Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 23 I don't believe how delicious it is

Chapter 23 I don't believe how delicious it is

"Look how greedy you are, have you never eaten anything?"

In the kitchen, Chen Meidi looked on with disdain as she saw her daughter and son scrambling to eat the food sent by Yu Qiutang.

"I have done everything for you. You are so poor and make a fool of yourself."

"Hey, hey, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?!"

Chen Meidi scolded the two children several times in a row, but the two children ignored her and still scrambled to eat. It was okay that Yu Qiushi was young, but Wang Chunhua was already in her twenties and still looked so useless, which made her very angry.

She couldn't bear it any longer and tried to grab Wang Chunhua's chopsticks, but Wang Chunhua dodged and shouted unhappily, "Mom, it's delicious, you should try it too."

"That's it's delicious...if you don't believe me ask my dad."

Yu Qiushi snatched a piece of food that his sister had already picked up with his chopsticks and quickly stuffed it into his mouth. He shook his head proudly and smiled at his sister while chewing proudly. Wang Chunhua was so angry that she picked up a bigger piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Look at them!"

Chen Meidi became even more annoyed and hoped that Yu Dejin could help her deal with it. However, after hearing this, Yu Dejin picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

"It really tastes good. Try it. Children love it. If you learn how to make it, you can make it yourself."

“I can’t believe how delicious it is!”

Chen Meidi picked up the smallest piece and put it into her mouth with disgust. She wanted to chew it casually and spit it out, but she never expected that this thing was so slippery that it slipped directly into her stomach before she could even chew it.

She was stunned.

This taste was definitely something I hadn't expected before.

She actually cooks quite well, and her parents-in-law and her husband’s family all approve of her, but she knows that she can never cook food of this quality.

In a flash, she thought of many possible materials for making this kind of tofu, but she quickly rejected them all. After thinking about it over and over again, she just couldn't figure out a way.

Her dazed look was seen by the two children. Yu Qiushi, still chewing tofu, asked incoherently, "How is it? It tastes good, right, Mom? If you can make it, I will definitely like it."

“It tastes like shit!”

Chen Meidi slammed her chopsticks on the bowl, watching Yu Dejin stuff the last piece of tofu into his stomach, and said irritably, "I worked so hard to cook for you, and you still have to eat. I won't cook tomorrow, you can make whatever you want to eat."

Having said that, he got off the kang and walked towards the cave.

When he came out, he saw Yu Qiutang sitting at the door of the old kitchen smoking wood. He glared at him fiercely, turned around and fiercely lifted the curtain of his kiln, then went in and slammed the door shut.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, her heart was still beating wildly, and her eyes were filled with the smoothness of green tofu.


It was almost a conditioned reflex and I couldn't help swallowing.

How was it made? I heard that they went into the mountains today, which means that the materials must have come from the mountains. I'll ask around someday to see what it might be.
The task of cleaning up the kitchen was naturally left to the two female workers. Yu Qiutang and Yu Xiaowei began to smoke the wood they brought back today.

The wood is similar to yesterday's. It needs to be smoked out of the moisture and a little oil inside as much as possible, and then processed into boards. It can be used to make crossbow arms. The material requirements for crossbow arms are much higher than those for slingshots.

The branches for the slingshot were completely usable after being smoked yesterday, but the crossbow arm needs to be smoked repeatedly for three days. If the effect is not achieved, it may even need to be extended to a week. This is a slow and careful job. He thought Yu Xiaowei was just joining in the fun and would soon lose interest. Yu Xiaowei also exceeded his expectations. He was very enthusiastic when he heard that he would also help him make a slingshot.

After smoking for less than an hour, Yu Qiutang found that Yu Xiaowei had basically mastered the method of smoking, so he left it to him to smoke slowly while he went to prepare for tomorrow's market.

The reason why he was in such a hurry to go to the market was that his family was in great need of money.

I don't want to buy anything fancy, but at least I need to buy the basic furniture and items I need. When I was making tofu today, I found that I lacked too many kitchen utensils, which seriously affected my work speed.

If there are enough washbasins, pots, water tanks, ladles and buckets, you can make at least one more basin in the same amount of time.

Tomorrow he plans to bring the finished tofu, the little civet cat, and the pickled yellow rat, and sell as many as he can. But after going into a few caves, he found that even this simple idea lacked basic tools.

They didn't even have a decent basket, a shoulder pole, or a vehicle, so they had no way of bringing their things to the market.

From yesterday till now, he had felt several times that he had not yet fully grasped the reality of the situation. He always thought that he had imagined it was bad enough, but soon new difficulties would slap him in the face and tell him that the worst was yet to come.

Yu Chunmei was sitting at the door pulling the soles of her shoes, and Yu Xiaoyun was helping her sort the hemp. When they saw Yu Qiutang coming in and out, their brows furrowed more and more, and they couldn't help asking, "Tangtang, what are you looking for?"

Yu Qiutang was also tired from walking around, so he squatted next to Yu Chunmei and said depressedly: "We are going to the market to sell things tomorrow, but we don't even have a basket, how can we carry the things there, and we don't even have a shoulder pole!"

Yu Chunmei nodded when she heard this, "That's true. We have an old basket with a few holes in it. It can be used to store firewood or something, but it probably can't be used to store food."

"That's true," Yu Qiutang nodded, rubbed his brows, and let out a long sigh, "Forget it, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!" He stood up, found a rope, coiled it up and put it on his shoulder, picked up the sickle, said something and went out.

He planned to weave the basket himself.

Although he had only made cages and traps for wild animals in his previous life, when he thought about it carefully, these things were much more difficult to make than weaving baskets.

No matter what you weave, the principle is almost the same. It is nothing more than laying the base and then slowly weaving the sides. The difference lies in the shape of the base that will determine what kind of basket you can weave.

While thinking about how to weave the bottom of the basket, he walked quickly towards the foot of the mountain.

Without Yu Xiaowei following him, he walked very fast by himself, faster than the average person's jogging speed. The journey that would have taken nearly an hour in the morning now only took about 40 minutes.

This time he was heading towards the vine field at the foot of the mountain.

Rattan is a kind of shrub. As long as the roots are there, new branches will continue to grow quickly from the roots. It is very flexible and never infested with insects. People nearby use it to weave various tools and kitchen utensils.

He used to come with his father to cut vines and was very familiar with the land, almost like he was passing it like a piece of cake.

Since no one was watching, he worked without any concealment. He used the sickle very quickly and in less than ten minutes he had cut a large bundle of rattan, enough to weave two baskets.

After a moment's thought, he chopped for another five minutes. The bundle of vines became even bigger, much thicker than an adult man's waist, and probably weighed at least two to three hundred kilograms.

He then tied the vines tightly with a rope and carried them home.

It was probably three or four in the afternoon, and many villagers were preparing to go home from the fields to cook. They were all surprised to see him carrying the rattan.

Secretly estimating the weight of the bundle of vines.

(End of this chapter)

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