Chapter 236 You come and I go
Bai Yuan realized the seriousness of the problem after his close follower Chen Yao was captured.

And what about Huang Yuan, is he dead or not?
Why was Huang Yuan's body kept in the Patrol Office? Wasn't he buried?

The strangeness inside is itself worthy of suspicion.

If Huang Yuan was not dead, and the "corpse" that Bai Yuan saw at the beginning was just a trick of Yang Qian, then Yang Qian now has two witnesses, Huang Yuan and Chen Yao, and if he can ask them something, it will be a foregone conclusion. It all depends on what Yang Qian is going to catch.

After pacing in the government office for a while, Bai Yuan began to sort out the things in the government office, burning what needed to be burned and sending away what needed to be sent away. At the same time, he wrote a letter and asked someone to send it to the military office to the military office general Wu Yuntong.

That afternoon, Bai Yuan was taken away by the Red Teeth Soldiers of the Military Office. The charge was that he had delayed military affairs, resulting in a shortage of hundreds of weapons. The evidence produced was the weapons purchase account that Bai Yuan had arranged for the Military Office last year, which showed a shortage of more than 700 pieces.

A fine teacup fell heavily to the ground and broke into pieces, with tea splashing everywhere.

Liu Chuan paced back and forth in the government office with an angry look on his face. It was rare for him to lose control of his emotions like this.

"Master, Yang Qian is here and is waiting outside." The guard outside the door lowered his head and spoke as softly as possible, for fear of angering the furious Liu Chuan at this time.

"Clean up first and let Yang Qian in."

The guard responded quickly, came in quickly, mopped up the tea on the floor, and swept away the broken porcelain pieces.

Not long after, Yang Qian signed up and came in. When he looked up, he saw the remaining anger on Liu Chuan's face. Combined with the hint from the guard who came in just now, he knew that Liu Chuan had just lost his temper.

However, Yang Qian was not surprised. If he were Liu Chuan, he would also be so angry that he would jump up if he encountered such a thing at this critical juncture.

"grown ups."

"Well, sit down and talk. You've heard the news, right? Look, this is the note that was just sent over from the military office."

Liu Chuan spoke in an unfriendly tone and threw a note with the seal of the Military Office on the table to Yang Qian.

After it was expanded, the content was simple. In fact, it could be summed up in one sentence: Bai Yuan was taken away by our military yamen.

"Sir, the Military Office has exceeded its authority, right? Bai Yuan is from the Zuofu Office, under your command, and his appointments and dismissals are in the Ministry of Personnel in the Imperial Capital. No matter what line he is in, he has nothing to do with the Military Office. How can they bypass the Ministry of Personnel and arrest people directly just because of a mere account book?"

Yang Qian also understood how much trouble Bai Yuan would cause if he was taken away, but he couldn't be too harsh in front of the angry Liu Chuan. He also wanted to think of a way to see if things could turn around. After all, his understanding of the military department was very superficial, and he didn't know anything about the deeper things.

Liu Chuan shook his head and said, "You are right. There is indeed the possibility of exceeding authority, but military equipment is a special case, and it is also a loophole opened by the government for the military. The original intention is to prevent the local government from using military equipment to control the military, so as to achieve the purpose of secretly controlling the military and the government.

It is to leave a loophole to allow checks and balances between the government office and the military office.

Wu Yuntong used this excuse to arrest people. At most, he did not inform us beforehand, which was a mistake, but not a big one. "

"Sir, does that mean Bai Yuan will never come back?"

"Or come back."

It is obvious that this is a handle that Bai Yuan deliberately left as a way to escape at the critical moment!
This move was like drawing off the firewood from under the cauldron, and it immediately covered up most of the glimmer of hope that Yang Qian had finally seen after so much effort. Before, Yang Qian was still hesitating whether to capture Bai Yuan as soon as possible, but now it seemed that there was no need to hesitate, and he couldn't capture him for the time being even if he wanted to.

However, it also made Yang Qian further realize how complicated the situation in Jizhou Prefecture was. Liu Chuan had mentioned the problem of the military office to him before, but that was another system, and Liu Chuan didn't know much about it. He just asked Yang Qian to be on guard.

But I didn't expect that the military office, which seemed to have the lowest presence, would jump out at this time. And the first person to come out was Wu Yuntong, the general of the military office.

You should know that in terms of job title, Wu Yuntong and Liu Chuan have the same position.

In other words, the focus of Yue Wang's sphere of influence has never been on the government office, but on the military office? !
"I will report this matter to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel, and will also inform Prime Minister Zhang. But I don't know how long it will take to go back and forth. Can you still continue with the case in your hand?" Liu Chuan tried to comfort Yang Qian, while still placing hope on Yang Qian. If Yang Qian had a backup plan in such a difficult situation, he would not be caught off guard by the other party's sudden move.

Yang Qian thought for a moment, nodded and replied, "Don't worry, sir. The case itself is a two-pronged one. Bai Yuan's line is not the main line. It was opened up to attract the other party's attention and to take care of the real main line.

At first, I didn't expect the progress to be so smooth. To be honest, Bai Yuan's methods in this regard were not rigorous. His subordinates were also considering whether to let him go for a while and turn around to push the main line. In the end, they would lose sight of both lines.

Now Bai Yuan has made a choice for his subordinates. He hides in the military office, and I will continue to push the main line. I will not let the case fall through.

If you can make some noise here, it will help me attract their attention and I think I can catch them off guard."

Liu Chuan was still angry, but he didn't expect that Yang Qian actually had a backup plan, and he was very good at both the double line and the main line.

So the matter was not strangled suddenly?

"Come on, tell me what you are going to do next."

When Yang Qian came out of Liu Chuan's office, it was already past lunchtime. Feeling hungry, Yang Qian turned around and went to a small restaurant near the government office that he often visited.

He had just sat down after ordering a few dishes when he heard footsteps approaching and a wine jug landed on the table. Then a man with gray hair but looking only in his thirties sat down opposite him.

"Yang Qian, do you mind sharing a table with me? Hey, don't be nervous. I came here just to see you. I'm just curious. It's been so many years, and it's rare to see someone like you in Jizhou Prefecture."

With just one sentence, Yang Qian's eyes dimmed for a moment, and the other party's identity became clear.

King Yue, Zhou Zhong!
"So it was King Yue in person. Yang Qian didn't know that. That was rude of him." Yang Qian said as he was about to stand up and salute, but was interrupted by Zhou Zhong waving his hand.

"Alright, alright, what's the point of being polite? If you really respect me, you wouldn't be so hard on me, right? Instead of saying one thing on the outside and another on the inside, it's better to be more direct and appear more open. What do you think?"

Yang Qian smiled and shook his head, saying, "Prince Yue's words are profound, Yang Qian cannot understand them."

Zhou Zhong also laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you know whether you live or die.

You have a rare cultivation, and all you want is longevity, but what's the point of always rolling around in the secular world? If you really like to be an official, I can help you enter the imperial capital, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Revenue, and any job below the Minister's position is yours, and it will definitely be more comfortable than your current life.

If you still insist on not changing your ways, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance.”

(End of this chapter)

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