Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 84 Rescue, old hunter!

Chapter 84 Rescue, old hunter!
The weight of a roe deer is approximately between 30 and 80 kilograms, but some roe deer can grow very large, weighing over 90 kilograms.

The one that the three of them ate was relatively small, weighing less than 50 kilograms. After removing some of the messy offal, they could get about 30 kilograms of meat.

I probably ate about four or five kilograms.

The three of them talked and laughed, and after they finished eating the meat, each of them drank some of the water used to cook the meat.

It still tastes fishy, ​​but Yu Qiutang said that all the nutrients are in the water used to cook the meat, so it would be a waste to throw it away.

After I actually drank it, it didn't feel that uncomfortable. I felt satisfied and my body started to warm up.

Gradually, the moon got higher and higher, and the three of them felt a little sleepy.

Yu Qiutang suggested that the three of them take turns sleeping, and that two people must stay at the same time to guard the fire and be on guard against other wild animals coming over.

Considering that the risk is lower in the first half of the night, Yu Qiujiang and Wang Haofeng were temporarily on duty, and he took the opportunity to catch up on his sleep.

Naturally, the two of them had no objection.

After making all the arrangements, Yu Qiutang leaned against a rock and soon fell asleep.

It’s good to have a young body.

I can fall asleep just by closing my eyes.

In my previous life, as I got older, my sleep quality was terrible. I would fall asleep with great difficulty almost every night, but would wake up again at the slightest disturbance of something.

The first half of the night is fine, but in the second half I may not be able to fall asleep at all, tossing and turning in bed until dawn.

When Yu Qiutang was sleeping, he still held the gun in his hand to ensure that he could shoot at the first moment when there was any risk.

These are all lessons learned in blood.

The beasts were very fast, and if you missed the opportunity, you often wouldn’t even have a chance to grab a gun.

Yu Qiutang felt that he had just closed his eyes when he suddenly heard a gunshot. He subconsciously opened his eyes and stood up, his hand already on the trigger.

"what sound?!"

Wang Haofeng and Yu Qiujiang were also shocked, not much better than Yu Qiutang.

"I don't know. We just heard it too." Wang Haofeng was a little drowsy, but was now completely awakened by the shock.

Yu Qiujiang also nodded, confirming what Wang Haofeng said.

Yu Qiutang rolled up his sleeves to look at his electronic watch and was stunned. He thought he had only slept for a few minutes, but it was already past two in the morning. He had closed his eyes for three hours.

It seemed that these two people saw how hard he was working, so they didn't call him to get up.

"Turn up the fire a little more, Fengzi, Jiang Ge, listen carefully to the sounds around you, and tell me if you hear any unusual noises."


"it is good."

The two men were like Yu Qiutang's two generals, obeying his orders and fighting wherever he was told.

Yu Qiutang jumped onto the rock, looked into the distance, and after a full circle he didn't see anything unusual. He was wondering when suddenly a beam of light came from behind him.

From the oak forest at the rear.

"Be careful, Fengzi, throw more firewood into the fire. Don't let the fire go out. Jiang, pick up the crossbow and get ready. We don't know what the situation is yet, so we can only wait and see."

The two of them nodded.

"Tangtang, could there be other hunters nearby?" Wang Haofeng asked in a low voice.

Yu Qiutang shook his head. "It's hard to say. A mature hunter would definitely not choose this time to hunt. One or two o'clock in the morning is when people are most tired and nocturnal animals are most energetic.

Furthermore, human vision is limited at night, and prey that cannot be seen during the day are even more difficult to see at night. Many wild animals are good at hiding and move without making any sound, so humans are at a huge disadvantage.

Hunting is just like fighting a war. We and the beasts are enemies. We try every means to kill them, and they also try every means to escape or fight back against us..."

While Yu Qiutang was whispering his experience to Wang Haofeng, he pricked up his ears to carefully distinguish the sound. The light just now flashed and disappeared, as if a candle was suddenly extinguished.

Most likely a flashlight.

So, there must be a hunter in this mountain. I don’t know if he is just a rookie and doesn’t know the risks in the mountain, or if he knows the risks but is just too brave and refuses to take any risk.

"Is there anyone?!"

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came out in the silent night, "Help me, come and help me!"

"It's a human!" Wang Haofeng shouted.

Yu Qiutang nodded. Judging from his voice, he should be quite old, at least over fifty.

"Go and help him, he might be in trouble!" Wang Haofeng was about to run forward, but was grabbed by Yu Qiujiang. He struggled subconsciously, "What are you doing? I didn't hear anyone shouting for help."

Yu Qiujiang let him go and looked in the direction where the voice came from. "Do you know who is in there?"

"Ah, what do you mean?" Wang Haofeng was puzzled. Seeing that Yu Qiujiang did not answer, he turned to look at Yu Qiutang.

Yu Qiutang looked serious, and his expression was uncertain under the firelight. After a long while, he shouted into the darkness: "It's not convenient for us to go over there. If you can come over, we will help you!"

"There really is someone here," the voice was full of surprise, "I'm injured and can't climb anymore."

"Did you hear that? He's hurt!"

This time, Wang Haofeng ignored everything. He pulled out a half-burned stick from the fire as a torch and ran towards the sound.

Yu Qiutang shook his head helplessly and said to Yu Qiujiang: "Brother Jiang, you follow him. If someone is really in trouble, bring them back together."

Yu Qiujiang was also speechless, but he had no choice but to go along.

It’s not that Yu Qiutang didn’t want to save people, but in such a big mountain at such a night, saving people was really too risky.

The other party has a gun, who knows his identity?

There are many poachers and tree cutters these days, and many of them are desperate criminals who carry weapons in their hands and are willing to stab people in the heart if they disagree with them.

It was because he had seen so much that he felt the need to be cautious.

Even if you need help, you don't have to travel that distance and take the time to do so.

Leaving the fire and the hard-earned prey and running into the dark woods would be the most unwise choice.

Although Yu Qiujiang did not have much experience in the mountains, due to his unfortunate fate in his childhood, he had a natural aversion and wariness towards people. He immediately understood without Yu Qiutang's reminder.

But Wang Haofeng doesn't have this awareness.

He grew up eating at many people's houses, and all the people he met were good people. Everyone took good care of him, so subconsciously, he also wanted to take care of and help others more.

How can I bear to see someone in trouble?

Although Yu Qiutang felt that he was too naive, he was also very pleased. Perhaps it was precisely because of this guy's pure heart that he could be regarded as his forever good buddy.


The sound of hurried footsteps was heard in the woods. Wang Haofeng ran out first, carrying someone on his back, followed by Yu Qiujiang.

Yu Qiutang waited until the three of them returned to the fire, carefully identified and confirmed that there were no unusual sounds or smells around, and then jumped down from the rock. "Tangtang, this uncle is seriously injured."

Yu Qiutang squatted down and carefully checked the rescued person, but after just a quick glance, he frowned.

Wang Haofeng is right.

It seemed as if some sharp weapon had cut a gash over ten centimeters long on the side of the uncle's body. The gash was so deep that the bone was visible. If it was a little deeper, his internal organs would have fallen out from the side.

I don't know how much blood was shed. His clothes were soaked with blood and mixed with the mud on the ground. He looked like a corpse that had just been fished out of the mud. It was a horrible sight.

"What should I do, Tangtang?!"

Wang Haofeng put the man down. In the light of the fire, he could see clearly what kind of person he had saved, and he was also shocked.

Yu Qiutang was also a little at a loss.

Saving lives is not something he is good at, nor is it within his business scope.

He now had no idea whether the man's internal organs were injured, and he didn't know how to stop the bleeding.

If this was on flat ground, we could still find a way to get him to the hospital.

But if we continue like this halfway up the mountain, I’m afraid the remaining half of my life will be gone before I reach the foot of the mountain.

"Let me try." Yu Qiujiang suddenly said when he was at a loss.

"Brother Jiang, can you sew wounds?" Yu Qiutang quickly recalled, but he did not remember Yu Qiujiang ever using this skill.

Even if the medical level is developed to the point where it is universally available in the future, ordinary people can only do some basic first aid at most, and it is far from the level where they can just pick anyone and sew up the person's wounds.

"I've never sewn for anyone." Yu Qiujiang went back, opened his bag, and miraculously found needle and thread inside.

Seeing that Yu Qiutang and Wang Haofeng were both surprised, he added: "I sewed it for a dog."


Yu Qiutang was speechless.

But he had no choice at the moment. If the uncle didn't deal with it in time, he might not be able to hold on until tomorrow.

Thinking of this, I didn’t have time to say anything else.

If you don’t know how to do it, then don’t bother talking about it. Just watch others do it.

Yu Qiujiang put a three or four centimeter needle on the fire and burned it repeatedly, wiped off the soot on the needle, put on the white thread, told the uncle to bear it, and began to sew the wound.

The uncle was already a little dazed from bleeding, and felt no different from a dog that had been anesthetized. He didn't move at all, allowing Yu Qiujiang to fiddle with him.

Yu Qiutang was worried at first, but he felt relieved when he saw that the stitches Yu Qiujiang sutured were so delicate and tight, no less than those of the doctors at the health center.

I have a little more respect for Yu Qiujiang in my heart.

I didn't expect that this burly blacksmith actually has such delicate skills. He can not only make steel that has been tempered a hundred times, but also be as flexible as a finger. He is a comprehensive talent.

Yu Qiujiang worked very quickly and the wound was completely sewn in less than five minutes. He tied a knot, cut the remaining rope with a knife, and tied a small knot at the end.

"Sprinkle some anti-inflammatory powder on me."

Yu Qiutang took out a bottle of anti-inflammatory powder from his bag and handed it to him, watching Yu Qiujiang sprinkle the medicine on the wound.

"Okay, this is the only way to deal with it. Whether he can hold out until tomorrow depends on his luck."

"Yes, we'll take him down the mountain when it's daybreak," Yu Qiutang nodded, looked at the moon in the sky, and shook his head helplessly, "It's late at night, and his wound has just been sutured, so it's not suitable to carry him."

"That's right." Yu Qiujiang walked to the side, poured water from the kettle and washed his hands. His hands were covered in blood when he was stitching the wound.

Yu Qiutang took off his coat and covered the uncle with it. Looking at the uncle's defeated face, he could only silently hope that he could make it.

Wang Haofeng couldn't help just now, but now that he saw that it was done, he came over and looked at the uncle carefully, "I wonder what this uncle does?"

"What can I do? Either a ranger or a hunter!" Yu Qiutang was sitting by the fire. Suddenly, he lost his coat and felt a chill on his body. He shivered with cold.


"Look at the calluses on his right hand, the index finger and the thumb. Aren't they very calloused?"

"Let me see... Yes, there are indeed a lot of calluses, but what does this mean?"

"It means he is used to using guns. These calluses are the marks of long-term handling of guns... If you still don't believe it, take a look at his trouser legs. Aren't they much whiter than his arms?"

Wang Haofeng lifted up the uncle's trouser legs as instructed and looked at his arms. He found that it was true. The skin on his arms was red with black and looked very rough, while the skin on his legs was very white.

"Why is this?"

"Look at me," Yu Qiutang stretched out his legs. "We walk in the mountains for a long time, and we are most afraid of snakes and insects getting into our trouser legs, so no matter how hot the weather is, we always tie our legs tightly, so that no matter the wind or the sun, they can't get into our legs.

On the contrary, although the arms may be bitten by insects, if they are completely covered, movement will be inconvenient. In addition, when handling prey, in order to prevent blood from splashing on the arms, we will subconsciously roll up our sleeves. Yes, look at Brother Jiang, the sleeves he just rolled up have not been put down yet.

The uncle's face is redder than most people's. It's because he has been exposed to ultraviolet rays from the mountains for too long. People who don't hike also have red faces, but they won't be as dark as this one. Most people have red cheeks, but this uncle's face is red all the way to his collar..."

Yu Qiutang just made a simple judgment.

In fact, his feelings towards the hunter did not require such complicated judgment. He could almost tell what kind of temperament the hunter had at a glance.

After all, the hunters I had seen in my previous life were at least seventy or eighty, if not a hundred.

Besides, anyone who goes into the mountains in the middle of the night could be a hunter or a forest patroller, or someone is doing poaching or logging. This old man looks kind, so he's probably not a bad guy.

He knew most of the forest rangers nearby in his previous life, but had never heard of such a person.

After eliminating all unreasonable ideas, the remaining answer is the only one.

Wang Haofeng looked at himself carefully, then at the uncle, and finally believed that Yu Qiutang was not doing this for no reason. He sighed and said, "This uncle is really something. He is so old, but he came to the mountains alone, and no one cares if something happens to him!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Qiutang glanced at the bag under the old man and shook his head, "He didn't come alone."


Wang Haofeng didn't understand, "How did you know that?"

"He didn't have a water bottle, a gun, or even a lot of basic equipment. That means that in the case of the others, he couldn't have gone into the mountains empty-handed, right?"

Wang Haofeng took a look and saw that it was true, and his face turned grim.

"Damn it, since the uncle is with the others, and he is like this, then what about the others? Could they have run away?"

"What do you think?" Yu Qiutang said lightly.

It is not uncommon for people who hunt together to flee separately when encountering an emergency. Sometimes, people in the team will even trip each other up for some good things.

This is also the reason why he called Wang Haofeng and Yu Qiujiang to accompany him instead of looking for strangers. He had to ensure two things.

First: Even if he is injured or in danger, the people around him will not abandon him.

Second: If someone around him is in danger, he will do his best to save the other person without any hesitation because of his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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