Chapter 35 Confusing
"Ten Yuan Strange Stories" was written by a man named "Li Youchen". He was not a famous figure who would go down in history, and there was not even such a person in the academic circle.

The people who have actually heard of Li Youchen are actually those who do not study and like to read some ghost stories.

Because Li Youchen is a well-known writer of vernacular novels. He has written more than 20 vernacular novels, and he lived more than 200 years ago.

Wang Shigui likes to read storybooks, so he is very familiar with Li Youchen. He said that the first storybook he read was written by Li Youchen.

Therefore, it can be seen that Li Youchen’s strength is not writing travel notes or documentaries, but making up stories out of thin air.

From the opening words of "Ten Yuan Strange Stories", it can be seen that it is not based on real historical data, but on legends, specifically legends about gods and ghosts.

Shiyuanhai, just to the north, is an inland saltwater lake. It is very large, with a radius of hundreds of miles. Small boats usually dare not go deep into it because the waves caused by a gust of wind can smash the boat to pieces.

There are too many legends about Shiyuanhai.

The fight between gods and immortals to move mountains and seas is only one of them, but it is also the most widely spread one.

An important reason for the widespread spread of the legend is that there are many islands in the Ten Yuan Sea, and there are many immortal gates on the islands. There are also many immortal gates around the Ten Yuan Sea. It is said that there are more than 20 immortal gates in the sea and around it.

There are so many immortal gates, and everyone is curious about why they gather here. However, it is impossible to explain the immortal gates to ordinary people, so all kinds of legends came about.

"Ten Yuan Strange Stories" is like a book that summarizes and refines the legends that appeared around the Ten Directions Sea, and adds some fabricated plots to string these legends together, making them look more real and have a fictional context like "history".

"A fictional story about gods, ghosts and monsters." Yang Qian came to this conclusion after quickly flipping through the book.

The part about the case is actually very small, totaling less than 500 words.

But he clearly described the Five-beast Sculpture that Wu Qing sold to Yao Fang.

Not only is the description exactly the same, but the magic of the Five Zombie Beast Sculptures is also mentioned. I don't know if it was intentional, but a lot of room for free imagination was left at the end.

For example, the book mentioned that the Five Funeral Beast Sculptures were not some kind of funeral device. Rather, they were a magical method called "the Five Elements Qi Device", or an evil method. It was a kind of evil practice method that was naturally formed when the foundation of the heaven and earth in the Ten Directions Sea was lost and the haze flowed in when it gathered into the sea.

Of course, it also said that the Five Funeral Beast Sculptures were very difficult to refine and had been lost in the world.

But what does “absorbing the five elements” mean?
Are you talking about the auspicious energy represented by the five animal sculptures facing forward?
Why is absorbing these auspicious energies considered an evil method?
The explanation in the book is: self-cultivation is righteousness, while stealing others' things is evil. But the world is divided into yin and yang, and both righteousness and evil exist in cultivation, and both are acceptable.

What this means is that it is fine for you to practice and absorb auspicious energy, which is an orthodox way of practice. However, it is also OK to steal from others without working hard, although it is an evil way, but in terms of the results of practice, both good and evil can work.

"Master Yang, do you think it is possible that one of Cao San and the others believed in the contents of this book and thus became greedy for money and ruthlessly wiped out the entire Yao Fang family?"

That night, Wang Shigui and others did not go out on duty, but waited for Yang Qian to finish reading the book. They had a simple meal in the canteen of the police station and continued to study the case.

At present, there is actually a possible motive for murder. The target is also locked on Cao San, Jiang Jiang, Zhou Shou and Zhou Qi because of the clues provided by Wu Qing.

Yang Qian shook his head and said, "Even Wu Qing has heard of this book. You can easily find so many copies in the bookstore. It's unreasonable for Yao Fang to be kept in the dark. If he knew the value of the beast sculpture in his hand, he would not be completely unprepared. Moreover, Wu Qing mentioned that Yao Fang also said that he and his friends looked up ancient books to study the origins of the five beast sculptures. I think it is very likely that he was referring to the book "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi"."

"What if Yao Fang was prepared but failed to defend himself against such a ruthless move?"

Zhao Qian also put forward his own views.

Indeed, being on guard against others is not perfect. It is probably difficult to foresee that someone you are familiar with suddenly kills someone, and it is difficult to prevent it even if you want to.

Yang Qian did not say that Zhao Qian's idea was wrong, but asked: "If it were you, would you immediately decide to kill people and steal treasures after seeing the five beast eagles and reading this book?"

Zhao Qian was stunned, then thought about it carefully before shaking his head and saying, "I shouldn't be so impulsive. At least I have to make sure whether the Five Beasts Sculpture in Yao Fang's hand is really as magical as described in the book before I think of killing people and stealing treasures.

After all, the prerequisite for killing people to steal treasure is to make sure that it is a real treasure."

Hearing this, Yang Qian knocked on the table, frowned and said, "You are a public servant who is not unfamiliar with killing, but you won't easily think of killing. What about those carpenters, waiters in restaurants and kitchen helpers in brothels? Their minds are far less decisive than yours, and they are even more unfamiliar with killing.

The thing is in Yao Fang's hands, there is no reason why he doesn't know about "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi". Even if he wants to see if the animal sculpture in his hand matches what is said in the book, he will be the first to take it. Is it Cao San's turn?"


Now not only Zhao Qian was speechless, but the others were also confused by the order of events Yang Qian had mentioned. It seemed that killing people for treasures did not make sense according to normal thinking.

Because Yao Fang himself knows whether it is a treasure or not. He is not stupid, so why would he let others know?
It is more likely that after testing the treasure, they will tell everyone they meet that it is a fake, and feel happy in their heart. Even if others suspect it, they are not sure, so naturally they will not have the intention to kill.

"But Wu Qing also said that Cao San and Cao Si were obviously interested in the Five Funeral Beasts. If there were no signs that aroused their interest, they would never have done so.

After all, they are all veterans in this field, and they must understand that there are more fakes than real ones, so they won’t go into details about this thing. "

"That's right. There must be some reason that no one else knows about.

Now we can call these four people in for questioning."

"Call them together?"

"Well, call them all here tonight for questioning. Let them meet at the door first, but don't give them a chance to talk. Then interrogate them separately. Let's see what these four people have to say."

"Master Yang wants to scare them and make them bite each other?"

"Whether it's accusing or reporting, you can always get something out of it."

"Okay Master Yang, I'll go get someone right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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