Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 59: Encounter with the Asian Red Jackal

Chapter 59: Encounter with the Asian Red Jackal
With Yu Qiutang taking action, catching a squirrel is naturally a piece of cake.

In just an hour or so, he had killed three squirrels, a rabbit with a smashed head, and two wild pigeons. Wild pigeons are a little dumber than cuckoos, so they are easier to kill.

As the sun was moving from the south to the west, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon. Yu Qiutang felt that it was time to go back as there were still a lot of things waiting for him at home.

I took Yu Xiaowei and slowly walked down the mountain along the way we came. Along the way, I continued to explain to him the personalities of common wild animals in the mountains and forests, their special situations, how to deal with them, etc.

He didn't know how much Yu Xiaowei could understand at this moment, so he just told him everything and let him digest and absorb it slowly.

There is talent in doing anything.

So is hunting.

In his previous life, Yu Qiutang was a person who could make up for his shortcomings with hard work. Whether it was his marksmanship or various experiences, he slowly learned them on his own.

In this life, he has the experience from his past life and the bonus of rebirth attributes, which makes him seem very awesome.

Yu Xiaowei listened very carefully.

Through the lesson of the stream, he also realized that many things in the forest cannot be judged by appearance alone, but also need to pay attention to details. If you don't respect the mountain and despise it, the mountain will teach you a lesson.

The two had just walked out of the oak forest and were about to go back along the mountain path between the birch forests, bypassing the stream, when they suddenly saw a gray shadow rushing out from the bushes in front of them. It was so fast that it passed between their legs in an instant.

Then, three more red shadows rushed out from behind. They seemed to be faster and were about to hit the two of them, but they quickly made way for the two of them like an ancient cavalry charge, and then gathered together again and chased after them.

Yu Xiaowei was talking, and just as he opened his mouth, he was so shocked that he couldn't close it for a long time. After the two groups of animals rushed past, he hurriedly turned around and shouted, "What the hell is that?"

Yu Qiutang also turned around and saw that the gray shadow in front had disappeared, and the three red shadows behind were about to disappear from his sight.

"It's strange to see a badger in broad daylight."

Yu Qiutang was a little puzzled. Although both groups of animals were very fast, his reaction ability was nearly four or five times that of an ordinary person, only slightly worse than that of a cat.

Not to mention stopping the two groups of animals, we can catch up with them in speed, but we can still distinguish them clearly.

The little grey, white and black vertical striped creature running in front was a badger, and the ones chasing it from behind were actually three red jackals. This situation confused him too.

It doesn't make sense.

The badger is a small omnivorous mustelid animal, and it is indeed more active this month.

But the problem is that it is an animal that hides during the day and comes out at night. It usually comes out of the cave at around 8 or 9 at night, and will quietly return to hide in the early morning of the next day.

It is rarely seen active during the day.

Moreover, although the badger is ferocious in temperament, when pressed by the enemy, it often makes short "bu, bu" sounds, and can also straighten its front half of the body to fight back with sharp claws and canine teeth.

But they are very alert. Every time they come out of the cave, they will repeatedly check the surrounding environment. They will go in and out several times to make sure there is no danger and will never put themselves in danger easily.

Let’s talk about the red jackal. It’s even weirder.

The red jackal is also called the jackal or the Asian red jackal. It is the most ferocious and powerful animal in the canidae family.

To some extent, it even exceeds the combat power of wolves.

If the tiger is the ceiling of cats, almost perfect, then the jackal is the ceiling of canines.

He has almost no shortcomings. An ordinary jackal weighs about 20 kilograms and is 80 to 90 centimeters long at most, roughly the same size as a small wolf.

But the weight of the jackal king can reach more than 30 kilograms and its body length can reach more than one meter, which is similar to many wolves.

But jackals are much faster and more agile than wolves, not to mention dogs...

In nature, perhaps only animals like clouded leopards can compete with jackals in agility.

The jackal's jumping ability is also very good. It can easily jump over a five or six meter long ditch, and can also easily jump over a three or four meter high wall. Jackals often run to mountain people's homes to steal livestock, and ordinary walls cannot stop them at all.

Jackals can kill almost all animals in their living area, whether they are ungulates or carnivores. This is not only because their bite force can reach three or four hundred kilograms, but also because their population is so large.

A wolf pack usually consists of three or five wolves. A pack of seven is considered good. A pack of more than ten wolves requires a large grassland to supply them.

But the largest jackal pack can be over thirty members. Most animals cannot handle such a group. Even tigers find it difficult to be besieged by a pack of jackals.

But these are not the most powerful.

The most exaggerated thing about the jackal is its cunningness. It is really too smart.

They never use force to hunt their prey. Instead, they first use their sharp claws with blades to blind the prey's eyes, thus making it unable to escape, and then slowly torture the opponent to death.

They also use intimidation tactics, stalling tactics, dividing and attacking, and clever use of terrain and tools...

In short, this kind of ferocious beast can only be barely controlled by humans. If they are allowed to run rampant, not only the ungulate herbivores, but also many carnivores and omnivores in the surrounding areas will tremble.

What surprised Yu Qiutang was that the main diet of jackals consisted of herbivores such as takin and goral, and did not include small guys like badgers. Badgers would release an unpleasant odor at critical moments, and jackals had a very sensitive sense of smell and were most afraid of this strange smell.

The badger must have provoked them to chase like crazy.

"What should we do?" Yu Xiaowei asked hesitantly.

Yu Qiutang patted his head and said, "Hurry up and leave. Are you waiting for them to surround us?"

Yu Qiutang never thought that he could kill three jackals with his bare hands.

Among the three jackals just now, the one in the middle was the largest, probably an adult male jackal, equivalent to a wolf. Although the ones on the sides were smaller, they were still stronger than a wolf together.

Yu Qiutang is only a little stronger, but other qualities like agility, speed, and attack methods are totally beyond the jackals' reach. If there is only one of them, he can still deal with it, but what jackals are best at is group siege.

He must be only thinking ahead and not what's behind, and has no chance of winning at all.

What's more, there is also my nephew who is a burden.

If I had a crossbow in my hand, maybe I could do some research on it. Now I have nothing. It seems that it will not be easy to break the defense. I can be easily beaten by the jackal.

"Let's go. Take the opportunity to run away. Once the jackals appear, there will definitely be more than three of them. There may be more nearby."

The more Yu Qiutang thought about it, the more dangerous it seemed. He hurriedly pulled Yu Xiaowei to speed up their escape. They ran out of the birch forest in one breath and came to the bamboo forest in front. Only then did he relax.

At this time, there is plenty of food in the mountains, and the jackals are already at their limit in the oak forest, so they are unlikely to run to the bamboo forest. Beyond the bamboo forest is the human settlement area, which is too risky for them.

However, Yu Qiutang was still surprised. The oak forest was only on the hillside a little bit upwards from the foot of the mountain. If the jackals were already active in this place, it meant that there was something wrong with the ecology there.

(End of this chapter)

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