Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 350 Worry about alerting the enemy

Chapter 350 Worry about alerting the enemy
If Yang Qian wanted to spy on someone now, even a great cultivator in the Out-of-Body Realm might not be able to find him, let alone a few warriors and a cultivator in the middle stage of the Qi Training Realm.

He followed the other party using escape techniques all the way out of the city and stopped at a farm outside the city.

There are many such farms around Linshui City. There are 20 to 30 households on one side, and 40 to 50 households in some places, all of them tenants. They work together in the fields every day, come back to rest together, deliver grain together, and receive food together. Life is simple, dull, but stable.

So although the farm is not divided according to surnames, the people there are often closer than relatives and stick together more tightly.

The farm Yang Qian went to was called Beisanzhuang, which means the third farm north of Linshui City. Simple and clear.

Watching the three people enter the manor, Yang Qian used the cloud-flying technique to stare at the three people from the high clouds. He did not come down from the cloud until they entered a yard in the manor. After restraining his breath, he used an illusion to conceal his figure and stood on the roof to investigate the situation in the house.

There were a total of six people in the yard at this time. Three of them were the three people that Yang Qian had followed all the way. The remaining three were all dressed as farmers, and they all had breath-suppressing talismans on their bodies. It was obvious at a glance that they were all cultivators.

"Has the rice pounding mill been completely taken control?"

"Yes, we have everything under control. The steward that the prince and the master had arranged before is still quite obedient now, and has been very cooperative after seeing us. However, Linshui City is not suitable for publicity now, so everything can only be done in secret.

Besides, the current crop of grain should be full tomorrow. Starting the day after tomorrow, we can mix in the master's divine ash as planned."

"Very good, the master has foresight and started making arrangements ten years ago, and now it has come in handy. The food in Linshui City is enough to cover 60% of the population of Shuangqing Prefecture. Eating the food mixed with the master's divine ashes will amplify the resentment, and combined with the combination of living souls, evil thoughts will accumulate in the body over time. Once you die, it will be time to offer evil thoughts to the master.

Hehe, as long as the master keeps a low profile in Shuangqing Mansion for a few decades, even if the evil god from that year is reborn, he will only be worthy of carrying the master's shoes!"

"So Linshui City is very important, but it should not be publicized. Let's continue to maintain the status quo. The three of you settle down in the rice pounding shop and find a job that is convenient for leaving the city. The three of us will continue to farm here at the farm."

"Hehe, that's right. I thought I had to fight my way through to gain a foothold in Shuangqing Prefecture, but who would have thought it would be so easy under the master's planning. The key is that this task is simple, but the credit is not small. As long as the master is in power, we will definitely be among the top three!"

"Hehe, the second batch of blood pills should arrive in a few days, and you two will be able to start practicing. By then, the six of us will all be monks!"

"Yes! Who could have thought that there would be a day to seek immortality? The master's ability is truly omnipotent!"

The six people would talk about the "master" every two sentences. And Yang Qian could hear that these people were not just saying polite words, but speaking from the heart.

As for who is the master? One of them let the cat out of the bag when he first said it. Who else could it be but the former Yue Wang Zhou Zhong?

It sounds like Zhou Zhong had made arrangements in Linshui City long ago and had a detailed plan. After arriving here, he settled down step by step.

No wonder he had not seen any "new faces" when he had questioned the surrounding bandits and evil spirits along the way. It turned out that this place was not a strange place for Zhou Zhong, but a place he had run for a long time, and all the people were "familiar faces".

It's a pity that Zhou Zhong is not here, and the six people here should not be Zhou Zhong's core subordinates. Otherwise, it is impossible to wait for the blood pill to become a cultivator. They should be the second or third echelon.

At the same time, what were the blood pills and divine ash that these six people were talking about? Yang Qian had never seen them in the "Cult Book" and had never heard of them from others.

"Could it be that this is something Zhou Zhong came up with again? Or is it some secret method of the Huashen Sect?"

No matter what it is, Yang Qian is sure that it is definitely not a good thing. From what these six people said, it should be some kind of introduction used by Zhou Zhong to practice evil methods. And it also involves the food of Linshui City. This means that the ordinary people in Shuangqing Prefecture are targeted again.

Yang Qian felt a surge of anger in his heart. This anger had been accumulating in his chest since he arrived at Shuangqing Prefecture, and now it was intensified once again.

"If they have a little power, they will treat ordinary people like pigs and dogs and slaughter them at will, including demons, bandits, and government officials. Zhou Zhong is the same.

This Shuangqing Mansion is really dirty!"

Yang Qian suppressed the anger in his heart, but he knew that one day he would have a chance to vent his anger.

Regardless of whether it is the evil spirits or bandits rampant in Shuangqing Prefecture, or those who are in cahoots with the government or just taking advantage of the situation, they should all receive the punishment they deserve.

Now, Yang Qian is considering how to deal with the following six people.

Just go down and clean them up, then force them to confess, and try to find out Zhou Zhong's whereabouts. The advantage is that it is simple and crude, and once successful, it will be very profitable, and it can save the time of slowly tracking down, and you can also see Zhou Zhong as soon as possible.

But the risk of directly forcing a confession is that if these six people don't know Zhou Zhong's exact hiding place, it will undoubtedly alert the enemy.

Will it scare Zhou Zhong? Yang Qian didn't know, but he knew that once Zhou Zhong was prepared and knew that there was someone like him who had been pursuing the disaster in Jizhou Prefecture, then things would definitely change greatly.

The six people said that Zhou Zhong was planning to "hide his strength and bide his time" in Shuangqing Mansion. If Yang Qian stood up and was discovered by Zhou Zhong, it might become "the best option is to run away". How would Yang Qian find Zhou Zhong in the future?
This is the result that Yang Qian least wants to see.

So after a little thought, Yang Qian came up with a plan in his mind. He continued to hide on the roof and listen for a while, and only left after he was sure that these people had no new topics to talk about.

When they reached the far end of the farm, Yang Qian used the Cloud-Flying Technique and chased after Juan and his group, who had left Linshui City several days ago.

By the afternoon, Yang Qian caught up with Juan, got off the cloud-flying technique in advance, and flew to Juan and his group's temporary camp.

"Sir, are you back?"

"Yeah. I got some gains." Yang Qian smiled and invited Juan to follow him into the tent.

Juan didn't know that Yang Qian had met the fox demon Hu Ming in Linshui City, so he didn't know why Yang Qian suddenly left the team a few days ago. Now, when he heard Yang Qian talk about his gains, he couldn't help but become curious.

Yang Qian took a sip of water and then said, "Choose ten people and return to Linshui City. This time, all actions must not be leaked. When entering the city, and after entering the city, you must spread out and contact each other secretly.

When you get back, pay attention to two places and stare at a few people to death."

Yang Qian's idea was to play the long game and keep a close eye on the six people in Linshui City first.

(End of this chapter)

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