Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 219 How strong is the Jindan realm?

Chapter 219 How strong is the Jindan realm? (Part )
"He has some skills!"

The man in black robe flew back very cleanly and neatly, without any psychological constraint that a master cannot retreat even a single step for the sake of face when facing a weaker person, and it was natural for him to temporarily avoid the enemy's attack.

It was this retreat that made the black-robed man sneer. He found that once he was more than ten feet away, the numerous tiny sword intentions would disappear, leaving only the stronger and more condensed sword intentions on the opponent's blade to continue to wreak havoc.

Then after several attempts, the man in black easily figured out the range and strength of Yang Qian's sword domain.

He even pulled his own ghost back, left the torture chamber, and placed himself in the empty dungeon of the Patrol Office.

"Haha, come and taste the soul-splitting sound of the ghost spirit!" The black-robed man had no intention of confronting Yang Qian head-on. He felt heartbroken when he saw the cuts on his three ghost spirits. How long would it take to heal them?

As soon as he finished speaking, two more ghosts emerged from the black-robed man's robe, making a total of five ghosts, including the three before. After spreading out, they surrounded the torture chamber like a fan. Then, bright red marks began to appear on the five ghosts, flashing light and dark, and at the same time, they opened their mouths wide, as if roaring.

Suddenly, a heart-wrenching roar ripped through the entire dungeon. The sound raged like a raging storm, and after converging, most of it poured into the torture chamber!

Almost at the same time, Huang Yuan and Feng Song on the wooden frame began to bleed from all seven orifices, and fainted completely in just a few breaths. After fainting, their heads were still shaking violently, as if they were undergoing some kind of inhuman torture.

The breath gradually became as thin as a gossamer.

Yang Qian felt equally uncomfortable. Even though he had the innate true qi to wrap around his soul, the horrifying roar seemed unable to be blocked or shielded at all. Even if he blocked his ears, it would still pierce his brain like a needle knife, trying to crush his soul.

The only thing that was fortunate was that although the innate true qi could not block the so-called "soul-splitting sound", it could still vent nearly 40% of the damage to the soul through the meridians and the Great Circulation, so that Yang Qian would not fall to the ground temporarily.

Can't delay!
Yang Qian made a judgment almost instantly. His sword skills were still immature, and he would be passive if he was pulled at a distance of about ten feet. The only way now was to rush out and close the distance with the opponent. At the same time, this would also attract the attack of the Soul-Splitting Sound, giving the three people in the torture room a little more chance to survive.

Then Yang Qian flashed and rushed out of the torture room despite the soul-splitting sound, holding a knife, and his whole body was filled with cold wind, like a cold current sweeping towards him!

The black-robed man kept smiling on his pale face. Although he was wondering why Yang Qian could kill him despite the Soul-Splitting Sound, it was obvious that Yang Qian was very uncomfortable with the Soul-Splitting Sound. He only needed to delay, just like a cat playing with a mouse. It wouldn't be long before Yang Qian's soul would be shattered by the Soul-Splitting Sound, and he would be doomed to die.

But Yang Qian didn't think so. In his opinion, there is no dead end in the world, it all depends on whether you can find a way to break the dead end.

If you give up trying to survive when you see a desperate situation, you will definitely die.

The mind is like ice crystal, free of distracting thoughts.

At the critical moment of life and death, Yang Qian pushed all his abilities to the extreme.

Especially the sword technique "Drinking Snow" and the body technique "Wind Traveling", Yang Qian used them to the extreme. In just a dozen breaths, the cold force of the sky stirred up the sky full of ice and pulled the whole dungeon into an icy world.

The coldness of the sky alone was not so terrifying, but with the addition of Yang Qian's newly acquired Sky Frost Blade, it could be so terrifying. The coldness of the world stirred up was not just one plus one, but doubled in power!

The relief on the black-robed man's face disappeared again. He thought that he could defeat a weapon cultivator like Yang Qian by keeping a distance. But the facts gave him a slap in the face. Yang Qian, who in his eyes could not withstand the soul-breaking sound, not only did not temporarily show signs of exhaustion, but was also able to stir up such a terrifying sword force, which was beyond his understanding of weapon cultivators. The black-robed man did not know that in his eyes, Yang Qian was indeed a weapon cultivator, but that was not all.

While Yang Qian possesses the characteristics of a weapon cultivator, he is also a martial arts cultivator at a deeper level.

It’s just that the term “martial arts cultivation” is so old that most of the current practitioners of immortality have forgotten it.

Therefore, it was not Yang Qian’s soul that could withstand the soul-splitting sound, but the Great Circulation and the innate true qi.

Even the freezing force he displayed with the Soul-Splitting Sound was not the authentic way of a cultivator. It just looked like it, but the true core was actually the simple routine of a warrior.

If you really count it, there is only a lot of spiritual energy in Yang Qian's innate true qi and the five kinds of thunder energy extracted from the "Five Thunders First Volume" of the Five Thunders Palace. These are the only things that have something to do with cultivators.

When you are in a cold weather, you feel not only the coldness of your body, but also the stiffness of your soul!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is also a means of attack against the soul.

The result was that the five ghosts that had been dodging and keeping their distance while continuously casting Soul-Splitting Sounds at Yang Qian began to become gradually stiff due to the strong cold force, and it became increasingly difficult for them to avoid Yang Qian's close combat.

The man in black robe quickly realized that he could not let Yang Qian continue to stimulate the cold force in this way. He had to stop it. Otherwise, not only would the ghost spirit that was born from the soul be frozen, but his own soul would also be frostbitten.

The black-robed man had a gloomy expression, and he obviously didn't expect to be forced to this extent by Yang Qian's methods, but he was not panicking. It is common sense not to fight head-on with weapon cultivators, otherwise he will chop you up so badly that your mother won't recognize you.

But I didn’t expect that Yang Qian’s sword power was so powerful, and for some reason he could still withstand the Soul-Splitting Sound.

So we have to resort to other means.

With his hands forming seals, the man in black robe chanted: "Nine Yins of heaven and earth, ruled by evil gods! Nine Yins corrode bones, and no one will survive!"

It seemed to be nonsensical, with just these two sentences repeated over and over again, but every time a word was uttered, a cloud of evil black fog would emerge from the ground, filling the cold energy that Yang Qian had finally created with the help of "Drinking Snow" and the Sky Frost Sword. However, after the spell was cast three times, in addition to the soul-freezing coldness, a thick evil mist began to spread in the dungeon.

Yin Sha is like a fish in water to ghosts, but it is like a pool of magma to most living creatures. If you fall into it, your soul will be destroyed and your bones will be rotten.

Yang Qian had already gritted his teeth to resist the Soul-Splitting Sound, and now the Yin Sha came again, which was definitely worse. Even if he could rely on the body-protecting Zhen Gang to barely block the Yin Sha for a while, the horrible consumption of the innate true energy would definitely not last long, and it was hard to say whether he could even withstand a stick of incense.

But just when Yang Qian was assessing that the current situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable, suddenly, the evil spirit in the dungeon inexplicably dissipated and disappeared in a moment.

"Who?! Who is meddling in other people's business? Who is disturbing my Dafa?"

The black-robed man was horrified. The Yin Sha disappeared not because he interrupted the spell, but because it was dispelled by an external force! No matter how he urged it, it had no effect.
(End of this chapter)

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