Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 187 Treasure Appears

Yu Qiutang looked through the things the old man left behind again, feeling lost.

He didn't understand it for a moment. The old man didn't mention his family in all his words. That means he had no other relatives except his two apprentices.

But in the end, he couldn't determine which disciple had the problem, so before he died, he actually felt very regretful.

This regret only reached its limit when he stabbed the knife into his neck.

Yu Qiutang could probably guess why the old man committed suicide.

Perhaps it has something to do with the despair at the time.

He came to his senses, checked the whetstone again to make sure nothing was left, then went back to the next room and, as the old man had instructed, placed his body and the thin man, the little underwear in the old man's message, back to back.

He went out and peeled some old bark from birch trees, cut some branches and brought them in, piling them next to the two of them.

The monkey realized what he was going to do and started to snarl. He wanted to use his gun to dissuade him, but in the end he patiently tried to appease him with a few words.

The magical thing was that the monkey slowly calmed down, squatted beside Dahei like a human, and watched Yu Qiutang light the fire.

Seeing the fire starting, Yu Qiutang brought Dahei out of the house. He wanted to call the monkey to join him, but he saw the monkey actually jumped into the fire, and the fire instantly ignited its hair.

It screamed in pain in the fire, but finally couldn't bear it any longer. It jumped out of the fire and rolled around in the snow.

Seeing this, Yu Qiutang also took off his clothes and helped him put out the flames.

However, in just this moment, many burn scars had appeared on its body, and the hair on the entire body except for its head was basically burned.

It looks extremely scary.

Even Dahei was frightened and tried his best to hide behind Yu Qiutang.

Yu Qiutang didn't know how to judge for a moment.

I was actually moved by the affection between the monkey and the old man, and felt a little sad about the old man's departure, but I was also amused by the monkey's appearance.

But I was too embarrassed to laugh out loud.

After all, the monkey was seriously injured. If it is not treated, it may not survive.

But the monkey ignored the pain and lay on the window, watching the flames inside with eyes full of sadness.

Monkeys are animals that have many facial expressions that are very similar to those of humans, especially their joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. They are simply replicas of humans.

Yu Qiutang felt the same sadness as the monkey and wanted to pat its shoulder gently to comfort it, but the monkey was covered in wounds and he couldn't bring himself to do it.


Just as he was hesitating, the monkey suddenly ran deep into the forest at a rapid speed as if crazy.

It moved very quickly, twisting and turning in the birch forest, and soon disappeared.

Yu Qiutang withdrew his gaze and continued to watch the fire burn.

After burning for nearly an hour, the flames inside finally went out. Yu Qiutang looked at the house again, bowed slightly, and turned to leave.

He held the map tightly in his hand.

This map was drawn by the old man with a brush. It was revised several times and several forks were circled.

Yu Qiutang was not familiar with this old birch forest, but fortunately there was a key location on the map, which was Huzikou.

Using the mouth of his beard as an anchor point and then expanding the direction, he suddenly understood.

If you zoom in on this map, it actually looks like a flying knife.

The point marked with an X in the picture is exactly at the center axis of the connection between the handle and the blade of the flying knife.

As for the central axis point, when Yu Qiutang arrived nearby, he suddenly understood a lot of things.

It turned out to be none other place, but the place where I met the thin guy last time.

At that time, the thin man was standing on a tree above this location.

Yu Qiutang suddenly couldn't be sure whether the thin man he saw here at that time and his words that he was waiting for someone were the real reason. Maybe he actually had other purposes at that time and he just happened to run into him.

The thin guy made up a lie on the spur of the moment about waiting for someone.

However, none of this matters anymore. Now that he is dead, all the things that happened before are illusions, and will be burned to ashes along with the thin man.

He measured the distance left and right, and finally determined the location. He bent down and threw away the snow and frozen soil on it. After spending half an hour, he finally found a stone slab.

After clearing away the debris and dirt on the stone slab, he suddenly felt both amused and helpless.

He sighed again.

It turned out that there was a groove on the stone slab. Just by visual inspection, one could tell that it was about the same size as the flying knife in his hand. No wonder the old man wanted to hand over the flying knife before he died.

He really had no other choice at the time.

If the flying knife had not been left behind, he might not have thought of the whetstone, and would not have found the location here, let alone used the flying knife as a key to open the lid.

This proved that his feeling was correct.

The last flying knife I received from the old man was completely different from the one in my hand.

Maybe most people can't feel the difference, but his five senses have been sharper than those of ordinary people recently, so the small differences are very obvious.


He couldn't help but feel sorry for the old man.

When he left a message, he didn't even mention how to solve the inheritance issue. He passed away before he finished speaking.

No matter what Yu Qiutang got here, he became a rootless person.

I was also helping him fulfill his wish by cremating them.

Yu Qiutang inserted the knife into the groove with great effort and pressed lightly. The flat stone slab immediately rose up. He looked down through the gap and saw a dark object underneath.

I lifted the stone slab and pulled out something, which turned out to be a waterproof cowhide bag.

It feels heavy when I lift it, probably weighs about twenty or thirty kilograms.

Yu Qiutang's heart couldn't help but beat faster.

No matter what treasure is hidden inside, as long as it weighs this much, it must be worth a lot of money.

If it is the silver dollar that Lao Qin mentioned, even the most worthless ordinary Yuan Datou would sell for tens of thousands of yuan.

However, when he opened the cowhide bag, he was stunned.

What's inside is not gold, silver or other treasures, but a pile of stones. And they are not priceless, but worthless. You can find a lot of them everywhere.

Yu Qiutang took out a stone and found that the stones were very dry and covered with dry moss, which showed that the stones were not put in recently.

What is the situation?

The flame that had just risen in my heart was extinguished in an instant.

I thought there was a lot of gold, silver and treasures, but it was just a bag of stones.

He knew without thinking that the old man would never play such a joke and would do everything he could to leave him a bag of stones.

This can only mean that the old man didn't know that the wealth he coveted had long been replaced by someone else.

Yu Qiutang looked at the stone and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's a mixed feeling, so uncomfortable that I can't describe it.

"Wang Wang!"

While he was thinking, Dahei started shouting at the woods again.

He turned around and was startled.

The monkey that had fled earlier was now squatting on a tree branch a few feet away from him, staring at them. The monkey's body was covered with brown-red mud, covering up the miserable burns, but the burns on its face were still quite glaring, making Yu Qiutang unable to bear to look directly at it.

Monkeys are actually a bit scary when they look at people.

Especially considering its current miserable state, it looks more like a monster from hell.

Yu Qiutang was watching when the monkey suddenly jumped down from the tree and rushed straight towards Yu Qiutang.

Yu Qiutang immediately reached for the dagger.

The body dodged backwards.

The gun was placed aside and there was no time to take it. The monkey ran at full speed, moving as fast as lightning.


Dahei followed closely behind, came over at an angle, opened his mouth and bit the monkey's leg.

That's the good thing about dogs.

As long as they don’t encounter tigers or leopards, most animals will dare to give it a try.

But the dog was not as fast as the monkey, and the monkey's target was not Yu Qiutang, but the bag.

I saw it snatch the bag and prepare to run with it, but because there were many stones in the bag, it couldn't pull it straight away. As it dragged along, the stones scattered all over the ground like sheep shit.

Dahei took the opportunity to chase after it, bit the other side of the bag and pulled it back with all his strength.

But Dahei was not as strong as the macaque, and he was dragged forward along with the bag.

After being dragged a distance, the stones in the bag had almost fallen out. The monkey was stronger, so Dahei couldn't hold on to it anymore. He had no choice but to let the monkey drag the empty bag and quickly run up the tree to escape.

Dahei chased for a few steps on the ground, but the monkey had already run away and disappeared. It could only stare in anger.

Yu Qiutang had no hope at this moment, so he turned over, restored the stone slab, and took the flying knife off the stone slab again.

Looking at the map left by the old man, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head.


It turns out that pie in the sky is not that easy to get.

The old man himself was deceived. Who could he blame? He felt even more sorry for the old man.

He bought some new soil, put his gun on his back and started walking towards the main road.

Since there is no unexpected wealth here, we can only do some routine things and look around to see if we can kill some wild animals that are out for food to reduce the losses.

Dahei followed closely beside him, looking depressed, probably still feeling frustrated about his failure in the fight just now.

Yu Qiutang had no choice but to pat its head to comfort it.

In fact, it is normal that a dog cannot beat a monkey.

Especially this kind of macaque, which weighs dozens of kilograms, is stronger than a dog in terms of speed, strength and flexibility.

In other words, monkeys are mostly vegetarians and only eat small foods occasionally. If they were carnivores, I'm afraid there would be no rivals for them in the forest.

Ten minutes later, he returned to the main road and found that if he ignored the details, the location of the bag he had just found and the location where the thin man, that is, the little pants, died were exactly symmetrical along the central axis.

Unfortunately, the last time he ran into Little Pants on the outside north side, he ended up just taking away his bullets without hurting him.

After just a few days, we met again but we were separated forever.

Life is indeed so short that it makes people sigh.

In comparison, the fact that he did not get the treasure today was not an important thing. For a person who wants to live a better life, nothing is more important than being alive.

"Dahei, let's go."

He brought Dahei back to Huzikou, walked a few dozen meters away, turned back, and prepared to bury the throwing knife in his hand under the bottle.

I was thinking about something just now and didn't notice that I took the knife with me. Suddenly I realized why I took it with me.

A knife that has killed someone is still a weapon after all, and it is unlucky to carry it with you.

He dug out the bottle that he had reburied in the morning, and dug the hole a little deeper, preparing to bury the knife under the bottle.

He still couldn't figure out why Xiao Pants buried a bottle here, and what the bullet meant.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Death is the greatest thing, and all secrets will be buried forever with death.



Yu Qiutang dug the hole and was about to bury the knife when Dahei, who had been crawling beside him, suddenly stood up and started barking at his hand.

"Stop making trouble, we'll leave soon." He comforted the dog and buried the first handful of soil. But when he was burying the second handful, suddenly a shadow rushed down from the tree.

It was that monkey again.

Dahei rushed forward again, this time without hesitation, he bit the monkey's leg directly, and pulled it to the side with a low growl.

The monkey's legs were already badly burned, and after being bitten, they were even more severely rotten, and blood soon flowed out.

But Dahei had no intention of opening his mouth.

After the previous experience of snatching the bag, Dahei now regarded the monkey as his biggest opponent, the criminal who stole things.

This time, the bite was merciless, and the canine fangs were bitten directly into the monkey's leg. Not to mention that the monkey didn't want to take it out, even if it wanted to, it would take some effort.

However, the pain in his legs did not stop the monkey from doing what he did. He squatted beside the pit dug by Yu Qiutang, and began to dig the soil desperately with his hands flying.

The knife that Yu Qiutang put in was also thrown aside.

Could it be that this is the real place to buy things?
Yu Qiutang was just thinking when he suddenly discovered a golden light in the soil. He was also a worldly-wise man, and he instantly confirmed that what he saw was not something else, but the head of a small yellow croaker.

He immediately put the gun to the monkey's head and pushed it back a meter or two.

The monkey bared its teeth, and its hands were still grabbing wildly in the air and making digging movements. Dahei finally managed to pull the tooth out of the monkey's leg. Seeing this, he pounced forward again and blocked Yu Qiutang's way.

Although it is not as crazy as the monkey, its momentum is no weaker and it is even more ferocious than before.

Normally, monkeys are timid and would retreat when encountering such a scene, but this monkey has obviously lived with the old man for too long and has become more human.

It was probably suffering from the heat and poison at this moment, its eyes were red, and it had gone a little crazy. It had no fear at all. It was pointed at by Yu Qiutang with a gun, and it could not struggle forward. It actually started to bite the gun tip.

Yu Qiutang didn't know what to do with it for a moment.
Just as he was hesitating, the monkey suddenly gave up the gun, jumped into the air, and pounced towards Yu Qiutang.


Yu Qiutang shot it away without any hesitation.

The monkey was hit on the head at close range and was almost dead on the spot. It lay on the ground, still trying to scratch around with its hands.

Yu Qiutang couldn't bear it, so he put the small yellow croaker that the monkey had just dug out into the monkey's hand, but the monkey was still moving around.

Yu Qiutang thought about it, then put the small yellow croaker into the yak leather bag, and then put it on the monkey's belly. Only then did the monkey calm down.

Hold the bag with both hands and close your eyes.

Yu Qiutang squatted beside it and watched it quietly for a few minutes. Seeing its body gradually relax and its limbs gradually stretch out, he knew that it was dead.

In fact, from the moment the monkey jumped into the fire, it was foreshadowing its death. With such serious injuries and in the wild, there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

Yu Qiutang still felt complicated because such a loyal monkey was killed by him.

He turned around and saw a pile of glittering gold bars and glittering silver dollars in the pit he and the monkey had dug together. (End of this chapter)

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