Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 173 Jizhou Prefecture City

Chapter 173 Jizhou Prefecture City
The ninth day of July.

It was the day when the weather in Sandao City was getting sweaty. Yang Qian was alone. He said goodbye to his old friends and family members at the farewell pavilion outside the city and rode north to Jizhou Prefecture.

The transfer order was delivered the day before yesterday at noon.

That evening, Cui Mingsheng called together all the leaders in the government office and the police station to hold a farewell banquet for Yang Qian.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the official transfer order was sent to the government office and the police station. At the same time, Wang Shigui's appointment was posted on the bulletin board, and he officially replaced Yang Qian as the head of the C squad of the police station.

Three miles past the farewell pavilion, there was another group of people on the roadside. They were people from Masheng Lane, led by Zhou Quan and Li Mazi, who also came to see us off.

Especially Li Mazi, who kowtowed three times to Yang Qian despite Yang Qian's attempts to stop him, saying that he would remember Yang Qian's kindness for the rest of his life. Yang Qian did not avoid it and just accepted it. The people in Masheng Lane looked down on him and envied him.

I despise Li Mazi for his lack of integrity, but at the same time I envy him for having such a strong backing.

After boarding the ferry across the river, Yang Qian looked back and could no longer see the three cities behind him. In front of him was a vast road ahead, and for a moment he felt quite emotional.

I set myself the goal of becoming a strong man. Since I don't like the constraints of the immortal sect and like the mundane life of the market, I can't do without this official status.

However, before leaving, Cui Mingsheng told him that the governor of the prefecture, Liu Chuan, thought highly of him, and that the prefecture's patrol department was being disbanded and reorganized recently, which was the best time for Yang Qian to join.

As for why the provincial government reorganized the Patrol Case Division, Cui Mingsheng heard that the original chief of the Patrol Case Division accepted bribes from people, but instead of helping them, he beat them to death with a stick and then exterminated the whole family. Later, it was exposed and many major cases were exposed.

Although the situation was better than the previous case of Song Qixun in Sandacheng, the nature was actually similar. A large number of people were implicated and imprisoned or beheaded.

Because the transfer order required Yang Qian to take up his post as soon as possible, he also wanted to see what his new business looked like earlier. So he directly refused the escort of the three cities and rode alone all the way. He did not even stop at some large villages and towns along the way. He only rested at the post station and then continued on his way.

A few days later, the tall city walls of Jizhou City finally came into Yang Qian's sight.

The city wall alone is enough to show that the size of Jizhou Prefecture City is completely incomparable to that of Sandao City. The length of a single city wall is more than twice that of Sandao City, and the overall difference is estimated to be nearly ten times.

Jizhou Prefecture was the largest and most prosperous prefecture in the central and western regions of the Hongwu Dynasty. It was also the main anchor point for the Hongwu Dynasty to radiate the three prefectures in the southwest and northwest. Its position in politics, military and economy was particularly important.

Especially in terms of military affairs. Ten years ago, two of the three prefectures in the northwest and southwest had rebellions, and it took more than two years to suppress the rebellion. To this day, there are still sporadic rebellions in those two prefectures. It is the rebels that were not completely suppressed at that time that have turned into disasters.

So from the moment he entered the city gate, Yang Qian could feel that the security in Jizhou City was much stricter than that in the three city walls.

There are two checkpoints to enter the city.

The first one is two miles outside the city, and it is a simple inspection. It mainly targets carriages and horses. People who are traveling or carrying baskets are not checked as strictly.

The second is the city gate. The city gate, which is five meters deep, has two groups of people checking it.

They will carefully check the travel permit, inquire about matters related to entering the city, and also check the packages.

The four city gates were also differentiated. Trucks and people were checked separately as much as possible. There were at least 20 guards stationed at each checkpoint, and they were always on guard with crossbows and spears.

Yang Qian's travel permit was in official blue, and he also had a transfer order printed by the provincial government.

After seeing Yang Qian's formalities, a lieutenant from the prefectural military office escorted Yang Qian all the way without any hindrance. He was given enough face, and it was also clear that the relationship between the government office and the military office in Jizhou Prefecture City did not seem to be as bad as it was said outside. After entering the city gate, it was a busy scene. The main street could accommodate two carriages in parallel. It was very wide, and both sides of the street were full of shops. Looking around, the street was straight, and it should be specially planned for horse racing during special periods.

The news spread quickly. Yang Qian had just entered the city and hadn't even walked half of the main street when three officials in green robes and official hats, accompanied by two yamen runners, came to Yang Qian.

"But is Lord Yang Qian in person?"

"It's Yang Qian."

"I am Huang Ping'an, and I am appointed as the Left Officer of the Household Department of Jizhou Prefecture. I have been ordered to come and greet Lord Yang!"

"It's Officer Huang Lang. Yang Qian is very polite! It's really troublesome for Officer Huang Lang to make this trip!"

"Lord Yang, you are too polite. I should have gone out of the city to pick you up, but I heard that you came here alone and I was unsure of the time, so I could only wait in the city. Lord Yang, please don't blame me."

While exchanging pleasantries, they walked towards the government office in a friendly manner.

After about an incense stick of time, a straight road turned left in the middle and entered a back street, which was the Jizhou government office.

Unlike the stone tigers placed at the entrance and in the three cities, there are two stone elephants placed here, and their bodies are more than one person tall!
Then I went to see Liu Chuan first.

"This subordinate greets the Palace Master!"

"Haha, you arrived quite quickly. Are you impatient?" Liu Chuan asked Yang Qian to sit down with a smile. He put down the documents in his hand and took a sip of the teacup.

"I was worried, so I wanted to come here early to familiarize myself with the situation so that I can get things done as soon as possible." Yang Qian sat upright on the stool with a serious look on his face.

I had met Liu Chuan several times before in Sandao City, but we had no private communication. Cui Mingsheng's evaluation of the lord of Jizhou Prefecture was: very strict.

Therefore, Yang Qian did not dare to act casually, and it was better to behave more realistically.

Sure enough, Yang Qian's down-to-earth tone satisfied Liu Chuan. He nodded, put down his teacup, and said, "Very good. I transferred you to the Patrol Case Division because of your drive."

After saying that, Liu Chuan took out a file from the drawer and handed it to Yang Qian.

"Look, this is the case of the previous chief of the Patrol Division. You are also an expert in handling cases, can you figure out something?"

Yang Qian quickly perked up, knowing that this was his first test since taking office.

The case was not that difficult actually. It was a typical case of corruption in which a person became blinded by greed and began to lose his mind and break the law, crossing the bottom line. In the end, he caused public outrage and the whole family was beheaded.

Although this case is simple, the things it reflects are not simple. But it is not pleasant to say it out loud.

Seeing Yang Qian's hesitation, Liu Chuan did not urge him, but just drank his tea and waited for Yang Qian's answer. In his opinion, Yang Qian's ability was definitely no problem, it just depended on whether he could get along with him. If he could keep up with him, then things would be much easier. Otherwise, he would need to step in and force him.

After a moment, Yang Qian raised his head and paused before saying, "I think the biggest problem with this file may not be inside the file, but outside."

Liu Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he thought: This boy is so brave!
(End of this chapter)

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