Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 27: A Strange Family-Murder Case

Chapter 27: A Strange Family-Murder Case

In the north of the city, there is Erzhang Lane.

In the house of carpenter Yao Fang.

The door was closed and it looked no different from the surrounding houses. But pedestrians were in a hurry and subconsciously walked a few steps faster when passing by the door of this house.

There were two seals on the door, with black words on a white background: Sealed by the Sandaocheng government police station.

Generally, there are only two reasons for the government to seal a property. One is to seal the property of a criminal. The other is to seal the crime scene.

The house in Erzhang Lane belongs to the latter.

Two months ago, a family of four all died here.

The man's family, Yao Fang, his wife Yao Lin, and his eldest daughter Yao Hui were all killed by blunt force blows to the head, while their two-month-old son, Yao Zheng, was thrown to death on the floor of the master bedroom.

When you push open the door, you can still see a pool of blood on the floor of the main room, but it has turned black now. There is also a musty smell in the room because it has not been ventilated for a long time.

"Master Yang, I and a few yamen runners handled the case. The coroner was a hired coroner from the government office, Li You. He gave us an explanation before the bodies were moved. Yao Fang and his wife were both hit on the back of their heads until they died. Yao Hui was hit on the side of her head and forehead. Yao Zheng died from multiple broken bones and bleeding from his internal organs."

After tearing off the seal and pushing the door open, Zhao Qian, Zhang Hao, and Wang Shigui walked in front. Zhao Qian was the first to receive the case, so he was introducing the situation on the scene to Yang Qian.

"Yao Fang died here. His wife and young son died in the master bedroom on the left, and his daughter died in the second bedroom on the right." Zhao Qian pointed at the pool of blood at the entrance and said to Yang Qian.

"Yao Fang fell to the ground facing the door, and the wound on the back of his head was very unusual. Li You said that he was hit to death by a blunt object. The question is why Yao Fang came out of his bedroom in the middle of the night and fell facing the door.

Also, how did the murderer get in? And why was there no sign of a struggle, and did he not wake up Yao Fang's wife in the bedroom? Was he an acquaintance who killed the family, or did he climb over the wall and sneak in to kill the family?"

As they walked, Zhao Qian explained the case.

Yang Qian frowned and went through all the rooms in the Yao family where the bodies were found. Just as Zhao Qian said, the identity of the murderer alone was very strange.

It is impossible for a thief to kill everyone in every room. Even if Yao Fang ran into the thief when he got up at night, the thief's first reaction would definitely be to run away instead of killing him. And it is impossible that there was no sign of struggle in the house.

If the murder was committed by an acquaintance, Yao Fang was a kind person, and he was not a wealthy man, so he did not have the wealth that could tempt people.

"Have you checked everything in the house?"

"I have checked. All the money, jewelry and other valuable things are still in their original places. The only place that seems to have been searched is the utility room in the backyard. But it is full of carpentry tools."

"The utility room? Let's go and take a look."

After passing through the main hall, I went to the backyard, where there was a patio with a radius of three meters. There were water rooms, dry toilets and utility rooms on three sides. There were drainage ditches around. It was a typical compact courtyard layout.

Pushing open the door of the utility room, it was very narrow inside. Yang Qian could only move two steps sideways, so Zhao Qian could only stand at the door and talk.

There are several wooden boxes piled on one of the three walls, and some woodworking tools are hung on the other two. There is also a small wooden table with many potholes on it. It should be Yao Fang's workbench for making wooden parts.

"Has this place been cleaned?"

"I've cleaned it out, and there's nothing unusual inside."

“Is there anything missing?”

"There is no way to compare, so I don't know." Zhao Qian was stunned by the question and was at a loss. Especially when he saw Yang Qian's sharp eyes, he was a little panicked. Yang Qian didn't say anything else. He had already estimated the investigation ability of Zhao Qian and others. It was not surprising that there were omissions in the investigation.

Squatting down, Yang Qian opened a toolbox on the wooden table.

After searching for a while, he stood up and looked around the utility room, then said, "The coroner said that all of Yao Fang's family members, except for his youngest son, were killed by blunt instruments, and the blunt instruments were square-headed. Did you find anything missing from this utility room when you were investigating the case?"

"This subordinate is stupid."

"There's a hammer missing. How could a carpenter be without a hammer? There are only medium-sized and large hammers in the utility room and toolbox. There's no one-handed hammer. Where do you think it went? Most hammers have square heads."

"Master Yang, do you mean that the murderer took Yao Fang's hammer and smashed Yao Fang's entire family to death? "

"It should be about the same." Yang Qian frowned and continued to search in the utility room. He searched under the table, on the wall hangings, and in the wooden boxes stacked against the wall.

Because Yang Qian felt that if it was true as he said, that the murderer took Yao Fang's tools from the utility room and killed Yao Fang's family, then it was 99% likely that the murderer was an acquaintance. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time just to find something handy in this utility room. Wouldn't it be more convenient to bring a short knife with you?
This also shows that it is very likely that the murderer did not premeditate the murder, but acted on impulse.

But why? What could be the reason for someone to suddenly have such a vicious idea to kill an entire family?

There were three tiles on the top of the utility room, which allowed good light transmission. Yang Qian quickly searched most of the room.

Finally, it stopped in front of a large unlocked box against the wall.

The box was filled with all kinds of strange and bizarre things, but they all had one thing in common: they were all made of wood.

Yang Qian took out a few items and soon discovered that these wooden things were not the "junk" he had initially thought.

To be precise, these things should be "handle pieces", and they are all old objects. He even found a small wooden gadget similar to the Rubik's Cube in another world.

"Yao Fang likes to collect old things?" Yang Qian suddenly asked.

Zhao Qian was stunned at first, then nodded and said, "Yes, the neighbors all know about it. This is Yao Fang's hobby. He always collects some strange wooden gadgets. Sometimes he even quarrels with his wife at home because of spending money on these things."

These are situations that are easy to investigate, so Zhao Qian can answer them after a quick thought.

“Who do you buy these old things from?”

"This subordinate doesn't know."

"Did Yao Fang collect any new gadgets two months ago? Or what gadgets did he collect some time before his death?"

"This subordinate doesn't know."

"Who does Yao Fang usually hang out with to play these things?"

"I don't know." Zhao Qian had already knelt on one knee. He felt that he was too stupid to know anything. He had never thought about understanding these things. Now he also didn't know what the information was for.

What Zhao Qian is most worried about now is that Yang Qian will kick him out of the police station in anger.

Yang Qian was not too angry. After all, the people below him reported the case to him because they couldn't handle it. So it was normal to have some omissions.

"First, check what I just said. I suspect that the extermination of Yao Fang's family may be related to his hobbies and interests."

(End of this chapter)

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