Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 252 The noise of Caiyun Chapter was frozen

Chapter 252 The noise of the Rainbow Cloud Festival was frozen
During the Caiyun Festival, big cities like Jizhou Prefecture will temporarily lift the curfew, and night market stalls will be set up in almost every street and alley in the city.

Businesses will definitely not close down. They can just grit their teeth and get through these three days. At most, they can take turns to rest, but the store cannot be closed. These few days can equal a month's income on weekdays.

People who come here won't leave. When they are tired or sleepy, they go to the nearest village outside the city to ask for a place to stay or pay to rest. After all, there will be fireworks at night, and after watching them, they dare not walk at night.

Living in an inn in the city? Gee, what kind of family is so generous?

You have to know that the room rates of the inns have increased almost tenfold during the Caiyun Festival. Even ordinary businessmen feel the pain, not to mention ordinary people. They simply won't go to join in the fun.

It's different from the joyful atmosphere on the streets.

The atmosphere in the government office was very tense.

"Have you found anything?"

"Nothing was found. Some black-robed men did come into the camp earlier. They were placed alone in the northwest corner of the camp and were strictly ordered not to approach without a written order. I can only vaguely estimate that there were about fifteen to twenty people.

But after Peng Chen took over the city defenses, these black-robed men disappeared.”

Liu Chuan was also a little scared at this time. He had the same understanding of the evil monks that he didn't know at all as ordinary people, and he felt that they were evil and terrifying. Now it was stuck at the critical moment of changing the city defense, which was undoubtedly a huge hidden danger. He thought the overall situation was settled before, but now he dared not be careless.

Ge Shuni had searched the city guard camp and the city walls inside and out, but found no trace. The only possibility was that those evil monks who had arrived at the city guard camp early had hidden themselves.

Maybe it's still in some corner of the city guard camp.

Or hidden in the bustling crowd at the festival celebration in Jizhou City.

The people in charge of the city defense at present are Ge Shuni, assisted by Peng Chen and three other brave generals. The four of them each have their own duties and no one dares to move around at this time. They are all waiting for the army formation outside the city to appear and then close the city gates to meet the enemy.

The military office in the city was where Ge Shuni's tent was located. When he raised the flag, he arrested the other two leaders in the military office, as well as the leaders of the military office. At least 70% of the officers were killed.

The only one missing was General Wu Yuntong.

Just like those evil cultivators in black robes who were supposed to be in the city guard camp, they suddenly disappeared.

As the saying goes: Visible poisonous spiders are not scary. What is scary is that you know it is around you but you don’t know where it is exactly.

And there is another extension of this question, which is: since King Yue arranged for the evil monks to join the city guards, why didn't he stand up to stop it after he found out that the city guards had been purged from within?

You have to know that judging from the number of evil monks questioned afterwards, if they had risen up at that time, they could have stopped Peng Chen and the imperial guards as coerced followers, and then promptly warned the police. If things went wrong, the city defense might have been controlled by Prince Yue. At most, without Zhao She, the military general Wu Yuntong would be in charge.

But the result was that these evil monks who had been deployed in the city guards watched the city guards fall, not only did they not help, but they disappeared on their own. Even the chiefs and other leaders in the military office did not warn them, resulting in them being almost wiped out.

What is this operation?
Liu Chuan didn't understand, and neither did Yang Qian. But they were both certain that Prince Yue was behind this.

There was a loud roar in my ears, followed by faint cheers. I turned my head and looked out the window. It was time for the fireworks display.

This is usually the climax of the Caiyun Festival. Some big businesses will compete overtly and covertly on fireworks, and even brothels are the biggest players in the fireworks show.

Those who have money can show off their wealth, and those who don’t have money can just watch the fun.

Yang Qian had no mood to watch the fireworks. He frowned and said, "Sir, there are too many people in the city now. If something happens, we won't be able to handle it. Do you want to intervene? At least let some people leave first?" Liu Chuan shook his head and said, "They can't leave now. They can only leave the city after the fireworks show. This way, there won't be panic. If they are forced to disperse, something bad will definitely happen.

There are already many hidden dangers. If there is another disturbance, there will be too many variables.”

Yang Qian was about to persuade him again when a sudden knock on the door interrupted his conversation with Liu Chuan.

"Sir, there is something going on in the city!"

The guard who came hurriedly to report brought Liu Chuan and Yang Qian to the arrow tower in the corner of the government office. Looking from a distance, they could see a huge object rushing up the low roof in the southwest direction and moving slowly along the street.

"Is that a statue?" Liu Chuan's eyesight was not very good, and it was night time. If it weren't for the dazzling fireworks in the sky, he wouldn't be able to make out the outline. Now it just looked like a common scene of a statue parading in the streets, which was not uncommon in Jizhou Prefecture. Many temples would do this at specific times to attract believers.

But Yang Qian's eyesight was very good, and he could see clearly at a glance what the thing that popped out of the other buildings was.

"It's the evil statue!"

As far as Yang Qian could see, the thing being carried on the street was indeed the statue that Liu Chuan had guessed. However, it was not the so-called god in the temple, but an evil god!

It has a beast head and a human body, with wings and red horns on its head!
Liu Chuan was also shocked when he heard this. He had heard Yang Qian mention the evil statue more than once before. He knew that it was the symbol of a sect in the evil way, something that was rejected by the immortal sect and would be destroyed if seen again.

How come you appear here so openly? !

"Sir, look over there, there are some too!"

Upon hearing this, several people quickly turned around and actually saw another identical statue of the evil god in another direction, but it was farther away and more blurry.

This discovery immediately made Yang Qian's heart skip a beat.

What we can see are two evil statues, but what about the places we can't see? There must be more!

"Sir, something is wrong! The evil god statue is related to the Huashen Sect, and is also the power nurtured by Prince Yue. I have to go and see what's going on!" Yang Qian could no longer sit still. He left a word to Liu Chuan, then jumped off the arrow tower alone, stepped on the roofs of buildings, and quickly headed towards the nearest evil god statue.

Liu Chuan did not dare to neglect it, and turned to the guards beside him and said, "Raise the red flag and tell the city defense to enter the highest alert!"

Soon, a hot air balloon with a red flag took off, informing the military office and the city walls of the emergency from afar, and everyone prepared for battle.

Yang Qian rushed over quickly and soon arrived near the evil statue.

As soon as he approached, he was hit by the evil and sinister aura! Even a martial artist like him who was at the Jindan stage was so intoxicated by this aura that he immediately stopped and dared not approach easily. One could imagine what the ordinary people who originally filled the streets would look like?
Wherever the evil statue passed, there were crowds of people like wooden sculptures, standing on the street, some knocked to the ground, and some huddled together to avoid something, but all remained motionless in the same posture as the previous moment.

The originally bustling streets suddenly became dead silent. It was completely different from before.

And on these people's faces, all had ferocious expressions, as if they were frightened or in pain. Something looked completely wrong.

Around the evil god statue, there was a group of people in black robes carrying it, making hand seals with one hand and muttering something.

Suddenly, a shrill whistle sounded beside Yang Qian, accompanied by a gust of cold wind!
"Ha ha ha, what luck! Yang Qian, you chose my side, just in time to avenge my useless disciples!"

(End of this chapter)

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