Chapter 280 Clues
Yang Qian got up very early, but he didn't sleep at all. He practiced knife skills all night, trying out his new oxtail knife. He also hoped to make his various skills fit in with his current cultivation level, and to change what needed to be changed as soon as possible, so as to avoid any problems in actual combat.

After leaving the house, Yang Qian did not go to the police station or the city guard camp, but went straight out of the city and headed for the mountains outside the west of the city. His footsteps seemed slow, but in fact, he took a step of five or six feet. In a blink of an eye, he could only see a vague figure in the distance.

Along the way, even in the woods, simple thatched huts can be seen everywhere, all of which are refugees who have come from all over the place.

Now, the former city guard training ground outside the city is already filled with people, and more refugees are choosing places nearby to build their own tents. This is the case around the entire city.

Not only is the city under tremendous pressure, but the villages and towns around it are also under tremendous pressure.

There are so many people who need to eat and drink, and we have to find things for them to do. The death of a few people is no big deal now, but I am afraid that if a group of people start to make trouble, that would be troublesome.

Therefore, the public security is now basically handed over to the three guards of the city guards, and the police station is only responsible for checking for special cases. The focus of the entire Jizhou Prefecture has now shifted from refugees to suppressing the rebellion.

During the few days when Yang Qian was practicing after spending money, the military formations of the three prefectures surrounding Jizhou Prefecture had already entered the territory of Jizhou Prefecture from three directions, and had already contacted Ge Shuni and Liu Chuan, and had each sent people to Jizhou Prefecture to formulate an overall strategic deployment.

Yang Qian knew nothing about military affairs, nor about government affairs. Now he was free.

After leaving the city and heading into the mountains, we gradually lost sight of the scattered huts in the woods. Finally, we reached a secluded valley and saw a newly built courtyard with four rooms and a fence at the door where chickens were raised.

"Master Yang, are you here?"

"Well, where's Brother Jiang?"

"Brother went fishing before dawn, in the creek behind. Are you going there?"

"Well, I can just go by myself."

These small houses are one of the temporary bases of Tianhan Sect where Jiang Yun is located. Jiang Yun is recuperating here.

Jiang Yun was unlucky enough. He found the secret realm of the sect, but he rashly entered and lost several junior brothers. Not only that, he was also seriously injured and almost died in it. Later, when he was recuperating in Jizhou Prefecture, he encountered the Huashen Sect's big move and was affected. He almost died on the spot. Now he was injured again, and his recovery would have to be delayed.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's mentality has always been good. According to his own words, the hardships that Tianhan Sect has endured over the years are far more difficult than these. They have survived, let alone now?
Yang Qian found Jiang Yun behind the valley. There were two fishing rods stuck on the ground, but there was not a single fish in the fish basket.

"Brother Jiang, it looks like it will be difficult for me to count on you to have fish for lunch."

Hearing the voice, Jiang Yun turned around and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, why are you here?"

"Come and see how your injury is."

"It's OK. It's better than I thought. With the few spiritual stones you gave me, I think I should be able to recover in a year at most."

The main reason is that there is no elixir, otherwise Jiang Yun's injury can be healed in two or three months. As a casual cultivator, life is tight, and there is no hope for elixir.

"What about you? You're so busy, how do you find time to come over?"

"Hey, I can't say I'm busy. One more or one less won't make much difference. It's just right for me to come and listen to Brother Jiang's stories."

"Hahaha, Brother Yang, you are such a wonderful person! Why are you so interested in the unofficial history of the cultivation world?" "Since you are in it, you naturally have to understand more. I haven't been back to the Five Thunder Palace yet, so I haven't had the chance to ask about these things. Now that Brother Jiang is close, I have no choice but to come and disturb you."

Jiang Yun secretly sighed that Yang Qian was indeed a cautious person. Which ordinary cultivator doesn't focus on cultivation? They are all focused on realm and means, so why would they care about the past of the cultivation world?

Even Jiang Yun himself, if he had not been forced by his master to read the basic chronicles in his early years, and if he had not been exposed to the world of wandering and exposure afterwards, he would not have known much about the past people and events in the world of cultivation.

"So what does Brother Yang want to hear today?"

"Let's talk about Huashen Sect. I remember that Brother Jiang seemed to have a grudge against Huashen Sect last time. The disaster in Jizhou Prefecture this time is also closely related to Huashen Sect. I want to hear what kind of existence Huashen Sect is in the eyes of a casual cultivator like Brother Jiang."

Jiang Yun's smile froze when he heard this, and then he smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Yang has an amazing memory. I mentioned it once after such a long time, but he still remembers it.

Well, since Brother Yang is curious, I will talk about it today."

Jiang Yun talked about the past feud between Tianhan Sect and Huashen Sect as if he was chatting, which could be traced back to the generation of Jiang Yun's master.

Yang Qian picked up the fishing rod on the ground, changed the bait, threw it into the creek and started fishing.

By the time Jiang Yun finished speaking, Yang Qian had already raised the rod three times and caught three half-jin fish. This was a rare big catch in such a small stream. Jiang Yun's eyes widened when he saw it.

It was almost noon. The two of them carried a few fish back to the cabin and handed them over to the disciples of Tianhan Sect to take care of them. They had braised fish for lunch.

"Brother Jiang, do you mean that the Huashen Sect was originally active in Hengcheng and Linshuicheng, and later came to Jizhou Prefecture?"

"Yes. And the demons were rampant and chaotic over there, so Master brought us to Jizhou Prefecture. Unexpectedly, we ran into the bastards of Huashen Sect again. Fortunately, we were not their main masters at that time, otherwise we would have been wiped out.

Brother Yang, you are asking these questions because you want to continue to track down the remnants of the Huashen Sect, right? "Jiang Yun has been in contact with Yang Qian for such a long time, and he knows Yang Qian's temper. He found that Yang Qian listened very carefully and was still thinking, so he immediately guessed Yang Qian's plan.

Yang Qian did not hide his guess from Jiang Yun, because even if he said it, Jiang Yun's reaction would probably be the same as Xu Xiushan's, and he would not take it seriously.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun hesitated to speak, and finally did not mention it again. It was obvious that he did not believe what Yang Qian said that Yue Wangzhong had become the second evil cultivator who could carry evil energy and was expected to become the second Jiang Yuhe. He just didn't want to refute Yang Qian directly because of his face.

Seeing this, Yang Qian had given up completely. The Immortal Alliance's top leaders didn't care, and the lower levels of the cultivation world didn't believe it either. Yang Qian could only rely on himself. He became even more cautious.

Hengcheng and Linshuicheng? Yang Qian thought that maybe he could start from these two places and maybe he could get something.

After eating, Yang Qian returned to Jizhou City from the temporary residence of Tianhan Sect.

When we got close to the city gate, we found a large group of people gathered around the refugee camp. The noise and the crying voices of women were very harsh.

Tsk, you won’t even listen to nice words?

Yang Qian was a little angry, so he turned around and walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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