Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 189 Why does it feel more and more wrong the more I listen

Chapter 189 Why does it feel more and more wrong the more I listen
"Why didn't you mention this before?" Yang Qian frowned slightly.

"Sir, I have never had the opportunity to see the official files before. I could only hear about it from others. I only know that the fire in the evidence building was caused by Yao Geng's accident. I only know the details this time."

Yang Qian put down his teacup and thought for a moment before saying, "According to what you said, Yao Geng was forced to endure the discomfort and cook in the house. Or did he just use the charcoal basin as an excuse and actually committed suicide by arson?"

Zhao Chen also frowned, nodded, and then shook his head.

"Sir, you have never seen Yao Geng in close contact with charcoal fire. He is like a seriously ill man, unable to hold back his runny nose and sneezing. It is not reasonable to force him in this regard.

Besides, Yao Geng was a lonely man. When I met him, he was already alone. He had no old or young children, and he had no desire to get married. He often said that it would be nice to stay in the police station until he died.

Sir, you said that you would let this kind of person commit suicide or burn him to death. What means would be needed to accomplish this? Anyway, I can’t think of it.”

After listening to Zhao Chen's explanation, Yang Qian also felt that something was wrong.

The so-called discomfort with charcoal is actually a kind of allergic reaction. According to Zhao Chen, Yao Geng should be one of those people who is severely allergic to charcoal ash. This kind of physiological reaction is definitely not something you can endure by gritting your teeth, and it has nothing to do with willpower.

So it was really too much to ask Yao Geng to set fire and burn himself to death despite his physical discomfort.

At the same time, a lonely man like Yao Geng can die cleanly without anyone digging up the past or having to deal with people outside the circle, which is very convenient.

But how can one force such a lonely person to willingly accept death?

Is it that Yao Geng's vital point has been controlled and Zhao Chen doesn't know about it?
Or was there some other hidden secret about Yao Geng that forced him to set the fire and yet allow him to resist the physical discomfort caused by charcoal ash?
These things look weird when put together.

"Aren't you familiar with Yao Geng? Who does he often interact with?" Yang Qian rubbed his brows and tried to think, but he had no idea at all. So he decided to change direction.

Zhao Chen came tonight, naturally he came prepared, and said: "I have known Yao Geng for a long time, and we are old acquaintances, but I don't have much contact with him on weekdays.

But the subordinates checked and found that Yao Geng liked to drink and was very particular about food and drink. He also liked to prepare some food for himself. Except for a small part of his money spent on brothels, most of his money was spent on food and drink.

Because he likes to scratch his mouth, Yao Geng has a good relationship with several cooks in the police station, especially one of the chefs, Du Tangming.

But when his subordinates went to look for Du Tangming, they discovered that he had left the police station's kitchen a year ago, more than half a year after the evidence building burned down. It was said that he had returned to his hometown, Yicheng, Changzhou Prefecture.

So I want to ask you if I need to go to Yicheng to find out more about Du Tangming. I think there is something wrong with Du Tangming. "

"Why do you think so?"

"Because Du Tangming's best dish in the kitchen of the police station is hot pot. Lord Zhang likes his skill the most, which is why he became a chef."

Yang Qian also understood what he said and said, "When the evidence building caught fire that day, Yao Geng also brought in a hot pot, so the charcoal basin was used!"

"Yes, sir, that's what I suspect. Although this guess is a bit far-fetched, it is the only clue I can find at the moment. Whether it's right or wrong, I think it's necessary to dig deeper." Yang Qian nodded. If you want to solve this kind of case with no beginning or end, you really need some luck. No possibility can be easily let go.

"Sure. Do you have any acquaintances in Changzhou?"

"This subordinate is going to investigate on his own, but he doesn't have any connections there."

"It would be difficult to investigate if you go there by yourself, and it would be easy to be exposed without a supporter. So, I will write you a letter and you can take it to Sandacheng and give it to my brother Yang Xun. He used to work in Changzhou Prefecture, which happens to be Yicheng. Tell him your idea, and he will definitely be able to help you."

Zhao Chen was delighted when he heard this. If there was a reliable way to help, it would save a lot of time and effort than going to Yicheng by himself, and it would not be easy for someone to notice.

After Zhao Chen left with the letter, Yang Qian finally had time to sit down and think about the things he was doing.

After a quick wash, Yang Qian sat on a chair, practicing Qi while mentally reviewing what he had done and gained in the past month since arriving in the city.

The five low-grade spirit stones in the storage bag were Yang Qian's most direct gain after coming here. However, they were obtained through deception, and he planned to continue to defraud as many as he could. He could also explore more situations in the network of Yue Wang's power in the capital city.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the current status of the Patrol Case Department. At least before the situation is truly opened up, Yang Qian does not plan to carry out any reconstruction. It is better to keep the Patrol Case Department in its current "half-dead" state to prevent it from being infiltrated further.

Feng Song and Ma Dayuan have also found the rhythm of the investigation of Yun Dingpeng's case. As long as there are no major problems later, Yun Dingpeng's case will definitely be overturned. This is Yang Qian's first gift to those eyes staring at him in the city.

So before that, Yang Qian needed to identify the spies who must be present in the Patrol Office.

This is also very simple. Even the things Yang Qian arranged before were laying the groundwork for pulling out the spies.

There were originally six people in the Patrol Office, and all six of them did nothing all day long. They consoled themselves by saying that they were "unwilling to go along with the crowd and that's why they were frustrated."

But now more than half a month has passed, and Feng Song and Ma Dayuan are so busy that they don't know what they are doing all day long, and they won't tell you when asked. Later, Zhao Chen did the same, and he even stopped showing up, and no one knew where he went.

What is this for?
We all agreed to be "frustrated" together, why did you all change your minds for no apparent reason? !
This is inappropriate!

As such, as a secret spy, he is naturally the most curious about what has happened in the Patrol Office recently, and will certainly wait for an opportunity to spy.

No matter how well you hide, as long as you move, you will be exposed.

What's more, there are only three people left in the Patrol Office whose background Yang Qian is unsure of, so it is not difficult to observe them.

So, after Zhao Chen left the city and disappeared, Yang Qian gave an order to the remaining three people: from now on, the cleaning, tidying up, and receiving visitors in his public office will be done by these three people in turn.

As for Yang Qian himself, he would either hide in the document room for most of the day, or wander around the streets and alleys of the city.

But every morning when Yang Qian drank tea, he would carefully feel whether the Xiantian Zhenqi mark he left on the file and notebook on the table the day before was still there.
(End of this chapter)

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