Chapter 13 Survival
We had just arrived at Liujiazhuang and hadn't even started the search when the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse and became confusing.

"Master Liu, it's bad! The guards are rushing to the door, and the brothers at the door have been knocked down and their weapons have been taken away!"

The garrison soldiers and government servants have always kept to themselves. Not to mention conflicts, both sides politely avoid each other and rarely come into contact with each other.

Now, not only did they surround the twenty or thirty yamen runners, they also started attacking without saying a word!

What is this for? !

The people below were confused, nervous and angry, and some even began to wonder if the three city guards had rebelled? Were they preparing to kill officials as sacrifices?

Only Liu Fu and Yang Qian frowned and guessed roughly.

"Yang Qian, you guard the important criminals here. If anything goes wrong, you can make your own decisions! I'll go to the front to see the situation!" Liu Fu knew that if he didn't show up, the yamen runners in the manor would soon surrender. The only hope was to keep an eye on the main criminals of the Liu family and buy time until reinforcements from Sandao City arrived.

"Master Liu, rest assured, I will keep the prisoner under guard!"

Liu Fu left with a serious look on his face, while Yang Qian began to deploy personnel in the courtyard to keep a close watch on the surroundings of the room where the dozen or so Liu family criminals were imprisoned. He was personally in charge of the study room where Liu Chengkun was imprisoned alone.

Liu Chengkun did not seem panicked. He sat at the desk, picked up a pen and wrote. Each stroke was very steady, which showed that he either had a very strong psychological quality or had anticipated the disaster of today and had accepted it calmly.

Even in Yang Qian's eyes, Liu Chengkun had a faint smile on his face, and he seemed to have a strange feeling of relief.

"Sir, there's a commotion outside. Is it because the garrison soldiers have arrived?"

Yang Qian held the knife and stood three feet away from Liu Chengkun, ready to catch him at any time. Seeing that the other party put down his pen and asked a question, he replied: "It seems that you are very clear about your situation."

"Of course. Now that things have come to this, everyone wants me dead. The only difference is that some people don't want me to die so quickly, hoping to get more information from me. Some people are just the opposite, they want me to die immediately so that they can keep their mouth shut."

Yang Qian raised his eyebrows, feeling that Liu Chengkun seemed to have something to say to him on purpose.

"The government's order is to escort you and the other main criminals of your Liu family back to the city. Such a big case will take at least one or two months to sort out, and in the end, they will definitely be publicly executed, so if you fall into our hands, you will have at least three months to live.

Then the one who wants you dead right now must be someone else. Tell me, I'll give you some advice."

"My dear officer, you can guard me alone, which means you must have participated in this case, so you should know a lot of inside information. My manor was missing two carriages and horses last night, and those people were probably captured by you. Otherwise, the government would not come to my house so directly.

The police officer should know that if he wants to do those shady businesses in Sandao City, he needs channels, a stable face, and someone to escort him.

Now that the truth has been revealed, the Liu family has become a broken chamber pot, and naturally they have to be kicked away as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, why would the guards outside come to join in the fun at this time?"

"This can be regarded as your confession that you are in cahoots with the garrison." Yang Qian smiled and continued with Liu Chengkun's words.

"In cahoots?" Liu Chengkun's thin face showed a hint of self-mockery, and then he said: "The Liu family is just a local merchant family. Three generations ago, they could only dig for food in the soil. It was only by luck that I could become rich in my generation.

What is the word? Luck in. It just so happens that they want to make money, and the Liu family just so happens to have the channels and a simple foundation, so isn't this just the right thing to use?
The policeman thinks that facing the powerful official, does the Liu family have the qualifications to refuse? Cooperation is impossible, they can only be a dog or a chamber pot. "

"Then how is Patriarch Liu going to deal with this? Is he going to just accept it or ask someone to take the blame?"

Liu Chengkun shook his head, picked up the calligraphy on the table and showed it to Yang Qian. On the paper it said: A narrow escape from death.

"What do you mean?" Yang Qian blinked. He really didn't understand what the other party meant. It was impossible for the other party to still think he had a chance to survive after all this. Wasn't what he just analyzed the desperate situation he was in at the moment?

Liu Chengkun said with a smile: "The garrison general Song Qixun and his gang are the masterminds who colluded with the bandits and evil spirits. They are not even the beginning of the conspiracy, people from the prefecture level up to the state government are involved!
Only I know this information.

I'm going to die anyway, so whether I tell the truth or not is just a physical pain. Why don't I give myself some benefits? Can this officer understand?"

"Physical pain? Haha, I hope that Master Liu can be so calm in the torture chamber of the government office." Yang Qian didn't look down on him, but Liu Chengkun was not a tough guy. Torture cannot be endured by gritting teeth, it requires obsession and firm belief in the heart.

What kind of faith can a poor lackey and chamber pot have?
However, Liu Chengkun's next words made Yang Qian frown.

"Have you ever heard of analgesia? It's a disease where the sense of pain is less than 10% of that of an average person. This disease is difficult to cure and has caused me countless troubles since I was a child. Because I don't feel pain, I have broken my bones countless times.

I didn't expect that it would become a way to survive. Do you think it's ridiculous?"

"Survival? There's no way you can survive. No matter if you have painlessness or not."

"No, no, no, sir, I know I will die, but I want to ask for a chance to live for my little son.

Let him go, he is only seven years old, he knows nothing. Just give him a bite to eat!
Promise me this request, and I will tell you whatever the officer asks. I can also tell you things you don’t know.

I can even give the officer a great gift! That is a treasure that Song Qixun specially asked Yaoxie to spend a lot of effort to get!

I also have a private vault that I can give you. Hundreds of gold coins to buy the life of a little kid, you will definitely not lose out, sir!"

Liu Chengkun's tone was obviously a bit hurried when he said this. He knew that his time window to negotiate terms was only now. If there were too many people or the government office was in the way, there would be no chance. If it fell into the hands of the garrison, he would have to give up all the ideas.

Therefore, the constable in front of him, who looked young but was supposed to be in charge of his case, became Liu Chengkun's only hope.

Yang Qian looked into Liu Chengkun's eyes and judged that the other party did not seem to be lying.

He pulled out a dagger from his waist, grabbed one of Liu Chengkun's hands, and then with the tip of the knife, one of Liu Chengkun's fingernails flew up.

This kind of injury, which would make most people jump in pain, but Liu Chengkun just frowned slightly and his hands didn't even shake.

"First, let's take a look at the treasures you mentioned, and the money."

(End of this chapter)

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