Chapter 126 Mine Thieves
Niu Youcai woke up in the middle of the night. Just as he was about to speak, someone held his neck and covered his mouth and nose. He was almost scared to death.

After understanding the other party's intention, he felt a little better. Then, according to Yang Qian's previous instructions, he asked the man to go to the designated inn and said that someone would come to find him.

After the man left, Niu Youcai was also curious, but he quickly threw the curious idea out of his mind. He was worried that his blind thoughts would bring trouble.

When it was daybreak, Niu Youcai hurried to the police station and found Yang Qian, saying that the people from the inn had gone there.

At noon that day, Yang Qian met a young man in the inn who had an ordinary face but exuded some spiritual energy.

"Sir, who do you do business with?"

He didn't introduce himself first, but started talking right away. It depends on whether Yang Qian's way is wild or the old way.

"I follow Boss Feng to do business."

"Is it the three-ring wind boss or the six-ring wind boss?"

Yang Qian was slightly stunned, then reacted and said with a smile: "Boss Feng, the one with five rings."

"Why did you come just now? If you were any later we would have been prepared to find another place."

"I was delayed by something before."

"What's the deal now? It's not easy for me to come out."

"Save the transfer of the convoy, I can just go directly to Xiaopiao Village to pick up the goods." Yang Qian gave a new idea. He was not the Xu Mingjing of the past. He could not follow the convoy to pick up the goods every time, and he did not want to hand over this lucrative job to others. So he simply gave up all the previous ways.

"Xiaopiao Village? Tsk, brother, can you do it? Don't let us get bitten after you lose your life."

"Is it okay? Tsk, wait a moment." Yang Qian stood up from the chair, shook his head with a smile, and his figure suddenly became erratic and disappeared from the sight of the person opposite.

"Eh? Where are you?" The man's eyes blurred, and he could not see Yang Qian anymore. But then he was patted on the shoulder, and Yang Qian's voice rang out from behind him.

As a result, when he turned his head, there was still no one behind him. Then Yang Qian's voice sounded again.

"I'm behind you!"

A strong spiritual energy surged from the man's body and he turned around abruptly, but still did not see anyone behind him.

The man even turned around in circles without caring, and his eyes remained the same. He only heard the voice but did not see Yang Qian's shadow at all.

There was a bead of sweat on his forehead.

"Brother, that's enough. What kind of body movement skills do you have? You're so fast, and there's no sound at all."

"It's just a small trick." Yang Qian said, and then walked out from behind the other person.

It's not that there was no discernible sound, but that Yang Qian took advantage of the slight vibration and flow of air caused by the other party's turning around.

No matter how small the wind is, it is still wind. He can hide his movement trajectory and sound in it. And the faster the opponent turns around, the stronger the "wind" is, and the less effort he has to put in.

The effect was that Yang Qian was clearly standing behind that person, but that person could not see or sense Yang Qian's existence no matter what.

"Wind-Chasing Step" is not that powerful. What is strong is the true meaning of wind that Yang Qian has comprehended and the strong support of the innate true energy in his body.

But this is already scary.

It's like you know there's someone behind you, but you can't see him, and even if he wants to kill you, you can only watch. The creepy feeling is extraordinary. "Brother, your trick is amazing. As long as you don't go down the mine, you can really go in and out of Xiaopiao Village without any problem." The man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, still feeling scared.

Then he continued, "Come over the day after tomorrow at dawn. I'll put the things under the old locust tree at the west entrance of the village, and you can take them away by yourself. You can bring the money and pills together next time."


"That's it. I can't stay in town much longer. Goodbye."

Watching the man leave the inn, he and Yang Qian did not exchange names from beginning to end. It can be seen that the other party did not fully trust Yang Qian at this time.

Of course, the same goes for Yang Qian.

You have to do something several times before you can say whether you believe it or not.

Two days later, Yang Qian followed the route given by Niu Youcai and successfully entered the small village at the foot of Piao Mountain.

In fact, this cannot be called a village, it should be called a "sentry post".

Ordinary people like Niu Youcai didn't notice it, but Yang Qian found that there were no less than five sentries and secret sentries along the way, and there were three secret sentries at the entrance of the village.

However, Yang Qian did not need to explore the situation in the village. He entered the village from the west entrance, found the eye-catching old locust tree, then dug a hole in a marked place under the tree and took out a small copper box the size of a palm from it.

Without stopping, Yang Qian used his physical skills to walk more than three miles out of the village before opening the box.

Ten six-sided regular crystals, each about the thickness of an index finger and two inches long, were neatly stacked in the box. They were colorful and transparent, and it seemed as if there was light flowing on the surface, like some kind of crystal stone.

"Is this the spirit stone?" Yang Qian took one out of the box and placed it in the palm of his hand. Although he did not experience the actual effect, he could still feel the extremely pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth in it.

Yang Qian did not tamper with the box of spirit stones. He looked at it for a while and then put it back. Not to mention that these things were counted and it would be impossible to hide if they were tampered with, Yang Qian still had to question how useful the spirit stones were to him.

According to the book "The True Meaning of the Five Qis", spiritual energy is the "foundation of cultivation". In other words, the methods of the immortal sects are all based on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

It can even be considered as the true energy in the internal cultivation of martial arts.

Then comes the problem.

Other people's cultivation depends on spiritual energy as a necessary support, and even the speed of their realm advancement is closely related to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed and utilized. Yang Qian himself is a novice cultivator and has already experienced this.

But Yang Qian is not an ordinary person. He has never relied on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Even the talents necessary for practicing martial arts and cultivating are not necessary for him.

Yang Qian's foundation is his experience panel.

So Yang Qian has a need for spiritual energy, but it is far from a necessity. What he needs is experience, which he gets by killing enemies and monsters or spending money.

This made Yang Qian treat spirit stones as a higher-level hard currency rather than a necessity for cultivation. What he wanted more was to get in touch with Feng Qingyi through this channel and get the elixir from him.

Yang Qian still remembers the benefits of the Blood Strengthening Pill, and he still has one in his hand that he is reluctant to use.

There are many stronger and more magical pills above the Blood Strengthening Pill. Yang Qian's idea is to play the long game and catch the big fish.

In addition, Yang Qian did not believe that these miners only robbed in this place, they must have their own circle. If this closed small circle wants to exist for a long time, it must exchange resources with the outside world. This is business.

Since Feng Qingyi can do this business, Yang Qian feels that maybe he can't do it?

(End of this chapter)

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