Chapter 120 Intermediary
Swish. Swish.
The file was flipped through quickly from time to time, and finally stopped at one of the pages: Xu Mingjing, the former official of the Sandacheng government office, colluded with Song Qixun and worked together with thieves, bandits and evil spirits, and the details were finally investigated.

In Yang Qian's impression, Xu Mingjing was an honest man who didn't talk much. He was the kind of person who did his job well in the government office.

Because he was in charge of baggage, Yang Qian had some contact with Xu Mingjing, but not much.

As a result, after reading the case files, he found that this honest man in his eyes was actually incredibly bold and presumptuous.

He was in charge of the baggage, and a large part of it was for the garrison. As a result, Xu Mingjing "relied on the mountain to eat the mountain" and colluded with Song Qixun for several years to embezzle more than 300 gold coins on the baggage!
He also secretly created more than ten dummies and put them on the list, collecting salaries for nothing.

None of the seven people who worked with Xu Mingjing escaped, as they were all dragged into the water by Xu Mingjing.

However, there was an omission in the file. Except for Xu Mingjing's first wife who was imprisoned with him, his two sons and one daughter were all missing.

Yang Qian remembered that as soon as Song Qixun fell, the entire Sandai City was immediately placed under martial law.

In addition, the raid on Song Qixun happened when someone from the provincial capital came, which can be said to be extremely sudden. Song Qixun was completely unprepared at the time, and Xu Mingjing was even more so.

So how did Xu Mingjing's three children run away?
Moreover, in Xu Mingjing's confession, Yang Qian did not see any content related to the hidden spirit stone vein.

Thinking of Feng Qingyi, the steward of the Five Thunder Palace, Yang Qian guessed that it was probably someone from the Five Thunder Palace who secretly rescued Xu Mingjing's three children. In return, Xu Mingjing did not mention anything about the spirit stone mine.

If this is true, there must be spies from the Five Thunder Palace in the Three Cities.

Yang Qian suddenly thought of a case he had handled before, the case of the Five Funeral Beasts, in which the temple involved was paying tribute to the Five Thunder Palace. Could it be that...
Thinking of this possibility, Yang Qian's heart tightened. What appeared in his mind was the strange smile on Xu Xiushan's face when he left the night before. He was secretly alert and thought that he might have to consider the Five Thunder Palace's spies in the future.

After reading the files about Xu Mingjing, Yang Qian had a clear idea in his mind.

After leaving, he first found the ration merchant that Xu Mingjing had had most contact with before, Fengshenghao.

The owner of Fengsheng was shocked when he learned that Yang Qian had come. He dared not offend this most popular head of police in Sandao City in recent times.

However, Yang Qian was not looking for this boss. He came here to collect clues under the pretext of tracking down Xu Mingjing's three missing children. The person he was looking for was the carriage team in Fengsheng that Xu Mingjing used most frequently when he was in power.

Grain merchants like Fengsheng have their own fleets. After all, they need them all the time, and it is much more cost-effective to maintain one than to rely entirely on a fleet from a carriage company.

So a leader of the Fengsheng team named Niu Youcai was called to Yang Qian. According to the owner of the company, all the food rations required by the government in recent years were transported by Niu Youcai's team. Sometimes they went to the military camp, sometimes they went to other places, all depending on Xu Mingjing's orders.

"Niu Youcai meets Master Yang!"

Niu Youcai was also worried. He was very familiar with Xu Mingjing and had given him a lot of gifts. After all, Xu Mingjing's work was stable and he could earn a lot of commission from the company. Now Xu Mingjing had been beheaded and the head of the police came to find him again. Even if he claimed that he had no relationship with him, he was still subconsciously afraid.

"Don't be nervous. Tell me about your interactions with Xu Mingjing. How do you usually communicate with him? Besides going to the military camp outside the city, where else have you been?"

"Outside the military camp? That means most people go to Piaoshan. There is a small village over there with only a dozen households. There is a shortcut that allows you to drive directly to the entrance of the village."

"What village?" "It has no name. We privately call it Xiaopiao Village."

"What kind of things are usually sent over there? Can we just unload them directly in the village?"

"Usually, what is sent over are coarse grains, and sometimes some pickled meats and pickled vegetables. Every time, there are seven to eight trucks of goods, and they are unloaded directly at Xiaopiao Village."

"Do you know where that village came from?"

"I don't know. Anyway, that village is very strange. There are no children or old people. The people there rarely talk. When they speak a few words, their accents don't sound like ours."

"After Xu Mingjing was imprisoned, were you still sending things over there?" Yang Qian had an idea in his mind and asked a different question this time.

Niu Youcai nodded and said honestly, "Yes, Master Yang, the new Langguan has not made any changes recently. We still deliver food to the military camp and Xiaopiaoshan according to Xu Mingjing's previous rules. It's just that there are more procedures in the accounts."

Yang Qian thought for a moment, took out a small piece of paper half the size of his palm, handed it to Niu Youcai, and said, "Next time you go there, draw this on the wheel of your car. If someone comes to look for you, let him stay at Laishun Inn and I will go find him."

The matter was not complicated, but Niu Youcai was sweating on his forehead.

He looked down and saw a strange pattern drawn on the paper. He couldn't understand it and didn't know that it was a contact code that Yang Qian got from Feng Qingyi. Others wouldn't understand it, it looked more like a casual doodle.

But there was something weird about this matter. Niu Youcai opened his mouth several times and wanted to refuse, but looking at Yang Qian's half-smile in front of him, he didn't dare to.

"I know what you're afraid of, but this matter has nothing to do with you. You've done a great job. I owe you a personal favor. How about that?"

"Hey, Master Yang, what are you talking about? I admire you as a good official who redresses the grievances of the people in Sandao City. If you have any orders, I will do it even if I die!" When Niu Youcai heard that he could earn a favor from Yang Qian, he immediately stopped hesitating and agreed.

"When are you going to that Xiaopiao Village next time?"

"The day after tomorrow."

After leaving Fengsheng, Yang Qian returned to the police station. As soon as he entered the gate today, he could feel that everyone passing by was more enthusiastic towards him than usual. Yang Qian nodded in response, knowing very well that this was all caused by the bandit and demon extermination vanguard camp.

Yesterday, just as Wang Hai guessed, the government office quickly stamped the document informing Yang Qian of his appointment and posted it on the main entrance of the government office and the police station.

Although Yang Qian's position was created by Cui Mingsheng, it is a job that can really bring him credit. Those detectives who boast of their good abilities are all keeping an eye on this matter.

Currently, four people who are familiar and capable of Yang Qian have been selected from Class C. Five of the remaining eight will be assigned to other classes, and the remaining three will be assigned to the government office, and should be led by Cui Mingsheng's personal guards.

The problem was with the garrison. Yang Qian had no idea about the situation there, so he planned to go there in person and select eight people using the most primitive method.

(End of this chapter)

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