Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 248 Everyone is in their place

Chapter 248 Everyone is in their place
It was almost dawn when Yang Qian returned to the Patrol Office like a ghost.

A prompt pops up on the experience panel.

[Kill the City Guard Chief Staff*1]

【Gain 270 experience】

Ge Shuni's intelligence was not wrong. The chief aide of Zhao She was indeed not an ordinary person. His magical power was even stronger than Juan's. However, he had little experience in fighting and his reaction was extremely slow. When he met Yang Qian, an old killer in the Jindan realm, he naturally had no room for resistance.

Moreover, Yang Qian did not leave the body where it was, but took it away and threw it into a corpse pit in a mass grave outside the city, mixed with other dead bodies, and it was impossible to distinguish them without careful observation.

It would take the city guards at least one or two days to find the body, and this time was more than enough.

So when daybreak came, there was some commotion among the city guards, but it was not a big one. After all, the sudden disappearance of the chief of staff and the discovery of his assassination were two different things.

The former has too many possibilities, and the latter may lead to some unpredictable changes.

Sure enough, at noon, news came from Ge Shuni that Zhao She was very angry about the sudden disappearance of his chief aide, and asked people to look for him, but he did not dare to make it public.

Just as Yang Qian expected. Both sides were at a critical moment, who would dare to make a mistake? If they made a mistake, they would not dare to make it public, fearing that they would be wrongly killed.

In addition, Ge Shu Ni also brought good news.

Last night, after Yang Qian left, Ge Shuni went to look for the brave general in the city guard who he was sure had not defected to Prince Yue. After seeing Liu Chuan's order and the accounts, the general finally agreed to stand on Liu Chuan's side after being persuaded by Ge Shuni.

As for the other two brave generals, Ge Shuni will find an opportunity to try to win them over this morning.

The police station and government offices have already started taking action.

There were many more police chiefs on the street than usual, and the palace lord's personal guards and the twenty or so people left in the police station after repeated screening were all equipped with crossbows and gathered together waiting for dispatch.

In the evening, news came from Ge Shuni again, saying that everything was fine. The remaining two brave generals also agreed to stand on Liu Chuan's side, and said that they would find ways in their respective armies to enter the city for garrison at the critical moment.

At this point, the response strategy that Yang Qian and Liu Chuan had worked out together was half successful. The remaining half would depend on how the city guards and the three guards on Liu Chuan's side would play out tomorrow. If they could successfully take down the city defense of Jizhou Prefecture, then the plan would be a complete success.

Third year of junior high school!

Colorful Cloud Festival!
Early in the morning, Jizhou City was bustling with activity. People from the surrounding villages and towns rushed into the city to join in the fun, go to the market, and do business. Everyone, young and old, had a happy face. This was the grandest festival that only took place every three years during the Hongwu Dynasty.

Various celebration programs, organized by government offices, businesses, and spontaneously by neighbors, filled almost every street, big or small, in the city.

The man selling candied haws was promoting his products to a few women holding their children.

The tea stall was already full of people, some were drinking tea, and some were taking out their own bread to eat with tea.

There were also street jugglers, surrounded by a large crowd of people. Some people were busy working with small blades in the crowd.

Even beggars who were not welcomed on weekdays could have a full meal today. Not only were there porridge shops in the government offices, but there were also meat pies from businesses.

Brothels even broke the management rule of opening only at night and opened the door wide at dawn. Although the girls were bleary-eyed, they still forced themselves to be energetic. Under the guidance of the madam, they sat on the windows or stood outside the door, watching the passers-by with laughter. If they met a handsome boy, they would take the initiative to tease him.

Everything looked joyous and peaceful.

The City Gate Cross Street, connecting the four gates, is also the main street in Jizhou Prefecture. One after another, carriages with decorative patterns began to gather on this street.

From the patterns on the carriages, it can be seen that these carriages are almost all from the major cities under the jurisdiction of Jizhou Prefecture. People who are familiar with the area can tell that the people in these carriages are the heads of the yamen or generals of each city.

Some of the more luxurious carriages would have flags of well-known big businesses on them, and they would often be followed by a canvas-covered wagon. These wagons would go in the opposite direction of the people entering the city.

When they got out of the city, they formed a stream of cars and headed in the same direction. Some people who knew each other would gather in one car and chat, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

"Brother Zheng, did you see the Lord of the Mansion when you came?"

"No. Neither did my brother?"

"Yes. I wanted to report some things about the city to the Lord of the Palace, but I couldn't see him at all. Sigh, I don't know if there will be a chance tomorrow."

"It's hard to say. Brother Wang, you should have heard about the big event in the capital a few days ago? How many people were affected? The twists and turns here are definitely not simple. It must be a big event, who knows." He said as he made a fist-bumping gesture.

"Alas. I don't know if it will implicate us."

"Be careful with your words, brother."

Although they had not made an appointment, the more they headed towards Broken Mirror Lake, the more carriages gathered. Soon they even had a tacit understanding of the pace. Those with lower ranks walked in front, and those with higher ranks walked behind. They all arrived at Broken Mirror Lake almost an hour ahead of schedule.

As the estate of King Yue, Broken Mirror Lake is rarely open to outsiders.

Many officials who came here for the first time were attracted by the mirror-like lakeside scenery. At first glance, the lake is quiet and elegant, not like a vulgar place on earth, while on the other side, there are lights and decorations, and a lively fireworks of banquets and fine wine.

The warriors were fine, but the literati who boasted of their literary talent were not calm, and they were almost mumbling poems and verses that were suitable for the occasion. The suspicions that had filled their hearts along the way were temporarily put aside.

Those who had been to Broken Mirror Lake before were surprised to find that the water seemed to be clearer than before, and they could vaguely see deep into the lake, but they could not see a single fish.

"Isn't the Lord coming?"

Many people came here because they heard that the owner of the mansion, Liu Chuan, would also come to the banquet. But when it got dark, lanterns were hung high in the square by the lake, but Liu Chuan's carriage still did not appear.

The same question also came from Beifeng Ridge where Chen Jing from Huashen Sect had come down.

Standing on the highest attic building beside the Broken Mirror Lake, holding onto the window sill, he frowned and asked Zhou Zhong, who was drinking tea on the chair behind him, "Liu Chuan is not here, so Yang Qian is not here either?"

"How do you know?"

"If Liu Chuan had arrived, the people below wouldn't be so scattered, they would have gathered together. You wouldn't be sitting here drinking tea. As for Yang Qian, it is said that he has a special aura. I have covered the lakeside with my perception, and I haven't found anyone who can be called special."

Zhou Zhong seemed very surprised when he heard this and called someone over to ask.

"Old Wen, haven't Liu Chuan and Yang Qian arrived yet?"

"Yes, my lord. They haven't arrived yet, and no news has come."

"Quickly send someone to the capital to investigate and find out what's going on."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Zhou Zhong and his servant acted flawlessly, as if they were genuinely surprised that Liu Chuan and Yang Qian did not show up for the appointment.

When Zhou Zhong turned around again, he saw Chen Jing turning around and looking at him with a sharp smile.

(End of this chapter)

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