Chapter 11: Hard Bones?
Two evil insects, a bandit, and five corpses.

Not long after they were dragged into the police station, Liu Fu hurried over. After briefly asking about the situation, he patted Yang Qian on the shoulder with a chuckle. Then he waved his hand and led all the detectives from Squad B and a dozen ordinary yamen runners away, saying that they must not let the Liu family get away upon hearing the news.

What Yang Qian and the other two who remained in the police station needed to do was to record all the confessions that needed to be recorded.

The case has basically entered the second half at this point.

The torture chamber is the darkest place in the police station and is also a place that people outside are afraid of. Yang Qian has handled quite a few cases, but he has not been to the torture chamber very often. The main reason is that he is not used to the atmosphere here.

But this time Yang Qian had no chance to be picky.

"Master Yang, you come and ask, and Chen Dong and I will do it."

Wang Shigui and Chen Dong's fear had turned into anger. They knew very well that if Yang Qian hadn't saved the day, they would have been in trouble. At this time, they were fumbling with the hideous torture instruments and letting Yang Qian sit still. The two of them just had to do the hard work, which was a good way to vent their anger.

At the same time, Wang Shigui and Chen Dong were really shocked by the strength that Yang Qian had shown before.

When the three of you were promoted to constables, weren't you all equally strong? How come you've become this strong in just half a year? You even learned body movements!

This also made Wang and Chen more confident that Yang Qian would help them deal with the experts around Song Yuan. Naturally, they became more enthusiastic.

"Well, separate the three first and interrogate them one by one."


Soon, the first person to be brought to justice was the bandit who was deliberately left alive by Yang Qian.

The main consideration is that compared to monster insects, thieves and bandits are still human beings. They may be more closely connected with the Liu family and know more things.

Although Yang Qian didn't like the atmosphere of torture, it didn't mean he didn't understand the tricks. If he wanted to become a constable, torture was a necessary means of assessment, so he naturally knew it.

He waved his hand, indicating that Chen Dong and Wang Shigui should go through the process first.

Generally, the hooligans on the street will answer whatever is asked after this, even if it is their own ancestors who have cheated on their husbands. Usually, this is called "opening the voice".

But thieves and bandits are not street thugs, so after serving the three side dishes, Yang Qian directly asked Wang Shigui and Chen Dong to continue serving the main dishes. Let's peel off the skin on the soles of our feet first.

After all the trouble, he was shitting and pissing all over the place, and he was trembling and kept saying that he was willing to confess anything.

Is that it?

Yang Qian found it boring, but also thought it was normal.

The reason why the iron-blooded tough guys in the vernacular novels are sung by people is because there are too few such people. Ninety-nine out of a hundred people in the world are wimps, and the remaining one looks tough but is actually a wimp.

Maybe there is only one tough person among ten thousand people?
The rest was a series of questions and answers between Yang Qian and the other party. From the other party's background, to the other party's relationship with Liu Chengkun's family in Liuzhuang, to the relationship between the two sides and the evil bugs, a clear logical thread followed, which could basically be used as a case file for arrest.

After signing the agreement, the thief was directly locked up in the dungeon of the police station. Then the two evil bugs were brought to justice.

The situation is different from the previous thieves.

The main thing is that you need to remove all the camouflage on the insect before using torture.

A human-skin face, a human-skin cover, and a body covered with scented sachets to conceal the smell. When the true face was finally revealed, the hideous appearance of the insect was even more disgusting.

Finally, all the disguises were removed, and what was left was a four-foot-tall evil creature with two legs and four whip-like hands, a human body and a dog's head.

"So it's a jumping dog! Then go straight to the anal bucket. Don't they love having their intestines ripped out? Let them experience the feeling of scouring from their anus to their stomachs. Let's do it for half an incense stick of time."

"Hehe, Master Yang, this is a good idea. Just wait and see. I guarantee that it will suffer a fate worse than death!"

To be honest, Yang Qian felt a little uncomfortable with tormenting a living person, but tormenting evil spirits was another matter. If he was not worried about getting his clothes dirty, he would even do it himself.

Who can’t bring themselves to slap a mosquito?

An hour later, the two demons were also imprisoned. They could not be killed for the time being. They needed to be submitted to the higher-ups for review along with the case documents before they could be beheaded.

Yang Qian was also hurriedly sorting out the documents, and at the same time asked someone to notify Liu Fu who was out.

Liu Fu hurried back before dawn. In fact, he didn't go far. He was just outside the city at Liujiazhuang.

"How is it? Any results?"

"Yes, Master Liu. The two bugs and one of the White-headed Mountain bandits have all confessed. This is part of their confessions. And the detailed case documents prepared by my subordinates based on them." Yang Qian handed a stack of documents to Liu Fu.

One hour was still too short. All Yang Qian could do was to summarize first, and then combine the confessions of the two bugs and one thief to let Liu Fuxian understand the context and direction of the whole case.

Soon, Liu Fu's face was filled with smiles.

"Good! You're great! With this confession and the outline of the case you've sorted out, we can report it directly to the chief constable and the yamen master! You did a great job!"

Liu Fu laughed and patted Yang Qian's shoulders several times. Then he took the documents and confession in his hand and prepared to report it overnight. He had led people to surround the Liu family's manor before. Now, as long as the yamen master and the chief constable nodded, he could immediately rush into the Liu family and arrest people.

However, Yang Qian grabbed Liu Fu.

"What? Is there something else?" Liu Fu was in a hurry to report the news, but when he turned around and saw Yang Qian's serious face, he felt something in his heart and realized that there might be other strange things that were not fully stated on paper besides the case file.

"Master Liu, there are some more confessions related to the garrison that you should take a look at." Yang Qian said as he took out a separate summary of confessions from the side and handed it over.

When Liu Fu heard these two words, his face was full of excitement. He felt surprised but also reasonable, and there was even some surprise in it.

When Liu Fu quickly handed over the second confession from Yang Qian, he subconsciously took a breath.

"Who else knows this confession besides you?"

"There are also Chen Dong and Wang Shigui who are working with me. The only other person is you, Master Liu."

"That's good. You thought of dividing the confession into two parts, which shows that you feel that it is of great importance. This is a good thing. Since you trust Wang Shigui and Chen Dong, you have to tell them to keep their mouths shut. Don't let it leak out, understand?"

"My subordinate understands!"

After saying that, Yang Qian continued to sort out the case files, while Liu Fu took the two confessions and the rough case details prepared by Yang Qian and hurried to find the chief constable to report.

(End of this chapter)

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