Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 327 It looks quite safe here

Chapter 327 It looks quite safe here

Traveling during the day and practicing at night, after more than ten days, Yang Qian finally saw the Pingcheng boundary monument and stepped into the Pingcheng territory.

Different from the description of Taocheng on the map, Pingcheng is mostly mountainous and has no special products to show off.

The sign reads: Every inch of land is precious, sweet potatoes are the staple food, and few people can eat enough.

This shows that the situation in Pingcheng should be worse than that in Taocheng.

But in fact this is not the case.

After entering Pingcheng, Yang Qian and his party did not find any desolate or dilapidated appearance here. In fact, compared with the vast expanses of abandoned peach trees in Taocheng, this place can be described as "peaceful".

Because Yang Qian saw terraced fields outside the city. Although they were very small, they were indeed terraced fields, and they were well-maintained and had no weeds, so someone must have been cultivating them.

There were almost no people within a mile or two outside Taocheng, and no one dared to run out of the city, fearing that they would be captured and eaten by evil spirits. But in Pingcheng, there seemed to be no such concerns?
After walking for another half an hour, Yang Qian came across another farmland in the mountains, which seemed to be planted with vegetables. An old man and a child were applying fertilizer beside the farmland.

"My dear father-in-law, how far is it to Pingcheng?"

The old man straightened up, looked at Yang Qian and his group, protected the child behind him, and pointed in a direction and said, "Follow the road. It will take about four days on foot. If you can ride fast, you can arrive tomorrow."

"Father-in-law, what are planted in this field? I've never seen it since I'm from outside." Yang Qian said as he dismounted from his horse and walked to the small field of less than half an acre with a smile on his face.

It was obvious that the old man was a little nervous, but not scared. After all, although Yang Qian and his entourage were very imposing, they did not show their power to an old man or a child. They were smiling and did not look like thieves.

"Sir, please stop teasing me. These are just some small dishes that are not presentable."

"Tell me, I want to buy some and try them." Yang Qian said as he took out a few pieces of silver and spread them on his palm.

Seeing this, the old man hesitated for a moment before beginning to introduce the vegetables in the field.

Yang Qian bought a few small, bright red melons and threw a piece of silver over.

"Too much, sir, you gave me too much, I don't need so much!" The old man was a little at a loss, just a few melons, why would he need so much money? He was worried that it would be difficult to take the money, and he wanted to return it.

"It's okay. I don't mind taking this little change. If you feel uneasy taking it, then tell me about Pingcheng. I just got here, and there were many evil monsters, bugs, and thieves along the way. How come there are fewer in Pingcheng?"

The old man was hesitant to speak, but he still held the silver in his hand, knowing that this piece of silver could be of great use to the family, whether it was to cut a few pounds of fat or to keep it for his wife to buy medicine.

After a while, the old man said, "Sir, you don't know that we have the protection of the Baishan Mountain God in Pingcheng. The demons and bandits outside dare not come. That's why we are safe."

"What? Mountain god?" Yang Qian thought he had heard it wrong at first, until the old man nodded again, he realized that this outrageous thing was not that he had heard it wrong, but that the old man really believed that there was a god protecting the area around Pingcheng.

"Is it really so magical?"

"Of course not! The Baishan Mountain God is extremely powerful. No demon dares to attack us, and bandits never return! In the sixty years I have lived, I have seen bandits and demons break into Pingcheng at least ten times, and the mountain god's messengers cut off their heads and hung them on the roadside for public display."

When talking about the mountain god, the old man was no longer nervous, and became more and more excited, as if he was telling a story. Even the children beside him would occasionally interject a few words, as if to cheer for their grandfather.

Yang Qian basically understood it after listening to the beginning.

Mountain gods? Bullshit mountain gods. Whether there are gods in this world is still a matter of debate. Even if there are gods, they are just like what is mentioned in "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi". It is impossible for them to live in a world where ordinary creatures exist. There should be places like immortal world and god world.

When Yang Qian heard the old man talking about the location of Baishan, he was basically certain of the origin of the so-called mountain god.

Baishan is a mountain range not far from Pingcheng.

But Baishan is the name used by the locals. Other places do not call it that way, but call it Baiguling.

So that damn mountain god is just a demon cultivator in Baiguling.

After figuring out who the so-called mountain god was, Yang Qian had an idea, so he asked, "Father-in-law, sometimes people in my hometown also worship gods, such as river gods and rice gods. Every time we have to offer tributes and perform rituals, it's very lively. The mountain god here is so effective, is it also blessed by offering tributes?"

The old man chuckled and nodded, "There are sacrifices, but it may be different from this gentleman's hometown. We are poor here and don't have anything good to offer to the mountain god. But the mountain god pities us and will issue an oracle every year to select one to two hundred believers from Pingcheng to practice in the sacred mountain. Hehe, the old man's youngest son was lucky enough to be selected."

When Yang Qian heard this, the smile disappeared from his face. He nodded and threw another piece of silver to the old man.

Finally, while the other party was thanking him profusely, Yang Qian asked, "Old man, has anyone ever returned from practicing in the sacred mountain?"

"Yes, but very few. My kid has been gone for five years and has never come back."

After saying goodbye to the old man and the young man, Yang Qian rode his horse and continued to go to Pingcheng. On the way, everyone, including Yang Qian, was furious.

The old man was ignorant, and he might have been brainwashed by the trend, so he didn't know the strangeness and danger. But Yang Qian and others knew that life in Pingcheng might be even worse than Taocheng.

"Sir, shall we go to Pingcheng first?"

Yang Qian nodded. He changed his mind about going directly to Baiguling. He wanted to meet the yamen master in Pingcheng and ask him what kind of mentality made him treat the people under his rule like pigs and feed them to the demon cultivators in Baiguling to slaughter regularly.

As for what the old man said about "someone came back before", Yang Qian didn't believe it at all. When the blood food is in the mouth of the evil spirit, do you still expect them to just look at it and not eat it?

The closer we got to Pingcheng, the more people there were along the road. People pushing carts and trucks all gathered on the official road outside Pingcheng.

This official road was the only one Yang Qian had seen since arriving in Shuangqing Prefecture that could be called an official road. The road surface was smooth and clearly maintained, and many places had been paved with new stones and soil. Only roads like this could be used for sports cars and horses.

To be honest, just looking at the surrounding scenery of Pingcheng along the way, I really can't see the haze of this place. Even compared to Sandaocheng, there are only fewer people, and the rest seems to be no different. If you say this is Shuangqing Prefecture, I guess many people don't believe it.

The way to enter the city was the same as before in Taocheng. About a hundred people went in separately. Yang Qian and Juan went in first, and then walked around the city.

"Sir, the brothers who went out said that they did not find any evil spirits."

"Let's go to the government office."

Yang Qian suddenly felt that there was something weird about Pingcheng.

PS: I missed the schedule again because of watching the drama, I will make up for the shortfall of one chapter this afternoon! Lao Jiao bows to you all!

(End of this chapter)

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