Chapter 66 Release Notice:

According to the editor’s notice, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

Hunting texts are a niche genre, and I am more accustomed to telling stories in a leisurely manner, so this book is a bit slow to read, but actually, after reading it, I found that it is quite good, right?

I was born in the early 80s. My father was a forest ranger and senior forestry engineer in Ziwuling. My family lived in the forest station when I was young, so I can say that I am quite familiar with the mountains.

At that time, there were many wild animals in the mountains, and they would run to human settlements from time to time, especially in winter. When you opened the door in the morning after a heavy snow, you would often see a few moon wolves lying at the door to keep warm. When they saw people coming out, they were not panicked, but slowly jumped off the ridge and disappeared into the oak forest.

In those years, our family adopted or rescued quite a lot of animals, including two leopard cats, a golden cat, a red fox whose legs were bitten off by a jackal, an eagle owl that liked to eat weasels and could never tell whether it was asleep or awake, and a golden eagle that couldn’t fly…

The shabby house next to us is the wild pigeons' room. Every year, countless wild pigeons come in to build nests. If you want to eat them, you can secretly catch a few and eat them.

There are more than a dozen sika deer in the backyard. At first, I picked up a pair of female deer, and then rescued a male deer. I let them have a sister-brother relationship, and gradually there were more and more of them...

At that time, my father had a pole and five or six-and-a-half rods provided by the forest farm. When my father patrolled the mountains, I would follow him and get to know all kinds of animals and birds.

Some need to be protected and cannot be hunted, while others are rampant and can be killed at any time to improve life. My father’s shooting skills are very accurate. He once shot and killed a criminal who poached golden monkeys, killed a half-grown blind bear, and snatched a child from the mouth of a clouded leopard...

I don't know how to use a gun. My hands are weak and I'm too skinny. I dislocated my shoulder when I used the gun. I'm not as good as my sister...

So my protagonist has nothing but great strength. Now you understand what I mean, hehe~
When I write this story, I always bring some real past events into it. Sometimes, while writing, I feel inexplicably emotional. Although that era was poor, it was really happy and makes people miss it.

The previous story has basically been laid out, and it will become more and more smooth. If you are interested, just continue reading and let me depict the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of the people in the mountains on the north side of the Qinling Mountains bit by bit.

The motivation for writing a book comes from results. If more people read it, I will be more passionate when writing, but I also know that not all stories can be liked by everyone.

I can only try my best and write the best story I can...

After the release, the content will be uploaded at 12 noon. 2 words will be updated on the first day, and 8 words will be updated every day in the later period. If you reward the helmsman, one more update will be added.

Thank you all for your support along the way.

(PS: Remember to put it on the shelves at 12 noon, remember!)
(End of this chapter)

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