people, and he couldn't just kill them like a beast. He was not so cold-hearted as to do that.

Moreover, these people, after all, originally had no conflicts with him.

But all three of them had harbored ill will towards him.

The thin guy outside has a dagger hidden in his sleeve.

The bald man aims at five or six and a half.

The old man was flying stones.

Even their monkeys grabbed their own water bottles first.

It was only by maintaining a last bit of patience that I avoided completely breaking away from them.

Willing to take a step back.

But they were so ignorant of the danger that they insisted on coming to harass him, so he was going to give these people a good look to put pressure on them.

Let them never dare to set foot in this mountain again.

With anger in his heart, he moved very quickly through the woods, following the area where the cuckoo and the small animals had just come out and approaching quickly.

At the same time, he mobilized all his five senses to the limit.

He seldom uses all the benefits brought by this rebirth. If he only uses one or two of them, the beast will not be able to hold on.

After a few minutes, he had spotted the first person.

It turned out to be the thin man who was stepped on by him. He was now crawling on a tree branch, covering his body with leaves.

If Yu Qiutang didn't have good eyesight, he would definitely not be able to tell the difference.

It almost blends in perfectly with the leaves.

Yu Qiutang acted without hesitation. He bit an arrow in his mouth and aimed the other at the man's thigh.

"call out!"

The moment the arrow was shot, he quickly moved towards that direction.

When the man cried out in pain and fell to the ground holding Five or Six Ban, Yu Qiutang had already reached him, the crossbow in his hand pointed at his head.

"wanna die?"

He stared at the man coldly.

His eyes were fierce, as if he was looking at a wild beast that could be shot at any time.

That's right.

He really had this kind of violence in his heart at this moment.

Perhaps it was the content of the conversation with my father today, or the vastness of this mountain, or perhaps it was because too many wild animals had been hunted recently, and people's murderous intent gradually grew stronger.

In short, thoughts came to his mind one after another.

If this person continued to complain, he might really shoot him to death with a crossbow.

If you throw it into any corner, it will soon be eaten until not even a bone is left.

Nowadays, every village has a few people who disappear into the mountains, not to mention that these people are outsiders whose whereabouts are already mysterious.


The man also realized Yu Qiutang's murderous intent.

The murderous look in his eyes was not particularly explosive, but rather very calm.

At times like this, it's just the calm before the storm.

This person is really scared.

He hurriedly said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are not targeting you, really not, we are waiting for others."

"Do you think I should believe it?"

Yu Qiutang said coldly: "There hasn't been a single person in this place for several days. Are you kidding me by saying that we are waiting for someone here?"

"I'm not lying to you. We agreed to go over there. I'm just observing here. It's really not for you."

The thin guy was stepped on the ground by Yu Qiutang before, and at that moment he knew that he was a martial artist.

His strength, speed and reaction are far superior to those of ordinary people.

Later, when I saw that he was able to dodge flying stones, I gave up the idea of ​​revenge.

It is said that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake.

This kind of position of backer is the most likely place for an extraordinary person to appear, so it is better not to worry about it any further.

But he never expected that he couldn't afford to provoke, nor could he afford to hide.

Who can I turn to for justice regarding this grievance?

"We are actually..."


Yu Qiutang stopped him from talking any more. He didn't want to know so much information. This kind of thing seemed troublesome no matter how he looked at it.

Here we have masters like the old man, and advanced guns like the Five or Six Semi, so the person who makes them wait must not be a simple character.

It’s better to stay away.

He was naturally confident that he could get away with it safely by himself, but with his father by his side, it was hard to say.

Thinking of this, he took the thin man's five or six and a half guns, removed the bullets from the gun, and searched his body again, taking away all the remaining bullets from this guy.

"I'll put the bullet in your beard later, and you can take it yourself."

The thin guy knew that this was the best way.

Agree quickly.

Even a fool can see that the young man in front of him is no ordinary character.

He really wanted to kill himself just now.

I had a close call with death.

It’s winter, and the clothes inside are actually soaked.

It’s better not to provoke him and let him leave as soon as possible. If you continue like this, if he gets unhappy, the consequences will be unpredictable.

"I hope what you say is true, otherwise you will all die."

Yu Qiutang gave another "instruction", turned around and quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Who is it?"

"Oh, two hunters, they said they were chasing a muntjac here."


Yu Dejin had no doubts.

The two men walked out of Hu Zikou steadily, and Yu Qiutang placed all the bullets next to the stone on the side of Hu Zikou as promised.

On the way down the mountain, Yu Qiutang kept thinking about what happened today.

These people appear to be treasure hunters.

peace brings money.

I don't want to get into life-and-death conflicts with others.

He is no ordinary desperado.

The thin man said that they were going to wait for someone here, so could it be understood that there were only two possible identities for the person coming.'

One type is treasure hunters like them.

I was invited by them and wanted to make a little money here.

Another type is the buyer.

If these people do find something good here, they need to sell it.

But the biggest question is why these people would trade on the spot instead of taking it out to a safer place.

What a mystery.

These people opened up a new perspective for Yu Qiutang. In addition to some natural resources, this mountain might also contain man-made things.

Yu Dejin, for his part, praised Yu Qiutang's endurance and strength in a rare positive way.

They said they didn't expect him to be so thin, but so strong.

It is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down. He is really strong to be able to carry wood and go down the mountain so steadily. Yu Qiutang thought to himself that I have become strong for a long time. You have only just discovered it now, or you discovered it before. But he just couldn't bear to praise his son.

When we walked out of the mountainside and could see the village entrance, the sky was completely clear.

Just saw the last ray of sunset.

The red sky made the clouds, which had not yet had time to disperse, look like they were wearing a fiery red apron.

My father stopped and looked at the sun for a few minutes, muttering softly, "It's as red as blood."

Yu Qiutang was puzzled. Didn’t this astronomical phenomenon mean that it would be a sunny day tomorrow? Isn’t that a good thing?
After returning to the village, the father and son went their separate ways.

Before leaving, Yu Dejin said that if it didn't work out, he could help Yu Qiutang carve the household couplets himself.

Yu Qiutang thought about it and did not refuse.

My father is an excellent carpenter, so carving a few doors is no problem for him.

And this is also what my father is willing to do.

Once the household registration is settled, the only thing left is the matching of family backgrounds.

This requires special stones, which can be purchased in the market or dug in the mountains yourself.

Yu Qiutang asked to buy it directly.

Running to the mountains to carry stones seems a bit boring no matter how you look at it.

In the next few days, Yu Dejin came personally to help him carve the household couplets. Mi Wenzhong had originally hired a carpenter, but he was a little unhappy that the work was intercepted.

But when he saw Yu Dejin's craftsmanship, he was immediately convinced.

When Yu Dejin was working, he was always around him, passing him cigarettes and pouring him water, constantly learning from him.

Yu Dejin might be in a good mood and would tell him about it.

Yu Qiutang originally wanted to take advantage of these few days to have a good rest and put up the beams of the main house with full energy.

But just after finishing lunch in the afternoon, I saw a group of people rushing towards this side.

Looking closely, the person leading the group was none other than Zhang Jiashen, the principal of the primary school.

Following behind him was his math teacher, Mr. Yang, who was also the school's vice-principal.

There were also some people, some of whom looked familiar, while others were strangers.

Three of the women were crying and looking terrified, and had to rely on others to support them when walking.

One of them was from the same team as them.

According to seniority, you should call Yu Qiu uncle.

Yu Qiutang wondered where these people were going. There was a mountain at the end of the road. Were they going into the mountains?

But I saw that they actually turned at the fork in the road and walked towards this side.

Just as I was wondering, I saw Wang Haofeng running from the back of the crowd to the front, shouting as he ran: "Tangtang, Tangtang!"

When Yu Qiutang saw him like this, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Wang Haofeng said, "Help me quickly."

As soon as Wang Haofeng finished speaking, the crowd came to Yu Qiutang.

Originally, this was a temporary storage place for bricks, but recently the bricks have been almost used up, and there are still some broken bricks left on the ground, making it look like a garbage dump.

The three women showed no fear at all and walked right up to Yu Qiutang and knelt down in front of him.

Yu Qiutang was shocked and quickly moved away.

People here take kneeling very seriously.

In a woman's life, she would only kneel when she got married or when an elder passed away. But now, kneeling directly in front of Yu Qiutang was definitely not an easy task.

Yu Qiutang glared at Wang Haofeng.

I thought to myself, you are a kind-hearted boy, but why are you holding me back all the time?

"Uncle Qiu, please save our children, please save our children!"

The other two women just cried and didn't say anything for a long time. However, the woman on the team knew Yu Qiutang and shouted in a crying voice.

Others around were also talking about it.

Zhang Jiashen walked up to Yu Qiutang and said, "Student Qiutang, I can only ask you for help with this matter."

Yu Qiutang was completely confused by these people.

What child, help, if you are sick, go to the hospital immediately, what can I do.

But looking at the current situation, it is clear that the matter is very urgent.

So he hurriedly pulled Zhang Jiashen to the side and said, "Teacher Zhang, what's going on? What happened?"

"It's all Old Yang's fault!"

Zhang Jiashen glanced at Teacher Yang who was not far away, with an irritated look on his face, "There are three students in their class who did not do well in the exam, so he made them run circles in the playground, and if they stopped, they would be beaten with a cane.

They are not allowed to go home after school.

In the end, the students ran away, but they did not go home. When their parents found the school, they learned that none of the three had returned.

Then he panicked.

I asked around, and some people said that the children ran into the mountains..."

"What, you said the kids ran into the mountains?!"

Yu Qiutang subconsciously looked up at the sky. The sun had already set, and it was only a matter of time before it got dark. If he ran into the mountains at this time, then...

"It would be fine if it were anywhere else, but most people are not familiar with this mountain, especially at night. Even adults may not be able to find the way, let alone three children.

Well, we thought about it. If there is anyone in our village who is more familiar with the mountains, it must be you, so we asked you to help.

For the sake of my teacher. And also because it is not easy for these parents to raise their children, please go to the mountains and help them find their children!"

Only then did Yu Qiutang understand the whole story.

It's no wonder that Wang Haofeng ran so fast. In his mind, no one else could handle this kind of thing except himself. On the one hand, he was enthusiastic, and on the other hand, he felt that doing this kind of thing would make him respected by others.

There's nothing I can do about it, he's just such a rough guy.

However, he didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

He is not averse to doing good things.

If he had the ability, he certainly wouldn't have the heart to see his three children get into trouble in the mountains.

But the problem was that he was worried about giving these people too much hope.

The children finish school at 2:40 in the afternoon, and it is now almost 6:40, a full four hours.

With their energy, there’s no telling how deep they can run.

The key point is that the mountain is so big and we don’t know the exact direction.

It was dark again, and the visibility was so poor that even he couldn't see things clearly.

Most wild animals are crepuscular.

The evening is the peak time for foraging.

Even for him, it was really hard to guarantee that he could bring the children back by running into the mountains.

If he fails to bring it back, these people's resentment will definitely be transferred to him, and then there will be endless troubles.

This is the way the world is.

He has experienced this deeply.

It’s so hard to be a good person!

Before you become a good person, you must first protect yourself.

He was not as naive as Wang Haofeng, who rushed forward like a brainless person.

It was the same thing when I rescued Lao Liu last time.

While he was still hesitating, Wang Haofeng rushed in and carried him.

Most people couldn't stand this kind of reckless character. Only he could tolerate it because he knew that the guy had been kind-hearted since he was a child and had never changed.

"Please, child, please help us look after the baby. I'm kneeling down for you."

While he was hesitating, several mothers came over and knelt in front of him, and the other people following them were also in pain.

Everyone stared at him eagerly.

Since I didn't see the man, I guess he had already gone into the mountains. But Yu Qiutang knew that at this time, it would be useless for ordinary people to go into the mountains, so it would be good enough if he could be brought home.

At this time, the noise here also attracted the attention of the people working.

At first glance, I thought someone was here to cause trouble or fight, so everyone just picked up the furniture and rushed over.

When I looked closer, I saw that there were several crying women and a group of men with gloomy faces. They didn't know what was going on and they all stood there in a daze.

Yu Dejin was holding a planer in his hand and was planing wood. When he heard that his son was fighting, he immediately brought it over.

He looked at everyone, walked to Yu Qiutang in confusion, and pulled him aside, "What's the matter? Why do so many people come to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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