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Chapter 45 Sour, Spicy and Sweet

Chapter 45 Sour, Spicy and Sweet
At first, Chen Meidi thought that the leaf was brought back from outside and was about to pick it up and throw it away, but at the moment of throwing it away, she suddenly put it under her nose and smelled it, and immediately a familiar smell came to her nose.

Although it was very faint, she could still be sure that the taste of this leaf was exactly the same as the fairy tofu she had eaten that day.

In other words, the raw material for Yu Qiutang's magical tofu is probably this kind of tree leaf. Combined with what her son just said, she could immediately guess how the tofu is made.

It is undoubtedly the leaves that are boiled into a paste and then cooled into a solid state.

Or it could be a little more complicated.

But as long as she has leaves as raw materials, she will definitely be able to figure out the method with her wisdom and eventually make that kind of tofu.

Now the question is, what kind of leaves are these?

She thought carefully about all the trees she had seen, and it seemed that none of them belonged to her. This was undoubtedly a kind of tree she had never seen before.

Judging from the green and wet leaves, they must have been picked from the mountains. Considering Yu Qiutang's current ability and the fact that he is bringing his little boy Yu Xiaowei with him, they certainly cannot go deep into the mountains, so they must have gone to the foot of the mountain. The tree is most likely growing on the outskirts of the mountain.


Probably that's it.

Although this information is still not enough, the scope has been narrowed. The question now is how to find this kind of tree. We have to think of a way.

As a woman, she didn't dare to go into the mountains. Her son was still young and couldn't handle it. Her husband's words...

It seems like he can go.

Anyway, he often needs to go into the mountains to select wood, so it would be nice if he could help her find out at the same time.

Thinking of this, Chen Meidi felt relaxed and happy.

You little rascal, you still want to make a fortune behind our backs. I wonder how long you can enjoy this. You wanted to separate from us a few days ago, probably because of this thing, and you were worried that we would take advantage of it.

It turned out that he was indeed an ungrateful person.
After Yu Xiaowei came back, Yu Qiutang poured out the stones in the bag, selected them one by one, and threw away some that would affect the distance, speed and filling. Finally, only a small half bag was left, about three to five hundred stones.

It just so happened that he had also made a finished slingshot, so he asked Yu Xiaowei to try it.

Yu Xiaowei was originally full of enthusiasm, but after taking the slingshot, he found that he couldn't pull it open no matter what he did. He began to feel confused. If Yu Qiutang hadn't pulled it open easily, Yu Xiaowei would have thought that it was impossible for a person to pull the slingshot open at all.

"This slingshot has a force of only a dozen kilograms at most. If you can't even pull it open, then you definitely won't be able to play with the more powerful things I make later," Yu Qiutang didn't discourage him, but patiently said to him:
"Whether you can shoot accurately with a slingshot is definitely important, but the prerequisite is that your hands must be stable. The prerequisite for a stable hand is that your strength far exceeds the required strength, so that you can control it freely."

Yu Xiaowei lowered his head and thought about it, then tried to ask: "Uncle, in fact, I still need to exercise my strength, right? My strength is too weak now, and I can't use my whole body strength to the maximum, so I don't have any other strength in my body to control it, right?"

Yu Qiutang rubbed his head. "Smart, that's what it means. So, I'll give you this slingshot. Don't be impatient. Practice your strength slowly. When you can pull the slingshot a hundred times in one breath, you've completed the first step. Then we can talk about the aiming."

Yu Xiaowei nodded.

While the two were chatting in the yard, their father came back from outside. When he saw the two holding slingshots, his face darkened.

He mumbled something, opened the door curtain and entered his kiln. The next morning, Yu Qiutang got up first, stretched his muscles with his two children, and then learned to stand still.

Because he holds a very high status in the children's hearts, they had basically no doubts when discussing it last night, knowing that since their uncle asked them to practice, it would definitely be good for them.

Yu Qiutang stood with them for an hour, then washed his face and went out carrying the basket.

With no one to weigh him down, carrying twenty or thirty kilograms of stuff on his back had almost no impact on him. He walked briskly all the way and finished the seven or eight miles in half an hour.

When we arrived at Mei Fen Restaurant, we saw that the restaurant was already open and was selling some breakfast items such as steamed buns, flower rolls, and tofu pudding.

Wu Meifen was busy, and when she saw him coming, she asked the waiter to bring him into the restaurant through the back door.

"You're here so early. I thought you would wait until around 9 o'clock." Wu Meifen poured Yu Qiutang a glass of water and put it on the counter in the back hall.

"It had been delivered earlier so you could enjoy it earlier," Yu Qiutang removed the thick cloth covering the top, revealing the crystal clear and green tofu underneath. A faint fragrance immediately wafted from the backstage.

"I made it last night and kept it cool with cold water at night. The ingredients are fresh and the taste is original. It's not ambiguous at all."

Yu Qiutang pointed at a small piece of tofu in the middle and said, "Try it. How does it taste?"

Wu Meifen picked it up and put it in her mouth, chewing it slowly, savoring the unique aroma of the fairy tofu. "It tastes very strange, I like it very much, but it seems different from what I tasted yesterday."

Yu Qiutang was not in a hurry. He took out two bottles from his pocket like a magician and said, "Here, these are the two kinds of sauces I prepared. Mix them in and try them."

Wu Meifen found a bowl, chopsticks and a knife, cut a piece into small pieces and put them into two bowls respectively, then added the two kinds of sauces and tried again.

This time, she only took one bite and her face immediately lit up with joy.

"Yes, yes, that's the taste. It's just right. It's really right." She tried another flavor. As soon as she tasted it, she looked at Yu Qiutang curiously, "Sweet?"

"Yes, sweet."

Wu Meifen seemed a little disappointed. "Such a good thing doesn't taste as good with sugar water. The sour and spicy ones are the most satisfying."

To verify her words, Wu Meifen finished half a small bowl of the spicy and sour soup in one go.

Yu Qiutang was not surprised by her behavior.

The tastes of people in Rongcheng and even in the Sanqin area are basically sour and spicy, especially when eating. Most of them don’t like sweet food. As the proprietress of the restaurant, Wu Meifen naturally knows this.

But Yu Qiutang still smiled and said: "Actually you can try it. Most people like to eat hot and sour food, but that doesn't mean they don't want sweet food. You can prepare different seasonings separately, ask the customer what flavor they want, and then add it in."

Wu Meifen thought again and it made sense. If no one really wanted to eat it, then it wouldn’t be a waste of time. She could just sell more sour and spicy ones.

Yu Qiutang spared no effort to suggest selling sweet things, of course, he did not want to promote the sweet taste. He hoped that the sales of this kind of thing would not only be something people would eat for a few meals, but that they could eat it whenever they wanted, a bit like buying a bottle of drink.

To be precise, it's like milk tea in later generations~
(End of this chapter)

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