Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 270 This is the Jindan realm of martial arts

Chapter 270 This is the Jindan realm of martial arts

500 experience points is just for getting started?!

Yang Qian was a little stunned, but then the prompt on the experience panel appeared, which surprised him even more.

Can we continue to deduce?

One thousand experience points is not a small amount. But Yang Qian is now rich and can afford it. And you get what you pay for. This will only mean that the subsequent deduction will make "Thirteen Mysterious Skills" stronger!
Available experience - 1000
[Congratulations! You have broken through the innate barrier of martial arts and realized the wonderful connection between man and the world. Is human power limited? If you don't believe it, the world can do something, and so can man! ]

"Thirteen Mysterious Skills": Minor Success 1000/1000 (not available for deduction yet)

As always, a huge amount of knowledge appeared out of nowhere and poured into Yang Qian's brain.

In terms of total volume, it was much less than when the Shallow Formation was completed. But in terms of the degree of wonder, the Thirteen Mysterious Arts was even better.

The amazing thing is that it is clearly different from the path of monks.

When Yang Qian was in the Jindan stage before, he knew that although he had entered the Jindan stage, his path was different from that of other cultivators. He only absorbed and refined the power of heaven and earth. The focus was not on "mobilizing the power of heaven and earth" but on "self-strengthening".

Now that Xiaocheng's "Thirteen Mysterious Skills" has continued the path of martial arts cultivation, but it has gone two steps further!

One step, completely opened up the limitation of only being able to use spiritual energy to convert into innate true energy, and could directly generate it on its own like when practicing true energy before! No need to rely entirely on the power of heaven and earth for conversion.

Of course, you can do both at the same time, you can generate it yourself, and you can also absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to transform it into innate true qi.

The second step is to perfect the Wuhun Pill.

That’s right, the “pill” of martial artists has its own name, it’s called Wuhun Pill.

Previously, Yang Qian relied on "The Middle Volume of Five Thunders" to forge into the Jindan realm and seemed to have completed a breakthrough in realm, but in fact the inner elixir he formed was not normal. It was neither the inner elixir of those who practiced magic or weapons, nor the inner elixir of those who practiced martial arts. To put it bluntly, it was a hodgepodge.

Yang Qian was just groping in the dark, relying entirely on his own imagination as to the path of martial arts cultivation. So even though he realized that he was similar to other cultivators, yet different, he still thought that this was how martial arts cultivation was.

This time, when the Thirteen Mysterious Skills came out, Yang Qian realized that he was just lucky. If he continued to attack the Nascent Soul Realm with that kind of weird inner elixir, he would not be able to condense his own Nascent Soul, not to mention going astray. At that time, there would be no way to heaven and no way to earth.

Now that he has the "Thirteen Mysterious Skills", Yang Qian can rebuild his inner elixir after entering the minor success realm.

This went on from night till dawn.

Yang Qian looked inside his inner pill. Judging from its shape, it was not much different from before, still the size of a pea.

But if you look closely, you will see some more changes: there are hundreds of densely packed silk threads radiating from this inner elixir and directly embedding in acupuncture points all over the body.

Inside the inner elixir, there are obvious layers. Currently, there are two layers. It seems that each time contains new power.

Yang Qian finished his practice at noon. There was no foul smell on his body, which meant that his body had been "washed" very clean last time.

However, only Yang Qian himself knew that it was only at this moment that he felt what it meant to be "full of energy".

He casually threw a punch, the speed was not fast, but there was a terrifying sense of power that could collapse mountains and overturn hills. And this was definitely not Yang Qian's self-illusion or imagination, but a real thing. With that casual punch, Yang Qian found that the space clearly trembled at his fist.

Can you punch the air? !
Looking at his skin again, at first glance, it was no different from before, just a little more delicate and shiny. But if you look closely, you can find that Yang Qian's skin texture has changed, becoming like jade?
He took out the Tianshuang Knife and scratched his arm. His flexible skin was not hurt at all by the sharpness of the knife. Not even a white mark could be seen!

Even though the Tianshuang Sword was now tattered, its sharpness alone still made it a divine weapon. But it was completely ineffective in front of Yang Qian.

Even with the added strength of luck, it was not until Yang Qian used 50% of his strength and the innate true qi to increase the sharpness of the blade that his arm was only slightly broken. In order to talk about the word "injury", Yang Qian felt that it was necessary to add the sword intent.

Finally, perhaps because the characteristics of Yang Qian's internal cultivation of "Vajra Indestructible" were too prominent, the body-protecting energy was retained in the "Thirteen Mysterious Skills".

However, once he mobilized his body-protecting true energy, Yang Qian found that golden lines as thick as fingers would appear on his body. In this state of body-protecting true energy, Yang Qian felt that even if he wanted to hurt himself, he couldn't. Even if he used the sword intent, he could only cut through the body-protecting true energy instead of directly cutting his flesh.


Yang Qian felt that at least the cultivator at the Jindan stage was dreaming if he wanted to use magic to break through his body-protecting energy.

However, this does not apply to magic techniques involving the soul.

Only then did Yang Qian understand that the "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi" mentioned that martial arts cultivation was the way for the human race to cultivate self-power. Now it seems to be true.

Huh. With a long sigh of relief, Yang Qian was glad that he had used his brain and came up with the idea of ​​using the internal cultivation method of martial arts to deduce new skills based on the experience panel. Otherwise, not only would there be no martial soul pill, but there would also be great hidden dangers.

Now, Yang Qian can be considered a true martial artist.

However, when Yang Qian saw the broken Tianshuang Sword in his hand, he suddenly felt a headache.

Although the power that had surged could be controlled freely overnight, Yang Qian had always felt that the weight of the Tianshuang Knife was too light, and now it was as light as a feather in his hand, and it was not easy to swing it.

In addition, the Tianshuang Sword was already broken, and Yang Qian was really in a state of having no weapons to use. This greatly weakened his combat power.

There were two options before Yang Qian: ask the Five Thunder Palace for a new one, or find a way to repair and modify the Tianshuang Sword himself?
Although the former seems more feasible, Yang Qian still prefers the latter option.

Not looking for trouble, but the Tianshuang Sword is definitely the mainstream weapon for weapon cultivators. Besides, there are few weapon cultivators, so who would be willing to help Yang Qian to tailor it?
The latter may seem troublesome, but with the experience panel in Yang Qian's hands, it is not impossible. As long as he can continue to get the formation and refining books from the Five Thunder Palace, he has the confidence to refine a handy weapon for himself.

As for the present, Yang Qian looked at his hands and realized that he could only use his palms as knives.

It was not until noon that Yang Qian reappeared in the courtyard of the Patrol Office.

Feng Song came over immediately after seeing Yang Qian, pointed at the large pile of files on the table, and said, "Sir, the files have all been sorted out. Counting from five years ago, combined with the confessions and accounts, it has been very thorough. No one can look through it."

Yang Qian nodded, but still sat down and carefully looked through the files one by one. It took Yang Qian a full hour to finish reading all the files.

no problem.

"Okay, store the files. I'll go report to the palace master first. You notify the executioner. If everything goes well, the execution will be carried out tonight. Find more people."

(End of this chapter)

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