Although he knew Miali's personality, Yu Qiutang was still very happy to receive her gentle encouragement and comfort again.

I remember a TV series I watched before, in which the male protagonist said to his wife: With a wife like this, what else could a husband ask for?

That's probably how he feels now.

He handed the paper to Miyali.

Miali half-lay on him and read the paper carefully under the light. When she turned to the back, she found that the numbers kept getting smaller and became "750".

“This is the money we have left now, right?”

Yu Qiutang said, "That's right. I saved some money before, and spent some more during the Chinese New Year and my wedding. That's all I have. Today, I went to see a store with Brother Jiang. It's 900 yuan in total. I paid half of it, and I still need 450 yuan..."

"So, we still have to give them 450, right?"

"That's what I mean. Although this store is run by Brother Jiang, he doesn't have the money to invest at the moment, so I bought it first, which is equivalent to renting it to him. If he has money later, he can take it back.

I have talked to you about Brother Jiang’s matter before, and you know about it.

Even though he is my cousin, he treats me like his own brother, and I still hope that we can both live a good life."

Mi Yali said: "I understand this, you still have 300 yuan here, right? This is because we spent too much money on our wedding. At that time, I said that we should be frugal when getting married, not extravagant, and not make it too grand.

Look at you, you have so many banquets and you even hired all those cars. It all costs money. I don’t know why you are so crazy.”

When she said this, there was a hint of sweetness in her complaints.

She did spend money, but it made her feel very proud. Apart from anything else, she was very satisfied just by seeing the envy of the villagers and people here.

People are contradictory.

Deep down, she didn't want to waste anything, but when he really did that, she wasn't so pedantic as to despise it, but she was pleased that Yu Qiutang valued her.

"That's all the money I had to spend. I said I would marry you in style, so I can't break my promise, right? Besides, not everything cost money. Some of it was free support from friends, so I didn't have to pay."

"When someone helps you, even if the relationship is very good, it still means you owe them a favor. Remember to repay them in the future..."

"That's natural."


Miyali spread the paper on Yu Qiutang's chest, looked at his income and expenses again, thought for a moment and said, "Did your main source of income come from hunting in the mountains before?"

“Yes, there are no resources, so we can only rely on our skills. At least hunting in the mountains is something others can’t do for the time being.”

"Having said that, you still can't make this your main job in the future. It's too dangerous. Besides, the things in the mountains are not inexhaustible. If a hunter like you keeps hunting, I'm afraid that slowly all the wild animals in the nearby mountains will be killed by you."

"That's it."

Yu Qiutang thought the same thing, and had thought so a long time ago.

"I saw those houses in the backyard today. They are going to be used as warehouses... It seems that the largest one has been renovated. What is it going to be used for?"

"Hatching chicks."

Yu Qiutang became interested, turned over and sat up, facing Mi Yali, "This is what I think, since hunting in the mountains is not a long-term solution, we must think of other ways to make money.

But if we just farm, there is no hope. Just think about it, with this little land at home, how much food can we grow in a year? After paying the public grain tax, I am afraid it will be difficult to feed the whole family. "

Miyali nodded, "The land here is worse than ours. You can't just rely on farming. It's hard to even fill your stomach. What do you mean by hatching chicks? Aren't the chickens we raise at home bought at the market?

Oh, you are using hens to hatch the eggs, so how many hens would you need? And where would you get so many eggs? It would be hard to collect them from others, because hens without roosters cannot hatch chicks."

"Well, we want to artificially inseminate the hens."


Mi Yali didn't understand what insemination meant, and stared at Yu Qiutang waiting for him to explain.

Yu Qiutang smiled mischievously, "Why must a rooster's hen's eggs be used to hatch chicks?"

"Of course it's the rooster that'll trample on the hen's eggs."

"That's it. The rooster's cycle of treading on the hen's eggs is irregular. If we take the rooster's place to tread on the hen's eggs, can't we artificially control the treading time? This is called artificial insemination."

Miali still didn't understand.

This was too advanced knowledge, far beyond his understanding.

"Forget it, wait until we are ready in the next few days, and then we will give you a live demonstration and you will understand."

Miali felt a little frustrated and felt stupid.

Why couldn't she understand what Yu Qiutang said at all? Apart from anything else, she was confident that she was quite professional in raising chickens and sheep at home.

You can't always rely on men for big things. Even small things like raising chickens have to be done by men.

So what does she do herself?

You just said you would help, but now you can't help at all.

Seeing her depressed expression, Yu Qiutang had to explain: "Look, chickens laying eggs is just like people giving birth, the principle is very simple, the rooster steps on the eggs, that is, the rooster's stuff is sent into the hen's body.

These things are called sperm, just like humans.

What we need to do now is to take the sperm out of the rooster's body and put it into the hen's body, which is equivalent to stepping on the eggs."

"Huh? It's possible!"

Miali's worldview was severely impacted.

Her face secretly turned red again.

At that time, she was still a young girl who had just experienced sex and was always too shy to talk about such things directly. When she heard Yu Qiutang compare chickens to humans, she subconsciously thought of the interaction between them as a couple.

I understood it immediately and my face felt so hot.

"Yes, that's it. This is not difficult. I will teach you later. At present, we need to prepare roosters and hens, and they must be strictly screened.

The roosters should be strong and healthy, with bright red combs. The same goes for the hens, which should be brightly colored and have thicker legs. This type of chicken is a better breed and the chicks they hatch are also healthy. "

" many do we want to get?"

Yu Qiutang thought for a moment and said, "A rooster can be used twice a week. Each large rooster can handle 15 to 20 hens. Let's say 15. We will start with 7 roosters and 100 hens. Once we are proficient in the operation and have figured out everything, we can slowly increase the amount."

Mi Yali turned over, rested her head on Yu Qiutang's chest, and began to calculate the accounts mentally.

"A big rooster costs seven or eight yuan, a hen costs three or four yuan, and a good-looking rooster costs 50 yuan, but 100 hens cost three or four hundred yuan, and we don't have enough money.

I still have 50 yuan here, which is the money my mother secretly gave me as a subsidy. It only adds up to 350 yuan, which is still a little short.

Besides, we need to feed the chickens after we buy them, and corn, bran, buckwheat, etc. all cost money..."

Yu Qiutang laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at again?"

Mi Yali turned over, lay on Yu Qiutang's chest, and stared into his eyes.

"You even took out your own pocket money?" Miyali reacted then. She hadn't thought much about it just now and just let it go. This was something her mother specifically told her not to take out easily and to use it for emergencies at critical moments.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry about the money. I'll find a way. But you have to help me with the later operations. Otherwise, I can't handle it alone and it's boring."

Miali felt much more relieved when she heard that the money issue could be resolved.

Then he put his face on Yu Qiutang's chest and said, "Just tell me what you want me to do. Although I can't do it now, I can learn."


Yu Qiutang suddenly turned over and pressed her under him, grinning and saying, "There are more important things to learn."

"Again...then...blow out the lights!"

Miali gently hugged her husband's neck. She knew that if she didn't agree, the fire in his eyes would never fade.

Lights went out.

The night breeze warmed up.

In the middle of the night, Yu Qiutang waited until Mi Yali fell asleep and secretly took back the hidden gold.

He originally planned to keep the gold as a long-term reserve asset and wait for the gold to appreciate in value.

But now it seems there is no chance to wait.

No matter what you do, you need start-up capital in the early stages.

If we continue hunting in the mountains, we won't be able to raise enough money in a short time. Just the first batch of experimental chickens will cost five or six hundred yuan. Not to mention feed and other food, as well as temperature and humidity control, it will also cost a lot.

We have to start gathering enough funds.

Now he has three options. The first is to apply for a subsidy from the town, which is quite difficult. It is usually only for collective projects and will not provide him with private loan subsidies.

Another way is to ask Wu Meifen to borrow it. He believes that as long as he asks, Wu Meifen will definitely be willing.

But he really owed Wu Meifen too many favors and couldn't always rely on her.

Then there is only one way left, which is to dispose of the gold and prepare the original start-up capital. If you really want to store gold as a long-term investment, it is not too late to make money later.

His advantage lies in his foresight and the ability to get ahead of others, so he must be quick and not slack off. In any industry, he is the first to try new things and enjoy the dividends of the blue ocean. Once everyone rushes in, that is the red ocean. Whether he can make a profit or not is another matter. Many people even drown in the red ocean.

After breakfast in the morning, Yu Qiutang and Yu Qiujiang came to the town. They first helped Yu Qiujiang solve the problems of the store and formally completed the handover. They also roughly planned the layout based on the terrain of the store and Yu Qiujiang's future development wishes.

But it has not been finalized.

Yu Qiutang suggested that Yu Qiujiang should clean up the shop first. The ground must be dug up and new red bricks must be bought for paving. The walls should be powdered with lime powder. As for the roof, if the oil stains on the wooden rafters cannot be washed off, the ceiling must be re-installed to make the shop cleaner overall.

Yu Qiujiang wrote down some other things on paper.

As for the choice of decorator, Yu Qiutang suggested that Yu Qiujiang go to Mi Wenzhong. The yard here was previously done by someone contacted by Mi Wenzhong. His construction skills and attitude were pretty good, and the price would be more affordable.

After resolving these issues, Yu Qiutang told Yu Qiujiang that he would no longer be in charge of the shop at the back and that Yu Qiujiang would be responsible for it himself and bear his own profits and losses. If there was anything he really couldn't solve, he could ask him for help.

This solves the problem.

Of course he knew that the blacksmith's job, like hunting, was not a long-term solution and would quickly be eliminated as the times changed.

Hunting is for species protection and gun control.

Blacksmiths were eliminated by mechanization.

What can be done by a machine in a few minutes may take a blacksmith several days.

In the future world, except for some very rare cultural heritages or extremely remote and backward mountainous areas, the profession of blacksmith will no longer be needed in general places.

He hopes that Yu Qiujiang can gradually expand his network of contacts through this store, so that in the future mechanized era, he can directly replace manual labor with mechanization and catch up with the development of the times.

After leaving Yu Qiujiang's shop, he went straight to Wu Meifen.

There is no other way to deal with the gold. Without a stable and relatively secret channel, if he wants to sell gold worth tens of thousands of dollars, he will definitely be targeted.

You know, the source of his gold involves some stories that he hasn't figured out yet, so he can't be reckless.

He believed in Wu Meifen.

This little bit of gold is valuable, but even if he sold it all, it still wouldn't be enough to buy back his motorcycle.

Wu Meifen was willing to give him the motorcycle, so she naturally would not swallow his gold.

However, when he put the backpack on the table and opened it to reveal the gold bars inside, Wu Meifen took a look and was still surprised.

"Where did you get such a big yellow croaker?!"

Wu Meifen picked up the gold bars and weighed them, then nodded, "They are all real. They weigh several kilograms. Where did you get them?"

Yu Qiutang smiled and said, “Sister Meifen also knows that I have been walking in the mountains, so I always encounter some adventures, and these things are all obtained by chance.

I had been holding on to it and didn't dare to deal with it before, because I was wondering if there was a story behind it.

Now, after a while, nothing seems to happen, and I happen to be short of money, so..."

"So you want me to change it into money for you, right?"

Wu Meifen nodded, picked up the yellow canvas bag again and weighed it. "Now that you put it that way, I understand. There used to be bandits in the mountains over there. You probably came across something buried by the bandits."

Yu Qiutang admired Wu Meifen's sharpness.

"To be honest, I really don't know anyone who can handle these things, so I can only come to Sister Meifen for help again. You have good connections and know a lot of people. See if you can help me deal with it."

"It's not impossible to deal with it."

Wu Meifen seemed to be thinking about something. After thinking for a while, she said, "Qiu Tang, you just said you needed money?"

"um, yes!"

"You just got married, so you shouldn't be too tight financially. Why are you asking for money all of a sudden? Are you addicted to gambling?"

"Absolutely not!"

Yu Qiutang saw that Wu Meifen looked a little suspicious and quickly shook his head to deny it.

He subconsciously felt that Wu Meifen trusted him very much and did not want to disappoint her, so he denied it very quickly.


Wu Meifen asked again, staring at Yu Qiutang.

"Really not," Yu Qiutang said with a smile, "Sister Meifen, don't worry, I will never get involved in these bad habits in my life, otherwise let me..."


Wu Meifen patted his shoulder and sat back in her chair.

"Then tell me, what exactly do you need the money for, and how much money do you need?" (End of this chapter)

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