Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 232 The night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber

Because they had made preparations in advance and refused to go through the bridal chamber disturbance, after the banquet gradually came to an end, around 3:00 p.m., people began to return home one after another.

Although it didn't snow today, the sky was gloomy and it would probably be dark before 4:. It would take more than an hour for people far away to ride a bike or even walk back, so we couldn't delay any longer.

Yu Qiutang and Mi Yali started seeing off the guests together. After a while, he found that there was something wrong with Mi Yali. When she talked to him, her breath was very hot and there was an unusual blush on her face.

She was actually drunk.

Maybe it was because she had hardly drunk any alcohol before, so Miali drank a lot of alcohol out of courage. Now, when the cold wind blew, she became drunk.

Yu Qiutang asked his second sister to send Mi Yali back to the bridal chamber, and he himself would see the guest off.

Mi Yali still wanted to hold on, but she felt so dizzy that she almost stuck to Yu Qiutang, so she had no choice but to give up.

Yu Qiutang specifically entrusted Zhang Hao to send his grandmother back home, and originally wanted to send Miaqin back as well, but she insisted on going back by herself, so the plan was dropped.

When grandma went back, she naturally wiped her tears again. Yu Qiutang now had time to comfort her patiently and promised to visit her often in the future. Only then did grandma stop crying and smile.

His actions naturally received some recognition from his uncles.

Of course, he didn't do it just for their approval.

As for the people on my grandmother's side, when it comes to real feelings, he only misses my grandmother, and the others are just relatives.

"Here, I know you have money, but this is a small gift from me, you must accept it."

Yu Qiutang specially gave three red envelopes to Zhang Hao and the two drivers.

99 yuan per person.

This amount of money is indeed not small, almost equal to his betrothal gift money.

But he knew it was necessary.

Not to mention the time it takes for someone to drive such a nice car to help him do this, the time wasted alone is no small matter.

This was a favor Wu Meifen did him, but he couldn't be so stupid as to take it for granted.

Basic red envelopes definitely need to be prepared.

Moreover, even if you know that the other party is not short of money, you cannot be too stingy, otherwise you will get half the result with twice the effort.

He thought that Zhang Hao was a good guy and there might be other opportunities for him to interact with him in the future.

Making friends and maintaining familiar relationships with people who are clearly above his current class is also paving the way for future development.

By getting married, he has only accomplished a small goal and laid a solid foundation for the family. The next step is to truly develop, accumulate and expand wealth.

Zhang Hao was also a little surprised at the thickness of the red envelope.

He really doesn't need the hundred or eighty yuan, but through today's series of processes, he also realized what the living standards of people in rural areas are like, and it is not easy to save up this hundred yuan.

And there were three of us, and it cost three hundred yuan.

He was very satisfied that Yu Qiutang could come up with it. He felt that this rural youth, who was about the same age as himself and whom his cousin admired, did have some vision and was completely different from the other rural people he had met.

Although he wouldn't say that he was willing to make close friends with him, at least he didn't hate him.

It is an experience to know such a person.

So he refused to accept the red envelope, saying that he was accepting a favor from Wu Meifen. If his cousin knew that he had accepted the red envelope, she would definitely blame him.

But Yu Qiutang said that the money in the red envelope was small, but the blessings and blessings contained in it were real, and he would also prepare one for Wu Meifen, not just for himself.

Zhang Hao accepted it at last.

Yu Qiutang told him that after sending his grandmother home, he didn't need to come here again and could go directly back to town.

He also said that he had worked hard today and that he would treat him to a drink if they had the chance to meet again in the future.

Zhang Hao felt that Yu Qiutang had a rare kind of unrestrainedness. Before leaving, he patted Yu Qiutang on the shoulder and left him a number, saying that if Yu Qiutang arrived in the provincial capital, he must call him and he would host the party and fulfill his duties as a host.

Communication among young people is simple.


Perhaps neither of them thought that the two people who were strangers yesterday had left a good impression on each other today.

Apart from some chatting in the car, the two didn't actually communicate much.

Perhaps what really touched Zhang Hao was this seemingly rough but very interesting and simple rural wedding scene, especially when he was sitting in the VIP seat reserved for him and watching the eye contact between the newlyweds, he felt that the happiness that could not be concealed and was almost overflowing was very real.

This was something he had never felt in his urban circle, even though he had attended many weddings that were many times more luxurious.

After seeing off the relatives invited from outside, the family members gradually left, and finally only some neighbors were left to do the job.

These people still have a lot of work to do and need to help clean up the scene.

Yu Qiutang held up cigarettes and gave a pack to each person who did the work, regardless of gender. Everyone had worked hard, and they couldn't let anyone work in vain.

By around seven in the evening, the yard was basically cleaned up.

Several uncles, including my second uncle and his family who came back specially, also went back.

My younger aunt and her family also returned home, but my eldest aunt and uncle stayed behind. It was not easy for them to return to the provincial capital, and it would take some time.

The second aunt did not come this time and only sent a cousin. Yu Qiutang was not very familiar with that cousin, so when they met they were just polite and didn't say much.

Anyway, I didn’t have much dealings with my second aunt in my previous life.

It’s similar to my fourth uncle’s house.

Now that Fourth Uncle has passed away, his relationship with Second Aunt doesn't seem to be getting any better.

He would think about it sometimes, but he was too lazy to do anything.

If there is no problem, then there is no problem. Humans cannot solve all problems, and some problems do not need to be dealt with specifically.

"Brother-in-law, I'm going back too. Take good care of my sister. She has never drunk alcohol before, but I made an exception for you."

Miaqin came out of the new house and happened to meet Yu Qiutang.

Yu Qiutang looked at the sky and saw that it was completely dark, so he said, "It's so late, why go back? There are plenty of houses here, so stay here tonight and we can go back together tomorrow."

According to the rules, the bride has to return home on the second day after the wedding.

"That won't do," Miaqin waved her hand and said with a smile, "Tomorrow is your wedding day, so what's the point of me getting in between?"

"Then...I'll take you there?"

Yu Qiutang was still worried.

The night in the countryside is so dark. To go to Mijia Village, you have to take the small path and pass through an alley. It is really unsafe for Mi Yaqin, a girl.

"Haha," Miaqin laughed directly, "What nonsense are you talking about, brother-in-law? How can you send your sister-in-law home on the wedding day? If others knew about this, wouldn't they laugh to death?"

Yu Qiutang thought so too.

He really didn't think it through.

He still has a lot of casualness like people of later generations and has forgotten the rules of this era.

Just as I was struggling with this, Yu Qiyuan came over and said, "Cousin, the kitchen is almost cleaned up. Is there anything else you need to do?"

Yu Qiutang immediately came up with an idea.

"Come on, come on, I have a difficult task for you."

Yu Qiutang grabbed Yu Qiuyuan, pointed at Mi Yaqin and said, "This is your sister-in-law's second sister. She wants to go home now. Please help me send her back."

"Ah? Let me take it!"

Yu Qiyuan looked at Miaqin, feeling very embarrassed and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

In fact, to be honest, Miaqin is the prettiest of the three sisters and also the tallest, at 1.73 meters, almost the same height as Yu Qiyuan now.

But it looks taller.

Both of them were sixteen years old, but Miaqin looked much more mature than Yu Qiyuan. "No, brother-in-law, I can go back alone."

"What can you go back for? If something happens to you, how are you going to explain to your sister and our aunt?"

Actually, Yu Qiutang and Mi Yaqin had only met a few times, so they shouldn't be very familiar with each other.

But Yu Qiutang happened to have memories of his previous life, so he naturally felt a sense of familiarity with her.

As for Miaqin, in the words of later generations, she was a typical "community bull".

That's why the two of them seemed very familiar.

There is no taboo in speaking.

If it were Yu Qiujiang, he would definitely not be able to utter a word for a long time.

"Atom, do me a favor. I'll take you to hunt bears next time we go into the mountains. What do you think?"

"Are you serious?"

"Then there is still a holiday?"

Yu Qiyuan was finally satisfied. He nodded, looked at Miaqin and said, "Come on, I'll take you back."

Miaqin wanted to refuse, but Yu Qiutang said that if she couldn't do it, she could just stay and didn't have to go back. Otherwise, he would not allow her to leave.

Only then did he agree to let Yu Qiyuan send him off.

After the two left, Yu Qiutang was busy around for more than half an hour. Only some people from the family were left in the yard, and the others had gone back for the time being.

There are still some things that have not been completely cleaned up, so we will continue tomorrow.

After he entered the bridal chamber, the big clock hanging on the wall rang eight times, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

There was a stove in the room and the kang was very hot. As soon as I walked in, I immediately felt a wave of heat.

Seeing that Miali didn't get on the kang, he lay on the table and fell into a sleepy sleep.

I tiptoed over and squatted in front of her, but she didn't react at all.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly with her breathing, and her fair face was baked by the temperature in the room, with a slight blush. She had a faint smile on her face, and she must be having a sweet dream.

Yu Qiutang turned down the plug under the stove to ensure that the flame could be maintained until tomorrow morning with minimal consumption.

Then close the doors and windows and carefully put the bolts on.

Then he returned to Miali, pulled over a chair, sat opposite her, and stared at her quietly.

The young girl looks so beautiful when she is sleeping.

Without any embellishment, she looked just like a hibiscus flower blooming in clear water, white and pure, exactly the same as the best look she had in her memory.

This is his wife.

His wife was devoted to him, took care of him silently for decades, gave birth to children for him, and was still worried about his future life before her death.

Now, he came to her again.

He could honestly say that he cherished her very much, and as long as he was happy and could see her smiling face, he would be happy.

He gently scratched her nose with his hand. She frowned slightly in her sleep but did not wake up.

He leaned down again and lightly touched her lips.


Miali was in a daze and felt her lips were cold. She opened her eyes in a daze and saw Yu Qiutang's big face, almost next to her. Seeing her wake up, Yu Qiutang smiled.

It took Miali several seconds to realize what was happening.

She got married.

Just today.

The handsome young man in front of her is her man. From now on, she will become his wife, take care of him, love him, give birth to children for him, and accompany him wholeheartedly no matter whether life is poor or rich.

This identity is called wife.

"Are you awake?"

Yu Qiutang pulled a stool over, put his face on the table, and spoke to Mi Yali head to head, smiling.

Miali's face was as red as an apple.

She hurriedly sat up, looked around, and then looked out the window, and found that it was already pitch black. There was no more noise in the yard, only silence.

She suddenly felt uneasy.

How long have you slept?
Her last memory was that she felt dizzy and was helped back to the room by Yu Qiutang and her sister Yaqin. She was about to take a short rest before going out again, but she didn't realize that she hadn't slept for long and it was already this time.

How embarrassing.

She also knew the wedding process, and thought that with so many guests, especially the closer relatives, it would be polite for the newlyweds to see them off together.

Then she was sleeping the whole time, so she definitely didn't send it.

I don't think others would say that she is ignorant of etiquette and brings shame to her husband.

Really, Miali!
She secretly blamed herself.

She took the initiative to drink because she didn't want others to think she was petty and wanted to save face for her husband.

Now, not only did I not gain face, but I also lost everything.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yu Qiutang looked at Mi Yali's eyes and asked curiously.

Miyali lowered her head and rubbed the corner of her clothes, "You must be blaming me, right?"


Yu Qiutang was stunned, "Why should I blame you?"

"Blame me for drinking too much and not accompanying you. People will definitely laugh at you, right?"

"So that's what you meant."

Yu Qiutang stood up and, taking advantage of Mi Yali's unpreparedness, picked her up by the waist.


Yu Qiutang had held Mi Yali in his arms when she was injured before, but he was very careful at the time and did not let her feel dissatisfied at all.

But now, she is his wife, so naturally she hugs him very intimately. Although Miali knows that this is the path a wife must take, she is still a little scared and nervous.

She also had no idea what this wedding night would be like.

There are very few opportunities to hear about it when chatting with people. There are some descriptions of it in books, but they are all terrible, as if this kind of thing is like eating something particularly addictive.

Before people had eaten it, there were all kinds of rumors about it, as if it was very dangerous and scary. But once people had eaten it, everyone became mysterious about it and couldn't explain why.

While she was lost in thought, Yu Qiutang put her on the edge of the kang.

Yu Qiutang squatted down, helped her unbutton her buckle shoes, then stood in front of her and held her face against his chest.


Miyali felt the man's heartbeat, and couldn't help but hug Yu Qiutang's waist, pressing her face closer to his body.

She felt Yu Qiutang's hand gently stroking her hair. It was a little itchy at first, but gradually she felt very comfortable and actually wanted him to keep stroking her hair.

It would be best if time just stood still! (End of this chapter)

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