Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 189 Entering the Mountain, Blind Bear Ridge

Yu Qiutang knew from the beginning that this jade Guanyin was not simple. How could such a worthless thing be placed together with gold and silver dollars?
But he did not lie. He had indeed wanted to give it to Wu Meifen since he first saw it. He thought that this Guanyin looked very peaceful, and Wu Meifen was a businesswoman and really needed a treasure to protect her.

The bigger the business, the more superstitious people become.

Therefore, the offices, homes, and company layouts of the wealthy must strictly abide by the rules of Feng Shui, and they are extremely timid.

When Wu Meifen heard Yu Qiutang say this, she seemed very hesitant for a moment, looking at the Jade Guanyin, not knowing what to do with it.

"Sister, put it away. If you refuse again, it will make you look stingy, right? You gave me the motorcycle, and I didn't refuse it like you did.

I can't be a grown man like you, but I can't be outdone by you in this matter. Isn't that right?"

"I'm talking about you."

Now that things have come to this, there is no point in Wu Meifen saying anything more.

She smiled and nodded, then covered the Jade Guanyin with a piece of cloth.

"Well, since you're so thoughtful, it would be a bit strange of me if I don't want it. But I told you this thing is really worth some money.

No, it is indeed worth a lot of money.

If you keep it and sell it at a critical moment, you may be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life. If you give it to me now, you may regret it later. "

Yu Qiutang laughed and said, "So, sister, you underestimate me. I, Yu Qiutang, don't have any great abilities, but I am definitely a trustworthy person.

What I say is as good as a spit. I will never regret it. Even if I am so poor that I have to beg for food on the street, I will not ask for it back. I can't afford to lose face."

"I know, I know. Can't I see your personality? Isn't this just a joke? Don't take it seriously. I'll just accept it."

Yu Qiutang then smiled.

He added: “Sister, I won’t tell you where this thing came from. No matter who asks you in the future, don’t tell them that I gave it to you, to avoid trouble.

I am just an ordinary farmer. I just want to live a simple life in peace and don’t want to be involved in too many things.

I am different from you. You are a person with great ambitions. I am happy that I can protect my own little piece of land well. "


"Okay then, you keep the stuff, and help me pay more attention to the stuff I want to play. By the way, play the other three sets first. There are corresponding numbers written by me on the paper, and finally use my wife's set for the rest."

"Let me take a look."

After Wu Meifen looked at the note again, she nodded and said she understood it clearly.

Seeing that the matter was done, Yu Qiutang was about to say goodbye and leave.

Wu Meifen was about to get up to see him off when she suddenly remembered something and asked tentatively, "Qiu Tang, can you get the bear paw?"

"Why, do you want to eat bear paws? Didn't I give it to you once last time?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot about that. We were not familiar with each other at that time," Wu Meifen said with delight, "So you were able to get it?"

Yu Qiutang nodded. "It's definitely not as easy as in autumn and summer. Bears will hibernate in late autumn and approaching winter. They won't come out unless they have to. So it's more difficult to find bears in winter."

"Is that so? Can you think of a solution?"

Yu Qiutang smiled and said, "It is definitely difficult, but it depends on who you are dealing with. If you want, I can help you find a solution, but it may take some time. I don't think we can catch the bear in less than ten days or half a month."

"So it's possible?"

"It must work."

"That's great," Wu Meifen said excitedly, "Hey, don't mention it. Don't I want to be the general agent of Moutai in Rongcheng?

The guy you saw when you came here just now is the one in charge of this. But this guy is very difficult to deal with. I tried to contact him several times but failed to get him to do anything.

I heard that this person has always had an idea, that is, to eat the bear's paw. If you can help me get it, I estimate that there is a high probability that you can take him down, and then you will be doing me a great favor. "

"In that case, I will definitely get this bear paw back for you."

Yu Qiutang took the job.

He was planning to go into the mountains to start his winter hunting activities soon. Now that he received the task from Wu Meifen, he had a "legitimate reason".

Before he left, Wu Meifen wanted to give it to him, but then she said wait a minute, she would go back to get something, and then she came out with a thick red envelope in her hand.

"This is... the bear paws are not delivered, so I don't want your money!"

Yu Qiutang hurriedly pushed the red envelope away.

He felt that his friendship with Wu Meifen, the future big boss, was no longer about this little fee, and he was willing to make this favor a reality.

Yu Qiutang's ideas are different from those of ordinary people.

He really did think that Wu Meifen could be a friend, and a very close friend, but that didn't stop him from doing as much as possible to strengthen the relationship.

His view has always been that human relationships require mutual dedication and maintenance. Even if they are between relatives or husband and wife, it will be difficult for them to last long without the silent maintenance of both parties or at least one party.

"What? This is a red envelope for your engagement," Wu Meifen glared, "Marriage is a lifelong event. I'm happy for you that you found someone who shares your feelings with you."

“But this is a bit too much.”

Yu Qiutang looked at the red envelope, which was a thick stack. Wu Meifen would definitely not use a denomination below 10 yuan, so judging from the thickness, it must be at least thousands of yuan.

"That's nothing. You gave me such a good thing, and it only took a few words."

Yu Qiutang felt helpless.

I know that he and Wu Meifen are actually very similar in some aspects and are the same type of people.

At least it's almost like that now.

Both of them are straightforward people who don't like to owe favors to others. If they receive favors from others, they will not take it for granted and will definitely find ways to repay them.

In the end, he accepted the red envelope.

Just treat it as a gift from each other. When Wu Meifen has something to do next time, I’ll find a way to return it to her.

The most urgent task is to help her bring the bear paw back.

Yu Qiutang doesn't drink white wine, but he knows that Moutai will play an important role in the next few decades.

Apart from anything else, I always hear them say that if they had bought some Moutai stocks in the early years, they would not have to worry about anything and just hold on to them, and then sell them decades later, they would have made a fortune immediately.

As for some vintage wines being sold for tens of thousands of yuan a bottle, he had naturally heard about that.

Since Wu Meifen wants to get this kind of agency, he must support her.

He just doesn't want to get involved in these industries.

Having experienced life and death, his understanding of money has returned to its original purpose, which is to meet life needs, rather than being a tool to measure people's abilities and to compare with each other.

No matter how big the matter is, it is nothing in the face of death.

You will suddenly understand that most people live in their own shackles all their lives. They are like frogs in a well, and can only see the surrounding area.

Many people think they are elites and stand higher than the poor, but in fact this concept itself is another cage.

In the cage, his happiness and life were strictly restricted. What he saw with his own eyes and what was churning in his spiritual world were just things happening in front of him.

Therefore, it is still very difficult for him to obtain happiness and peace of mind. It is not much easier for him than for the poor.

Only when people transcend their own lives can they break the bubble and go to a wider world. Perhaps then, everyone will find that in this world, people are not divided by wealth. This place is called heaven in the West.

The cultural consciousness of our people is that of a foreign land.

Everyone will become a philosopher when they reach a certain age. If, after living a lifetime, one still thinks like a young person and has the same state of mind, Yu Qiutang would find it strange.
After leaving Meifen Restaurant, Yu Qiutang bought some meat at the market and sent it to Miyali's house.

There is no custom of giving gifts to close relatives here.

But Yu Qiutang came there purely voluntarily. After not seeing her for a few days, he started to miss Miali again.

Since the snow, the work on the house has basically been completed. After the weather clears up, I will do some odd jobs like installing glass.

Of the dozens of people working there, only the carpenter and a few finishing workers are left. There is no need for Miyali to continue working, Yu Chunmei can handle it all.

Of course, there is another saying that it is not a good thing for two people to meet for such a long time after they are engaged.

This time, Yu Qiutang was planning to go into the mountains, and he might not be able to come back for a while, so he went to see Miyali.

After meeting, the two chatted for more than half an hour.

The people in the Mi family did not object and went in carrying the meat. The mother-in-law said she would stay for dinner, but Yu Qiutang said he had something to do at home and went home without delay.

He didn't tell Miali that he was going to the mountains to hunt bears.

Even if I tell her, she won't be able to help and will even worry.

In his eyes, hunting bears is not a trivial matter, not to mention ordinary people. In their eyes, bears are huge beasts that are difficult for humans to conquer.

When I returned home at night, I went to look for Wang Haofeng first. I found out that this guy had recently told Liu Chunyan that he had made new progress and was immersed in it, so he didn't want to go into the mountains for the time being.

There was no special way to be kind, just a lot of persuasion. After a long time, Liu Chunyan's heart was finally warmed and she treated him much better.

Yu Qiutang was not surprised by this result.

Except for being unstable, Wang Haofeng is actually good in other aspects. He is hardworking, responsible, honest and trustworthy. There is no doubt that he would be a perfect husband.

Since the boy didn't want to go to the mountains, Yu Qiutang wouldn't force him.

It’s okay not to bring it.

This kid is sometimes an unstable factor and often causes danger.

Yu Qiutang asked him to take some time to take a look around.

Finally, it was agreed that Yu Qiujiang and I would go into the mountains together.

Yu Qiujiang naturally had no problem with it. What he needed most was money. Knowing that he could make money by going into the mountains with Yu Qiutang, he agreed on the spot without much thought.

The two men discussed and decided to prepare things tomorrow and go into the mountains early the day after tomorrow.

At night, Yu Qiutang looked for an opportunity under the pretext of looking at houses and secretly moved his things to the basement of the new house.

Apart from the Jade Guanyin and a gold bar, he didn't plan to touch the other things for the time being and would wait until the storm died down.

If you take a risky deal, you might end up getting into trouble.

He would keep his promise and strictly keep the portion that belonged to the woman Songqiao.

But we need to wait until things calm down for a while before visiting.

The next morning, he and Mi Wenzhong had some discussions about the current situation of the house and pointed out some problems, some of which Mi Wenzhong thought made sense and could be corrected.

Prepare various things in the afternoon.

Of course, there is no shortage of guns and ammunition.

In addition, there are some tents, emergency medicines, food and drinks, etc.

He was prepared to stay in the mountains for ten days.

The resources in the mountains in winter are not as abundant as those in autumn. At critical moments, we cannot rely entirely on the mountains. It is better to prepare more.

In the evening, Yu Qiutang brought the processed musk to Yu Qiuyuan, asking him to give it to Yu Qiushan or his second uncle when he was free, to see if it could help with his grandmother's condition.

I went in again to visit grandma.

Grandma had been sleeping, so it sat on the edge of the kang for a while and felt its buttocks burning. Grandma didn't wake up yet, so it had to leave.

In just a few months, grandma's condition was obviously not as good as before.

His face became darker and his hair became drier, like weeds in a winter field.

He has a complex temperament, which is hard to describe.

It’s a bit uncomfortable actually.


Sometimes feelings are so complicated that perhaps even you can’t explain them clearly.

When Yu Qiutang returned home in the evening and looked at a few puppies, he saw the particularly clever little yellow dog looking at him with its eyes sparkling. Suddenly, he had an idea that he should take the dog to see the world tomorrow.

These dogs have been exercising with Dahei for several months. Now they are about two-thirds the size of adult dogs and can actually do some small things.

It’s just that Yu Qiutang hasn’t been going into the mountains to hunt properly recently, and hasn’t taken them for field training.

This bear hunting in the mountains was a bit risky for humans, but just right for the puppy.

They haven't seen blood yet, so they are very timid and will run away if they don't agree with anything.

That’s what we’ll do.

On the next morning, small snowflakes were drizzling in the sky again.

Yu Qiutang stretched out his hand and caught some of them in his palm. He found that the snowflakes were either ground oil seeds or ordinary snowflakes, but they were just bigger.

That's not bad, this kind of snow won't make the roads slippery.

The two men, carrying their bags and fully armed, headed into the mountains in the light snow.

Along the way, the two remained silent to save energy.

It was like two wild beasts moving forward silently.

In this way, they went up from Houtouling and traveled across the entire Houtouling. On the first night, they set up camp and rested at the junction of Houtouling and Tieguike.

On the second day, we went straight through Tieguike Mountain and arrived at the foot of Xiongxiazi Ridge.

The terrain of Xiong Xiazi Ridge is not steep, it is more like a steamed bun mountain.

From a distance, the mountain does not seem too high and is easy to climb, but when you get closer you will find that this mountain range is vast and covers a large area. If you walk from the foot of the mountain to the top, the slope is quite long.

As for the Iron Turtle Shell here, it is just a small hill, not even as high as Houtouling.

Some people also call this mountain Hat Mountain.

It is said that Li Tieguai, one of the Eight Immortals, was flying through the sky on a cloud, and the northwest wind blew his hat off, and he happened to land in this place.

But some people also say that a long time ago, a huge turtle crawled here, could not move anymore, and its body turned into this mountain.

Unlike Xiong Xiazi Ridge, the reason why it is famous is because there are black bears there. It is not that black bears cannot be found in other places, but this place is more efficient! (End of this chapter)

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