Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 175 Need to rebuild the team

Chapter 175 Need to rebuild the team

Such a large yard was supposed to be a privilege for the Patrol Office, but now it was empty. There was no one in the yard until I pushed open the door and saw five or six people scattered in the guard room in the large hall, each of them writing something at their desks.

When they heard the door being pushed open, they looked up.

"Oh, are you all busy?" Yang Qian walked in with a smile and raised his voice to greet them.

The people in the room then stood up unsteadily, but they were all looking at Yang Qian, and no one spoke.

This scene is a bit weird.

Yang Qian had imagined many scenarios of meeting with the people from the Patrol Case Division, but he never expected it to be like this.

Looking at these people's eyes, it seems that they are scrutinizing, but they don't seem to care. What does it mean?
"My name is Yang Qian, the new chief of the Patrol Case Division. Ladies and Gentlemen, would you like to introduce yourself?"

It was a long time after Yang Qian finished speaking before the people scattered around the house slowly gathered together and began to briefly introduce themselves.

Name, age, and errand were simply mentioned, and then nothing more was said. At most, a "Greetings, Your Excellency" was added and that was it. It was obviously perfunctory.

Although Yang Qian suppressed his anger, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Are you the only ones? Where are the others?"

"They're all in jail, probably dead now."

".Who is in charge of the roster now?"

"I'm cumming."

"Bring it in for me." Yang Qian said as he asked for his public office and walked in.

The public house was fairly clean and spacious, but too clean. There wasn't even a teacup on the table.

Is this another way of showing off one's power? Yang Qian couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Soon, the list was delivered. Yang Qian didn't say much, he picked it up and started to read it, and the more he read, the more depressed he felt.

According to the roster, the patrol department should be fully staffed with 35 people. If ordinary yamen runners are included, the number can reach 55, making it the department with the largest number of people in the entire prefecture police station.

But now there were only six people on the roster who were still "on duty", the six outside. The rest were all marked with red marks of "conviction and imprisonment". Even the yamen runners who were supposed to be responsible for daily chores in the courtyard were not spared.

Suddenly Yang Qian suddenly remembered that when he met Liu Chuan today, Liu Chuan asked him to "revitalize the Patrol Case Office". It turned out that Liu Chuan was not just being polite, but really wanted to "revitalize" it, or rebuild it?

But think about it, Xiao Yun, as the chief officer of the Patrol Office, had his family confiscated and his clan exterminated, so it is normal that his constables would be implicated. This is the same reason why the Sandao City garrison was immediately subjected to a major purge after Song Qixun was brought to justice.

One mouse dropping spoiled a pot of soup.

From this perspective, the six people who are still able to stay in the Patrol Case Division today are not so annoying. At least these six people can withstand the test and can remain uncorrupted in such a "bad" environment, which is truly rare.

But what was going on with these people's coldness just now?

Distrust? Yang Qian thought about it and this was the only possibility. After all, it seemed that these six people had all worked in the Patrol Case Division for quite a while, with five years or more of experience. Including Xiao Yun, the longest of these people had served three chief officers of the Patrol Case Division. And all three of them had a bad ending like Xiao Yun.

A glimpse of the whole picture reveals the whole picture. Perhaps these six people subconsciously continued to characterize Yang Qian, the newly appointed chief officer, as the kind of person who would die tragically sooner or later like Xiao Yun and others?

Anyway, you won't live long, why should I bother with you? This is probably the mentality. After thinking it through, Yang Qian's anger subsided.

"Zhao Chen, come here for a moment."

Zhao Chen has worked in the Patrol Case Division for a total of seventeen years and is the most senior of the six remaining people in the Division.

Soon, a short and strong middle-aged man walked in, bowed as a greeting, and then stood aside and looked at Yang Qian in silence.

"From tomorrow on, you will be responsible for the cleaning and tea arrangement in my office, as well as the organization of documents and the reception of visitors. Okay, go down."

"But sir, I have other things to do and cannot take care of both."

"Then put everything else aside. Any other questions?" Yang Qian looked at Zhao Chen with a smile.

"Since Your Excellency has said so, I naturally have no problem with it. I'll take my leave!" A hint of unhappiness flashed across Zhao Chen's face, but he suppressed it quickly, lowered his head, bowed, and retreated.

Yang Qian didn't say much, knowing that he had no roots in the Patrol Case Division. No matter how successful he was in Sandao City, he would have to start all over again here. And the lessons learned from Xiao Yun and others in the Patrol Case Division were indeed deeply rooted. He couldn't be impatient to change the views of Zhao Chen and others, but had to take his time.

After leaving the Patrol Case Division, Yang Qian went straight to the police station's case library. After revealing his identity, he was allowed in and was able to browse through all the files in the library at will as he wished.

This is the privilege of the chief officer of the Patrol Office. Other police captains do not have such freedom. If they want to read the case files without restrictions, they need the approval of the chief captain Zhang Jun.

Yang Qian stayed in the document library for most of the day, and even had his lunch brought in by the library's runners.

The contents he looked through were all cases related to the Patrol Case Division in recent years, with the focus being on those cases that were pending when Xiao Yun was in office.

It cannot be said that a breakthrough has been found, but after reading through it, Yang Qian has a general idea of ​​the direction.

It was almost time to go on duty, so Yang Qian stood up, checked his review records and left the document library.

At the door, I saw Zhou Yiming, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Lord Yang, so you are here! I thought you forgot about it. You made me so anxious, haha." Zhou Yiming smiled but he didn't show any urgency at all.

"Haha, I went to the archives to check something. Sorry to have kept you waiting, Master Zhou."

After that, the two men exchanged some greetings and left the police station. There was a carriage waiting at the door.

"Oh? Are you going somewhere far away?" Yang Qian was curious: Is it necessary to take a carriage to have a meal?

"Hehe, how can we just find a random place to welcome Lord Yang? Lord Yang, please get in the carriage. The Taohua River outside Jizhou City is very elegant and will definitely not disappoint Lord Yang!" Zhou Yiming enthusiastically pulled Yang Qian into the carriage.

Then the carriage went out of the city and traveled on the path for nearly half an hour.

After getting off the car, the view in front of me suddenly opened up. There was a winding river across the way. The river flowed quietly, and the setting sun created a magnificent and colorful scene.

There was an exquisite pleasure boat parked by the river, and it seemed that someone had been waiting there on the shore.

This is quite a big show!
"Please come in, Lord Yang! The Taohuafang boat is free today, just right for welcoming you. In front of us are some prominent colleagues from the government office and the police station, who have long wanted to see your demeanor."

Yang Qian smiled and said "I don't deserve it" repeatedly, while walking up to him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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