Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 215 Night Around the Fireplace

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Yu Qiutang got up early in the morning and saw that the kitchen was already steaming hot.

It turned out that it was the eldest sister, the third sister, and Chunju who were cooking together.

Seeing him come in, the elder sister smiled and said, "You got up so early. If you want to wash your face, there is hot water in the back pot."

Yu Qiutang smiled and nodded, smelling a delicious aroma and seeing the new water jars he had bought two days ago, one of the small ones had been wiped clean.

According to the customs of Rongcheng, the eighth day of December is the day to worship the door gods, kitchen gods and tree gods. For breakfast, people eat Laba porridge, which is also called "huxin rice" in some areas. It is mostly cooked with rice, millet, yellow rice and various beans.

Some noodles are cooked with porridge, and some are also added with diced meat, diced pickles, and condiments such as oil, salt, onion, and ginger.

Some people only choose corn and beans to make porridge, but it is difficult to buy meat at this time, and it is not the time to slaughter the New Year pig on the eighth day of the first lunar month, so people basically do not put meat in it.

"Tangtang, after you wash your face, take half a bowl out and splash it over, and smear the door god's mouth at the same time."

The eldest sister gave another order.

Yu Qiutang agreed.

He quickly washed his face, scooped half a bowl from the pot, took a pair of chopsticks, folded both ends and inserted them into the bowl, then carried it out.

The so-called splashing is a custom of worshiping ancestors.

Not only Laba porridge, but all delicious food here must be brought out of the door before eating as an offering to the dead ancestors, indicating that the younger generations have food to eat and have not forgotten the nurturing and inheritance of their ancestors.

For example, eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year, eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival, and eating moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival all require sprinkling.

The so-called pasting door god's mouth is a traditional custom.

Before eating porridge, people would stick a little porridge on each door leaf as a tribute to the door gods. It is jokingly said that this is to cover the door gods' mouths so that they will not report bad things in the home to the gods.

Since Yu Qiutang went to the city, let alone observing these customs, he would only eat Laba porridge when he remembered to do so, and if he didn't remember to do so, then forget it.

As people became more and more affluent, they had everything they needed to eat and drink. Many customs seemed meaningless and cumbersome, and were gradually abandoned.

Gradually forget.

Many people even feel that the Chinese New Year is meaningless.

Yu Qiutang returned to the kitchen to put down the bowls. He saw his third sister scooping the steaming Laba porridge into the water tank. He smiled and said, "It's such a big tank. How long will it take us to finish it?"

The third sister smiled and said, "We have to eat until the 23rd at least. We have so many people in our family now, so this amount of porridge may not be enough. We have to eat sparingly."

"It's all the eldest sister's fault. She asked the mother to take care of the child."

The eldest sister was kneading dough on the chopping board and interrupted.

"You've only eaten a few mouthfuls of rice. The three of you combined don't eat as much as Xiaowei alone..."

"Aunt, I'm going to the mountain to get some firewood..."

Yu Xiaowei happened to lift the door curtain and heard the "praise" for him. He scratched his head and said, "Uncle, didn't you say that I should eat more to grow taller?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw his ashamed look.

Even Chunju covered her mouth and laughed.

But she soon started coughing. Seeing this, Yu Qiutang thought to himself that Chunju's illness must be treated after the spring and there should be no delay.

Don't let it lead to a serious illness.

He now discovered that with his arrival, the timeline and direction of many things were completely inconsistent with his previous life. For example, the death of his fourth uncle felt very strange, because in his memory, his fourth uncle did not die so early.

He was very worried that something might happen to his family members.

"Just half a tank, one more!"

The third sister started to add water to the pot again, muttering, "I have to boil it until it's full."

In addition to eating Laba porridge on the same day, some should be saved and a small amount of porridge should be cooked for breakfast every day until the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, which symbolizes abundance throughout the years.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this. Qiutang, go to the west window and bring us some Laba ice."

The so-called Laba ice is also a traditional custom.

On the seventh night of the twelfth lunar month, put a bowl of water outside the window and let it freeze.

The next morning, whichever side of the ice in the bowl has a bulge means that the harvest will be good in the coming year. Then the ice in the bowl is poured out and broken into small pieces and shared by everyone. It is said that if you eat Laba ice, you will not have stomachache for the whole year.

After breakfast, Yu Qiutang packed Laba porridge in a lunch box and went to visit the grave.

My fourth uncle just passed away, so we should offer some offerings on his grave.

This is filial piety as a nephew.

He knelt in front of his fourth uncle's grave for a while. He originally wanted to say something to his fourth uncle, but every word he said seemed meaningless. The person was gone, and there was no point in saying too much.

After leaving his fourth uncle's grave, he came to his mother's grave.

I thought I'd visit my mother's grave as well.

When I arrived, I found that my father had arrived here without me noticing.

My father did not kneel, but leaned against my mother's grave and sprinkled the porridge in the bowl on the grave, spoonful by spoonful.

Yu Qiutang thought about it, quietly put the Laba porridge under the tree on the other side and went back.
After Laba Festival, the days gradually became longer.

Although it hasn't started to get warm yet, at least the time the sun is blocked by the eaves is getting shorter and shorter.

The Chinese New Year is just over twenty days away, and the children are already looking forward to it, but Yu Qiutang and several other adults have gathered together to start thinking about the issue of how to balance the family's financial revenues and expenditures.

Yu Qiutang had been planning and thinking about this matter since he was preparing to gather everyone together. It would come to this step sooner or later.

Everyone needs to create their own life.

Even if he has the ability to support everyone, this is his life, not anyone else's.

No one wants to be kept like a pet forever.

That would mean losing one's dignity as a human being.

Neither his two sisters nor Yu Qiujiang would do this.

Even though Yu Chunju, this poor cousin, was not feeling well, she still insisted on doing what she could.

So, he has to respect everyone's ideas.

There are nine people in the yard now:
Yu Qiujiang and two others.

There are three people in my eldest sister’s family.

Third sister.

Xiaowei and Xiaoyun.

They are roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is adult men like him and Yu Qiujiang. They can all make money, and Yu Qiujiang also has his own old business, so he just needs to keep doing it.

Then there are the three women.

The eldest sister, the third sister and Chunju, women of that era rarely went out to work, so they were responsible for doing some breeding work at home.

As for the remaining Xiaowei, Xiaoyun and the two little nephews, they go to school and play. Children should do what they should do. Xiaowei and Xiaoyun are older and can help their elder sisters with some things. The two little ones are too young, so they should focus on growing up.

Everyone gathered around the fire and chatted late into the night.

"Let me tell you my thoughts first. Brother Jiang, and the eldest and third sisters, you can listen to them. If there is anything inappropriate, we can discuss it later."

After a brief warm-up, Yu Qiutang began to talk about business.

Everyone nodded.

Although they are all older than Yu Qiutang, it is obvious that Yu Qiutang is the backbone of this "small group" of nine people.

After all the events of the past six months, no one regarded him as a young man who was ignorant of the world anymore.

Invisibly, everyone subconsciously thinks he is very powerful.

As long as he says something, I will basically choose to trust it unconditionally, not thinking about whether it is feasible or not, but looking at how to do it.

"Brother Jiang, you have the skill of blacksmithing. I think you should not give up this skill. You made little money before because you didn't open the stall to a crowded place to take care of Chunju.

In this way, we can open a shop in the town. You can work as a smith in the backyard, and the front yard will be responsible for buying and selling iron products. With your craftsmanship, you can make money if you make your name known. "

Yu Qiujiang glanced at Yu Chunju subconsciously.

Yu Qiutang saw it and knew that his cousin had been trapped by his sister all his life.

If it weren't for Yu Chunju, with his abilities, he would definitely be able to get married easily, find a good partner, and use his abilities to live a prosperous life.

Therefore, in order to resolve Yu Qiujiang’s inner demons, he still has to deal with Chunju.

"Don't worry about Chunju. Just leave her at home. My eldest sister and my third sister are together now. With so many people at home, we can definitely take care of her. You can go to town every day and come back at night. It's not far anyway."

"This... can it work?"

Yu Qiujiang was still hesitating.

He had been staying at home and was used to this environment. He was a little nervous when he suddenly changed to another place.

"It's okay. Nothing will happen to Chunju at home. My elder sister and the others are all here."

Yu Qiutang actually did not fully understand Yu Qiujiang's ideas.

"Yes, Qiu Jiang, we are here to take care of Chun Ju, so you can do whatever you want. Men should go out and earn more money. If they stay at home all the time, life will be difficult."

The eldest sister was also persuading her.

He added, "Look at our kid's father. He's idle all day long and does nothing. Even if I dig a hole in the ground at home, I can't make a few cents. In the end, he lives a miserable life."

"Yes, Brother Jiang, we are still here."

Yu Chunmei also joined in with a smile.

Yu Qiujiang was still hesitating, and Yu Chunju, who had been silent, said softly: "Brother, I can do it at home. My eldest sister and third sister are watching me, and there are children at home. You don't need to watch over them."

"Spring chrysanthemum..."

Yu Qiujiang was a little surprised when he heard Yu Chunju say this.

The two of them depend on each other and almost always accompany each other. The younger sister always hopes that he can stay at home and not go anywhere, otherwise she will not feel safe.

Now, my sister actually said this on her own initiative, and with a smile, she said it seriously, not out of anger.

He felt inexplicably comforted.

It was like a tightly closed door in my heart, which was then opened a crack, allowing light to shine in.

It was like a huge rock was pressing on his heart, weighing heavily on him for more than 20 years, making him feel tired all the time.

And now, this stone was suddenly overturned.

His body became much lighter.

"Look, Brother Jiang, there are no problems in the rear area, right? I told you to go out and explore without worry. Don't underestimate us women comrades. Women hold up half the sky."

Everyone smiled.

Seeing this, Yu Qiujiang felt that it was pointless to be reserved, so he nodded and said, "Then I'll give it a try, but I don't know anyone outside, so you have to help me more at the beginning."

"Of course. I'll help you find the place. We are brothers and we should settle accounts clearly. I will help you advance the money at the beginning, but you have to pay me back when you make money later."

Yu Qiujiang was stunned at first, then he smiled and said, "Of course I will, of course, how can I let you suffer a loss?"

In fact, Yu Qiujiang also knew that Yu Qiutang was just joking with him, but his words were sincere. He felt that Yu Qiutang had helped them too much.

Not only did he want to find a way to make money with him, he also let them move into a new yard so that the brother and sister could feel at home.

This kind of kindness cannot be measured by money and can never be repaid in a lifetime.

"As for the eldest sister, the third sister, and Chunju, you three don't have to go out and work hard. Just develop the breeding business at home."

"Didn't they say they were raising chickens before?" asked the third sister.

"We should try raising chickens," Yu Qiutang nodded, "but we can't put all our eggs in one basket. My idea is that we should try everything and see what works best for us.

My current thinking is that we should make full use of the mountains behind us.

What are the most abundant things in the mountains? Grass and trees, which are food for cattle and sheep. There are also more than 100 acres of wild alfalfa fields in the village. No one wants them now, so we can contract them at the lowest price.

But the biggest problems in raising cattle and sheep are technology and cost.

Cattle are too expensive, and we currently don’t have the technology to raise them. If we spend a lot of money to buy a big cow and it dies, the loss will be huge.”

"That's something."

Yu Chunmei nodded and looked at Yu Chunxing, who was helping the children sew shoe soles. She smiled and said, "I'm OK at work. If you ask me about this, I don't know. Anyway, I'll raise whatever you have."

Yu Qiutang took over the conversation, "In view of this reason, my idea is not to raise cattle at the beginning, but to raise something with low cost, such as sheep and chickens, as well as rabbits. Angora rabbits are very good."

He paused here, and seeing that everyone was staring at him and no one wanted to interrupt him, he continued, "As for chickens, it's more cost-effective for us to buy eggs and hatch them directly. Chickens that we hatch ourselves are more solid, and it's hard to raise bought chicks..."

"Qiutang, can I ask a question?" Yu Chunmei hesitated.

"Third sister, if you have any ideas, just say it directly. We are discussing democratically now, so you can say whatever you want to say."

"Did I not understand, or did you not mention it? You said we should hatch the chicks ourselves?"

"Yes, I am more familiar with the chicks I hatched myself..."

"Then don't we have to buy a lot of hens?" Yu Chunmei was even more confused. "It's not difficult to buy hens, but how do we know which hens are sitting on eggs and which ones can't lay eggs yet?"

Brooding is the process of a hen incubating eggs.

When hens reach a certain age and sexual maturity, usually after about 6 to 8 months of growth, when it is a warm season, such as late spring or early summer, and the environment is suitable, they may have the desire to hatch eggs.

When a hen is sitting on a nest, she will stop laying eggs and become very irritable. If you provoke her, she will often peck at people.

Of course, if there is no rooster at home, even if the hen covers the eggs well, it is impossible for chicks to hatch. Lying on the eggs is just a waste of time.

At this time, the chicken farmer will use a stick to beat the hen hard to stop it from lying on the eggs. Only by forcibly interrupting the secretion of this hormone will it remember to lay eggs again. (End of this chapter)

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