Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 24: Being a police chief is not that complicated

Chapter 24: Being a police chief is not that complicated
Returning to the rented courtyard and closing the door, Yang Qian opened the honey jar and poured the contents into a large bowl.

An enchanting sweet scent instantly filled the entire room.

The smell of honey! And it is the kind of rich honey smell that makes people feel sweet in their mouths just by smelling it.

In a large bowl of honey, there is a striking "red cherry" suspended. It is dark red, slightly oval, and has some tiny water droplet-like textures on it, which makes it look fresh and tender. And a stream of cold air is wafting from it.

Yang Qian had gone to the bookstore to look through a book on medicine before, and there was a description of the appearance of the blood cherry fruit, which was almost the same as the small fruit soaked in honey in front of him. Especially when it came to emitting cold air, it was impossible to disguise it.

"Is this the blood cherry fruit?"

Yang Qian looked at it carefully, and it was hard to imagine that there was a living fruit in the world that could emit a chill as cold as ice. And it had to be soaked in honey to keep fresh for two years.

After looking at it for a while, Yang Qian had no intention of swallowing the fruit directly.

It feels like such a waste.

After collecting it, he hid it in a secret compartment at home. This was the most valuable thing in his house. He kept it to exchange for an identity.

There was no other way. According to Yang Qian's understanding of the government, if he wanted to learn better martial arts, he had to keep getting promoted. For example, after becoming a head constable, he could get a new internal cultivation technique. But for him, who only had an experience panel, this was too little.

Moreover, truly powerful techniques, such as the method of immortality through cultivation, are not something that the government can produce.

This is also the reason why Liu Chengkun said that this blood cherry fruit was originally obtained by Song Qixun with great effort to be presented as a tribute to the immortal sect in exchange for his identity.

In the final analysis, it is still because there is no way to obtain high-level power. The official career is not feasible here, so the only way is to find another way and go to the immortal sect to pay tribute.

As far as Yang Qian knew, the nearest immortal gate to Sandao City was Leiming Mountain, more than 600 miles away. On the mountain, there was an immortal gate that was regarded as miraculous by the people in Sandao City: the Five Thunder Palace.

Every September, the Five Thunder Palace would hold an altar to recruit disciples. At that time, one could go there to pay tribute or climb the ladder of Thunder Mountain. The former would be exchanged for the status of a registered disciple and a method of longevity for self-realization and practice. The latter, if one could pass the test, could enter the mountain and become an entry-level disciple, and from then on, he would be a cultivator.

It is April now, and it is still early for the opening of the Five Thunder Palace. Yang Qian plans to take a leave in August.

The rest time passed by in a flash. During this time, I wrote a letter to my family, telling them about my idea of ​​inviting my mother and brother to Sandai City, as well as my current situation here. I said I would go back to pick them up in two months.

By that time, the newly bought house should be renovated properly. And he will have enough time to prepare himself mentally and accept the blood relationship.

As soon as he started his job, Yang Qian felt the kindness from everyone in the police station.

Colleagues who used to nod at most or even say hello to him now all smile and nod or bow to him from a distance. They always call him "Captain Yang".

The difference between the head of the police and the constable is just one word, but their status is very different.

A police chief was in charge of a squad, with at least five or six constables under him, and at most more than twenty. He could mobilize a certain degree of armed assistance from the police station or even the government office, and had a great deal of discretion.

Especially the last right, if used well, it can be infinitely magnified. It can punish evil and promote good to the greatest extent and can also fully serve as a protective umbrella for gray and black industries. Even the power of supervision is only the occasional spot check by the government.

This is also the reason why the Song family has always wanted to put their own children into the government police station.

Therefore, you can ignore a very capable constable, but a head constable must maintain basic courtesy and respect. If someone holds a grudge against you, you may be trapped in a matter that will make you cry without even being able to cry. Of course, most people in the police station are being polite or hoping to be familiar with others. After all, a head constable who is less than 25 years old is the first in Sandao City.

But some people simply couldn't laugh at this time.

Squad C has nine constables, three of whom are disabled and only do odd jobs in the police station. The remaining six receive the fewest cases and close the fewest cases from the yamen, but have the most unsolved and backlogged cases.

It takes others half a month to complete a case, but the average time for Class C is one and a half months, which is several times longer than others.

Simply put, Class C is the worst squad in the Sandacheng Police Station. Some people even call Class C "a place where people just eat and wait to die" behind the scenes.

During the days when Yang Qian was on leave, the nine people in Class C were on pins and needles and felt uneasy.

The old police chief Zheng Ming was an old man who had risen to the top by relying on his seniority. He was not very capable and was about to retire, so he had no intention of managing the affairs of the squad. The police officers below him naturally muddled through, trying not to make any achievements but to avoid mistakes.

Now the chief of police has been replaced, and he is a strong man who is young and has performed brilliantly in the police station. After he came, one can guess with his heels that he will not let his subordinates get by without doing anything, and he may even make some personnel adjustments.

If I lose my status as a constable due to adjustments, wouldn't I have no place to cry? My salary alone would be reduced by at least half, and it would be even more embarrassing. Even if I went to the government office, I would definitely not be welcomed.

It’s painful to think about it.

The most worried were the three disabled constables. They were all disabled due to injuries sustained on duty, and they were also the old guards in the police station. Zheng Ming had put them in the police station to live out their old age despite the pressure.

Now that Zheng Ming is gone, it’s hard to say whether the three “retired” constables can still be as comfortable as they are now.

In everyone's opinion, the three of them were the most likely to be dismissed from the government office and lose their status as constables.

Yang Qian pushed the door and entered the duty room, and saw nine people neatly gathered inside.

"Everyone, there's no need for us to introduce ourselves to each other. We all knew each other well in the neighboring classes. Since everyone is here, I'll tell you two things.

First of all, for the time being, the personnel changes in Class C will only involve transferring two people from Class A, and the rest will remain the same. So you don't have to worry about me replacing everyone as soon as I arrive.

The second thing is, I will give you two months to try your best to close the cases in your hands. I will consider whether you should stay or leave based on the status of your cases after two months.

In addition, Zhang Hao, you three people with physical disabilities can participate in other people's cases, help with the investigation or find solutions. In the end, we will also consider your degree of participation and ability and decide whether to stay or leave.

The culture of the C-class where students just eat and wait to die must be changed. If you don’t change, I will help you change. If you can’t change, don’t blame me, Yang Qian, for not giving you a chance.”

Yang Qian has been preparing for the past few days.

Liu Fu had reminded him before that since Wang Hai asked him to change the culture of the police station, he should start doing so according to that culture.

The atmosphere of Class C is lifeless and people just eat and wait for death. If we change the atmosphere of Class C, at least we can get off to a good start.

(End of this chapter)

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