Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 97 Why do you become a Buddha while I fall into hell?

Chapter 97 Why do you become a Buddha while I fall into hell?
After the sun set in the afternoon, a group of people began to sit on small stools next to the corn piled up like a hill and started to peel corn.

The so-called peeling corn does not mean peeling off the seeds, but peeling off the entire outer skin of the corn, leaving only two or three thin layers of skin inside, and then tying them together in pairs, building a wooden rack in the yard, and hanging the corn on it.

The advantage of this is that when the sun is out, each corn cob can get enough sunlight, making it easier to dry; and when it rains, all the corn cobs are placed with their little heads facing downward, allowing rainwater to drain away smoothly without accumulating on the corn cobs and causing them to mold.

It is also the wisdom of the working people.

Yu Qiutang used to be able to peel corn, but today, there is certainly no need for him to continue doing it.

This kind of work does not require much effort and is not difficult, so he just leaves it to his family to do. His "great achievements" in transporting corn have proved himself.

He decided to take advantage of the good moonlight tonight and continue picking leaves from the tofu-wood tree with his two brothers. This thing was getting yellower day by day, and if they didn't hurry up, it would be too late.

The next day was the same as before.

With Yu Qiutang, a good worker, the Yu family harvested corn faster than others.

Originally, several neighbors were discussing when to start harvesting corn, but everyone was surprised to find that Yu Dejin's corn was hanging in the yard in less than two days.

And others are just getting started.

When everyone was chatting with Yu Dejin and Chen Meidi, they kept praising Yu Qiutang for being really good, and they also lamented that if they separated from the family in the future, they didn't know how much better their lives would be.

This made Yu Dejin and Chen Meidi, who had already separated, look embarrassed.

Chen Meidi, in particular, had a few moments when she felt confused and wondered if she had made a mistake by targeting Yu Qiutang.

Thinking about Yu Qiutang’s development in the past month or so, his actions are completely different from before, as if he has become a different person.

Knowing that he was like this, I wouldn't have had to give him points in the first place.

Who wouldn’t like such a good workforce?

It seems like this guy was just pretending before. He is obviously very capable, but he pretended to be cowardly and unable to do anything, just to gain his freedom.


If this is true, then what is this kid trying to do?

Thinking back to some of the things I did to him in the past, if he really had this ability, could he endure it?

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid it would be difficult to persevere.

In this way, while Chen Meidi was struggling to reflect on herself three times a day, she first dealt with the corn cobs, dug up the corn stalks, and cleaned up the stubble on the ground.

Then it was time to harvest and transport the millet from one acre and three mu of land, which only took one day.

Including the grinding and drying of millet after returning home, it took less than a week in total.

By mid-September, the Yu family's farm work was completely finished.

The progress is at least half a month ahead of schedule.

Chen Meidi, who finished her farm work early, suddenly felt a little bored. There was nothing to do at home, so she carried her wool all day and wanted to visit her neighbors, but the neighbors were still busy with the autumn harvest and no one was willing to accompany her.

It is said that only she can be like her, with such strong skills as Yu Qiutang, and such a good life that is hard to envy.

This made Chen Meidi very miserable.

She noticed that Yu Qiutang had been going out early and coming back late recently, and seemed to be busier than before, but she didn't know what he was busy with.

I just heard that the magical tofu he made has been sold to restaurants in town. I wonder how much money he can make every day...


Chen Meidi tried her best not to think about these things, thinking that no matter how others lived, it had nothing to do with her anyway. The last time they were harvesting corn together, she called him for dinner, but he didn't want to come. This was definitely a sign that she was determined to draw a line between them.

Let’s draw a line, then.

She doesn't care, who doesn't have a son?

In addition to Chen Meidi, Yu Dejin was also quite confused in the old Yu family. The work in the fields was finished early, so he was able to find time to do more things to make money.

Sometimes he would go out to work in the next village or even in the town, and sometimes he would take jobs and do them at home. While working, he naturally kept an eye on Yu Qiutang.

Like Chen Meidi, he actually found it difficult to understand his son.

But no matter how curious he was, he did not show it. On the one hand, he felt that his son had made great progress and was praised by the neighbors in the village, and Yu Dejin was also proud of it.

But on the other hand, he also knew clearly that the stronger and more powerful his son became, the less he would be needed, and the distance between him and his son would naturally become greater and greater.

Maybe in the end, he will be like other fathers and sons who have separated in the village, saying hello when they meet, having a meal together during festivals, and giving each other gifts.

When it was too busy during the farming season, they would help each other... Oh, of course Yu Qiutang didn't need him for this. With his son's ability, those few acres of land were really nothing.

Even if it were doubled, it probably wouldn't be a problem for my son.

All in all, it's a mixed feeling.

It's hard to say whether he's happy, sad, regretful, lost, or calm, he just knows that this is something that cannot be avoided.

The so-called father-son relationship, without the lubricant of a wife at home, is already quite awkward, and this awkwardness will continue to deepen until it finally stops completely because it is too harsh.

Yu Qiutang could actually see the changes in the relationship between his father and Chen Meidi.

As people live longer, they will naturally gain wisdom. Although he looks like a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, he has the soul of an adult inside his body.

Naturally, it also comes with the wisdom and ability to judge people of the elderly.


What if you see it clearly?

Some things, once they are deeply embedded in your heart, cannot be easily removed.

Even if the thorn is pulled out, the pain and scars will never go away.

He was neither in the mood nor in the time to pay attention to this change.

Even a little disgusted.

There are not so many good things in the world that can be corrected or compensated to forget the previous harm. Whoever says that putting down the butcher knife can make one become a Buddha instantly is simply a joke.

You put down your butcher knife and I was killed.

You become a Buddha and I become a ghost.

Why? What are you thinking?

Besides, he has more important things to do right now.

Lao Qin’s Coriolus polyphylla needs to be put on the agenda.
When he woke up in the morning, Yu Qiutang carried the two portions of the magical tofu and delivered them to Mei-fen Restaurant early.

After the hottest autumn weather, in late September, the weather starts to get colder.

The temperature suddenly dropped to around fifteen degrees in the morning and evening.

This is the typical northwest climate. Here, there are clear boundaries between the four seasons. Once this time point comes, it is like another gate is opened, and you can quickly switch to the next stage.

Although the cold weather makes people feel a little uncomfortable, especially for people like Yu Qiutang who go out early and come back late, it is very helpful for preserving various things and prevents them from spoiling easily.

Yu Qiutang and Master Liang discussed and decided to temporarily change the supply of the magical tofu from once a day to once every two days, in order to maintain a day's stock.

Master Liang thought it was okay.

Although the restaurant had a freezer for storing things, after testing, it was found that if the tofu was left out for too long, it would lose its fresh fragrance when it was taken out.

So there has been no plan for long-term storage.

After delivering the tofu, Yu Qiutang told Master Liang that he was going to go into the mountains to get something in the next few days and would try to be back the day after tomorrow morning. If he didn't come back, he would ask Yu Xiaowei to deliver it on his behalf.

Master Liang hoped that he could get some more wild animals. The roe deer meat sold very well last time. On the first day when they put up the billboard at the door, there was not a single customer. Everyone was very disappointed, thinking that no one wanted to eat it.

Unexpectedly, there were customers who tried it the next day. With the promotional slogan that Yu Qiutang had thought of for them in advance, "Eating roe deer meat is helpful for men", most of the customers who came to try it were men.

It turned out that I just wanted to try it for novelty, but after eating it, I found the taste surprisingly satisfying, and it quickly spread.

Two or three days later, roe deer meat noodles, fried roe deer meat with chili peppers, and roe deer meat with mushrooms soup became the new signature dishes of Mei-Fen Restaurant and were very popular.

Wu Meifen was very satisfied. The hot sales of roe deer meat once again proved that her idea of ​​expanding her business was not wrong, and it was also right to pay a high price to Yu Qiutang for roe deer meat.

This path is totally feasible.

At the same time, it also indirectly proves that Yu Qiutang is indeed quite capable. He once told himself that when selling wild animal meat such as roe deer, one cannot simply regard it as meat like pork, but should develop concepts beyond meat.

Different wild animal meats have different benefits for the human body. Roe deer meat can nourish yin and replenish yang, and this effect needs to be expressed implicitly.

Let consumers enjoy the satisfaction beyond meat.

If we only emphasize that it is meat, then there will not be much difference between it and other meats, and it will not be easy to sell it well.

This is postmodern sales thinking.

Make full use of the unique selling points of each product, and then package them appropriately, so that the products can increase their emotional value from their basic functional uses without deliberately exaggerating.

It's just like eating the same hotpot, why do people like to go to big hotpot restaurants? Is it true that the hotpot in big restaurants is the best?

Actually not necessarily.

While eating hotpot, people also enjoy the corresponding services and get value beyond hotpot.

Yu Qiutang promised Master Liang that if there were any wild animals, he would try his best to send them.

Master Liang said that Wu Meifen told Master Liang to keep an eye on the market price, and as long as Yu Qiutang delivered it, she would pay him 10% more than the market price.

She also said that some people came to her door to sell wild animals, but Wu Meifen refused to take any of them, saying that she was worried. After all, it was food for humans and it was a wild animal, so she was worried that the customers would get sick from the food.

This kind of trust also moved Yu Qiutang a little.

I thought that if that was the case, I definitely couldn't come back empty-handed this time I went into the mountains, and I had to bring some food to the restaurant.

Before 8:30 in the morning, Yu Qiutang had already returned home, carrying the package he had packed yesterday. He explained the household affairs to Yu Chunmei, touched the heads of the little wolf cubs who were sleeping soundly in a group, and went out in the morning sun.

When he arrived at Yu Qiujiang's house, Wang Haofeng had not arrived yet, so he checked his baking oven again and found that the mud inside was almost ready. He estimated that he could officially start baking after he returned from the mountains.

After looking at the baking oven, he walked around the area, measuring the length and width of the surrounding land with his steps.

When the autumn harvest is over, he will reclaim his land.

But he was not in a hurry to plant. Instead, he had a budding idea to see if he could use those lands to exchange for some wasteland here.

According to his memories of his previous life, it seemed that there was such a policy. The land here was too barren, and basically three acres was equivalent to one acre, but still no one was willing to take it.

Unlike Yu Qiutang which has other uses, farmers look at land based on whether it is suitable for growing more food, and the land at the foot of the mountain simply cannot meet the requirements.

But Yu Qiutang’s purpose was never to farm.

If you live in the mountains and only know how to farm, you will never be able to turn things around.

Through the development in the following decades, we can see that all industries have achieved unprecedented development, and people from all walks of life have made a lot of money, but the farmers are still very poor.

The price of grain has not increased for decades, resulting in ordinary people being unable to even recover their farming costs, so they have gradually lost interest in farming. In many sparsely populated areas, some land is even abandoned and no one is willing to farm.

Or you can let others farm the land for free, as long as the land is not left idle.

With the lessons learned from the past, Yu Qiutang could not continue to be so foolish. Relying on the mountains and working hard to develop the breeding industry, planting herbs and cash crops, etc., is a good way to move towards prosperity in a stable manner.

it is good.

When he comes back this time, he will go to the team and the village to ask. If all goes well, he will be able to build a few houses and move in before the end of the year.

After the ground thaws in the spring of next year, we can plan the next step.

Standing on the ridge, listening to the chirping of birds in the forest behind and smelling the fresh and refreshing air, he closed his eyes, stretched out his arms, and let the breeze brush over his body, as if every pore was filled with comfort.

This is how the days after rebirth should be.


The peaceful and quiet atmosphere was broken by Wang Haofeng's shout. He opened his eyes, glanced at the wasteland in front of him again, and turned back where he came from.

Wang Haofeng's outfit today looked much more professional. Nothing was exposed and even his trouser legs were tied tightly with cloth tape.

"How about it? Do you look like a proper hunter?" Wang Haofeng was also very proud and even turned around in front of Yu Qiutang.

"Yeah, it's a bit like that."

Yu Qiutang recalled that last month, when he went to call Wang Haofeng into the mountains for the first time, the kid was actually prepared to wear a vest and shorts. Looking at his current condition, he has made great progress.

"It's all thanks to Master's good teaching. Master, please accept my disciple's greetings." Wang Haofeng complimented with a smile.

"Okay, let's worship now."

Wang Haofeng smiled flatteringly and said, "I wanted to kowtow, but then I thought, we are good brothers, I am your good brother, it doesn't matter if your brother kowtows to you, but as an equal, you will shorten your life if you accept my kowtow."

"So, you're thinking about me?"

"That's right, it's because we have a good relationship," Wang Haofeng hit Yu Qiutang on the shoulder and smiled a little obscenely.

"Let's go and call Brother Jiang. Let's go up the mountain early while it's cool in the morning." Yu Qiutang looked at the distant peaks on the side and said with emotion: "The location where Coriolus versicolor grows is at a high altitude. We must at least climb to the highest point of Houtouling. I miss it so much."


Wang Haofeng saw a different emotion in his buddy's eyes, which he seemed to have seen in his grandfather before.

This made him very depressed.

You shouldn't have mentioned kowtow.

(End of this chapter)

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