Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 239: Not Suitable for Business

Yu Qiutang thought that if he said this, he would be subjected to even more "powerful" fire from Wu Meifen.

So be prepared to be told.

Because he felt that he and people like Wu Meifen must have huge differences in certain values.

I totally understand.

Wu Meifen was older than him and took good care of him. She really wanted to do good for him, so it was not unacceptable for him to hear her say that.

It's like being told that by your own sister.

Does my sister have to debate with the other party when she talks about herself?


To his surprise, after hearing him say this, Wu Meifen calmed down. She looked at Yu Qiutang with great interest for a long time and then smiled slightly.

"You really think so?"

Although Yu Qiutang didn't know what she meant, he still didn't change his words and nodded, "I really think so, so I hope Sister Meifen can understand."

"Why do you want me to understand you doing this?" Wu Meifen suddenly laughed. "If you have made up your mind, then just go ahead and do it."

Yu Qiutang looked at her, not sure whether she was being sincere or just being sarcastic.

"Okay," Wu Meifen explained, "Don't try to guess what I'm thinking. I'm just analyzing the future for you. But if you know this and still choose to go your own way, that's fine too."

"You really don't blame me?"

"Really not," Wu Meifen said with a smile, "In fact, I have judged you before, and I think you are not suitable for doing business.

You are a person who has brains, is smart, has no problem dealing with people, has a certain affinity, and can quickly gain recognition from others.

But your shortcomings are also obvious.

What is that? It's you who still don't know how to pursue profit...

Hey, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s talk about your project of hatching chicks.”

Yu Qiutang still couldn't figure out what Wu Meifen meant, but seeing that she didn't continue to elaborate, he no longer insisted and told her his plan in detail.

Wu Meifen nodded as she listened, and was somewhat amused when she heard that he planned to develop the cooked food business in the future.

"In the beginning, we are still focusing on developing eggs and chicken, as these markets are relatively mature. But for things like cakes and roast chicken, I think we still need to think about it in the long run.

You live in the countryside, so you know what the basic living standards of our people are now. I think they have not yet developed to the level of consumption capacity you mentioned.

In addition, I also noticed a problem. If you really want to develop this kind of breeding industry, transportation is indispensable.

Given Rongcheng's current transportation conditions, it is still difficult to meet your long-term goals.

Not to mention the throughput capacity of the provincial highway, the Panlong Mountain area alone is a big problem.

You have to take all these into consideration.

In order to develop this breeding industry, it is necessary to win by quantity and gain benefits.

If the scale is too small, you can't make any money, and it's all just a small-scale operation. But if the scale is large, the difficulties I just mentioned are all unavoidable. You should have an idea of ​​them in advance. "

"Well, I will find ways to deal with these things. Only by taking the first step can we see the road ahead. There are always more solutions than difficulties. I always think about doing something after everything is ready. Even if I waste time until I am old and gray, my goals will still be empty dreams."

"That's true."

Seeing Yu Qiutang's firm confidence, Wu Meifen said no more. He put the gold bars in the schoolbag into the safe and said, "How about this, I will help you change this into money. The current market price is about 30 yuan per gram. I will give you 35..."

"How can this be possible, Sister Meifen, you have already helped me so much!"

“It doesn’t matter. You may not understand. You know what gold is called. It’s called a general equivalent. As long as our economy develops and other things go up in price, its price will also go up.

So, I am holding your gold, and the price will definitely go up in the future. I will only make money, not lose money, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

Yu Qiutang thought to himself, of course I know this.

But how can you exchange things like this? People are eager to lower the price, but you take the initiative to raise it.

The transaction is definitely a one-way transaction of money and one-way transaction of goods, and the price is determined based on the current price of the goods. How can it be priced according to future possibilities?

You really want to help me, you don't hide it at all.


"Don't be so long-winded. You are just starting out, so you will definitely need a lot of funds. Even if I support you, when you develop, you will naturally look down on this little money. Maybe I will still need your help by then."

Yu Qiutang knew that Wu Meifen was being modest.

I'm afraid that unless something unexpected happens, I will never have the chance to help her.

But he didn't point it out.

Having too many favors is like having too many debts. You can’t pay them off in a short time anyway, so you might as well save them up and repay them when you are successful in the future.

The two finally agreed that Wu Meifen's money should be paid to Yu Qiutang in three installments.

Cash delivery was very troublesome back then. Unlike mobile payments in later generations, there were not even any banks back then.

The largest denomination is still ten yuan, and ten thousand yuan is also a considerable amount of money.

It takes an average person many years to earn that much.

In this era of economy, there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

An ordinary person may only earn thirty or forty yuan after working hard for a month, but people who know how to do business often make a lot of money because they have control over the information gap.

Those who are truly rich in the sense of the word "ten thousand yuan household" are not those who have earned their fortune through hard work, but are those who are the first to try out new businesses.

After Yu Qiutang went out, he walked a long way and then turned back to take a look at the Mei Fen Hotel.

He finally understood that sometimes when a person can accomplish something, ability is important, but opportunity and luck are also very important.

He also understood why, when he read the biographies of those bigwigs in the past, they all emphasized the importance of meeting a noble person at a certain stage.

It was also a kind of luck for him to meet Wu Meifen.

She is actually his benefactor.

He certainly never thought that the customer he met when selling the Magic Tofu for the first time would become a close friend in the future.

Although the other party was obviously not from the same class as him, he was willing to help him a lot.

No matter what, remember this kindness.

Whether things develop well or badly in the future, we must always remember the human feelings deeply in our hearts.

As he was thinking along the way, he passed by Qingquan Tower and happened to see Lao Qin soliciting customers at the bottom of the tower again. Remembering that he hadn't chatted with him for a long time, he slipped past him from behind and patted him on the shoulder.


Lao Qin turned around and clapped his hands.

When he found out it was Yu Qiutang, he immediately smiled and said, "So it's you, kid. I was just wondering, it's been so long, why haven't I seen you?"

"Aren't you busy getting married?"

"You're getting married! Congratulations, congratulations," Lao Qin was also very happy. "You didn't say it would be so soon before, and you didn't inform your brother. I said that when you get married, I would definitely go to your wedding to drink."

"Is that so? How about I treat you to a drink alone now?"

"Okay... Oh, forget it. I can't do it now. I'm busy. Let's do it another day..."

As Lao Qin spoke, he took out ten yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into Yu Qiutang's hand.

"This is……"

"If you don't invite me, I can't miss this courtesy. It's not much money, so you take it and treat me like my sister-in-law. Bring it to the street sometime so I can see it." "Then... I'll take it."

Yu Qiutang did not continue to be polite. This kind of gift money is based on economic and friendship, and it would be too boring to refuse it.

The two chatted for a while, and Yu Qiutang remembered the silver coin and asked Lao Qin how his search was going.

Of course he was testing.

He had already collected the real silver coins, and this time when he gave them to Wu Meifen to deal with, he only took out the gold bars and did not release the silver coins.

The price increase of gold bars is predictable. Even after forty years, gold will only be five or six hundred yuan, which is equivalent to a twenty-fold increase.

But this is not necessarily the case with silver dollars.

If you are lucky, you can sell one of these for a lot of money.

The most expensive one might cost hundreds of thousands.

He knew that at this time, there were some silver dollars and ancient coins left everywhere among the people, but after a few decades, there were very few of them circulating in the market, and the remaining good things basically went to museums or collectors.

So he doesn't plan to take action for the time being.

Prepare to keep these things as backup savings so that you can take them out for emergencies at critical moments.

If you have sufficient financial resources in the future, it would be nice to have it as a collection.

"Hey, speaking of this, I feel something is wrong. Logically, these things should come in sets. Even if they are not complete, at least there are more than one or two, right?

But since I got that one, no matter how hard I tried, I didn't hear any other news. Don't you think it's strange?"

Lao Qin was obviously very regretful.

Finding one is a world of difference in price from a complete set.

Yu Qiutang laughed and said, "That was probably just a coincidence. Maybe the buyer just happened to get one. Since there are no more later, don't take it too seriously."

"I definitely won't care about it. Some things are yours if they belong to you. You can't run away. If it's wealth that you don't deserve, it won't come to you even if you cry and beg for it."

"You are very open-minded."

Yu Qiutang smiled perfunctorily.

It seems that the incident did not cause any greater disturbance afterwards, otherwise, "insiders" like Lao Qin would definitely get the news.

should be.

In that case, let’s put this matter behind us for now.

While he was talking to Lao Qin, he suddenly saw Wang Haofeng and Liu Chunyan walking through the crowd. Liu Chunyan was still walking in front, and Wang Haofeng was following behind.

Liu Chunyan was holding a cloth bag in her hand, probably containing medicine or something.

Yu Qiutang remembered that he hadn't paid attention to Lao Liu's health for a long time, and he didn't know whether he had recovered or not, so he decided to go and see him another day.

After all, they are all people who have done favors for me.

If it weren't for Lao Liu's gun, he wouldn't have had his foundation. He was able to save more than 4,000 yuan mainly with the help of that gun.

However, he doesn't have many bullets left, so when he sees Lao Liu next time, he will ask about the channel.

Hunting is not his main source of income for future development, but he will not abandon it completely.
Yu Qiutang was very busy in the next few days.

Needless to say at night.

He has endless energy for his new wife.

Fortunately, Miali is a farm girl and is in good health. If she were a delicate girl from the city, she would not be able to withstand his hard work every night.

He is busier during the day.

First, I helped Yu Qiujiang and Mi Wenzhong to get in touch, and then Mi Wenzhong was responsible for the decoration of the store.

Emphasize speed.

In a few days, he would bring Mi Wenzhong home to help with the chicken coop.

Anyway, he has his eyes on Mi Wenzhong.

Publicly, it allows him to work, and privately, it also allows Mi Wenzhong and his third sister to develop a relationship.

Although the mother-in-law does not fully agree now, her feelings are sincere. If Mi Wenzhong and his third sister can develop like him and Mi Yali, it would be a great thing.

On the 20th day of the first lunar month, he was going to call Wang Haofeng to help him with the work.

After Yu Qiuxiang had made all the arrangements, he would concentrate on solving his chicken coop problem.

Cheap labor like Wang Haofeng, who can be lured away with just a meal of臊子面, should naturally not be wasted.

Of course, he also wanted to work with Wang Haofeng.

Although Wang Haofeng seems rash and clumsy in the eyes of others, as if he doesn't use his brain enough to do things, he knows that this guy will really rush to the front at the critical moment.

To put it bluntly, if the two of them were in a life-and-death crisis, Wang Haofeng would directly step in front of them and leave him the chance of survival.

Yu Qiutang believes that there are two types of friends.

One type is the kind of friend who you get along well with in daily life and can help each other with small things, but this type of friend will often protect themselves for the sake of interests at critical stages.

The other type is the friend who is careless or straightforward in daily life, seems unable to deal with others, and is not liked by everyone. However, this type of friend often plays a big role at critical moments.

He has verified throughout his life that Wang Haofeng is the latter type of person.

No matter how bad Wang Haofeng is in the eyes of others and whether he is not worthy of close friendship, it is good enough that he understands his shining points.

If a person is too careful, he will have no followers. He is not looking for a saint.

Unexpectedly, when I went there today, I found that Liu Chunyan was actually at Wang Haofeng's house.

After he discovered it, he wanted to slip away quietly, but was seen by Liu Chunyan through the window, so he had no choice but to go in and say hello.

Wang Haofeng was obviously very proud. After Yu Qiutang came in, he kept showing off to Yu Qiutang.

Liu Chunyan was obviously thinner than before.

But also a lot more mature.

"Brother Qiutang, I heard from Wang Haofeng that you are married?"

Yu Qiutang smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it happened a few days ago."

"We don't know. You don't consider us as friends!"

Yu Qiutang thought to himself, what he said was true. He and Liu Chunyan were not friends to begin with, and he even felt better about Old Liu than he did about Liu Chunyan.

When he looked at Liu Chunyan, he treated her as an ordinary young girl, only slightly better than a passerby.

If Wang Haofeng hadn't been obsessed with Liu Chunyan, he might have had no contact with this girl long ago.

It’s not that he couldn’t see what Liu Chunyan was thinking before, that had nothing to do with him. Even if he was reborn, there was only Mi Yali in his eyes and heart, and all his ambiguity towards women would only be directed at Mi Yali.

As for other women, the way he dealt with them was actually no different from how he dealt with men.

In fact, because of the restrictions of the opposite sex, they are not as good as men.

He responded with a few casual words. Since Wang Haofeng had something to do today, he didn't bother him and turned around to go home.

When he got home, he saw his elder sister hurriedly coming out of his room. When she saw him, she acted like a thief and felt a little embarrassed.

Then I saw Miyali standing at the door with a wry smile on her face. (End of this chapter)

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